c'�n'I'? a,.+��. . , x
<br /> y1 .tc ' -. �.�..:. ' -
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<br /> � ' � � .. , , . �� _----
<br /> . •, ' � �`_ ... . iwn---�«r..z. ._. �� ' ' -_.-- —
<br /> _ � -'�:: . - --. __-.- --`---_ - --_-'--_.
<br /> _ ' ,.. ..
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<br /> �—=,i,�«���..� ° ''dt. �
<br /> _ -��,�,�.� e -�-1022f
<br /> �"'� NoN•UNIFORM COVENAN'TS•lbttower�nd I.erukr fuKhet covemnt and a�ree�i follows: �7�
<br /> --°a:�:.•� 19.AceeNnNo�i R+��I.��e�WI L1��wdw to Borrose� Orlor to�cceltraqa� folbwir� Bo �ad 17
<br /> - - -�-- -`' -� i�tW S�cNrip'I�nt(but aot prtor to aceelerado�u�dsrp�n��M �_�.
<br /> --—.�.�.,•-"= I�ewcY ot uy eo�t ar�sw�t s(�1 tbe d�taultt tel tM�etbw neo�in�ta cnn tM�
<br /> .-.-- ��.. , wi�a�11�W�I�w pro�il�s ot�wbd.TM notke�all�elb'
<br /> -'�'"""°°y:` � MI�fI�i IC)t���W 1�eY�30 d�ya te+o�tM�d�n W iwtics Is��tn th�i�ionneway rault �cale�ratiou ot t6�w�a —
<br /> =`�«`��°L'��.�� � ` wd(d)tWt htlon to c�re tY+dttwlt w or b�fort tl�d�t��eiA�d
<br /> �--��-��� - ��br�g�C�rlt�,i�t ud�M ot tY�p�y.'�e�pdct r6d) turt6er inforn�Bortowtr ot tMe ri{ht to
<br /> ' � relrtste dtK�cceelenda�a�d tM ri{aht to briW�court�ctlo�to aaurt tht noa-txi�tenct ot a d�fwlt a aaf otlNr
<br /> —y:- ._�°.�''`.�o_'�'y„_ . �-- -- ---
<br /> � ��_. .,. , ddqqr oi BoROwer to tcee{erado+i w�d wila.It tise detault 1�aot cnred on or befor�the dde speclfled In tht aodce.Lender
<br /> :���.' �� at its oPdoe ipay rMuire law�diate p�Y��t in hiU of all�qsr�ecured by tbi�SecuNq' Iiutrt�aut wlt4out fprtMr
<br /> Y,.: _.. de�ad�ad�Y i��oke tY�powe�oi s�le�ad Ny Wher remadla penuitted by�ppflaible I�w.Lee�der dull b�endtled to
<br /> °-�'�s?�:. n coll�at dl ex� i�cureed in pursula� t6e�eaiedla pro.ided la �hi� �ra�Pb 19� includln{, but aot Ilmited to�
<br /> �}�,�"�:';;� � �s rwoa�bk�tto►ae9�s'teer�sd co�a ot Nde e�ideece. ot tbe `�
<br /> �`-��`�'-"� : 1t the powu ot We is Gnolced.Trwtee slull re�aed��od�e at det�ult In eub county I�»hich wy p�rt
<br />�':?�i�%��?� .�. . i�located�i�II swU wMa ot wcY aotka i�tMe wa�er P�c�lbed by�pplicable Uw to Borrower aad ta Wa
<br /> ;:��d`�''`:;�:, . , o��isonf Wteaari�d�Y�lM�+�Vw.ARer Ue tt�e re�aurea►Y���a(�M.T�ustee�b�N�ire publlc aotiet ot - -••-., - --- --_
<br /> ,;,.:°�v ,"�� • sde ta tMe�etia�s�d i�IMe w�er!�'esc�i�ed�Y�lP�ic�b1�law.l'ra�tss.wit�out de�sud oa 6orrower,sYdl seU He r V .'.,
<br /> •r . 5,�„;_, M tMe wtice d sde i� ,, , _
<br /> I �Y,,,,:.:r, prq�e�tx�t p b l i c wctiai to fMe�i�est b�ddes��t�hc ti�e sarrl Place aad under Ue tenrs dai�p�ted 1 ot tMe Peo�cny by =
<br /> , . . we ar�oce Wu'c�ls al�d ia�sY ar&�r llrnstce�ct�emaine9.Trus tee m�Y P�1�sak oP dl ar a�Y P�� � ' ���`
<br /> � �� • S
<br /> Lepder or itc da�i��!' Wrt�t�e ,.;i�:i�"
<br /> ;;��!�� � pablfs m�st tbe ti�c�.i pUce v�4�anY PrPViawly scbtdUl:�raiie. f►n�:u�:}.y= ._--
<br /> �tr�;d.} ;'��� . property.c aay ale. --
<br /> .�k„ � 1:�;j. �
<br /> i�u;;�� Upoa receipt ot psrment ot the p�icr bid Truatee ahall de0i�er Qo¢be purctuser Tt�steds de�ed co��eY'1u�
<br /> h�,�,?,�_------ Vy.,s�,,:s_ ProlKrtY.TUe�ecihls ia the'fnwtce'c dted sdall be pHan�tscie ev�alence af the tratb ot tlie staterArata awde tMe�eia. �:--. -
<br /> �! ,."," , •,'
<br /> :-� , '�s :,,r�: Tnntee sMall apply t6e P���at tbe�de ia tbe tollowinp o�der:(A1 to�ll expeares ot the s�k.inol�diaR,�_'���� ---
<br /> ,.,.�
<br /> �r F;"'`< ii��;� to.Tru�ta's tea u penaitted bY�PPltable i�w uid�nable nttorneys fees:(b1 to aUE sswvaw secuvd by�b1�Sec�eQaay -
<br /> ''")�'� Imaru�nea��nd(cl any exeess to the per:on or penons le�ally enNded 4o it. ��-
<br /> �,rS,'r:
<br /> ''�, �:Aj?": ' ^' 211, i.ender i� Ro�estioe.Upon acccle�a�ion under paragraph 19 or abandonment oi the Property. Lender(in ����,,.��..--
<br /> 5�,�ae;.::�'�.',: '• --=—--
<br /> 4�, peraon,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shal)be entitled to enter upon,take possessian of and manage the
<br /> t• `>. `�''�`"'�` PropeRy ond ta coliect the reats oi the Propeny including�hose past due.Any rents collceted by Lender or the raeiver ,lti�-�,o�y-,,�__
<br /> , ,.r. .., ,,. • .
<br /> • ,''. � shall be ppplied flrst to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collec�ion of rents,including,but not _- . -`��;4k;;:_
<br /> ' � limited to,rxeiver's kes,premium:on receiver's boods+md reasonabk attorneys' fees,and then 10 the sums xcured by _� _.._
<br /> �� , , �_—°=-:—
<br /> ` 'i^``��`�" • � ` this Security Instniment. �
<br /> % ;r;. ,:;.t , ..� . �::�,.�.°�-
<br /> _ ,1��,, � �.,:; �� " e
<br />: � �.�r,,:;,.:�;;;;.1`��;t�„��., � 21.Recoa�ey�ace.Upon p yment of all aums socured by this Secunty Instrument,Lendee shall requeet Trustee to
<br /> ��� - reconvcy the Property and shall sunender this Security insirument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Secunty �r�, _
<br /> ��;�t!�:''�;f''r',�°��:C�' : Instrument to Trusta.Trustee shdl rccanvey che P�operty w+thoui warrsnty snd witAn�rt charge to the person or persons �., _
<br /> '��:.t:,ii��l;,z,� ... �tt'!�'�ti�,','---
<br /> .., ,, �, �• legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall psy any recordation costs. �,��. ,r��t ---
<br /> • ;,'� d�": 2=�gq��ute T�wtee,L,endcr,at its option,may from time to time remove Trusta and appoint a suceessor trustec � �_
<br /> �-�:;.��' �:�r.;•: ' to any Trustee appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which th�s Secudty Inatrument�s recorded. ;,.r
<br /> .;..;,;,.••. . wer and dutia conferred upon .�,.����,.-;
<br /> • Without conveyance of the Propeny.the succesaor crustee shpll succeed�o all the title,po ;., � �
<br /> .,,, �'�•� � 'frustee herein and by ppplicable Iaw. , � -°_
<br /> .'��:,�;.
<br /> �;'�;�; 23. Reqaert tor Nodca.Bonower requats that copies oP the notices oi default and sale be sent to 8orrower's ' �_.-_ "-
<br /> ,: ,.,; .,. . . a,:._.'
<br /> � addras which is the Property Add�ess. '''�"":�---
<br /> 'et.i� �1�..-
<br /> ' ?,t.Riden to t6i�Secu�lty Instrument.If one or more nders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with !^�:4 L����.
<br /> , �
<br /> ;�.;.;,��.'� , this Security Instrument,the covenants and agraments of each�uch�ider shall be�ncorporated�nro and shall amend and - �,
<br /> +� •� °�� . aupplement the covenan1s and agreements of this Secun�y [nstrumm[ as if the nderls) were a part of th�s Security ...s , ,.��,�I.
<br />; ;:4;', ;;i'�,.;'�•'.�: . Instrument.[Checkapplicableboa(a)J � 2-4 Family R�der — :Y,'----:-� '�.::
<br /> � '•��'•�' Rote Rider r►Condominium Rider
<br /> ,,,�, ':�,,. . . Adjustable ,tx,,��.7�
<br /> •;� r,':'}i i:i;, ,�',.'�°�� • � ❑ �y��••'_-r—
<br /> . i��' '.�.�f ti i.�Y,i:: .., a ! '.
<br /> , . �'�r,'?;3 j{'3���+<i ❑ Graduated Payrnent Rider Plannad Unit Development Rider ���n'�ii.•,.
<br /> �, ' :�.;:•ti ,
<br /> ' , !,;:�� `l��F �,��;;��.. ;��,.�,;�.-
<br /> :���itt'.,:,,> �.;; „r��.._
<br />�� i,.� i , r.uL.,,,•,; -, t �:.
<br /> �� ,;� � � � � i�`�,.,;�;'� Otlier(s) [specify] Acknowledgment ;:.
<br /> �.t:.. ., � •:,
<br /> '�i �;'��.. ���,•ti�N.�v'�;:�f,;i�;:;� � . -
<br /> , �•.i:�;n .5:::��'� Bv SIdNINd BBl.ow. Borrower accepts and agrca to the terma and covenonts cont�ined in this Sxurity . � ��
<br /> {�,�"4.cn. .n,�1 . !';•..`;i`i-'--
<br />�. ;.�� . . Y,�`' �- . � lnstrumrnt and in any rider(s)executed bp 8orrower and recorded with�n. � _,�. ,..,� __
<br /> , � �,.
<br /> „ ��.t• � 'l�i.`'��1 . C
<br /> . .
<br /> .,
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<br /> .. � .;:�Y,�l �f ��N z.rL. .�.:.��................. `-- .��
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<br />-�,., •.1,<< o • ;.n��j�,� � ~'Charl ey �!1 F�,x I �
<br /> ' ''1�...., ;�� . ,� �'' , • •� /' .................. (Seall �.
<br /> ,t� �.�: � � � ... ...-la::�......`:.........x:- ... .........f.,. ..... -ea�o.a.
<br /> ` �'��•Irhf , ......................................�....................�..._.................. .. n L. Fex i
<br /> maria
<br /> ; :',, �'�;�.�,�.•.},t�.. .: }�
<br /> ,y�,� ��•���;:' ,Ar.;,,��•
<br /> ;'f`k •} :,.1''�s�',� '' NALL t'runi. �_� I
<br /> � }'�{�.���3•, '+".; S'�ATE oF NEBRA5KA.
<br /> , „1,�,�, �'h i
<br /> '�i .1k•�,��,r��:r,l;'''�++!�:•�;�;i.
<br /> L� • ,��}yj , �etorr me, the undees�p,ned, a Notary Publ�� �
<br /> :>' � i���•"ti.�•,t�:,�:,�ti<<;�r�; On this 9th day .�t AGri�. }9
<br /> �r�1#.�rss'';t;f•� dm8 commissionedandquaioQie�forsaid�ount}.�ev��nn��ly�ame CHARLEY W. FOX AND �IARIOIti L. FOX,
<br /> ��c�<,�..;d, r � y ,tomeknowniobethe
<br /> �,tj�����t,..',;;;;:;,,`..: � hrsband and wife '
<br /> '�':�;�?`.':::,h�
<br /> �s `ri;;li ��rt�:,, ., idcntical personlsl whose nauu+iev,► nr� <ut�S;nbed to �he foregoing instrumem and a�knowledged ihe etecution
<br /> �:,��,�i thereof to be ��olunr.a-� a.c and deed.
<br /> ��' �v:...�........I..,nd��d nnunal.e:ai:�r Grand Island, ���'�raska IIt S81t�COUOt},IhZ
<br /> �—. ....... ..r .,.----•------
<br /> , �T a�c��ro��:o�a.
<br /> .�
<br /> �'� �- '�.c I`t`I`
<br /> , My Commissiun cxpires: . �� '^t ' .
<br /> �� C_���. . ti..K... .. _ .
<br /> • t ���I�I�w� • '�,.1'\ NIIh I�
<br /> �p�Q��p� F�EQL�EST FnR REC'O'V1'F.l' '�1C'[
<br /> � E��a E�4 tw��O,1M0 .
<br /> ,. � The undersigned iti the huldrr at �hc na�e ��r nur�, ��curcd hv th�. U�eJ �v f ru,t. s.+id noi�u� ni�les, to�tethrr �.
<br /> wi�h nll uther�ndebtcdne+�,ecured h� �h��DeeJ.�t Trii�i,ha��he�n��.iiJ in lull. 1'��u ar�hercht duectrd t��.ancel.aid ,
<br /> �� •note or nutes and thi+DreJ ��f Tru��. ��hi�h arc drin�red N�rrt��. and i�, rr:�,mr�.••iih�•ui••.+rrann. .�II ihr r.�aie
<br /> now held bY )ou undet 1hi. Uee�1 i�l Ctu,1 ro Ihr rrr.��n ��r t'�r„+n. IrKall� rnutlrJ ihtrrla�
<br /> Datr.
<br />