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_'. � ��A..» _- .. .. . �_ u�.r�r� _�' c...... ._•-- —_ <br /> -__.. •:ij - . . . . ,. ,A{�t• �.Ur•� . � .. . .. ,. , tiw . - -� . '° _ <br /> ' �,. ' . � � l. (.I.j: t <br /> /� �,.�������y �`,� <br /> ..__ .. �r—_ -' � ������.i�� Ri�Yw�����i'� � ��1 . l <br /> . �.�`�w�u���o.�"a� ���ar�d.asa..o��y <br /> lo�.�id�n.pinclpd md�ae�t«.,N tonli i�r rto�s�.� Iw aw�.,�n i�p�IMie�t d adr �{�M�w� <br /> (��p o a�s�fo���a a o e«� ���.tb) M P����ieia�a ani� .Md <br /> _ ��aaMdiy MM�ibaeat tar ileaa(��lb)�od(eD�fl aqwi aa-iwi��J i��1�.�r�y <br /> by Laida. w �a aatoaat wMident 1� m�nufa �additioMl b�MNOe d�ot�ae 1dM a�rsi�uM d tbe <br /> _�--.��- `_-" -., a�tin�Med�nouna. �IW!aa�wwl�o�at far e�ch iiem stup be ao�uwl�f by l.eader wJthlp s peria0 aao <br /> 1�0�1 bef'o1a�1�I0111 wiONW beC01110 d01�11q11eIM. l�lrMlOr�fll iqid d10 MlOwlt OO�OOIId ill pf W b p�►�Op�(��AO <br /> _ (C��Q�E�6000w1E�QYEIp. q►j�b fb0�0 Iq01M�► <br /> u�t.�y ame u�e�atd d uie 6ela by I.a�dQ ra noan(.)�ro).aa ccl, <br /> p�yiaaat�for wde bann pay�bie to�s p�iar to t6o due dqes d�ucb item�, by mom d�an ana-�itab d�e <br /> mtiaWad amwk d top� arc4 i�ano wl�ea due.aad ifpry a dre Nae ue wnau.d�ea Lada� <br /> �1u11 d�l�iefiNd die��onasi�qh of tbe�ed p�ymeat�ar aetli�t�e�over aae-siatb d dao�bd <br /> paymmts�o�b�queat WYa�ti b!►8arro+� drc aptim d M�Mrnr. df AHee�op�!d dre p�ya�aita a�do by 8o�awa� <br /> _ _ � ---��-�_� iw�i�e�(a�(b�ar(c)is��cuff cioat a pty tha item wl�ea dr�,tlw Ba�o+r�er tlia�M p�r�o L.eder�ay anwuat aeoaary to <br /> o�e ap d�o ' w or bd'ae�Le dNe d�e iMam 6e�aors dre. <br /> - As n�ed i�mis I�onum�.':seae,t�y'�eao�IMe Secae�r nt ilo�i��d 41'�p�p�t cr�ic ar Mer <br /> v In aap yeu in the Lender mu�tp�r a eo�,�e i�au�ace prem�w i�Sa'�Y•�i�d Prl�� <br /> - ' �ioeMbe eilbe�: (i)�w�oa�t�lmmt d�he �oo�W mo�t�pe ias�ra�oie pesiirro b be pid b�► La�der q 1Me <br /> -.` Soc�t+�y.a l�)R maatWy abra�pe iwoead of a o�o�e iowra�oe pe�iroi ii tlis Securiq Imti�mert u idld Ibp die <br /> Seaer�r�►. �ad�sa�ly installaaat af tYe moAeape iw�a�ce pemi�daY be i�w�no�ral adticieaA 1a�o�awlMe�6e <br /> , __ _ __ fWl�n:mE iacta�noe pt+daium writ6 Leader oae a�an�6p n'or�o�he d�e �e fWl am+Wn�o�o irw� . <br /> p�anitan is�Sec� ii thi�Security Inunumait u beld by die See�eaay,ar6 maatl�ly d�r�e�p be i�aa <br /> aaaouat eqwl a ooa•cw�lfl6 of oae-iutf pen�eat of�he oaaaading principal bd�ooe due ao t6e Note. <br /> U A�rrnwer�ende.ra to t.a�der the fidl pa�ymq�t of aU wms�c�aed by this Saa�rty I�wna�.Bono�a�►a000unt <br /> •� ab�Jl be cteditad whh the L+�lanc+e t�anaini�for alt i�tal4riaus for items(�).(b)aod(c)and an�r mo�tg�ge iaw�aa�oe <br /> w <br /> � -- -��� p�+emiura iacWlmart that Lender I�s oot booanK obligued w paiy to d�e Sac�y.and irender�WI p�o�ryrly�fi+sdary <br />�-� �� ���''x exoes,c fiu�ds w Bortowa. Im�dit,�eely piar to�faecbwre s�le of tha Phupaty or itsaoqutsidoo by I.rnda.Bamo�rrl� <br /> �ocaunt sh�ll be crodiud with�y balope�anainb�g fa all�Stalla�ents fat items(a).(b)and(c). <br />��� 3. of Pa��esb. All paymenta w�der�t wd 2 s1�U be appliod by I.aKk�,�fdbwwn: <br /> . �:};: w��gage jnwranoe pmi�um w be p�id by L.a►der to die Ser•�net�ry or to the mo�tWY��ie bY� <br /> ` :j�: �a of the moianly nwngage�asurance premjwn: <br /> prem <br /> r L' r ,.�: t�" �D Wy[YIIlS•��i�i4i�IDd1Ql•�Q��a��r N����OOd��� <br /> insuua�ce praniums.asrcq uircd; <br /> � 'Yi�.w intetest duc uuder ttrc Note• <br /> - � �g�,w aa�atd�tion of t�e principal of tht Note; <br /> �';�� .��'•;.'•�.ti �,w latc chariges duc under the Nwe. <br /> �����k1� �r��;s> '. � 1. Pi�Flood aa�Otl�H��rd lo�nraace. BoTrower shull insum afl ir.�provema�ts an�he Property,wbe�her aaw <br />' +— a ��.�-�,:+�;r�;.• in extstcMCe a seb�c�nenlly ercct�7.a�Ainet any Iw�ard4.caswUies.ind contingencles.including firc.far which L+ender _ <br /> 'e�r:a�:. roq�s insmatrx. Tfiis insuranee s�all be maintaine�in the aa�eaunts and for the periods tt�aa 1.ender�equires. Hanower <br /> �' 4F .,':�,'e~�,��'�j ,w shall alw insure all improvements o�a the Property.whether now aa existence or subsequemOg��vected.against loss by flaads <br /> , :- �',� t o t h e e x t e n t ro q u i r o d b y I b e S c x re t a ry. A l l i n s u r a n c e s h n l l b e e w ri e d w i t h c a m p a n i e sappro v o d b y I.e n d e r. '1 1 rc i�s u r a n o t <br /> ;�i,?�' policies and any Rnew�ls slwll be held by l.cnder and s6W1 include loss payable c lauses in favor of, atrl in a form <br />`'�, �?`f� `- -:`. .��w' aoaptable to.Lender. <br /> �_:; In the event of loss,Bamower�hall give l.ender immodiate notice by mail. Len�fer may make proof of loss if not <br /> � me•!r�•rn►nMly hy R�m►wrr. F.ach in�urance c�wripanv cancerned is hercbv authorized w�d ditocted to tnake payment for <br /> -.. .�+„� ye.;�:, •;�:. • such loss di�ectly to l.ender.instead of to Borrower on�to Len►h�r jninUy. All or any part of Uie insurance pmcads may 6re <br /> '' ` '�`:�:vr r app lied by its option,either Ia1 to the reduction of the m�btedne�s under the Note and this Securiry Instnunenw <br /> �d•-r ':f�.., ,- • — <br /> '' '„ . °�•.� first w any delinquent amounts epplied in the order in Paragrnph $, a�ad ehen to pr+e4ayment oY principat.or(b) to the = <br /> a <br /> •. :+;{������ Y � ; rcstoration or repau oE thc damaged property. Ang�APPlicution al the pra�eds t:the pnncipal shall not ext::n�ot postpone - <br /> 'f, 4,;.�c�<,,'';;;;';.. • w! t1�e due date of the monthly paymen�s which are referred to in Pamgvuph..,nr change the amount of such payments. My = <br />- •• ;�?•';;•• '�: , _ excess insurance proceeds over nn amount reyuired to pay oll na�xtanding inde6tedness under the Note and this Securitv _ <br /> • . ;. "`��<:,, Instaament shall be paid to the eatity i��ally entitled thereto. = <br /> • •6�:� Iro the event of foreclosurr at'eh�s Securiry Instmment or o�her transfer of�iUe to the Propeny�hat eatinguisfce�s the . - <br /> „ �:�.°� ,. ' indebtedness,all r6�ht,title wM interec�of Borrower in unJ to insursu�cc policiet in force shull ps�ss to the purclwser. <br /> " -` ' '"';;,'- � S. Occupancy. PreservAdon. Maintenance and Protection of the Property: Borrower's Loan AppUratian: ' <br /> ��� �.� ,' i, ;; -� I,es�eholds. Borrower shall accupy,e,wblish,und use the F'roperty as Bortower:pnncipal residence within sixty days ;,. <br /> � � �' . ,� • uf¢er�i�e eaecution of this Security Inswment and�h�ll con�inue ta�xcupy the P�vpehy u..Borrower+principal residence <br /> � �:Y- , for at l�agt one year ufter�he dnte of accupancy,unleas the Secretary determi�es�his requirement will cnuse undue h:u�dshi� - <br /> - � �.�,. , for Bomower,or unless extenuuting circurristunces exist whirh ure beyond Borcowerc control. Borrower shull naify , - <br /> -�i,. : ` • . "''.�r;_� Leralers oi any extenuating circumstnnces. Borruwer shull nrn commit was�e or de+m►y,dumuge or substantially change <br />-;�. { ",��%�'''•� the 3'ropeny or allow the Property to deteriorutr,rca�onable weur and tcar cxeept��d. LenJer may inspect�he Property if the <br /> - � �;:• Prnperty is vacent or abundoned or�he lonn is in default. Lender may t:�t.�r�:iyunable uction to protect and preserve such - <br /> �•�.::.:.i��r: vqrant�r abandoned Pmpehy. Bc�rtower sholl ulu� be in default if g�rrower, during thr lu:�n uppliration prnress,gave - <br />- - ' ' �y�. material0� false or inaccurate inf���ation or stutementti �o Lender ��r failed �o provide Lendcr with any material <br /> , ;' , infortnat�on) in conneetion wi��C the ioan evidenced hy�he Nutr,inrludin�,but nal limited a►,rcpresentations conecming <br /> .,. �.� � �••� '�' , Bomower�s occupancy of the Rnpen;�ati u principal re�idence. If thi�Seeuri��lnswmem is on�leu.tiehold.Bornower shull -= <br /> . � t�,si�'�• ' comply with �he pmvisdons of tUe lense. If Bo�ower aryuires fce title t•o Ihe�r�xrty.�hc leatiehold und fer�itle xhall not <br /> r,,n;., � be merged unless Lendet ugrees to the mcrger ir,N•minE. <br /> •�, • . 6. Charges to�►rrower and Protectlmn o�Pl.ender's RiRhts in the i'raperty. Bormwer shall pa�;�t,e govemmental _ <br /> ' : . or municipal charges,fines and impositians that ure not incluel�d in PurugrAph 2. Borrower xhall p•ry�he�e o�lig�►tion.a,et = <br />"" � � time c�ireclly to the entity which is owed thr paymeut. If tau]eve to pay would advenely affert Lender's interes� in�9�e - <br /> ":��� ' � � 1'rcipeny,upon Lender's reyuest Bonower shu0➢ptom;pely 6wer�i��to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. = <br /> e <br />_�';;�A' ,. _ °��.�'�,, p If Borrower 6adBs to make Iheae paym�:�as�or the rgymrm�requir�d by f'arogroph 2,or fails to perform;uiy olh�er _ <br /> ;:.� „��� ,�-i�i,e���.�.k� • oovenun�s a�d a�r�coaaer�ts conta»d in thix Secur�t}•lnstrument,nr there i�a Icgul prorecding that muy significa��Uy affec� - <br /> __--.,.'t - • IIxxrxler's tiAhts m the Prove�y f:+urh as o proceedin�in bankrupicy,for condemnutinn or to enforce luwti or rcRUlatinns>, <br /> _;,:'?1� „ . 1 then o.emkr mey da and pay wiha:ever is necessury to protect the vulue of the Property und LenJer's the Propeny, _ <br /> { .':. �..,�..:;..�. <br /> including pnymeru¢of taxes,huzar�D insurnncc und other items trtemioncd in Purugra�h 2 <br />_ , �] ,' '' '-_`����-�°-'� � Any�tnounss d'asbursed by Lender under�his Ifiragruph�hall t+ecome an�dditional debt of Borrower and be secucecd <br />°_��t "�'�'�� �' by this 5ecurily Instnament. These nmounts shull beur intercst from the dare af disburscment,u�thc Nwe rate.�nd ar the <br /> =�. •;�:"o , ; option of l.ender,sha�i be immediately due and payable. = <br /> — • ��•� �'• 7. Coademnation. 7'he proeeeds of any awara!or cluim tor damages,direct or conseyuemiul,in connection wi�:un� ` <br /> —__ •qa�'"„"� '' ' condemnation or other taking of any part of�he P'toperiy.or for conveyunce in place of condemnulion.+ue hereby assigneit <br /> ,�.N�'!' �� 8�w and shall be paid to Lender to the ezknt of�he full amoune mf¢0►e indebtedners that remnins unpaid under�he Nrne wHl��hi+ - <br /> �j • Security Inswment. Lender sh�ll app�y such proceeds to tht reduc�ion of the indcbtedness unJer�he Note;md this Seruriry <br />.;;��' � � �' InstrumeM. fust to any delinquent am�unt�. applied in the order provided in Purngrrph 3, und �hen to prepayment of <br /> ' , .,":, '�t�a principai. My appEicetion uf the proceed4 co tf►e �xincipal shall nat exiend or postpone �he due date uf the mumhly <br /> .,�� A� . <br /> ,' �' r ` � _'t-y (p�Rt 2 of4 pagta) <br /> -,r:. , .� <br /> � <br />