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� �'� . .. . • .� ' . -. ... _ . �l9�� �F•._ - .1 ' . _.'_ � ____ _-� --- .. <br /> � Y , � . . . .� ;.�.;* ,��:- :_ . ,. .. ;� ,��:��3 , , 1=;. � <br /> , .. . . ° . �' ��� .. <br /> , <br /> . . : <br /> � .peiiad:aw Ladear roqub�. �o�aa�nier pnovWf�the Na��no.�a a abo�t�by eatuw�m ro�ol�L�ti <br /> ; .ppnw�l whiab�u�a be��..RO�.Yy,�►IU�ibW. rr noi,row�er wb a� dMwia.a�bow.t�r.y�,�t . .. <br /> I�atdprl� o8uiin aovo�f�µs 6h�Rbat Lendory rl�tpa ip the P�opaty ip�vca�dlu�u�oe w p�n�ph 7. �- <br /> i All na�aoa pultde��nd�enew�la�11 be a000�bb b�.a�der�ad�nq iaclads a sur�dad dw�e, i,rnd� � <br /> �hW iu�vo da xi�ht ta hdd�ho policfen�nd rontw►ab. U1.eader roquira.Aarowar�hall pramPQY Si�ye dl�eoeipu <br /> aP p�id pn�umo�nA�aaw�l.natloa, In the eva�t.�'laa�@amo�v��1�ivo.piqrnpt aoda lo t�10�o�o�tlM'�d .-_.:. _�:-:' <br /> - - — _ . Laader. LaKior m�y m�iovAaaf 4f toa�i�bot m�ds p�o�upiy�aar�vwer. <br /> - _-�-��--_-=-�_-�-•_--�°---� Unlcss l.cmlt*�nd Hue+owdr dl�rwri�e N�i�wr�du�, pn►oeed�eh�U he�pplkd to�estetat�on or d � <br /> da it tbe rMeonotoa�av topsir 4 u�oaaaai�lly laadEb�ad Lendrtti�ecudty b mt 1�4�U dr . ' <br /> � lsa�a�aot eooaamkdly feadhie ar l.a�derY recurity wauW be kaened,tbe iawnnoop��Mp b� . <br /> �ppliod to din wea�ecueed by t�Secvriiy In�u+rqeat,whatM�ar nat tben due�wW�aey e�oort pdd b Borow�. If <br /> �on+uwer�b�ndan�tba Aropa�y�cr doa aot�war witbb �0 d�y�a�aodre f�aa4 l.aida tMt tAa imue�oe c�nri�t Iw . <br /> o(Yaad to�e�t1e�cl�.�lNn Ler�der may uollea tha i�noe pinoeed�. L,ender nuy u�o tho p�ooeods W�[r ar e�we ' <br /> die n 1ix!S��i �aum taourod by thii Seawity 4urtnment.whotlbt or not Y�ea due.Tbe 30�d�y potiod wW b�ia wbeu <br /> ' Uaka t.endar and 8omnwar otficrwice�oa in writhi�.+u►Y�PPliwuion of procad�b p�itxipd th�ll not exlatd ar <br /> patpone the duo d�te of the monthlY Wymenu rofemed w ia�ng�phs!n�d 2 ar cbm�e�he anarat ot the ya�s U <br /> upder�21 1he is�oqui�ed by Lendar, Bortowerl� w�py inwranoe polbie�t�nd pnoveed��ultbq <br /> (rom ctiutuige to the Propaty�to tbe�oqpuition Wu�ll p�c to i�w tla eaowt of d�e nww�ecumd by d�Secu�ity <br /> 1�rie+it immedi�tal p�ior W tbo don. <br /> i�. Oocup�acp�y�a�v�tlo� teanoe apd Prota�tiou ot We i Yort+nwer9 Los� Applk�;, <br /> I.wei�oW� Barower�hall oocupy�ectablich�+utd uce Ibe Propeny a�Bamwer�p�!resida�oe wltdin�r dqs dlx . <br />- - ` _- ---- �he execudm of dd�Socwity In�ratKnt�nd�ludl coapnuo ro oocapy tne Mopettyr ao eormweri�pdacipd ra�datae toR at <br /> -- lout one ye�r �Rer the d�te of oocupnncy. uNess Lend�r otherwiso Agrees in writing, which oaa�ait ih�U �ot bo <br /> f un�aaanably wl�bheld,ar unlesR eatenwUng eircumctanca oxiu which are beyond Bonowerb ca�dol. Bw�ower t1W1 nat <br /> destroy.damtge or impair tho Proputy.allaw the Property to c�nmit waate on the Pmpert7r. Baxower rMN <br /> '-'. bo ih default i�'any forfeiwra sction or pra�eeding,whother civfl or crimin�l,i�begun tiwt la Lcndert gaod Gith judpna�t <br /> ". could result in forfoinua af the Ptoperty or mherwlse makdaNy impair�he lien c�eatod by this Securiry Insnament a <br /> ��� Lendcrh socurity interes� Borrower may cure sueh a default apd t+einstate,as pmvided in pa�ph 18,by causiu�the�ctloa, ; . <br /> •:-.�r%+: -- or P�psqedia8 to bo dismissed wlth a niling L.ender's gaad faith detcrminetiait.P�ecludes fotfeipuuo of the Banowq.�.�. - <br /> :_:�'' inu►est in the Propaty a other moterid impwirnxnc of �he lien orm�ted by this 5ecuriry Inswn�ent or L.ender�¢ociQity` • . <br /> ��t� ---. . - _ f inleres� Bomuwer shall also 6e in defoult if Bomower�during the loan appUcation prooew, gave ma�aWly ffa1�e ix.,���.t �� <br /> inaocurxte infom�etion or swementa to L.endar(or failed tn provide Lon�le�wlth any nuuerial lnfomuNon)ln eoruic�tivaw�ob' . - <br /> ,': the loan evidenced by tha Note. including. but not limited to, r�e�nesentadons conceming Bomuwerl� t�T,iha' ,.: �� , <br /> __ <br /> Pmperty a:�princlpa�residence. If this Socudry Instrument is on a leasehold.Borrower�hal!cemipiy wW���i avlsiio�a <br />'=2.;::;,;�. of thc lease.If Bormwer acquircs fee title ta Ihe Propetty,the lea�ehold and the fee titlo ah�ll not merge tmkss L�enderagt+eee �:. ; . <br /> ,, to tlte mcr�cr ro writing. , . <br /> ��•�''�' ' 7. Proteedan of Lender'a Ittghta in the Property. If Borrower fails w perFxnn the covenants aM a eatr � � <br /> •"� ;. contained in this Secn�ity Instrument. or iherc is a IegAl procecding that may signu�uunlly aNxt Ixnderb rig�•11�0 ', ��' <br /> � , '"''' , Pruperiy(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnaaon or forfeiturc rrr�o enforce laws or regulauo�:s1,� <br /> =T��:�' �' - <br />"�q„•.. .,:�, I.ender may do and pay for whe�ever is necessary to protect the value of�he Propeny pnd Lenderh rights in the Prap�rrty,, <br /> ��`'.�� Lenderh ectlons ma include in nn sums secured b a lien which hus ' <br /> ��,,; �• `��;?� Y PaY B Y Y prioriry over thls Secu�ity Insdumen�appeurii�$ <br /> in court,peying reasoneble anorneys'fees und entaring on�he Pmperty ta m+J�e tepairc,Although Lender moy take actiou <br /> - �? ° � 4.. ' under this ra h 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> #�'�.:"t�; ;,�, p�8 P <br /> , ':�.: a� <br />_ ;*','�+"iY:+�.��;�sr, My�mounts disbursed by Lender under this para�rAph 7 siw116ecome additional debt of Bortower secuved by tlds " <br /> •' • i''�:�;'?a F{'?� Security Inswment. Unless Bomowor and Lender ugree to other terma of.payment,these amounts shall bcar interest 6v�m the <br /> _ !� a?��� dale of disbursement a[the Note rate nnd shull be payable,with intrre�t,upon notice from L.endcr to Bomower rcqueetin� <br /> �'aF� .. ��M�:.;.;. a ment. <br />°•:�' � ,'a • p y 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mongage insu�nce as a condi�iun of making the loan secured by this ` <br /> �.�. � <br /> ��," �2:�', :}+:,�y • � Secudty Inurument, Borrowe�xhall pay the premiums required to main�ain�he mongage insurnnce in effecG If,f�nr any .,:.. <br /> �'a� '•;�;�° -; .':{�'� -reason. the mort n e insurance covem e re uired b Lendea 1� ,eti at cea:ces to be in effect, Borrower shall a the <br /> -:° . �,y:.r,-. B B � y Y P� � P Y -. <br />=�;:�,• n;;�5�;;;�" 1,�a",�;•'. premiums required to obtain coverage substnntially equivAlent to the mottgage insurrnce prevlously in effec� at u cast <br />-`�;� r� .:7Y��(:,�.:•:'" ���°.,,, aubstantially equivalen�to the cost to Borrower of the monga�e insur.�nce previausly in effect,from an eltemate mortgage <br /> " �����' •-• • • � ' '�`• � insurer opproved by l.ender. If+ubstuntiully eyuivnlent monguge lnsurance covernge is not uvuilable,Borrower shell pay to = <br /> ' '�' �''� �'���-'�>: Lender each month u sum uul to one-twelfth nf the earl mnrt a e insurance remium bein � <br /> .,:�.:�-;1:.:;.���. <br /> '' � �'�`" � iasurance coveruge lupsed or ceused to lx in effect. LendeRivi1]alcept, and reP in tt�ese paymen4aas aBo�s re erve in lieu <br /> ` �.� ;;}:,�';;."";'�;:, - <br /> �`r�r' -. -7,;�,-.;`�.t�.'':, . of mortgage insurunce. Losx reserve payme�ts muy no longer br requited,ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insucance = <br />- coverage(in�he amount und for the period thu�Lcnder reyuircti►pro�•ided by un insu�+er upproved by Lender ugain t*ecomes <br /> - '' — -- uvaiiu�ic ww ia ooiuinr�i.nom�wer�iiuii puy ii�prcmiumti reNuircA to ma�ma�n monga�te in:;urance in ettect,or to pmv�de a <br /> ,��."�� loss re,erve,until�he reyuirement for mart@ag�inru�un��r uccordance with•rm w�nen ag�rement between Borrower - <br /> ;•.•5 ,r,-,;;,�:-` . ,,, nnd Lender ar s�pplicublc law. - <br /> �'�� '•' . , � � 9. 1 tton. Lender or itx a cnt ms�y m:ifce reaeomhle rntrics u n:uid im � <br />_�.� , �' �P� R po {�c�ionx of 1he Propeny. Lender shall <br /> �' �< give Burrower notice ut�hr�ime of or prior to rn in,prrti��n.prcit��ing masonAble c•ruse for the ins ctwn. "� <br /> ___'',, -� .�::`�. Ix'•� <br /> ���: ;;:�s !0. Ca�iewaatioo. i'he prc�ceedz ot an}�awarJ��r claim tor damage..dircct or comeyuentiul,m�onnecUon wnh any <br />� �' ' ' "'�Ys o <br /> '':" .''^G'�sti� SinFkFamily..FhnMeM1fu/FnddkNocl•�i1FY1N111\STRI'MENT••U�fformCo�cnLm� 9190 ��wKt.soje�xts! ' <br /> ? 1�.-. EF�r�, � <br />-� .� `;'����.�,.. _ <br /> -s � µ" .• ,:l�';4i 4�1'fl��; Nnal Ir4�+A�w�ew Fam�.Inr ■ Q. <br /> To ONS WI:1 <br />:.:�. , .�,y__ 'L��F.��;�0��.,,{' �Y�63PiaY00 YAfIYlY�7�1•It91 �_. <br /> -L ;{: ..,�;f::�y:���'��?�r# = <br /> ,: , „�`- : <br /> . ''i��F,;' �' <br /> . ��1:L�,S�Y�y- )�-�,4,;-:3:.�sr.-�–.,��.-•-_- -W��_. <br />--- "?: �iiiSlQYaurorr��lo r . <br /> i�'R���re7�Mft�,�) ��_ • , ,�`��_ ._ .� , _ .. . ._ _ ' . . ` . _1-. •��'�•,�. ',5F'�������.Y. <br /> . ' _ <br /> _ _ �,h�431 t '�.� 1`__�_.__ _:�. .:�_i ._..___ ..—__.___.-_._.--_- ___ -�:.-_.___-.. __.f,,1f.�._L.:•Sh��F�� � � � <br /> s � .-r. - _ —_._._ <br /> �_7��T 5�, _ ._. t-'._� . _ ._... _.. . .—___ . __--__ __-___ ' ` ' . 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