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<br /> v� ---�� REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
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<br /> +�""�;.,��."� '�''�. � FRANK E. KOLAH -
<br /> ...4��.� . � .. .
<br /> --- ��.-�,� .."' ., Hell Nebreske �,..�.��.r�.*oallod tM pu4►o! Ua pnR put,ln
<br /> •:�r.,��?�� . oi tb�Couoty oi md Wat� of
<br /> -�--�� �, _ �Sixtv Five Thousand and nu/100- - ----------------------------- �- - '- --_
<br /> %.�,i.��C�,'t"k�' ,;:,� � --- - -�t��n� �_ — __
<br /> •. : y:;. Iw It�M pid.do i�n1�p�1R b�tpio,MU aod ooavq ll�to NN Hom�rid�nl 8a1op�LO�a/UNOClotbo d Otaod Isin14 --
<br /> --_- :,''�r, -_-------�---
<br /> •;w;�::��,6', " Gra�dl�aLM.N�ea�lui.�d il�w�eowaies�nd iud�aR fb�lolta�wly iwl Mf�.dW�Led ia �°��
<br /> --- �'°��-'�' � �debraska � � tawl�
<br /> :s3�, ' ;G: Q�RY,StAq i_.�
<br /> ,a� .. ,. o , _...._
<br /> Y. .�.a�'�'t-:�}�,y�.. ,_, . ��y_ra� .--�._—...
<br /> .�,�-°�"°"�°--��rj;;'�� Lot Fourteen (�14) • �lock Three (3) in Brentm�od Second Subdivisian, in the ,� .�.�.
<br />..:;�f,;:�,,1�� ���f{�;,=-
<br /> �:�°:'`�"`k$;°'"•;�;::�• �' Cit of Grand Isla�d, Hell count � Nebraska.
<br /> �ur?�s11;+e�'�.�.�• . . � .� . Y y :- -�--.
<br /> ' •.xti�'.r il'i�;i>;� �� . . 'r �
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<br /> :',�5�+ � � ., �: Tqte�her w�la.NI the�ppustenances fber4�n3�belot�li�6.�nd aDl coveaAnts iA ell We Htle deeds runnl��r1th rald se�l�tte. , . -_
<br /> h :�`.,•
<br />�`,f��� ','.,,-:.��..� . ' • '�and aU�tt�e reuts,fttnes�nd P�oilta�ainR't�rehwa�tter daianl3 lo perionwaee oY anY cov�enaat or coadiHmn hw�eia eos �_-.--
<br />;;r7;�, , �is;�^M•�;�,�t.}',,. .. i: ,tained; t►ad wasranblhe title�hereto perleet .
<br /> , �.f, .;. ;`.'... h and cleu excepk tor lhis mo�lC�Ye. ` -r•�_;,:
<br /> �t�,, ,� �•. . ' I3ur1nA tha time th1�anotlC�e �e iR fovice tha tnort�ean=a a�'ee: �'..,�n•_
<br /> ���..;' ;'�t.; � , . , � ' FIlBt, TO pYy �Li�M�1� ip4Cl� i198a81U0At8 lEV1EtI Ai(�il� wld premiad. 1ar�u�ti�C �11 t�ce9 aad a�es�we� levixd .�l1C6s;'�,- -
<br /> ��' +,,,�, , , 1 ,� ,t•-•;,1 b tlils m e. � ow �_��`_R�`::
<br /> 1�t� p, ,. ;,�r)fs% ��,f�,ti 1�DA �1 1�QAg0�Of� ��iCCCTEa Y ��� � / r7
<br /> � � ' , d 8eeond. To t�ep �ll brolnel]n�� thereoa lwaeed aQ�iast low bY�re�11{{11t�1in�AAd tosAado ib sWtle Co+pP�R tD b0 A}> , '�;r�r �
<br /> :� (. • � ,; .;,�J'.:�.� �D ios ;�}
<br /> �'� ,�;��';.,• , ri . • � proved by the eald Home Fedaeal 3uvlagr& Lopn As�acl�tiou oi tiroad Iriarud i�n t7hi sum at t �`i.11On nn �.�..,� , _
<br /> ' the beae�tlt oi tbe wdd Anocutiod,and ib�uccereora or twi�u; and to deposit said polteiea wlth a�id AerocLtlon,aad rhaU not _ .
<br /> - - commlt or�uKer any watte on udd premisei. and s6d1 Put aad keep ceid real ertate bulldinW aad improvemsnt� ia �ood �,(:,,'_ ..
<br /> . ozdar. ,,,::�:•.:•,--_.
<br /> � Thled. To OW or Qause to be Pwld to the Rome Fadaral 3avinW d� Loan Anoatadon ot (irand I�Lad,lb �uocaiwis or ,�w. w;��...
<br /> nei_i.�R�R � .��, �ti�;•
<br /> .. • ' apl�or,the nim of� �;st.Y F i ve Thrn�aaerl an�{,�ple nn � �*'.�.:-_
<br /> y�qable a� Iollowr. ��•-.,.ac ---
<br /> _ ._._. [�es October 15� 1991 " -' . .•'_'���'-"
<br /> . . �- . .�, . .
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<br /> .�''-�-
<br /> � • � wIW lpterat thereon p�qable,�ccordtnB to the tenor and eHeet oi tbe one certaln Urrt mortB�IIe note of �ald moetgagor�, ' � .
<br /> bwin� even dale wlth thae ��resenb. Atter maturlty wid bond dra�ve intet+ert At the r�te ot aine per cent per annnm. .;.�`..h,.� -- .
<br /> � IL satd taxee and auesaments ue nat patd when due, or if We buildln8� oa add ptemues ue not insured aa above pro- '��
<br /> . 'j . •- .,�c='C
<br /> ' ,� .� � vlded,or IL any oi said interest i�not pdd whea due,then eald whole debt elull become due Immedlatelq,at the option oi the �
<br /> • � �Id A�roct�tton,and�hall thereafter draw lnter�t at the rate of nine per eeat per�aaum. "�'�
<br /> � The mortY+¢or hereby asdYnS- to sald mortga8ee all nM� and lncome uiein6 a� any' and aU Nmes irom �a1d : ,'�'.: . ,..,
<br /> ., , ' pmpaety and hereby auWorlse safd mort�ee or ib aBent, at its optioa, upoa def�Wt, to t�ke ch�rge ot e�td propertq and '� � ,�
<br /> � . coUect aU renta and lueome Werefsom�ad applq the eame to the p�yment of [nterest, principal, inauraaco premlum�.tucee, � •
<br /> • ' . � astemments, rep�irs or Impmvemenb neceaaary to kcep�eld propetty ia tenantable oonditlon, or to other chtrges or pay !
<br /> � � � mente provided for herela or fa the note hereby aecured.Tdb reat aaeignment ahall contlnue in force until the unpatd bal- �
<br /> � 1 aace of safd note Is fuUy pafd. The talctnQ ot Posseselon herow►der shall in no maaner prevent or retaM t�id moetgagee in �
<br /> ' � r, !Ae coUection oi s�td �ums by foreclaure or otherwi�e. � ,
<br /> Whether sald debt becomes due by lapae of ttme, or bq reason of We feilure of the party oi We firat p�rt to comply
<br /> �•�.�;� '�•�. wlth aay condidoa hereln, WQ ndd Home Federal Savings & Loan AssocfuUon of Grand Ialand, the succes�on and assigoe, 'j �
<br /> � ehell have the right to begin the foreclosure ot t6is mortBage at once on We ahole debt heraby secured, Atld �0 include
<br /> therein aU qxe�, asrestments, ioaurance premiums eod costa, paid by it or them; or said Aesociation, ib successori or '
<br /> " �pigno, m�y forecloso oNy as to tUe rum paat due, wiWout in�ury to flila mortgage. or the diaplacement or iaipairment ; i
<br /> . ot the llen the�eof. �
<br /> � . � And the s�ld ile�t party aad the make�s oi sald nota eapeclaDy a8ree aad declare that the aeperate estate ot each and
<br /> • every oae of tUem, lncludlo� bot6 that now owned �ad Wat herea[ter acquieed, le pledRed aud bound for tho paymept ot ,
<br /> .;.: ' ths debt hereby�ecue�ed. },{ i
<br /> � � ptter the commencemeat oi any sult fn torecloeure tho p1alnHt[thereia shall be entfUed to the immedlste pouesaton ot �
<br /> • . . _ . .. - - • .....-•---'•-- •'------.. �_ .�_ .._�_...__a ..e.f._ ...,,......... ...a '
<br /> - •--- -- � fald p�'eIDlfes A�4 tne app01Otm0At ot a recGVer tnere�or. LYLM�YIOttlUWU�j wa� ,u■� uc ..w ..v.....o...�.. ... «... .......-�...... r_ � ,.
<br /> A
<br /> * ^ , notvvith�fandlny the partiq ltoble for the debt mny be solvent, aad the fir�t party 6ereby consenb to the�ppointment oi a
<br /> � Receiver upon the ptoduction ot thls lndenture, without otmer evidence.
<br /> , .�. r � .. The foe+eBdnQ condittons and agreemente, nll aad aiagular.Leing fullY Performed.ehia conveyaoce�halD be void, ather �
<br />!���,'• , � ., �vl�e to he �nd eemola ln tu➢1 iorce �nd eftect. �
<br /> .: .,, ' '.,'r'1`t� ' ;}�;; ��tti;. 15th .�c�� �a�ril w .
<br /> IID., Il�-�
<br /> •l�� '� v .i; .
<br />,. , � '%:j;,,; � � � ot ran .r� ar'✓ ' .
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