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� . <br /> - _�� ,. '�^_ .� I• . :.r.... . . . . ' ._ •s . .. . ._. _. � - —---- iii. . -�s._. <br /> '. ;..._..�.... -,Y�� � . ,ir y„,n�.4� <br /> �� • . <br /> _ '� . <br /> _... ..._ �� <br /> ����� <br /> . oMa a 1�twt�p� ��a�+��iu,o aiMOr��n�inw a t�sorra�w��op�nu b��,��n�►�,N�i�N�ibl��l <br /> af�qrlpNW io�w�uid 8onowK'�woo�orr In IrM�r�t L�nd�r�hill nol W nqutn�d b oort�n�prooMdlnp��O�My1 <br />_ __ __ --- .uan�►�•r�suw io.�ana am.ror 1 or os�a+�lSe modNy anoMsaMon atlh..unh..ouna by�h1.w.ea TruM <br /> b�r na�on a wy dMn�nd.m�d�b1►tM n�l8orrow�r.nd eorrow�r'•.uao�on�n tnMn�t. _ <br /> :T - --- n (b)LM�dw'�1'ow�rs.Withaut dfecUnp the IlabHtly of eny ofhor person Ilabte Mr ths p�rymsntro�e�y obtlq�tlon henln <br /> mm�on�d,and wlfbout�fhoifnp Ih�INn or oh�rp�of fhb OMd W Tnat u�wn my patton ol th�P na th�n a qunwfor� � <br /> �..�.d a..oun�ria►n.iu�i.moumor•u un�d oab.aon.,�.nd.r nu� wiawu��oawlN n�.�► <br />- -- p�tson�o R�bl�.(lq�cbnd th�nuiWrily or�Iqr any ol tl�t�rm�of�ny�uoU obllp�tloni,nlq araot othe IndulpmoN.(Ml�NMN <br /> -_- or aoonv�y.a cauN to b�r�tMNd a aaonvey�d�t�ny am�at I.�r�opeon any paroN,porlion or W ol tll�Prop�rty. <br /> (�Wa or r�w�ny oth�r or additlonal wawity lor�ny ob11p�NNOn h�ain m�nuon�d�or(vy m�k�aompo�Wons a otiN► <br /> — uranp�mmb with d�bton in rN�don thsnto. <br /> _ (c) Rabw►ana�bp�Md�r No!a Waiwr.My torbs�r�nce by I.�nd�r In�x�rcbinp�ny�IpAt or nm�dy Mnw�,or <br /> WI�r�dlord�d b�p�ppYc�M�ll not b��w�lwr ot or proolud�th��x�ncw w�u+�r�uch rqM or n�r»e�t•TI� <br /> wxw.m�a a��swAnc.«a�.�.r�naa�x.s«oaN.�.o�u�.r���•�+a..�nw�a a..w.w.ra�.�«w.r•rbn�a <br /> iwa�hraf�IM m�lu�i�►W 11M ind�bN��ss�scurrd b�t lhts DMd d iiru�t <br /> (��roower�a�W A��aMd:.IoIM Iw�d M�M 1,A�b�V:C�IM�o�.Th��ownaet��r�d pr«n�nb A�M�con- <br /> �;_�,�". UM�d shdl bWul.aod tlN dphts hBrelNlrJOr 9h�ll ioun0 b.ths�pscliw sucos�so��nd qsiynt M Lerlda and T�Ntor.AN <br /> = COtien�nll a�d opro�nb 41 Truqpr�haN bs JoN1t 11nd sevsrd.Ths captbm and hMdin�d 1h�p�n�p�aplls ol tlNt OY�O Of <br /> 1tuN�lor coihroniaww�oMy a�d�n rwt to bs wed to iMe►prot or deHne the providons 1�� <br /> -_---��-�_,_� (�)Rq11N1�NpYCN,'�l10 p�fdas heroby fOque�t p19t A copy Ot pny a�otice ot deiwlt il�raullda�wnai�copY d Mi�noiic� _ <br /> ��•��.b � �' +,r�?. W qN h«��Wor b�mailed ta eRCh party to 1hh Oeed ot 7ruat at the add�e�s set/oRh ebove In tM mimner pracdb�d b�r <br /> �`A"f:�,' : ,;�,�`�f���'���•"��;�,',,.`,�` �pplic�bl�I�w.Except far any oths►natice�equired under appHcable law ta bs�iven In another manner,any�otico providrd <br /> ���* , .v ��i ;,• ��;� for In this Dsed of Trust�haN be given by malling auch notice by coMiOed mall�ddresaed to the othe�panies,at the addreu wt -- <br /> ,ti,..,.,..,... — <br /> • +, ;..::.;�•• •.,; lorth above.M notice ravided tor in thia Oeed of Truat aha11 be effeotive upon mallln in the manner deal nated he►ein.lf -- <br /> ,.,.��r:> y P 9 9 <br /> -"° �. �`• Tru�tor is more than ons peraoa,notlt�sent to d�e Addreea set lorth above Ihell be notice to all such peroona. = <br />.� �� ��� (ry IeMp�allon.Lender may maks or Cpue9lo b6 made reaeonebla entrlee upon end inspecdooa o1 the Property,provided _ <br /> thet l.�nd�r shell Qive T►u�Wr nodca{xlor to any�uoh Inapecdon specllylnp raawnable cauae therefor retatod to Lend�►'s <br />- Intors�t in fhe Prope►iy. <br /> „ :,`� (p) R�aonv�yanc�.Upon paymenl 01 all sume woured by this Deed ot Trust,La�der shell requeet Trustea to reCOnway the _ <br />- . •,s'3 Properly and shall wrronder thle Oeed of Trust and all notea evldencing Indebledneas aecured by thla Deed ot Truet to T►ustN. _ <br /> ,'' Trustee shell reconvey the P�opetty without wArrAMy and wNhoul�charye to�ths penon or p�nom kpally eMiYed ther�to. <br />-,,__"' 'IFwtqr sMll p�y all aoets of recordedon.lf any. _ <br /> _'.t:� (h) PMSOnpI Pcop�rtyi S�audqt A��wm�nt.Aa eddltionel seourlty to�tho payment o1 the Note,T�ustor he�eby graqb . <br /> _ <br /> . � � ��Y_ I.entler under Ihe NNbra�ka UMbrm c:ommeral�l�:ode e seour�ry mtereet in eil fixwras,equipment ana other peraonai properiy <br /> .. � i used In aonneotlon wlth the reel eetate o�fmprovements loceted thereon,and not othe►wise deolered or deemed lo be e peR of <br /> � ` .,�, ;,,?,.,.F` * Ihe►eN eilate seaured he►eby.Thlo In�ument�hall be construed ae a 3ecudty dpreement under aeid Code,and lhe Lendsr — <br /> •"" ' �hall have all the►Iphts end remedle�of e secured perty under aeid Code In addillon to the riphts and remedies oreated under <br /> :"�'� �,�'° � � . -- nnd accorded the Lender pursuent to thls Deed ol Truet;provlded thet Lender'�riphte end remedles under thb perapraph ehall ` <br /> ._,:* ,�,,.�.;�,--- <br /> '�,� vfkG?��i f'��;��:: be cumul�llve wlth,and in no wa a Iimiletlon on,Lender'a ri hb and romadl�under on other oacud a nem�nt s n�d by <br /> ��.,�,,.�. Y,,..,� Y 0 Y N Q b — <br /> Bonower or Trustor. <br /> �• ; . •��}� (i)L.Mns�nd Lnewnbr�neN.Truslo►hereby werranta and repretenb thet there le no delaull under the p►ovl�lom of any <br />- matppe,d«d of bust,���e or purchase contraat desoribinp all or any paA oi the Property,or otBer contr�ct,in�t�wnent or <br /> apre�ment con�dtudnp e Ilen or encumbrancs ap�in�t all or any p�A of th�Propoty(aollectivoly."Uens"►,�xhGnp n of ths __ <br /> - d�M ot thl�OMd of Trosf.�nd that any�nd�II�xiedno Liens rtmdn unmodUi�d sxc�pt�t dl�cloMd to(.N�dK In Trustor's <br />"��� � �, ;,„ writbn dl�elwun of Il�ns md sncumbrance�p►ovided lOr hereln.Trwtor�hall tlmely poNOrm all ol Troetor'�obllp�Uons, <br />��;� �.�s��'n.,a Y;;, °' •-° cOVe��nq,r�pntentetlons�nd werranues under ehy and all exiupnp�nd luture Li�ns,�hall p►omptly lorward to Under cOpla = <br />.!i ';'•,.v,�:;+��;;•.,;,;�•:• � Y ol all nodc�s of defeult�ent In conneodon wUh any and ell exlotinp or lutwe U��s,and ahall not withoW Lender'�prJa wr8tan <br /> ���` �:�rptatl.�:�14�=%'y�ti.y,' content In sny menner modly the provislone ol or elbw eny tuture odwnce�under any eKisdnp or luture Uen�. - <br />:=-�f:� '� t ��t;;;',��,�' '' ''""� '� U)Appllaitlon of Pqmmb.Unleee otherwlse requlred by law,aume pefd to Lender hereunder.lncludinp wlthout Ilmitedon �, <br /> q ,` �� `�� � paymenb of prinalpel end Inte�eat,Ineurence proceeds,condem�etlon proceade end rente and p►oflts, ehell be epplled by <br /> ���``���' � �''L�� Lender to tha emounts due and owin Irom Trueto►and Borrower In suah ader as Lender In Its aole dlecredon deem�deafrabls. — <br /> _ .;;.,.�..YN:•�,ac;.�."�. .;; 9 — <br />- �;.;��'� ��'�•%t ,';� (k)8wonbillt�r.If eny p►ovlslon ol thls Deed of Trust con0icta with aqplicable lew or 14 declered invalld or othe►wl�e <br /> �``�^•`'°�'�'����'� '� �: unenlorceeble,such coniflat or invalidty shell not aflecf the other provleona of Ihis Deed of Trust or the Nofe which can be — <br /> � �n ` :,�'; ?,�� given eHect without the conlllctinp provlsion,and to thla end the provfelona of Mis Deed ot Trust and the Note ere dealared to be �. <br /> , '�" .`;"}'.� severable. <br /> ���'�• ��..,,y � ' <br /> �-�,';;, ��,��r �.,' (1►T�n n�.T h e t e r m a"T r u s t o r"a n d"B o r r o w e r"a h a l l I n c l u d e b o t h a l n p u l a r a n d p l u r a l,a n d w h e n t h o 7 r u q o r w i d 8 o r►o w Q► -- <br /> '� ' • {,�'��.�.-.. oro 1he seme person(e),thoae terme ai uaed In thle Deed ol Truet ahell be interchenpeabte. <br /> r,,,, • -:�;�_,_ (m) Qov�minp L�w.This Deed of Truat ahall be qoverned by the lawo of the Stete of Nebraska, <br /> - ' � ';�ti ,,,.,•:,. TruitOr hfl�exaouted tMs Da�d of Truat ai oi the date wrltWn ebove, , <br /> 4;.. . � ,,.t.;�.�!hi�.`;•''•. r� ,/ ` �. <br /> �i;, i�}�.:t� ,;K..• � 't�... .� <br />�,. . .``rl��••r,:i��;\i:"`'�',�'i� `—Ch , p� . ` Tru tor � — <br /> �.,ti:�`�`�.���� ��i ��' n Muob�nd � <br /> _ - � r��:�'S r�,�li',�dfl.,f�'s;',',� ,�r..' � '. ti,�t�. �. c�. ��'` d-� <br /> ;tir.•:�;� J ..);��:;, ..4 �. <br /> ' ;;,,•��,,Gq'r+' �i , Truetor _ <br />�� , •,,y'i:t..,,���. Jody L orA�rdt Miia _ <br /> a. _ <br /> .`,;`i: <br /> ..�� ��;,. _.. -• <br /> •..,�,, ,: <br />�°. . ��,5l�JG.,�.5; �. . � , ��+ri'`�' v .. , . . <br /> _ . .•;v:.'�° ' � �' ���•K ��' .. �' . <br /> - ..�„' . `•�.. ..�„ .'i: .,i a' 1._ <br /> .+N ��;�,�<i:. . _ �n,�,�.,�,.-.,�,�. "' ... a - L <br /> •,},'. '.t'{•�:.',� �� _ <br /> ��.' , �i :i";�I� - �° <br /> ._.•� ,.�:, ��_, _ <br /> �_ �e,�='�" _ <br /> ...'—��_ 9 .-m'-4;?�_.;�-_ _ <br /> `o� N,�; a•'�1'�'�t�R - <br /> - :i,� -'�,,�f '•. <br /> —,',t:� ;�:• ���,:i''�-`�i. a, <br /> ��� • . j •�: <br /> i•1,Y. • .' ' • �„�d� ,,. <br /> �,•'.+:.c �.�. �l�� �:� <br /> -- � °�'3'�� � ` � <br /> .tit:a� + .�!.' -+ <br /> . .,�;`�1�,. � <br /> t:. :' ��• � f <br />.. , ! ,u.':...�'i1�.5��,+`�f <br /> � fn.n. <br /> - ,,.. <br /> :�� .. . . <br /> � . . • '., <br /> , . <br /> , <br /> - � : ... ...-.- r. . .. .. . _- -- - -- _. . c•.. <br />