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�� ��;,� ?. _ , ��.. <br /> �,.' ... . _-_ _ _ _-- <br /> ,r� ' � <br /> _���. --;� �, ���,�93�t�o��o . . <br /> � <br /> - -- —�--- ����s c�v�a�,t+ns.a������+�»M r��; • . <br /> li.Ae,o�l��tio�.RairMdM�. �to�pt M P�'oyWe�t�P�+'�+� 16 Miwt�ar�olbe�l�e t�e4idred by Vw. , � <br /> _..: - - �pon 8aer+owet'� b�wol� d a�y oovatst or �n�at Sorrnw�r i� tl�i� DMd af Tra�t, i�daai <br /> ;_7�,;� ' Sono�"�tdlun b qy.1�Y �esd d taa 110)ale�dK d�y�dwr tM dq�tMy�n dua�ay�anr� <br /> by t6L Dad d 7'rwt.lwedec pda'w�aodaa�ia��hdl�ive Notia to Born�wK M pwHded i�puapspb 11 <br /> —;�";. �spanitYl� (iI��rax�c�ZI tlw sctt�sa rcqui�wd to ewa asx�be�clr I31�d�ta aut 1�tt��b A�ya __ <br /> — <br /> �`i�� trom tMs d�te tbe awlae b nMiled to Bare�uwer.bY whid��ucM 1�acb a�at 6e arred:aad I,�tM�t tNlate to <br /> '`a an�e awtM b�cb oa or betaro the d�to ed iu the no�tiioe msy rault i��ooeleratioe d the wm�aea++�ed .- - <br /> no <br /> ,. by Wt Dad ot Trn�t��d�ale ot tre . Tbe�aliae �1�!! fwtbr iafarm Borrnwer d ihs tl�Ut to <br /> :� � : ... .., iei��e atter rooelerntlaa�nd tba rlsht to 6ri�j oau�t aatio�to a�tt tbe no�e�t��teaoe d a det�nit ar aay - <br />_;r���'=' at6�de�aue o�Racrower to aooelewtiaa aad aala It tbe 6n+�eb b od curod a�ar belaro the d�te specified <br /> �.a--�,��� in the�oRiae. 1a►der.•t I.eader'a option. m.y decl�,re all at tYe a�.eourod by �aio Deed ot Tn,.e w be <br />-Y"�� ; �. '' immedi�tely due ud qyable witlwut turthor demsad a�d msy i�volce the power d sde �ud aay other <br /> ,..,,, •. :,: ,� <br /> s�d�.: -: ramedta perenitted by �ppliaWe I�w.Landor�hdl be eautled m oolloct all aost�uKf enpe�w i�auened ia <br /> �,�,,,:, s.•.f <br /> � _��.";`:�-�'f�1.: pursuinj ttie�enbdia provWed i�thisp�rsnapb 17 to the eutaat permittad by applicsble I�w. �- <br /> ^- U Laider iavolca thopo+re�d s�le.Leadet ar Trwteo dull mdl oopter of a notioe ot ale ia tlia nuiaaer <br /> �:n,,: P�c+'jbe�bY spplicaWa l�w�Do Baxaqror iud to the other par�om poacri6ed by applicable I�w.Trurtee�bdl <br /> sa wottoe ot ale by pablie dv�ertismneat�a tke time aad l�We maaaar proe�r�bed by �ppticaf�ie bw. <br />�,:.:;�,. ��..�F..� � �� ' �nrtaa without doewd a�Bar�o�a.sM�ll sall tb Pmpertir�R pnWie saetia�w tlw hi�hat btdder fae eash <br />- �° �' '�`�' �t ttie tlone a�d pl�oe a�d u�der tb terms de�pated in tbe watioe ot We i�a�e ar more p�+cels a�d ia su�A <br /> --'°r, r�� urrier ar'd'�46e�►�.,�naQaa.'t'��essay�tpaaa sale d�!!es aay pmstxs!e!tl�e Pe�a�erty tq aey leter -- <br /> ._. '�¢��''-�i:��"".'?��::'� tiias a� the same date by p�uWic ��o�aoement at tbe time ud pl�oe oq a�y p�vioasly acbo�m� ala <br />- �Pfr-.-�,' Leader or Lender'�daipe�e nNy putch�e tiie Property ri my rala <br /> '.,'�" : : <br /> ., h . Tnstae�6a11 deliver to tlw purchasar Tru+�ee't deed owveqips t�e P�opartr�mld witbut ny oo��na�t <br /> or w�rranty. atpces�ed a' imptiod. 1'�e e+ecitds ia t4o Trwtae's deed s6�U 6o pr&na ficIe evidetiv�oi the -- <br /> . . ',�����`, p�th ot the sqtemeny m�de thercia. Trustee sY�l apply tltie prooeedi d t4a sde in the tdlowia�ur�d�r:(s1 <br /> . ;.;�°...,.�.�,_;�,, �� w atl ra.os.ble oaa a.d espa�ses ot�6e ala iacludins. but aot limit�ed tv.�uWe Tru�tee's tees aad _ <br /> .° A�.. attoraey�'fees aad oosta of title ev�eiee: (b)w dl sunu�ecwed by tMis Dedd af Trnrt��nd(e)t6e eaceen,,i�t <br /> '� ,� :':.:`„�.�., � a�y.b t6e panon or peraou lejdly entlded t4ereto. _ <br /> -�,',»��,::r.�• •; IS.8�erower'i lti=fit to ReL�tste. Notait6saadia� Lender's�e�oler�tia�n ot the aums secured by this Deed of -= <br /> Tn�t due oo Eoreowar'o bro�ch. Borrowa ehdl havo t!a rijht w h�ve�aq txooeo�i�eCa be�un by Lender to eatoroe tbis <br /> . • ��' ''''`'',,'•; . Deed d Truet di�ooadaued st�ny time prior to the euliar to oocur oi(i)the fifth d�y 6efare tue e�le of tdo Property <br /> -'=`�c , ,- t LQ�!+�+c�we�i�t�sle oonained ia this Deed d Tr�et a(ii)entrY ot�jud�rr�ent eator+eia�tlda Deed ot Tn�et it: , _ <br /> .. :��r��.,�.� '-,,.r_:,--�..;�z.��:. <br /> � , ' _f...�. a�Bnrro�ret p�Y�Lender�Il wms wfuch would be tden due under this Daed at Trust md the Note had no aooeler�tion <br /> �:�'��� ���,•�'.;•,t �r •�'`' oocurred; (bl�wrower aros dl M�eaches�ot any other oovrnanta or�groemeats ot Barrower oontaiaed in this D�eed ot <br /> _;;:;:;:`..4Y ��:.�.�,::_._ ,` Ttue� (c) Bo��rower psya �11 re�sonabk oYpenses iacurred by I.eader sad Trustee in ea[mt�ng the oovatu�nts and - - <br /> ro <br />::,(n�,,,.' ` �gro.ments of Borrowar aoacaiued in t6ie Dood ot Trust, and in entatcin�T.cader�aad Trustez's temedic3�;�sovided _ _ <br /> ��,�`> � ; '.' ' in pa ph 17 6ereof.iaclu�'Jin;.but aot limitod to.rca.9o�uble�tcarneye tae to the extent permitted bq�ppii��le l��r; -- <br /> ,.?,�r;•r ,, • <br />_ .c,,. ., md (r d�Borrowa takes euc9a�ction as[.ender may rason�bly require w aseuro th�t tl►e liera ot thie D�eed ot Tnist. ---- <br /> -- ' '' ,� . ;' Lander'�intorost in the Property a n d B o r r oWer's o b li�ation to py t he rsums socu r o d b y t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t s h d l o o n d n u e � <br /> � � ' � � uaimqired.Upoa such pa�ymeat�ad curo by Borrower. this Deed oi Truet and tho oWi�tions exured heraby ehall <br /> � �� r e m u a i n f d l t o r o o s nd effe�t�s it ao a000leration had accurrod. , � <br /> '�`°` , i 9.�.a:: a�t �! �c a t s: .:�F a i z t s:s..-a t a i L e�i:�er; !eada in Pe!s»si�. A!��kl����n.l��rity herumder. ��':r <br /> ;''�,�, _ . Botrower heroby�si�ns to t,ender the rente of the Property. provided that Brmowrr ah�ll,priot to acceletaei�on under <br /> =.'�� <br /> ��p �'. "" "' : . p�a�aph 17 heteot ar abmdanment of the Property,luve the riQht to colloct and rouin such rcnts�s they become due <br />,�l:j�;,,r:: .. . . ,;.,�+ mdp�y�b1c. <br /> � '�-::43� ,�, : ���:: "` <br /> � .;..,. . ....,,,,,. Upon ara'I�r�xivn under �aragt+iphy 1? hereot or ebandonment oY the Property. Lender. in petson,by �gent a by g, <br /> t':/ a �;,; judici�lly appvi�lal raYiver,shall be entinled to enter upon,take posaeselon ot and muuge the Property amd to oollect - <br /> � � '� r"''� ` 4 the reute oi the Propetty ine]uding thase past due. AI9 cents oollected by l.endee or the reoeivar eQsll be�ar,p9ied fitst to <br /> .;,,,,.,�, . <br /> , ':,�';`;�!:�f��;;�..��� `'�r;; pnYmeat of tD�e ooats of management ot the Property md oollection ot rents, including,but nat limited ta �Ver's <br /> �.,r,... .�'. •:,•• . • _ <br /> �? � �t ,..�?r':.. .• •��,' txs,pnemiurraa o�naiver's bonde snd r�e•:�mble attorneys [as, and then to the sume sxute�l by this Deed ot Truet. k <br /> �` ��:;�,.�, F":;",��,,t <br /> rq+. �1�.'�. „�.,,��i,. I,ender md the r�xiver sh�ll be li�ble to account only tor those renta�ctwlly roveived. F �� <br /> .. �.,.. (;��,:�• ` j,,.y�,�;::. <br /> ,«_; .,,;,,�K,4���{ :���;���� 20 ltelwe.Upon p�yment ot�II sums secured by this Dad oi Trust,and,if this Uad of Tru9t�ecures�Revolving � <br /> � . �,1,(•,}��r,,�' Lo+n A�t�eement,$orrower riquests Lender to relesse this Deed ot Trust. Lender sMll rause thie Deed of Truet to be t°;:;. <br /> ' ,. ::��..ri;+`lj;;.v:._ ., 'i'r $:}';; <br /> � * ;;�h:a�.,F•,.H,.: rolased without chsr�e to Borrower.Bursovrer ehdl pay all oost�of tecord�tion.)f any. �`�, <br />� ���,..�: ;��,.:,, ���_ <br /> ,i , .,�;;� ' ,. ZI.Substituse Trustee. Lander, aa i.ender's option, m�y from time to time appoint� s��eoessor trustee to any � , <br />: <;�::�; I ' . , *,. !•., <br />.��� . �a. , �,. T�ustee appointed hereunder by�n inatrument rxordod in the wunty in which this Deed of Q'rust ie r000rded.Without <br /> �t,^,+ , � . r <br /> �;�>>•�;;;• ,. , • , "� oonvey�nce of t�e Propercy. tho suooe�ssor truetee ahall suceeed ta all the tide. power md duties conten+ed upon the , <br /> ;•j��,,, • '�.,,:��.`:=:= ' ' Trusue hcrein arad by ap�licatle taw. • <br />-�'.T/. ' t:. ."�IV,.,' . S'.•�""_....�1 <br /> �.S . �:�; • ;,,;,; 22.Request tw Notices. Borrower requests thu oopies ot the notioe o[ default �nd notioe ot e�le he sent to t •, <br /> ,�{'•i �a' � . Borrower's ad��ess wQicd is the Property Addres4. } <br /> �„ � . ad � . .. <br /> r�}I,:�,'t',. �;�'�',I'1 ��. . • i �. <br /> � �$11,y,c�•:, <br /> � ;11)�� � <br /> �,',�; �.(1;"�•:;;''�i.`"' .. <br /> :,'..r5v!. ' _ S�ly'(yr�:;'J•.�;. . - i..I.� <br /> � i i <br /> �,�,r� �f�'�l� �i�� .l�,1�Y8/`, .� .,t''�, 1 <br /> .:.��j�:,-' � ,�' " •�4: �(�y4.( , <br /> . �.� . ...' ,��j{„� <br /> �ihJV�:i�. "' � <br /> -l-."`j�f�1 +". .t''�E;��i{�°:.°`'.^� � <br /> '��`"�ri t t ;�i'IS;��t7 R1� :j;`';�, . <br /> "� �.�f�' ' �I;�, <br /> .��tN1; r , . �.+ h. <br /> �•• , •'t.1''' '1��� �1 <br /> � J- <br /> ' �`�/+'' ' • '�` <br /> �� \A•, ,�, .11 <br /> �.*�, � - 1.) � '�� <br /> �.. � � , �jt� • � <br /> �7• � r r�o �o-�}! <br /> ..! . i �- . 'A?" �e <br /> . � ., w ;�1�:� <br /> r••�'• . ',:• tO�Ot•N OM�M Te�rt M ��� <br /> .. - ` �,.�.� . Ha,'.r.-' <br /> . • � � n ' o . '� <br /> .�" � 5 <br />