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�F+ckeiFiMls.wl�w ��� �A�4L�.,... , . . _ _ <br /> _ ,�u. � . ��-'�Ifly�4hllj _. ,_ _' - '' - _-- <br /> ,� _ - ---- _ _ - _• -- <br /> '�' �:,xs;.i;�.�L+,ti,�sr y! <br /> -'�����"'�. . ' • ADJU3TABLE RATE RIDER �1_. 102186 <br /> _ ,:,:,�,�,,, <br /> .A;LYiIfdT.II�IYd_�'-:.,'. � 11 YauT�urylndea-R�teGps) f. <br /> r.•, .:., <br /> ::��:. :.;;;�r' 9 AP�'il .IV_91 � — <br /> —'`'-'S�'-�'��-'.�• � ,, TH19 ApJUB'i'ABLB pAl'B RIDER is m�Ae�hla ._ dNy af �of Tnut. or Securily I)ood lth�"S�curity - -- - --- <br /> ,,,.�,.,., <br /> •------_�-;r.t <br /> ;.�•�F.��ti•���� ', .:�'.'; �nd i�Incorporued Into and�hall be d�nvd�a amead�nd�upplemem t on�aee� <br /> "��'�4�����'��,r� . � Imlrument'7 ot tNe�a�e du1�{iven by Ihe underd�ned(lht'•BorrowK"1�o ecure 8arrower'�Ad)uir�ble Rue Note�the"Na1e")lo�Q� <br /> s:' ';;'.�'���'�'�.'�•.` fBDE • LVINO�i LOA.y 11{�OCIATION Q OMNO Ii�11N0.N80MeKA phe"I.mda,��01 the wa�dut aad cuverlW tM -- <br /> +;;",. .,�� ,�`� de�cdbd la tIN S�ud�y Imtruma���nd toa�d��: <br /> --,r?��f�,,�:,,k . .^ ,�,. a�r ka 68903 <br /> , � �3Z0 Shaxwood Ro�nd Grard Island, Neharas _ <br /> ... , <br /> ,_ . _. , :_ , <br /> -- �,,.� <br /> .. . —--- -- ---- �-:- --__ _ _ <br /> _:,d.r�.:4E�.-:;. • ' lPraprrlyAddreu) ia:':,��.'=.,�:.::--°_-.: <br /> .�-�----.�—_- . <br /> �a;n�k��i�.•>... �. '1'Mr�wrN eMtal� /ro�War �WoMM fw c1M�a 1� mY IMenal na ��d�ay �tAtY ��, ° <br /> .... ;,,.,., ac�.�:• <br />�f., ;;i :• p�y�t�.TAI��ote�bo U�I1�IM���I wr I�te�al nil�c��cb��e�I�ay oae qan�ud i[i�:.::•°'R�,—---- <br /> ', �Iw�M wN�la�aa��ad�Ne wrlw�r�nNt 1 auul psY• ,��-�r,�,��t��:� <br /> ..... V .In addilWn lo tho covetwnu and warcemeMs m�da in the 5ecuritY lastrumrnl,Bonower�nd Lendor ��� ' �� ..� <br /> ADDITIONAL CO ENANTS F <br /> .. . tLtltr,�covewW and�ree�tolbw: <br />�,,,� '� � A, �N'1'F,ItF�Tf RATE AND MONTN4Y�AY�IF�'CHANGES �' � <br />+� 71�e Nae provida fa�n ioiU�l iau�eu nue ot 7•�� �Y.Section 4 of Ihe NWe R���fa��a in lAe interesl��le aad the <br /> fiC�� � ' monthlY P�Y��.�s todovrr. <br /> ,�,. <br /> , �.,"'" <br /> � �:; •� 1, /NT6REST RAT�ANO MIkVTNLY PAYMENTCN.INQ6S __,_ _. <br />,;�, '�i: lAl C11�11�eat� �, a- <br />�., �Y .19 92 .�nd oa that day every '` <br /> .. The ioterat nte 1 wiU p�y may chanje on the ii�d�Y vf -- <br /> � �� tM�B1VB (121 moatps thaaiYu.E�ch dxte oo wlich my intercat rate muld chan�e is calkd a"Chan�e Date." ��;�:��,_`= <br />�� . � �:�•��.:i. <br /> • '� A) 71�INb[ ��a._,:._-r. _ <br /> . 't�'�':.. � �yinnina wf�h the firs�ChanQe Dwte,my interat ram wlll be bosed on cm lodex.The"Indea"is the wakly n•eraQe yidd on United S�ata .: --- <br /> ' %�k�"":,;� ..��•��•�' MQa ad usled to A conatant ma�urily of 1 yar.w made available by the Federal Reserve Boud.The mat rxent ladac fl4ure �.`''; . <br /> ��. ?�:�u.� ., ., Trasury:ecu 1 _•, <br /> ;• .: ;t;�''S . `'"'ry;Y'• , �v�ilableasoftAedote4Sdaysb�cforeea.hChm�eDateiscalltdthe"Currentlndex." :•::::��;'._ <br />}; .' '�r•"�� a+ If the Index U no lot�a Available,the Note Holda wiH choose a new indax which u baad upon coanpuable iaform�don.77�a Note •��t� <br /> ;e�,;. .� <br /> �.Q.�-- <br />� �r';ti`�t` ' Holderwfllaivemenoticeaithixchoica. � <br /> 7 {�,�� ''.;}��:fx,;;� (C) C�la�lstlo�u�CHr�a �i ,���:., <br /> ':�, • t�=�,,. 7.l�x�ee and One�-half � , <br /> -: , •„••t,,, „�;;'i,.:� Bcture a��'b�e Data,it�c Notc Haldtt ui!!cslculste my rsew interest rats by adding-- e� A�ant�Te ��_,'f?.`���__ _ <br /> '����� �S�/,,' p o i n�s( 3.50 Ry)ta the Curtent Index and roundin�to�he nwrat 1/8�h of'Ihi,subJect to�t+�limits uated ia Seclion 4pBD)below. ,�� ry ;; __ <br /> ' r ;."' ��;1 t?�,i��f''�' This mui�ded amount will be my new imerat rate unql the next Change Date. �.;(1s� '��'``� <br /> ' �}��<:�t'�,�'••'•• . '(r i � The Note Holder witl�hen detcrmine the omount ot the momhly payment thot would be suFficient to repa, in iutl tht principai I am ;;i�;" '�t=^' <br /> • 1} F1. :�1;�'�• : � <br /> � �tir tif�., .•,:,�_'�1. _ .�1,. <br /> :!; ,.;�.••.;."� � eapected to owe on thnt ChanQe Date in�ubstantiAlty cyual payments by the matu�ity date at my aew iaterest rata'fhe zrsult of this calculadon �i�,�+�; <br /> yi:r �'�;�,. . ••! ��,_.; �r•,����. <br /> ,�, '� �'�;<<:, wfll be�he tiew amount of my mon�hly p�ymem. .. , •'+ ,� <br /> ,, , ,.,�,;,•,�;: .,::;..�•.:"�t��. <br /> • , `�,`;,�� ID) WIVorlalera�RsleChp�Rrs i r:�'� <br /> .It..� � ;'.,•'..� .�( . <br /> ` The interat rate I am requiacd lo pay at �he flrst Chnnge Date will not b e greater t l un 1 1.7 5 N� o r l e u t h u� .,.�� j;�{; •.:•., <br /> g <br /> �.�5'��"T"µ,. ��.����u. ' 7�75 <br /> �`���`!ft .. :: �.Th�rzuYtet,my interest ra�r will never be increused or decreaud an uny singiechange Da�e by morc than 2•�$ �r�g;�i'� Y-�_ <br /> )�.t;l,�r(�,ti!'•i � � <br /> -;a•,....�.y.-. <br /> ;'�{,�y, •'�..'�;'^°,�+' , from the raPe oi interrx�1 have txen puying for�hc prcccding�welve month�.Th��minimum interesl ratc on Ihis(oon will nevcr be �� �: <br /> 7.75 .�:y;;, •' <br /> �r'-�t:�q_ .5i;, 19 7'S d�IIF'�: <br /> • , rj�'•r,:•,,t Icos than .�h and�he maximum interest ra�e wlll never he grea�cr thon • ..._�h. :..`',,�.,�,..n� <br /> .i ,�, ��',4t;i;:`.,��i' — <br /> •'1, . t��..;;` 1�) �1kcU�!Mlt of Ch��pea ' +! ���`;���';'- <br /> ,:,'�i'�'�.}t;^:}� : ;� �:__� . <br /> � ��'•' My new interat ra�e wlll be►ome eftec�iv�nn<ach Chuage[1ate.1���I!pay the amnum ot my nrw mamhly paymen�bepinnin4 on�he first �.;t';i'`.-��Mti�_, <br />.' • 1��i;'.,. �wa�r,•..•. . <br /> • ,.�•xr � .,,..,•,•�� monthly payment dote after thc Chanae Date until thr,pzn,�nm af mv mon�hty paytncm chenges ABain. , <br /> ���.;• � � , '•� • . <br /> �c,;. . (� Nodce of Cbang� • <br /> + The Note Holder wlll moil or deliver�o me a naice before each chaeRe Uate.The octice wtl:advise mt of: '. ����'1��'' <br /> . �Y� r ,t <br /> (i) the new imerest rele an my loan as of theChange Dale; �;�}`!r`:;'�-•`.% �� <br />. . .. '. .,1'';:.tll� ;�:a— <br /> (ii) the amoun�of my monthly paymem(ollowi ng the['hunge Datr; � .t;� + <br /> ;�`�t (iii) any additional mettets which the Note Holder fs rcqufred to disclw;and � ���f�, :`��" <br />- '^!�> �� ' ^ (iv) thexddressoftheassoefationyoucouldmmactre�ardinganyqueaccr�n�aboutthe$djustmentnotfcr. °:ir,,;�";ti:°•=�"`-""Y_�_ <br /> , , �. �. <br /> i` ';(��t: . , . `�r���;� , , <br /> ' , n '. �a. & CHARCFSt 41ENS �::�..i' <br /> +� ' •�'�h�'('�,•�', UniformCovenantaof�heSecurliylnetrumemisamendedtoreudasfollowti: �` ';���`�:i!;�,��.,,:;.'.; <br /> ' '''S �.1r�t'. •--. ' \„ <br /> �t}��• �„:' � 1, CYu�esi IJeta.Borrawer shall pay ull taxea,acsessmems,and other churqes,tines.aed�mpovc:.*nt a:cr.Y�utlbGc r.��ch<Property whlch may . , ' '��� <br /> `i .. � � '�•{:�.r. :�� <br /> ., pttain a priorily orer thls Securily Instrumenl,and leaschold raymen�x uf ground rents,it'any,in�he ttunner pro�ided under patagraph 2 hereof � '., � <br /> �;,��:.' or.if not paid In such menner,t+y Bur�ower moking payment,when Jue.Jirectly to tlu�ya thereof,6orrower shall promp�ly furni�h Lender . • <br /> �r all notfces of t+mounts due under Ihis parag�uph,and in�he evem Burrower shall make paymem direc�ly, Borrower shall promptly furnith to <br /> Lender ra�cfpts c�ideneing�urh paymcnts. Burroxer �hdl promplly dhrhurpe am• Ilen whirh hns priority over thfs Secutily Instrument; j <br /> � � „ however, Botrower 4hAII 1101�1G�lQUI�ld IO{IISCI18fEIC dOy' SUlI1 licn�u IunR�s UurruNrr.lul thull agree in wriling�o the nt►ymenl uf lhe <br /> obligaUon secured by such Ilen in�he manner aarptublc in LcnJcr:lh1�hall mµcxxl l��th r�mtesl�urh Ilen by,or de(end agaiast mforcement ut I <br /> wch Ilen in,Itgal praeedings w•hlch in�he opinian of Lender uMrute io pre�eni the cnfi�rcemen�of Ihe Ifen nr forfeiture of the property or any ; <br /> � , part Ihereof;or 1e1 shall secure from�he holder uf wch hen un uRreement m a I�ttm•atis(uc�nry to Lender subordfnadng such Ben�o�hfs i <br /> ' �' Security lnstrumeni. <br /> � It Lender determmct tha�all or any part uf the Pro�rty n.ub�e��ta a I�cn w hich mu�•auAin a prinrity uver�his tictiuri�y Instrumeot, <br /> �_..�...�.0..,..�w.....�.,......,�s.�,s.�.�uc.�no.��.n���� Itnrmwrr�hall.nuuv w�h Ilen or take une or mort of Ihe aelfonx stl fo�th obovt <br /> : ------ ......... .......e..___..---•----...- --- . . <br /> vrith�n ten days of the givinQ oi the notl�Y. <br /> . <br /> . ' i <br />, <br /> , <br />,. C. NUTICl: ! <br />� � UniformCo.enan�1�of theSecunty Instrumrnt isomcnded turcaJ++ti I��Ikiw.: ; <br /> 11. NotkY.Except for uny noiict teyufred uadtt applicable law lu bt gi�en fn another m�nner,lol any nutice tu Ik�rrower proviJed lor m thi+ <br /> Security Instrument shull begiven by delh�ering i�or hy mNling it b��(irsl rlass mall ro Iforrowcr a�the Property Address or+t weh�nher addres� <br /> m Horrower may daignate by nutice�o Lender as pro.ideJ herem,and Ib)any notice Io Lendti�hall bc gf�en by first class maU to I.cnder'ti <br /> address staled herein ur to tiuch othet addres�as Lender may de�ignytt h��nutice tu Burrower ac prmided hetein.Any nolire pr�nided f��r in thi� <br /> � Security(nstrwnent shall bedeemed to have been g��en�o Fbrrower or t ender w hcn g��en in�ht manner de,igna�ed herein. <br />' . � <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> : <br /> .� <br />