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<br /> �.�.���' Timothy J. Caaoy, Mortqagor, fn coneideretion of TEN - _
<br /> . THOU3AND DOLLARS (S 10, 000.00) , mortqaqea tu ROBERT B. �SILGER,
<br /> ,� .. . ...:�.:.�.:-
<br /> FlORT(3AC3EE, the �ollowinq doacctbed real estate (as deFined in +�ri����5�,f,IJ�,r�_
<br /> Section 76-x01 of the ReviaQd Statuos oti Nabcaaka, 1943) in Hall __
<br /> � County, Nebraskas
<br />���ia UT.... —
<br /> , A t�act of land comprising a pert of Lots Five (5) and �••-
<br /> "', Six (6), in Block Fifty (50), ORIGINAL TOWN of Grand �� _ '
<br /> Island. Hall Cou�ty. Nebcaska, said tract beinfl more z
<br /> � � particwlacly desccibed as follor�s: Y��
<br /> � ::i�'��,�;�:;���::
<br /> • � 1'��:� � . �: � ' B�GiNNTNG at �he Southwest cor�er of said Got 5= theoce `•.^?4yij��::t,�;,;�
<br /> .. a, , :. ';4 :. , cwn�ning o�t a� a�s�oa�ed bearinq of N UOo 00' A�"£ un the a�r.b. �`'__ _
<br /> ` �'i�' �'�� � �West linet :�f sa7ld L�t 5 for a distance af 6Q.27 feets j�`y�E'
<br /> • 4 �.,.::`t . ... ' M '�,�,•_,.���,,,,.r
<br /> • d��.�; ,, . .. th�e•nce S 770 �3 56 'E for 54,61 feetr thencs S 6�a 13' _�, ,�
<br /> �`" ' 34"E for 8�.78 feet ta a pafnt on the Eas� 1►ine of said i° `°°���
<br /> �� " ° . OOo• QO' 00"�' on the East line of said �r�4.;'�..���:;r�����:�'
<br /> ' �• Lot 6 s the�cQ S
<br /> r�...� �,,"t('.`: , . .
<br /> � � . .�;'��{�t�
<br /> ��. �•.' }j',...,. - .. . �:�`..
<br /> Lot 6 for 16.77 feet to the Southeast corner of said '; ,, E•%�:;.r•r�-�°-=
<br /> . �;,.: ' '1;�•. : . .i�r``�
<br /> �• �;�;;��:� " [.ot 6t thence N 890 55' 29"W on the South line of LotB r ,; _�
<br /> �•;. ' 6 & 5 Eor 131.96 feet to the POINT OE' BEGINNING, said �'�`��;::�,•:�_ �__
<br /> � ' � eeaat containing 5439 square feet more or less. ���� � � ''-"9i��
<br /> t. �'f�;:-- —
<br /> � � . ."•�4:..:`
<br /> This mortgage is to secure the peyment of the principal sum ;:K�, •'',;r.�;�r
<br /> '� of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (510,000.00) ► and interest at ten per +,�.,. ;; 1;� �r�t'
<br /> � t , • cent (10$) per ennum from May 1, 1989� and is payable in one ;s,.,: .�...,,, ��s=i
<br /> � �undred twenty (120) consecutive monthl instal.lments of ONE l;,� �.;;r,,.� �
<br /> - '°.:•�.�: Y � `:
<br /> --- -��,;::.:•.,, .
<br /> � . .� •,,�� HUNDRED THIRTX-TWO AND 15/100 DOLLAR5 i$I32.I5) �in [he 1sL dsy �� `,�,;;1,:,.,�,. •,.:.;,���
<br /> •�•�':� each month, commencing June 1, 1989, according to the terms of �,. .., � ;� .y �
<br /> ,� , '• the Promissory Note dated May 1, 1989, executed and delivered by ' � �
<br /> Timoth J. Casey, Morcgagor, to Mortgagee, the pcincipal and i�� ,�;�_ „�,
<br /> Y
<br /> � �''<<��t ; interest being payable in monthly fnstallmctnt payments and . ,
<br /> ���,,, .. ,
<br /> amoKtized over a period of one hundced twenty (120) consecutive E • � �{Y+. ,
<br /> ' months until the encire unpaid balance of pcincipal, together � ,. , �,,
<br /> with accrued interest, is paid in full. The Promissory Note ' '.��f`;:"r '
<br /> .• provides time 1s of the essence oE the Promissory Note and if __ __-
<br /> � � . • defaulc is made in any monthly installmenc payment for a period
<br /> ' ,.��� of more than sixty (60) days, the holder of the Pcomissory Note :����-___
<br /> ,...�,.._�;
<br /> � +;• '�;:.:�'. may, wichout nocice or demand, declare the entire principal sum , . ,.�y�,..
<br /> ':'!' � . . -:.�';wfi<:::
<br /> � then unpaid, together with accruad interest thereon, immediately y`�,:
<br /> � • due and payable. The Maker of the Promissocy Note reserves the .
<br /> r right to prepay the unpaid balance oE the indebtedness on the �•,,_;..
<br /> ' note on eny monthly installment payment date by payment of one or • .•;;: ,',� .���,;.
<br /> ' ,� more of the monthly instellments of principal, but any prepayment `":'•`�a:�''..��'��••.,
<br /> ' made by Makers does not relieve Makers from payment of the next , ����;,+,,�,��14�'���r�>>„
<br /> . „ . :� monthly installment after the prepayment date. ' ,,;.;���;�•;1;<i;:
<br /> , :i;�,�, ;��
<br /> �; �,��:�.. �lartgagor �,glcees to pay all real estate taxes and special
<br /> �'.'•`�`Y' assassments leviad and asses�ed upon the real estate and to pay , ,
<br /> � �.:,� y. �;d;i:''
<br /> ��„ „�,.; �� all octner taxes, levies and asse�sme�ts levied upon this Martgage
<br /> . , ,! ;�;�.. .
<br /> ,.�°:, ,�.,,,. � ' and the Promiasory (vot� which chis Mortgage is given to secuce
<br /> �',,ti;y� t` ' ,,,,;;!;;_�. before payment is deli�quent. Ig Morcgagor £ails to pay the real
<br /> � ��� �'�;�t.,;,• ;�,
<br /> estate taxes or� 5pecial assewsTents before delinquent, Mortgagee
<br /> ;� � '"�''�� �' may pay the r�a1 escate taxes �cnd special assessments, or pay any
<br />: �:i��.'j.- ' • ��, /C' � _
<br /> ;.�• . .
<br /> ,
<br /> 1' � �' ,��^�\�y � Z (� �p Ch7 —N1 .y� � .
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