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. .IM.�� � - . . <br /> . . � � , 99- iO4Q44 <br /> �NVIRONMENTAL R1DCR <br /> � THIS CNVIRONMGNTA[, R1DCR is made this 14th day of <br /> _ Apri1, 1999 _ ���� �s inc�rporatecl iiit� ancl sliail Ue deemed to amend and <br /> suppletnent Ihe Morlgage, Deed of "I'rust or Security Deeci ( the "Securily l�istrument") a( <br /> Il�e same date given by liie undersigned (liie "Qorrower") la secure parrower's note <br /> �Q Pinnacle Bank, Palmer, NE <br /> of the same date and covering Ihe pro��erly ciescribed in the Security Instnimen�he "L.ender") <br /> , , <br /> ADUITIONAI. REI'RGS�NTATIONS ANI� IVARItANTiIiS, li� addilion lo lhe re��re- <br /> seitlalions �nd warraiilies macle in lhe Securily lnstrumeiit, lic�rro�ver (urlher cerlifies Iliat il <br /> li�s exercised clue dili�;ence t�� ascertai�� �vh�tl�er the ��remises �r any site within lhe vicii�ity <br /> ��f the ���emises is or has been af[eclecl hy Il�e ��resence of asbeslos, radon, 1ead, hazardous or <br /> nuclear waste, loxic subslances, or oll�er j�ollutants or hazarcluus �v�stes or m��lerials lhal <br /> c�uld be a detrimenl t� Ihe ��remises or i1s ��alue. Iliirmwer (urther certifies Ilial it has <br /> exerciseci due diligence to ascertain whether lhe premises or ai�y �peratlon thereon violales <br /> any local, sl�te or federal laws, regulalions or stanclarcls. <br /> INUCMNICICATIONS AND fIOLD IIARh9LrSS AGItCGMCNT <br /> 1. [3orro�ver, its successors a�►d assi�;ns anci l3e�rrower's g�iarai�tors (colleclively referred to iii <br /> this Paragra��h 1 as "[3�rrower") �grce ►o clefen�l, iiuiemnify anci hold harmless Lender, its <br /> �iirecto�s, officers, em��loyees, �gents, conlractc�rs, suU-coi�traclors, licei�sees, invilees, <br /> s�iccessors and �ssigns (colleclively ref��rre�1 t� in lhis P��ragra��h 1 as "t�ender"), from ��id <br /> ��;ai��st any and all claims, clem��ncls jucll;emenls, c1��m,�ges, actions, causes of aclion, iiiju�ies, <br /> �clminislrative orclers, consenl a�;reeme��l anci c�rciers, li;�hilities, �enaltles, costs, aiici <br /> ex��enses of �ny kinci wh�tsoever, incluclinE; claii»s �risin�; �ut c�f loss c�f li(e, injury to <br /> �,e�soiis, ��roperty, or Uusiness �r damage lo nal�ir,�l resa►�rces in cc�nneclian with aclivilies of <br /> tl�rrciwer, its ��redecessc��s in iiiterest, tl�ircl �»rti��s �vl�c� hav�� tresE�assed on Ihe 1'remises, or <br /> ��arlics in a cc�ntract�ial relali��nshi�� �vith I)urr�iwer, or any uf them, tvhether or nol <br /> occasloneci wholly ar in part by any condition, accident or event caused by any act or <br /> amission of l.ender, whicl�: <br /> (A) Arises out af the aetual, alleged �r Ilireatened ciischar�;e, c1is��ersal, release, stor��;e, <br /> tre�tment, �eneration, dis���sal or esca��e c►f E�ull��tai►Is ��r other toxic or h,�zarclous <br /> s�il�st�nces, i�iclucii�i� any solicl, li��uici, �;asec��is or lherm�l irrilanl ar conlaii�f���nl, <br /> including smoke, vapor, sout, fumes, aci�is, alkalis, clie�nicals and wasles (including <br /> m�lerials to Ue recyled, recondilioned ar reclaimed); or <br /> ([�) Actually or alle�edly �rises �iit o[ the ►ise, s��ecification, c�r inclusion of a�iy ��rociucl, <br /> maleri�l or ��r�cess cont�ining chemicals, the fail�ire to �letect ll�e exislence or proporlion <br /> of chemic�ls in Ihe soil, air, s�ir(�re waler c�r E;rounclwaler, or Ihe perfonnance o( failure <br /> lo perf�rm Ihe abalement of any E�ollution source or the replacement or removal o( any <br /> soil, waler, surFace water, or graundwaler coiitainin� chemicals. <br /> 2. The I3orrower, ils successors anci �ssi�;ns, shaU bear, E»y ancl ciischarge when �nd as lhe <br /> s��me becc�me due ancl },��yabl��, �ny �nci all s��rl� j��c1E;e�nenls or claims f�r dama�es, penallies <br /> or ��lherwise against l.encier clescrihed in 1'ar�gra��h l, aiici shall hc�lci 1_ender harmless !or <br /> those ju�lgemenls or claiiiis ancl shall assume tl�e l�►ir�i��n ancl expense of �lefending all suits, <br /> �clmi��lslrative proceeclinfis, and iie�;�tiations of any clesc�i��tioi� with any and all persans, <br /> polilical subdivlsions or gaverninenl age�icies arising o�it �f any of ll�e occurrences set forth <br /> in Paragr�ph 1, <br /> AY SIGNING DCLOW, Dorrower accepts anci agrees to ti►e ternis and covenants co�►tafned !n <br /> this Envlronmental Rider. <br /> x -�� � (Seal) <br /> porrawer <br /> ' a'ci � 1.��3���' (seal) <br /> Dorrower <br /> ---------- (Seal) . <br />