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,.•—� 'u• �',� t,: "�1•,. . .�- . � .,,_—..--- <br /> . r -y ( � ��i� �7�JCa��- <br /> :.{I��1 � . �N''. - � wvY�r..w��F .�►.. ...-.-- - . .__"._ _. <br /> :�„ �`":,;,�.� .,. ���� .. . � 93=i0� � �- <br /> �_ ° � ' wy�wks b�► eoeowir,«►th. oqlo�a eoeoww. x m. tow a M. pry�.�a�M qr ea+owa Iror N.i» W, (bb o.(o) a <br /> r ' YIM�d11M 10 p�l 11M MNII MIhMI�r1111 OOIIOIMM�AIi PrY b Lrlllf r1Y MI01�MO�Y b III�I(r 1�IIN d�d010�1 011 Or.� . <br /> � bM01r MN��MMII h�001Mr dIL <br /> M w� In thN �n�r In�Mw�sM� 'MaMMfr' �M IM 8ronlry d MawMO �nd tNb�n [f�Mop�lwd ar his a hw <br /> ,. �Mo���MMr W�n In�liin�K�a1�tlM aiN11M�iNO�q�p�In�u�na P�M�n m ��•Mol1��.or� <br /> — niaNNly olw� InMMd d�n�lpp� Ywut�na piwelw� R W� S�ourlly N��t M MIO by th� �rMry F�ah �aMM► <br /> In�d d qM mafp�p�InMwno�pniNi��h�N b�In�n rnarA M�dw�t to�oa�iM tlM wM�MI aioAf�Nwnna <br /> ,`�� piwn�un v�M�.«�aK on.�aMn p�or to u�.at.aM u�.nn�w�MNn b aw co ui.B�anWy, ar M u� <br /> �W��a8�iury� N maq�t tAar�d�d b�h�m�otaR pwl to o�a•�o!ae�lap p�re�rt -- <br /> - ��� R_ - <br /> N Barowu I�dMS to Undn tIM lul p�ynw�af U suna�wrrd bf►thb�B�auMf►In�l,8arow���oeanl�hW b� <br /> •�' ondt�d wNh tIM 6UMIa�INbYip io►d N�1n1N1b for M�ns(y.�)�nd(o) �nd�r matOp�hwn�p'�nM�n�n�t <br /> _ ' .% that Ulld�►h�t f1o1 b�oolrN oWp11�d to pry b 1fN 8�or�h�Y.�Ad 4�ndM sh�M plompllp�r1d�nN�ocoMS lund�b BarowM. <br /> .'•''. NwnW�try pla W�la�oloWr�qM d th�P�op�b or 1!s��lon b!►t�dw.Bortowr'��000Mp dW W andled wlth�ny = <br /> ,. __ dMulo�rMmYYrlq for Y hqaNwNs for MwM(�Il.�)�nd(oL <br /> �-�-�:� �::: 3.AppNCatloll ot P�InMIRs.A�pay�+�nh uneK p�rnpr.pks t �nA 2�b��ovMd 1�l�ndK r fo�owi: <br /> -_�°"�-�•�'• Fk�[to tn.�nal�In� an�Mrn to a v�d�b�►4«�aa a tn.s.q+1�r a a th.NoNM► 1M s.a�M�r <br /> �--��,•�;,�rr:••�•�.:.� --_ <br /> ����:.r,r__•x._„ YIi1Md d MI�111011N11y IIIO11Qq�hWMI1O�pfM�1111: _.._- <br /> ��� ,,",` S�COIId�b �aY {�xw. �PK'� �tMSw�, IMM1101d P�nw�b ar Pound t�nts. �nd �Ir. t0od r1d olh�► M�d <br /> ,,:'�,�" In�+a w�iww.�s nqi�k <br /> -_-.�.. '�111fd.b hM�at dw�nd�r tM No�IC <br /> _ �: FOYRh.!o�maAtedbn of tM pdnc�fN W 1fN NoM� __,.�. <br /> -���,-� ':;r�=:-;.;:"' ;c.i::•� F'Mlh, �o YM chnpn dM�rldlrlM No1R _ <br /> �. Fh�� F7ood �d 011Mr!#laard in�uran�q. 6om�ww.h.1 inw. Y InPowrw�a on th.ProP�IY. wlwlh.� <br /> ; - , —__ . now in �dstana or aubau�uaqq edei�4 a�!�ry h�m�r�. w�� �nd ow�ig�e'i�s. i�+dudinp fira, for vrhleh i.mda lf;,� <br /> :, • `' rsqtiw InslNai�oe.lAN Mqunr�u aAat b� n�inl�d b tM�naur�tss etzd br tM pwbda Mq Caidw nOquires. Bortowr shY �;;_�. <br /> �a� <br />;.•�'•:,, � ,- ,:. : :�'�� abo Inwn tl inpra�menb on d�Prop�ly�wA�U�w now b akaeruve ror wbapi,�►�nated. ayrk�st bu by Aoods W the _ : <br /> �, .�..:r.• . <br /> • �dr►t nquind by 1Me Sea�fary.11�Nwana�h�M bs �nMd with ca�vrp�nies�pumued hy leader.?i�a Ineww�a�poNcNs and ,,_ <br /> ' i � ' �nnw�raM sht�b�hrd h y l�nd�r�nd thY Nlolud�bss p�rLl�dautM in 4avor o}��nd In�toml�caep/able to,I.w�dR. r��:: <br /> a�.,,, � /1;,::;.• <br /> .,,, -.:;. . �a�-: .• In th� �v�nt of las. BoROw�r shY pN� Lw�dK tmn�iMs mutla by msi. LandK m� make prool oi toas q not mad� 4;:•_: <br /> �.�: „Y�`�' pon�by 8ortow�r. Eaoh inwana oomp+�ny aoncam�d is heasby aulhalz�d�nd dfnded to nalc�payment ior such loa� �t�: <br /> -- !? � - <br /> yC`�' � ,;�,,. cfirectg►to L� InstMd of to 8ortow�►and to L�ndw joN�ly. AII or�ny p�rt of ih� insuranoa pro�eods may ae AppYad by .. <br />..• �!<�r: -'�, .r.: lwKJe►, tl ils optbn. Nth�r(�) lo tM aducUon a11M Indebtedne�a undw th�Not�md tl�is S�auUy Inskument,Mt to arry eu-=,, <br />.`±: ^ �;�.�,�,�"„� , deUnquent�rnounb�p{�Ysd In lh�adw b P�npraph 3.�nd Ihen 90 pnpapmnt af the reatomtion or np�ir of __ - <br /> • . . .., ' ;, .Y•L ' th� d�n�q�d Prap�Ay My �ppYo�lbo of the prorsed� to the Pfi� � not efdmd a postpom the du� d� ot th� _ <br /> . monthly p�ymmb whbh ue roleRed to in Parayr�ph 2. a chanp� tlw �rnamt oi sueh WY�a. �Y ��5 N�^« = <br /> ,;�i,:si�i:i#�ri�S� P►ucssds ov��n�ourt�qu(r�d to poy�N oulsUn�q Nd�btedn�s Yndw th�Not��nd thls S�auM�►Ms1�n�w�t shY b�paid v- <br /> -.-- ._��,n y.�..-il-` i f° �O�N����Uf�o. y <br /> . r:;s�,, .•. � , In ths want of loreab�uro of Ihb Secudty IneVument ar othe► tnnder of dtl� W tha Propeity th�l eKtlnyubh� tM r?.- <br /> . .. . � ,b:, .. fnd�bt�dness.d dpht.Uds and kd�nst al8otrowet in and to Insunnce poYdes In forw shaM p�aa to th�purchaear. 1=' <br /> }; • .` ,•��. <br /> k».. :-���_._. .�_ _.. ,_�, S. Oacupanoy, Pr�s�rv�tlon� MdMan�na� and P�ot�ctton of ths Proporly; Borrov�ror's L.oan 4�.. <br /> ,`. . Applieatton; I.+u�hold�c. Bortower ahW oca�y,ssUbibh, and uae the Property�s Borrowei e prineipd rosidenee wflhin �7;: <br /> � , '• r sbdy d�ye atle► the �cecutlon o1 thfa S�ourity Instrument �nd ahoA cantlnue to oaoupy ths Propery as Borrower's prbicipal ,� <br /> � ►esldencs lor�t lea�t one yeu �ter the dtls of oceuponoy, unlesa tha 8ectelery det«mY�as thls roqukemem wiM c�uss undue �i..�- <br /> � � •�c•.,.•.,-.. .:, hudship fa Bomower� a unless e�Aenwtinp akaumstancee exlat whieh ue beyond Bortower's oontrol. 8orrowe► ahd noUty <br /> � � �_••��.�,.��,r �" Lendera ot �ny yAmwtinp otreurnalmtx�. Borrower ahaY not commit w�eto a d�atroy, d�rtu�ye a eubalaMiully ch�npe ihe �-��� <br /> ' � . : . �t:- •., Propedy a aAow lh�Propaty to dsladonN.tsnsonable wear and tear exeeptad.Lmder may Inepeat Ihe Roperty fl th�Property �•-�-. <br /> �;i^ ,. 'd��; ��� _ ":•';� la v�eant a �bondoned a th� Iwn Is In delsuh. lender mey take ro�aoruibl� �oGon to protect end preserve such vaeant o► �� - <br /> • � '"�""'"' '�`�'�!•i; abandoned Prapwty. Borroww shW also be In defauN H Bartawer, duMng tha lan �ppYatlon procesa, gave materi�Ay hlea a ��N= <br /> , �...;.��•• <br /> ; t;,. .,�;;;,..�: in�oounte Infamdion a sht+mente to Lender(or lalled t� provide Lende►wlth �ny nuterlol InformaQon)in conneoUon wllh the .:' � <br /> .�;' . ' •�•' ,' ' loan evidenaed by th�Not�.Indudkip,bul oot Wntted to,represantdbne conoemNp Borrower'e occupancy o1 the Proparly�s • <br /> • p�#ioipd msldenc�. If this S�wdty Insbumant is on a le�aohold. Borrower shd oomply wUh the pravisions ot ths leaae. U ,���,'' <br /> �,�� .r►!•e .'.'i. ! .�'L` . , porrowal aCqulrq iN tIW lo ih�Prop�rly,th�Mas�hold and la�tNa chaq not ba merped unless Lend�r�prees to th�m�rqer fn r!._.;6�. <br /> ��9 �i:r�e <br /> �, .� �,�• <br /> •,.�. <br /> " 6. Chargos to 8orrowor and P�ot�cNon of Lendar's Righb in tho Proporty. enrrower enap p.y ar �-�; <br />- � � � yovemmenW or munidpal ehargsa. 6n�s and impoaitlona that are mt Mduded in Paraqraph 2. 8arower sh�q pay ihes� ,`=�-�- <br /> i, �,�;; �y;`,' ohUgationa on tlme dMeaUy to the entlly which is owed ihe peyment. If tailure to pay would adversaly dlact Lendar's Intxact In ; _ <br /> �•���;u;-; the Propary,upon Landar'e nquest Bortower sh�ll prompily tumish to Lender recelpis evidenGny these p�ymenis. °;��•f� <br /> .° ` ��'�` �-_- If Barower taYe to mak�thase paymonts a the paymento requked by P�rapiaph 2. or 1aNa to peAorm eny otha oovenente <br /> � �i�iF:z.a.,,,.,�:.�rl.� �nd ugreem�nta eonWn�d In thla 3ewrity InaWment,or lhere Is a Ipal proceedlnq thtl may elgnmcanUy+�Mact Lender's dphls in �,:: <br /> ..�_°,. '�� ''�';?�'. tlts 1'►Opeliy(eu0t1�e a proGetling M1 Wnit�uptay. tor conaernn�uon or to entorce wws or rapuwuony, inen ie�wer rtMy dn and <br /> a �� ,-.,�s,' <br /> , ;" p�Y whatever la oeoessery to proted the valua o1 the Property�nd Lend�r'a Hghls In thv P►operty.IncNid�nO paymmt of tax�►s. .�,.,.. <br /> -f ' � '±. '.: , h�rard Insuruios and olher ftems menGoned in Paragreph 2. '"'�` <br /> � � ' My�mounts dlabureed by Lende►unda thls Peragraph eh�ll become en addlUonal debt ol Bonower and be aecured by ��' <br /> �F ' • •� � �`' thls 3eourlly Inetrumunt.Theae amounts shall bear Intarost hom the data of dlsbunwnont,at the Note rab, ond at th�optlon of �_.;, <br /> � " ` �s■ - ' Lander,zhsq be Immedlatety due and pqy�bfe. <br /> l T � .7 ' '��`� 7. Condomnaitbn. 7he proceeds of any eward or cldm tor dem�ges, daect or conaequenUal, In eonnectlon wflh any 4 <br /> :� , � . condamnaGon w other teking of any part oi the PropeAy, or tor aonveyance In plece of condemnatlon, are h�reby assigned and . <br /> ,.` ', „;;�. „ :• ahap be peld to Lender to lhe extent of the full amount of the Indebtedneas Ihel remalna unpald under the PVot� and thla . <br /> �,;� • �'�� ••.. � �'. Securlty InsUument. Leoder ahaN apply euah proceeda to the reducUon of the indebtedn��s under the Note and thls 3ecudty ;'�' <br /> ; °�1•�:. . 'l.f�'��+ `° Instrument, lkat to eny depnquent amounts appMed In the order provlded In Panpraph 3, and then to prep�yment of prindpal. r; � <br /> ' '�����r� ���'���,�� Any apppcatlon ot the prooeeda to the princlpel shell not extend ot poatpane the due da:e ol the monthy p�ymenta.which are 1�;� <br /> , �:;•;� . <br /> � � ����' �'``�r�,'���� refeneet to In Parayraph Y, or change th�emount ot auch paytnente, My exCeae proceeds over�n amount repuked to pay eU •.,;� <br /> =. �;�� �,�':;��;�'`•''=i`i;�t�•--,, outatuidlnp Indobtedc�ess under the tlote and thts 3acurfty 1nsWment shatl be paid to She enSRy lepally entitted tharato. '�� <br /> . �� . 8. FYYi.Lender may copect tees and cha►qea�uthorized by the 3acrdrry. �.,',. <br /> -�ic._— ,.��.�+r.._S� <br /> L . <br /> �_,,_� <br /> � _ '• . '. •• ;�;.;•• .-:� �. QrouncOs tor AcceBer�ation oi Oobt. s' ' <br /> ;. '� , � <br /> .. �' .���"•." _.,.,,� . (�) D�h11R. Lender may. exc�pt sa IlmRad by regu!atlons isaued by the Secretary In tha casa of prymmt detau4s, � <br /> � � •• t, ,,.�`,•�k,,.. nqulro knmadiat�payment In tull of aY sums aecured by this 3eaiNty I�strument fl: <br /> e � .��' ,�, ,}'� ;' ,.:. <br /> � �•�4• � �•�.�'.'� (q Bortowa dehWla by INllny to pay In bA any moMhry paymQnt requlred by 1hls Sacwity Instrummt pda b or on • <br /> ,�"-" ��'�� � ' i�•''•�+;?�, Y 1hQ due data of the next monthly payment,or � <br /> t ::a� ' • ,•r'�;��; '!. (Y)Borrow�r daiwRs by aipng. for a perlod ot thirly days, to peAortn any othw oblly�tlans contalnod In thls Security �� <br /> t . � . <br /> �,.���:;',,�;��.;t, � IOS1lumant. <br /> j `�' .. ' . � (b) lialo Wtthout Crp�16t A�prova�. lender ahall, il pertrdtted by appUcable law end wRh tha prior epproval ot the ` : <br /> � i. . ;�„� .,.,`2.,;� 3�crat�y.roquk�bnnwdWta peyrs�t In tull 01 aY the sums aecured by thla 3acurily InsWrtwnt H: <br /> ; • .� "' ,e!�!���' � ;. FSBI3.LM6(Z/97) �+9e Y of� <br /> �; . � ... �3 t! 'T`�;' � <br /> - � F''. . . .i� <br /> � 9]OOt.IM � <br /> � ��. <br /> . <br /> _ — -- --— ----'--'-----._—.---_,._...-,._.-.___--^�-�-,�_ <br />