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<br /> ,�:N•�.;.�,- ''T- �
<br /> .;•r ;�-�•. . complyir�q with the provisiono of the r�pplicable law oP the 9tato y .:..t�±.=-
<br /> ---- �� ' � of Nebraska, substitute a succe�sor or ■uaaesaor� ta tlte Truat�e
<br /> '`'"`''` �� •';-. � . na�a�d herein or aating hereunder.
<br /> ��� ,�•� ' . � 16. 8uccesaors and Assi ns. Thie peed of Truat applies to __
<br /> _���"` and it�uras �o t e ene t o aa biads all parties hareto, their
<br /> - heira, legateea. devieees, personal r�preaentativea, succeasorg
<br /> �-� � and assignss. The term "Benefiaiury" shall mean the owner and
<br /> ��,� � holder of the note, whether or no� name8 as 8eaeficiary herein. ,_
<br /> ���.J,:Ti.v-:R��l��.������
<br /> . �..t,.al..�t]F�i�.lc�
<br /> 17. Heneficiarv's PoWers. Without afffeQting the liability �;,;n.;:,� ._
<br /> of any other person a e for t�e payment of anp obligation rj��,-,.. ;i.�,:,,,,,,�_
<br /> � herein meationed. and wfthout affecting the lien or charqe og � � ,:;,.:ctiv'�_
<br /> this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the property not then or �,`� '
<br /> ,t' - -- theretofore rPleaaee as security for the full payment of alI :� .,y4__. _
<br /> •.�� ;�; . �.. from time to time and =-
<br /> ��• ,.;;,�' unpaid obliqations. Beneficiary may. � ��
<br />;��� `��'`'�. without notiae: �,,,�„
<br /> , �, �`;�'ti��ty�., � y�t# -
<br /> , ;, �rt;�+•;'�:�����.z`� (a) release any persons so liable� ,;��
<br /> .�:�`���,- �.,. , . .
<br /> � (b) extend the matu�ity or alter any of ' "�,���
<br />;i . �'.r the terma of any such ohli�ation: r; ;,�t�,�,.__ ."�'`�`
<br /> � -
<br />� �� (c) grant other inclulgencesi ' ��a�'i�,�;;�i � �
<br /> � . .��.
<br /> ���f�'rr. (d) release or re-convey ar cause to be ' �
<br /> �i .. ,,�;:,•-� released or re-conveyed at any �ime at Bsne- �..��
<br /> �.''"; ficiary' a option, any parcel, p�rtion or all �.•��:�i:����`L;:
<br /> � '• ' ' j���,�<s� 7�..,'
<br /> - .t.'�.(' ` 'r�;:.{;'l,�.y��.ti• a� �T@ proper�..; s�r2)6fa`.1��;�I'
<br /> '�,_ �j���,'�'�I~ - ~j .
<br /> •�' '`�._I 1 /"fll;��. . ���i���HJ��';"�y�°.j�
<br /> � ''''�S� }�'�+tti:,�,t; (e) take or release any other or addi- . :;��t . ;�
<br /> . ``}�;�''� tional security for any obligation herein ��';`�} �� . ' -
<br /> :4i-�..}�..
<br /> . mentioned= or { . :��:'�:
<br /> ��:�t, . . :
<br /> �'r"
<br /> (f) mAke composa.tions or other arranqe- i .'_ ��
<br /> ments with debtora in relation ttiereto. � . �--s'��-� �'�: ._
<br /> � __--_
<br /> 18. Governin Law. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by � ;�:��c�^"_
<br /> the laws o the State of Nebraska and, in the event any one or �. ,:�;�,;�
<br /> more of the provfaions contained in this Deed of Trust, or the r�
<br /> note or any other security instrument gfven in connectfon �,rith I •T;'�'�-
<br /> � this transaction shall be for a�y reason be held to be invalid, �: �
<br /> , �'��`
<br /> � �lleqal or unenforceable in r�ny respect, such invalidity, , � ,�n�:.;�•.�.
<br /> j , 311egality or unenforceability ahall not affect any other provi- ,,� , ��;��_
<br /> i , s�ions of thfs Deed of Trust, but the Deed af Trust shall b� con�- , ;;.,�.,�.titii.-
<br /> i strued as if such invalid, illegal or enforceable provision ha ;, :.��;•��••„'�.
<br />° ;�, never been contained herein or therein. �' �
<br /> , ,
<br /> " ` �:;..,'
<br /> '• a 19. Effect of Forbearance. Any farbearance by Benef3ciary •
<br /> . ,,, ,, •
<br /> ;.,� ;;• or Trustee in exercis ng any right or rem�dy hereunder, or other- �
<br /> wise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or pre- '
<br /> clude the exercise of any auch ric�ht or remedy hereunder. Like�
<br /> y wise, the wafver by Heneficiary or Tr.ustee of any default of the
<br /> :••�, Trustar under this Deed c�f Trust shall not be deemed to be a _
<br /> �i'�'�, waiver of any other or sarailar default subsequently occusrinq. •
<br /> �`�?��• 2p. Re-conveyance by Truste�. Upon written request of the � •
<br /> � ' :`'i�:�:'� Bea�eficiary stating that al scut:s secured hereby have been paid, � ' '
<br /> , �,� �� i and upo�n surrender of this Deed �: Trust and the note to the
<br /> � � Trustee for cancellatioa� a::a retentic�a� and upon p��yment by
<br /> � � Trustor af Trustee's fees, ^rustee shal? re-convey to Trustor, or
<br /> _ _ ..we ...oro.,., �r nsarsons leaallv en.xitled thereto, without warranty,
<br /> _- _-- i ...... r------ -- - -
<br /> � any portion of the property then held hereunder. Recitals in
<br /> � � such re-conveyance� hf any matters or facts sha12 he careclusive
<br /> proof af the truthfuln�ss thereof. Grantees in the re-conveyance
<br /> � . � may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled
<br /> thereto."
<br /> ' 21. Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this trust when
<br /> ' this Deed of Trust, dul�r ���cuted and acknowledged, fs made a
<br /> public record as provided by law.
<br /> -6- �
<br /> . ,. � _ _
<br /> _� _ _ -
<br />