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:f �. �y ' , �i��.. t „� .....-..._._._ - - . .. . �.. .. � `_-�—_ <br /> � ' _'__ _ .. — _ <br /> � . �.:,�.:..�.;�J � � �. � 93i ., . T __ _- <br /> -_�.. . . io��,2 .. <br /> 17.T�aod��f tYi��awNcW ht�nM 1�larn�a'.1t�ll or ypat ot�ha P�npatY ar anyr iata�at in it <br /> 'i��a1d ar tnr�stan�pd(ar it�beeae iateeat in Bareowe�u�oW ar t�uatarod And Bcrraw�er b nat s,nrturd pe�on)wi�u1 <br /> I.�e�xler'R ptkY m�aai eomraa. l� s�t,q. at tta ap�s►, Immedl�e p�yee�t !n lI�U �af dl �um� �eaund by Wi� , <br /> 5ocudry Immuaent.Hawevar,�hh aptlao�il na 6e exae�ciN/�l�a�da i�a�ce�d�e i�pmhiblted by federal I�w a at Ua dMe <br /> of 1hi�Saadty Gtrt�umait, � . <br /> IP Ironder exancira thh apiaa. t�aider�haU ive Bomo�ndico ot aooder�tion,The notioe�IWI peovide�peiiod ot not <br /> � <br /> les+� th�n 30 d�y� hnm the d�to the notioe b dd verod or m�iled aithin ahich Honower must pay d1 wem�ea�rod by thb <br /> 3ecu�ity tnitniment. IP aatmwer tdlp to p�y thae sw�u pnbr w�he explt�tion af thl�perfod�l.aoder mry iavoke�ny�aaedia � <br /> --- pem�{tted by tni�Sei�uil I�a�uuw�it wlthaut ftutber aatfa�ar d�uand an Borrowtr. <br /> 1�1. Bereo�er•� to Ite1�MNa lf Romowa� d�eeu oaain aonditianr. Bomower sball h�vo �ho dgM to havc ' <br /> � �-°�- ,��� °,-� cnfonccn�utt of thi4 ty lactnuruiit dl�oaminued�t any titne pdor ta thc eariicr of: (a) 1 deys(or such Qther periad � <br /> = qipliaibin I�w mwy �pecify far�einNp�nt) hafine We of thep�pty purc�w�t to �ay power of Wla oonWned ia thi� <br /> Savrfty rnaruman:or tb)anpY of�Jud�ment adarcin�thi�Searky f -i�uma�t.Tbose oondidans�u�e thwt Bornnwer:(�)p�r� <br /> -:,Y:�` [.ea�der all aut�u which then would bo due uMer 1hi�Secu�ity 1n�ra and 1ha Note aa if oo�oaleralbn hAd oxumed� (b) <br /> "�- cuna any default of�ny oti�oova�M�or a�t�; (c)p�y•�11 expaues incunal ia mfarcin�thia 5xudty in�uumeat. <br /> including.but nat limited�sonable aparna�s' faes;and(d)ukea such�ctioa�s La�dcr m�y irason�bly requinc W usa�e <br /> thu the lien of thie Seoutity Inslnw�ent�L+eader a dg�u�in the Pmp�ty and Borrowu'�ablig�Han w p�y tho sum�sav�od by <br /> _.- - -- this 3ocudty Inshument sltall ov�imo �acbaoYod. Upcm �t by Bornnwu. tl►Is Sa�udty IasbuataM �ed Me <br /> oblig�tions securod heroby a1nU aan�in tWly ef�aative as if ao nooelaatlon hd oa;nrrod. Ho�ro+rer.thiA ci,�ht��eiocude r�ll <br /> not�pply in the cace of�ocek�ation wider pa�gc+�p617. <br /> - 19. &k ot Nok: CWu�e ot Lo�Servioa�.7'licc Note or a pautial irrterest in the Nom (togcther wiW�his Sa�ucity <br /> --�=,s_ Imaumrnt)m�r bc soW one or morc times�nitlwWt prioir notice w Bonrower.A sale m�y�esult in a cuange in Iha quiry t�p <br /> as Ihe'l.00n Servicer")tltwt oollecls monthly parymrnts due ender IFw f�oto and this Secunt�r lnsteument.There also tn�y bo oa <br /> �-".: or morc ciwige:of ihe Lo�n Servicer unrcl�tad w a s�le of 1he Nate.i`t6ere ic a�of 14e:[;a�ai Servlar.Borrower will be <br /> - -- — _ giren wrinen nMice of�he chenge in r.�ra:darrct a��parAg.rph i�d.�ve�d s�ficsb�e taa.'i'Fa�,:ntlx w}!t statt dtt trutx ma! <br /> -.- address of the new i.oaa�Serviee�and the address w vrhicb pPpta�rs rhould bc rmde.TLe no4��d will�tzo conwin any otf�er <br /> � ,�a���:, inforn�ation requirod by applicable Ivw. � , <br /> ���'l.�M: 20. H�u�rdous Sa6et�nea�.Bomower slwll not cause or per�ni4 the prrsence. uso. dlsr�al. storage.or releaca uf any <br />'��'��''. `'�'1 'i 5,.;.; Hazardous Substances on or in the P�+operty. Borrower shall tRew�. nar �Ilow anyone el� �.* dn. anything affectioe �.Hc <br />''''�f� �� Propeny that ic in violation of eny Lnvironmental Law.Tla preee�ing two sentences shall not ly to the prcsenoe. u�e, ur <br /> s <br /> ' ;�i;�.., storage on the Pnoperty of srn�ll quantities of Hazarda�s Subcwnoes that ane generally reoogni tu be appropriate w nannal <br /> A. 1ti "r residential uses and to maintenanc�c of the Ptaperty. <br />:�.a"� �.t Borrowrr shall promptly give l.endcr wrinrn notice of any investig�tion,claim,demand.lawsuit or aher action by any <br /> ti � ' govemmental or regulatory agency or Private puty involving�he Property and eny Haaardous Substan�x or Environn�eotal L�w <br /> �' of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notifiod by any governmenta)or regulatory aulhority�¢!ut <br /> -�` '• nny removal ar other rcmedialion of any Hazardaus Subswnce affecting the Propeny is nacessaryr,6cttrower W�11 promptlY ta�t <br /> -'-�_� :``��� all necessery remedial nctians in acuordance with Environmental Law. <br /> ,,;;�. <br />'"�+;; �l•?rii1y As used in this paragrnph 20, "Ha7ardous Sulntances'w+e those subctance.c defined as t�xvc or ha�ardaus substart�es�by <br /> °- °�-T��p?:�. �nvironmentoi and the foiiowing substar�ces: gasoii�, kerosene. other fiammable or•aonir petroieum pnxiucis. ioa�c <br /> • '' ' .p, }F,� x�s�. �ees�icides wid hcrnicides,vnla�fle solvents,materiuls rnntaining osbeetas or fortnaldehyde,and rinlivactivc materials. As uscd in <br /> ;;�:';:'::;. �, ;,^,�^, �; this puragr��h 20. "Environmental" meaos feder�l luws and laws of the jurisdiction where ihe Property i�located t7�at <br /> ;:'�'•'',� '�i��� �rel�te to hea or environmentnl p�t�aKion. <br />.:?�.;�;��� ,-r . - si t�?. NUN-UNthURM COVENANTS.l3nrruwer und Lcnder Funher covenunt and ugree as fallv�w:: <br /> -•���- + "' � ; ,�-��t � 21. Acceleralion;Remedies.[.ender shall give nMlce to Borrower prlor to Acceleradod tollowing Borrower's brrach <br /> }�:.;::rt� r,:7. ":' <br />_- ;•: s��,�M,,��,_, , a�'�ny rnvenant or a�reement In Ihts Secu�ity Inctn�ment (but not prlo� to accelention under p�ragraph l7 ualess <br /> -`� , Applicable law provldes othenvise). The notice shall speclfy: (a1 the default; (b►tde actton required to cure Ihe default; <br /> �; '� .;..� �` (c)a date.not I�s tlum 30 dr�ys�rom the date the notice l�givcn to Borrow•er,by which the default must be curedi and <br /> �_ (d) that failure to cure Ihe defnult on or beiorc Ihe ds�te specliicd in the noNce may rewwla In ucceleration of the sums <br /> �,,,, secured by this Security Inslnement and sale oi'the Property. The nutice shall iurther i�l'onn Borrower of I6e ri�Ybt to <br />��„- ,�;;v ; :;:;,;;.,, ; relnstute aiter ecceleretiun and Ihe�i�ht to bring a courl acUon to ar;sert the non-existence at A defAUlt or nay other <br /> . ••. . , 1�eiense oP Barro�•er to acceleration nnd sale. If Ihe defoult is not cured on or befure the date apeci4(ed in the nottce, <br /> � � � '' ' Q.ender. at Ifs option. ma�• require Immedipte paymrnt in full of all sums secured bc lhig Security Instrument wil6out <br />"''• ' � ��' �� iUrfher demstaad s�od may invoke thc power of cule and any other rrmedies permiqed 6�•����Iicable law.Lender sfwll be <br /> ,� n� ^ <br /> �T. , . •..,. }t;;,;,• entitled tu c+dGzrt a11 expen.s�incurrrcl io pursutn�the remedie�prv+vided in this para�rap�:a.Including,but not limlted <br />.u,,..;,�1_' �':y '��;?�; to,rea�onab�r a�aorneys'feex and c�wl.r•nl'iitle evidence. <br /> 4►`r���'ti�j If Ihe pna•er oP�le ds invoked. Trustce tihell record a no�icr oP default in earh eounty in whlch an3•part of the <br />::;�:;�. . ::_} �i , �,;t�.r <br />- , '+}+� , ''���.;:�.r, 6'ropett��is located ond sliail mail copic.c of such iaiticr In the manner pr�cribed by appliwble law to Borrower and to <br />.�"'`' �� .��.�`'e'�t�it�'���F;r"�l the othcr perwm�prcxcrllxd by s�pplirublc laa.Aftcr��he Umc required by uppliruble law•� Trustce slwll give publk notice <br />.��:�•a., ;,; 1�'�`���x�i�'•�i�-,;��':( oi calc to the nerMm�and in the munncr prawcrltxd by uppllra�lc lax.Trust��e. �sithout demand on Bomower�shall sell <br /> ' ?':� 1 '"•+.��r..;:�.,:,.; <br />"��`"�`� �j ��;, ,• the 1'rnperl} at puBllc uuction tu thc hiRhe+t biddcr at Ihe time and place and under thi lerrn,desisnated in the aotice of <br /> ii.�� ��� '�'���'.-�4":s��y�),%�,:;�;, � <br /> F;,,•, . �,:'�fi� �� �,.�;,;;,�,; sale in one o�•�n��re purcelx and in nny order Truste�drlermin�.Truct�r mo�•pihtpone sule oi'all or�nypa rcel of tMe <br /> r'St'�"' `������� ��•����5• Property 1►�� public nnnnuncement at the time und pince i�P am• pre�iousl� �che<lu0ed s��c. l.ender or its deslRnee mAy <br /> y •"I•`'�'',"���1;�`4�'�j�'`,';�. parchose the Properly ut uny sulr. <br /> : �Ij y ���;�, }y�;' �,.,�r; <br /> � ! f(¢ :7: <br />. • . r7 t.�i 1'�5+�'�'�'S <br /> :,, ',4?����7. 9:!'.� �� <br /> }'•; <br /> {� j;,.. , �:��kE'i:.:�' <br /> .�i .`���.'.i,' �t��'i�}I' � . <br /> ,.•`. �r.S:4.i`�:� 'i�,��:i11 Fam 302� 0/�0 <br /> •j,c,t;�.'� ��,� .. Vpe 6 0l 8 <br /> li. � ..;"s•.1 ' <br /> ":� i�ifk;(� � - <br /> ' � 't <br /> , � :�' �� ,,���t� <br /> ,,, .�: E �^�� � <br /> #,� ,:•,y:� l�,��. .• _ <br /> �yf'.ft`�''• ��'`•it''�� .,.- ° --- - <br /> . � j � .. . �r,w{!'.yq.Y�.r,.�+.+��rx•R.�:ir.-..,��:(z}f.itAi.�'�:.:,:."'K:'6:tU'•.t�A- .,�Wt1SiiQi'���'3i,r�Tjtfit� .r'^ec "' —, <br /> � ; �� `� y• sf l •� .� ) �'.� 9' ', - --- . <br /> �i � . 1' � ��•;I1� �����;•���li� 1�.;��axs������.'r�f- .r�F.qe'qW'r-if�-rar +�'..x14��,I�: <br /> ,�.-�. <br /> , , . : �• <br /> „ � � <br /> • .� . .hS. .. -� <br /> . , ,�i'- . '� � ' �L -�t � ���-� � .r,j.+ - G+.i.��- �1 '`...r.`F. -� . <br /> � <br /> �� � . . ' r' t � . .. � _ q��.r� _ ' <br /> �. ..: _ <br /> . _ ' _i . 1.�. �5 yY�'t �f �Yi;`i`�f'+ __. <br /> _.i� ..__�.'____'_ " ' _ ' ' -_ � <br /> _',� �`;:"' __. ""'. . ... . . , . 1'• .1 ' _ . . }� +-"���n':. <br /> � 1 <br /> . � - - . - � . „ , <br /> � � , <br /> t� . .. . . . .. . <br /> . ' � , -. ." � .•. � <br /> ; . } ' _. . . 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