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, � •. ;tT• . ., . ._".°'q!.'.iw�''•'.'_'r",^�!_ . �. ..t . .. . .�•..<k .. '',1qrrly...�.� <br /> - !' . � - ' . . . - . • , .I l� . •. . ���,��� ,Y .. ,T— .1L <br /> ��� . <br /> . , '��QR�H il�1�0�IIOM Of�d'd'�i�Q�1Y��►.�#11�.��Mid <br /> • �YM�IM1N Q� � Il.�ft OT�10 pl�lfY. Au 1'�Opp/fM� Md � fhil) �1/D �M OOIOkd � �1,AOqM�► <br /> I�y�t�oat./►ll bt ti�e 8oro�aia�,k tetemed b fa tWr Seauiry ta�moat�e6e'Prapnrqy.` <br /> �iRi[�OWBR t7DV&i�d1M1�IiMt Bona�w�at i�IaM+hdlr Ml�ed d dN eM�e lieneby dntvaya!sad bw tbe�y6t 10�nt�►d <br /> ::I �Y�p �Y aad t1uA tbe Pnopeny i�unaiapabc+�ei.a�cep�tor mc�a,a�ie�oaid. Bw�o+rqr�r���pd 1rW <br /> de�eM��lly tbe titM/a tde ptape�ty�in�t dl d�srf dearda.w�c�o�'�ot teoord. . , <br /> 7NIS S6ClIWTY IN57RUMHNT oam!►iaa unifa�m oova�nq for a�wio+r�l uie aod ponwd[ona oova�M�wM�IiarWd <br /> f . vo.a�tlo�bylue�tlao w oonadaua�warana�e�ies►imaun�e�c�v�aia��e�i noPenb►. � - -- <br /> UNIPORM OOVENAN'i'S.Ban�nwcr�nd I.aider aovemat ad�pee a�toiW�v�: , <br /> _ , - .�- -• �.n�i�.aM.t�ct� ,�a �e�e.� �r�a�+i..�s cw�e.. eo�,n�i �r r4► «�o a�e�e <br /> pdnd�l at'�qd iaton�t on tho ddM evidaioed by We Na1a�nd any prop�yaaeat iad I�te dar�dua unda the Note. � <br /> 2.F��dr tor Tass w�d i�oe.SubJax w applic�bb I�w or w a wrltum w�ivcr by La�da�.Bonr�wer dW!p�y o0 <br /> Le�k+r al the d�y monthly p�ymaMs aro duo uader�bo IVote�wnil tha Note i�pidd in fuU.a cum('PuM�')for. (�)Y�Y� <br /> �ud�+naup which m�y ap�uin priority over thi�Sepuiry I�auument+�+�Ikn an the P�operiy:N)Yauly IaroehoW p�ymaih <br /> ur jrnund roMa on the Nroperry.if ony;(c1 YeuiY h�s.��d or propa�ty i�ucuranoe pn:mivau�:(d)YaulY Qood iawranoe p�mitua�. <br /> if my:(e)yarfy monga�o i�urmoe prcmiunw.if aay:and(fl any sunw p�yabte by Hormwer to a000rdanoa wild <br /> tha provbiau of p�r��ph 8,io Iku of the p,ymem of morig�ge inwranoo�.71�we itemc are a[kd"F.unuw Itam." <br /> Iraider m� ary dmc, a,llect ad hoW Funds in an oa�ouru not to e�tooed t6e muio�am amou�rt a k�nder for+�faderally <br /> rdMe�d mortg�e loan awy roqulre fa�Bo�xorra'a�scrow�000u�undcr tlie fedaal Ral Fsta�to Sademau Pmoedun:a Aa of <br /> ' 197i ao�meoded fiom dioe w time. i2 U.S.C.Saction 2601 ei se�.("RSSPA'1.w�lecs�nother!Aw th�t applia w�tc Fundc <br /> iett a le�e�r�a�our�t.U w. Isw�det tim�y. �It anY Woe. collect ard hold Funds iu an�uaouot not w excoe�l tNo lace�amount. <br /> _ _.LL..-�_ I.ender aary e�timate the�naunt o[Fmds due aa We b�tnis of currait d�q�od tr�roaraibre estim�e:of cspeadkura of iware <br /> Fsqow itdnui or od�et�vlsc in�uoo�danoe w'lth applkz�ble law. <br /> The Fuodc shall 6e held ln�n iastitutian wM�se deposits are inw�ed by a fednal agency. insdumcatality. or eatity , <br /> (includiag I.a�der.if l,ender i:such an institution)or in any Foderal Home[.oAn flank. Ixndet s6a11 apply�he Bunic w pay ihc <br /> Fscmw kems. [rnxkr may rwt chuge Bomower Pac laul4dlag and applyin�tF�e Fwids.anawlly an�lyzir+g�t►e eterow s0000nt.or <br /> v�erifyin,e the Escrow Items. unlexs I.eader pays$accc,w er imerest on the Funds amd�pplicable law patrdu���,csrder w malce such <br /> a cb�rge.Hoaever.Lender nuy roqui�Bc►rnaw�t tm��ay a one-dme ch�uge for an independant neal�tate wu rq�ort3ng setvla . <br /> _ used by Lender in connection wNh �his loan. yuolesss applicabk law provjdes otherwise.:'Gsw�,,�s An ag�enr.nt is made or <br /> applic�ble Iqw roqui►e�intemt co be paid. Lender,Shall not be requirod to pa►y Borrowcr pny interrst or earni�gs on Ibe FwKls. . <br /> Borrower aM Lender:nay agnx in wtiling.hawever.that intercst slwll be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Bomower. � � <br /> without charge. an annual wca►unting of the�ua�ds, showfng craditc�nd debits ta the Funds and the purpose for which each , �� <br /> debit w tbe Fu�wag made.The Funds ue(e�e�lge�as additional socu�ity for alY r�ms setuv�d by thie Savdty Inurumaq. ;.•�; •, <br /> ---.• If the �utds held 6y I.ender exceed the u�c►un�.9 permitted to be held by applitA6le law.�nder stwll a000unt to Botrnwapr� . . <br /> - --- for the extcas Funds 1n acootdance wilh a�oe rrquicements of applicable law. [f the a�noqa�t of��se�Funds held by I,eaider a¢�N � ' <br /> -�..�� time is not sufficient to psyr the Esca�w Items w3�n Qe�e:,l.ender may so notify�araawcr!n a�aa0ing.and.M such case Borrower _. <br /> �-.�::;:==',� shall pay to Lender the aanount necessa�y to muke aa�p:t�e deficiency. Borrowe�r s�ail.m�lte'up Ihe deficie�r�c;�, 3a no awrc tt�n . <br /> �`'��� twdve monthlY paYmenas.ut'lende�'s sale discredr�r�. <br /> �.� Upon p�yn�ent in faDl af all Yum� s��ured by th�s Security Instrument, Lender shall p��mplly retbnd to Borrower any <br /> _�� Funds held by I.ender.4f,uauier puugraph 21, l.znder shall ucquire or sell the Property,l.ender.prior co the acquisition or sale <br /> - af�he Property,shell apptw am► Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquiaition or sale as a credit aguin�t the suma securad by <br /> thii Security Instrument. <br />-""'��'� 3.Applicallon ot Pl�yments.Unless applicable Iaw provides�therwlse,dl payments received by Lender under paragrapha <br /> -�,_;s�� I and 2 shaGl be applied: firs�,to any prepayment chorges due under the Note: second, to amounts payable under paragnlph 2; <br /> .___ � thiid, to iac�u�T�due;fuurth,ro principal due;nnd last,to uny late charges dua under the Note. <br />—�_,;.� � • 4.CQaarges; Liens. Born►wer shall pay ull taxes. assessments.charges, fines and impositions aurfbutable to the Prr►perty <br /> wrifch may atwin priority over this Security Instrum�.nt,and leuschold paymeaQ�or ground rents, if ang. Eta�r�awer shall pay <br />-_�t�-°"�'° , 1f�ese obNg�tions in�he munner provided in purngrrph.,or if not paid in that n�aa+ncr.Borrower shafl pa►amc:a�on time directly <br />:.`=,:.'. ;' � to �he perscvn owed payment. Borrowet shall promptly furnish to Lender ull rx►tices oi umcwnts[�u be paid under this paragraph. <br />_ "�:�,� If Bt�nower makex Ihese paymcnts dive��elg.&xrower shall prompdy furnish to 1..ender recei�pi�c�•idencing the payments. <br />_ � ry�.',r-''4 � -� <br /> „ Borrower shall prompdy dixhurge any lien which hu�priuriq•over this Security Imtrument anless eormwer:(u)Agrees in <br /> ,-�.+�•a`z".; wriling to the payment uf!he obligation u�ured by the lien in a manner ucceptat�lc tn L.ender;Ib)contes�s in gond fuith the Ifen - <br /> :�_::�r���,•� <br />-:D�i.,tt.' by,ur defends ugain�t enfnrmment of�hc lien in, legal prur��criings which @m tP�c Lw�ndcr's opinion nperate to prevent the , <br /> -,�::?e�"-'•'.' enforcement af thc lien;or Irl yccures fmm the haldrr of Ihe lien un ngrecment +;�ti,foc�ory to l.cnder suhu�dina�ing�he liea to <br /> �� this Secureay Instrument. It'Lender Jetermine.that uny part ol'Ihe 3°ropeny is+ubject to u Ih�which may uttain priori�n, ���er <br />���� this Securia� lnstrunxnl, lxrnler ma) givc Borrowcr a n�nice i�ler7iC;:fing Ihc li.:n. &rrroµrr shall ralitily�he licn or wke or�or - <br />_��:''-- — �ore vf Ihe actions set forth ubove within 10 ds�y+��(tl�givinR ut ra»kr. <br />.2����,.J��,� � �aose a�ao - <br /> '� i.� <br /> .a�'!�`!•,�����I�� NN 2 a s <br /> '>1 <br /> �,����t. � <br /> ^`. 'I{.t�;• <br /> + ':� � .... 1..Wi' '� .1.: . . �F-�'z� ..�.-r-Z.-L.'(F. �T�^,�'}�➢11]l►7 � inC}a. <br /> } A. 3- �' ' . ' ' . � l� 1 .1y "`i J•.. . �,����+ri .4�Y\ l . <br /> -� �,,} j �..•�� _ .� T- � �r1.� !'4PJ �` ,�{i��.r�i ' ,��.�' t.��)t;;•r• . .1� <br /> �n �?-i:JCC: _ - - - � • - c' �I'".'``�. . . _ .,: ..i::• ..� .�.-�-��s ' ��'��-.LM?is� ��i � � �.�tr`,:�;�� ,.3.�=- <br /> - _��ttaac_... 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