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. <br /> �� _ .. �" � ! ,�i;,, _ ' ' ?' <br /> _ �` �: _�: ����_�.;,,:;�:,.,,-� . . -93�. so•� � �`_ <br /> 17.T�a�d tre�or s BeMbtcid i��t la Bon+uwar.if aU ar pnt of tM Pnnpa�ty or my lata+ea in it <br /> 1�wid a�triawtaned(oe if a beaa ci�l Intarat in�oetowa'!�wld or tnn�fened�d�ia not�mwnil persai)wUhout <br /> __ ._�— l.�de��s priuc ,kcltl�n c�onx�M. l.a�der nay, a1 W aptioa. roqu im immedl�te pymeat i� tidl aP�II wms iecurod by Ihii <br /> . of�yIn�uqaK.Hor�+rer.thio apion tlqll aot be e�d�ci�d by I.ende�if e�i�e i�piohibited by fadet�l INw aa oP d�a dwta <br /> Sea�aly 1rat�uaaeat. <br /> If I.ande�'ezarlses this oplian�I�cnder awll Qive Bonoww nollao at�ooeler�ion.The naUa�iwllpmv ide�period oP aat <br /> Icu �h�n 30 d�yt finm Ua d�ta�thc oada i�ddiverod or m�iled within whicb Borrower mua pay dl sutn�sxvioal by lhio <br /> Secu�iry Inaqumau.lf 8otrawer failo to pay these wmr prior w tbo eapi�ation of thi�periad.L,erider�aay invoko smy ntinedia <br /> _- - _ - paminod thby is S�auity T�m�u�u wl�li.wt h�i�a�natica ar demand on Bomowu. <br /> ,�.— __--------_�� lA. Ran�ower•s Rfa lo ReinM�te. If Bncinwer meeta arlain oondiUono. Bormwer siull hpve the ri�ht to luive <br /> enPoroanait of tbic Sa�udry 1n�uument dlcoauiouod�t anY Ume prior w the earlier af: (p) 5 dpya lor wch dlra pe�ad a� ° <br /> � applic�bk I�w mry speclfy far rdnatatcma�tl beforc�lo of tla P�nperty purs�unt to Any power of We coatained in thi� <br /> _;;�.� Sacudry I�ctniment:or lb)axr�'of a judgman enforcing this Sav�ity Inummcnt.Tlwia cadido��re th�t Ban��rer:(a)p�� <br /> -- l.ender all sum�whkh then wouW Me due uoder�hie Secut�ty I�saument w�d the Noto ac if no acak+r�dtia�had ac+cv�r�od,' (b) <br /> cun�any default of any ahcr oove�ams or;grameMs: lc)Pays all eupenr�s incurned in enforc��Aia Socurit�►lncunmeat. <br /> - including,but not Umitod to.ra�o�ble�to+neys' fees:aod(d1 t�kes such actian as t.ander may rcacon�b�F �equirc w aswm <br /> —r __----.- �hat�he lia�of this Sonuity I�tn�umeot.lder's d Ms in the Pirope�qr aa�d Bomc�wer's oblig�tion w p�wy�sw�s securod by <br /> _ _ - <br /> this Sxu�ity Inmaatent clWll o�ocMinuo . Upoai rei�d 4y Bonro�ner. this SccuriRy [nsd�m�eK r+nd I�he - <br /> obl�tiona sawod herd►Y slwill re�pain fully ck�'ective as ii no aooekratioa h�d oawrod,Ha�rever.tWs dgbt w�e sMU . <br /> � ao��pp1y ia tb�case oi,wooelention wider pour�Brsiph IT. <br /> -=�,� 1�,S�le d'Note; (.1��0 df lan 5ayrvi[e�,The Nae or a p:v�tial in[erercsl► in 1Ae Note (W6ethzr v�ytA Ihis Security <br /> Iacl�ume�N1 m�qr be sold ooc ar�'nmes witl�t Privr ialice to 8o�rower. A sule rtwy ►�suU in a ci��ge in tlrc entitp lUcoo�n <br /> ;:;._' • s�s tUe^Z,am Senricxr•►tl�t ooilects man[bly paymGMs due under tha Note uad�his Secu�iry Instrumem. 'iliere also may be ane <br /> �-`,:;.�. a�more changes of 1he l.oan S�rviccr unrela[ed to u sale of the Nate.lf therc is a change of ttie L.oan Sen�kcr, Borrawet will be <br /> _ —= giv�ss u�rlttass statf�af tlst cl:ss:a�=4n�"^�'p'Wf�h M►aarn�+h 14 aix�ve nnd applicable law.The aatice will atete the nrune wd <br /> �?'� �° f add�ess oF the new l.oan Servicer and�he addrcss ta which paymenls should be made. The notice will also cont�n airy otber <br /> --- � infarmatian requirod by applicabte(aw. <br /> ' "�..�::• '•:'' 20. liazardous Subct�nces. i3arrower sludl not cauee ar pern�it the presence, use,dispasul. stonge. or release of any <br />_;,;°_' � y� Haza►dous Substa�xrs on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc else to do. Anything aUecting the <br />__ �� . Propeny�hat is in violation of uny Emironmental L.�w. The preceding two rentenccs shall notapply to�hc presenoe.use.or <br />�.., '. '�': � stornge on thcproperty of smali qusuttities of H��nrdous Sub�taiKxs that ane generally recognized ta t�e appropnate to rarnwl <br /> " ; � ���� rc.vidential uses s►nd to mointenonca nf the Pmpeny. <br /> .... • •�`,. .. '. <br /> - '� � BOrmwer shall promptly give L.enJer written notice uf Any investigatinn,claim,demund.lawsuit or other acti�n by any <br /> _ ''' �'''`"''�'� V� "'" governmenwl or regulatory agency ar P�ivote ps►ny involving the Propeny and any Har.urdaus Subswnce or Environmental I.uw <br /> � ° .��''�y.:,'�:;.�";�;'��'� af which Borrower has actual knowlaJQe. If Barn�wer learns.or is natifed by any$ovemmental ar regulatory authority, that <br /> _. '1' �,..:.'� ,: <br /> ;"a�n °� �;ti �, ` any rcmav�l ar aher remodis►tion of ony Ha�ardcws Sub�tance uffc�cting the Property�s necessary.8om�wer sf�all promptly take <br /> ... ' all na�esrary remedfal•ictions in uccordancc with Snvironmental Law. <br /> - :,�:,,r. ;r xl,.�-,;:��;- - A�ur,rd ia this�ritph 24. "Her�rdous Suhstnt�a" nre�hrne whs�ance.r-dcfinad as toxic or hatardous subxtunces by <br /> t <br /> '`,.,, , ,:K,;,.,,;�,.,,e.,.,.��?:•^, Environmentnl l.uw und Ihef allowfng subslunce+: gu.uilinc. kem�ene, other flummnble �r tazie peeroleum Qrc�ducts, toxic <br /> `` �'t` •���::� '�•''.�:r ��� ; peti�icidrs unJ herbicides,volutile solventa,materiul,amts►ining�sbesk��e�r forntalJehyde,und mdioactive mu[enals,As used in <br /> � ,:;:;;:. .,�..' .''; - Ihis purpgroph 20. "8nvimnn�entnl Luw" means fodemt IAws and law< <►f the jurir,dktinn wl�re the Propeny is located tiwt <br /> � ' -..ri !'.�.�„•., <br /> ._. °«-�`�:.�'�:�"�::.::�• relate to hes► or envimomentul pmicction. <br /> �;!; ;";+;�,;f*�t;+�:`��'_'f;,` NON-UNIFOItM COV���mnwcr and I.crnler furthcr cuv�nunt anJ ugr�r:a�follows: - <br /> � ,�'.•r �:�.. <br /> r T,� y 21.Aoceleruliun;Remedles. I.ender shall aive notim to&�r�nw•cr prior to acccleration talla��•ing Borro�'er's breach <br />- �:.:,:,•,���'�;..: � <br /> _ . �..�.s:;�+��'. <br /> = .�.,,.[ ;.; ot any oovenant or agreement in thlti Security Instrument Ibut n�t pri�r In acrelerntlon under ragraph 17 unless _ <br /> :_,r. • x-�s�-:�E,aS;r�.�.� � _ <br /> __� ,, .;.. Appllrubk lo�v provldes othenrise). The nntice rhall speclf��: (a1 the defouU:lb)lhe aetion requf to cure lhe default: _ <br />•. u) , ,.��i:. '.�i°',;. .�., �;-; <br /> �� �'� �!� � (e)u dufe.not less than 30 da��s frnm the date the notice i��lven to l{or�on�er. by w•hich the default must 1re curedi end <br />']I�i�c; ' -+` '�� ��• (d) that fallure lo cure the default on or Uefnre Ihe date s Itied in the nntice ma}� result in acccleratfon of the sums <br /> ;, Ixr <br />.� -Y:�.— �- „rcure�i Gy ii�ir y�v:u�its zitistrunicnt arid wlr ot'thc !M►pcsty�. Tlte nntice�hs!! ftsrthe� infnrm Rnrrn�vpr nf tbe right tn <br />� "' ; .���'f�.'•;;,' �� . reinslate ai�er accclerntfan and the �iRht lo NrinR u c�uM arNon to usverl Ihe numexi�tenee oi a Aefault or any other <br /> �,, ;. <br />;�i�� �;�:`-• ; , � • detense aP RorrnKrr to accelerutiun and sule. If the default ix nnt curcd on or before the dule tipccified in lhe not(ce� _ <br />•�,,:1 ,�,.;�,'�;;;..;�' �• " its optlan, ma;�• requi�e Immedlate paymcnt in Pull of ull xumti securecl b►• thk SecurEty Instrument wittx►ut _ <br /> � � ��'•"��f��'�`"'��� ' '' iurther demond aad may invoke the pow•er oP sulc�nd am•��ther rrmcdfe+permlUcd b�•appIlcnble law.Ixnder cludl be <br />]':� :. - �;�.;,':?�� - <br /> 5, �� �.�,`�;��r.,�,,;:.�• ;, .,• enUtled to collect nll expense!i incurrcd In punuing thc rcmedirs pr����ided in thix paruRruph 21.includinR,bW not limlted _ <br /> „ �r•".,....�.• ., . . <br />,- ,,. : ��z..'r;•;.: ;: t,,,�„ to.reasonablc a1t�Kncys fe�and��sts oP titic e��idenrc. <br /> � � t' � If thepo���er of sale is In�•oked. Trustee shull record u nntice of defuult in es�nc �uunty• in Nhich any purt of the <br /> ` ' ������i�iFn;�..{��''���' Propert�•is locuted nnd Khnll muil copie+of+uch nnUce in the manncr pr�scrllxd b� uppllcuble laa�lo BurrnNer and to <br /> "'' � •;'�,�.u:�:;,�;�,:r;� ^::" .,� the other percom pn�scrihed hy upplicable la���.Aficr Ihe�imc r�ti�ulr�rl b�•uppQc�ble lua•.Tn�titec slwll Rl��c publlc nntice <br /> � �?!�}'�"'���� ••• ' � of wle to the persnnx und in the manner prexrifx�d h�applicabk la��. Tru�tm. «�ithout demuud on Bc�rm��•cr. shall scll <br />:Xw.,,�'t� �.'y..:.ii+;'+'�i��.. ;t,. <br />:��,�,,;��r. ,. ,� , e . thc Propertr ut public auctino to thc hiphest hidder al Ihe tlme und plarc und under Ihe tct�ns d�wignatrd in the notice nP <br />,�:' �;i;;� y1'" , ?:�'�; ° salc in anc or morc parccl�and In am�order Truxti�detern�ini�.Tru+li�a ma� pictpmc sulc of ud or anv parccl ui Ihe <br /> �.s�� '{ „�.t�►... ;�; � I'ropert�� M�• public unnouncement ut the time und pluce oP�n�� pre�iuuxh• .chedul�d wle. Leu�Eer�� ps deslgnrr mey <br />"_��'.I � :'',,}Yf�.'�ri;� purchasc thc Prupert��at Any aulc. <br /> ,,.�(N•J[(1'';i�'� <br /> .��r �4� ,`+t'(��`.i'!��Y �A^' 1 <br /> ' :��c'�:el+}����;,r;,�.» <br /> ,K 1 ,.� <br /> ;•.� ( �,+�,'=,`•"--- Fnrm�U2b Y/o0 <br /> :� �1f,5`��' <br /> ,,�� .�, a <br /> ,«. _ � i1�•;r:,,�,.�s = <br /> ,_ � Y� .'i1�F���i:'�±.'i.; _ <br /> :. � 'p�'(lyt_SY. <br /> y�!�J ,;t�:'�' <br /> 't714. . ��:-�M'1.i47�.. . <br /> i�� �����1.�;� . <br /> �f:.:�. -�`� ���;'-�'V��'Y�f,J..:r,`i� . . <br /> �` r ��„ �,�.,;t t . _ <br /> �,{t ; ;:��:� .`���'i�!�����'y,'{;r _ - <br /> �� u �r t{ �I .�"'�,4' 1r[��J,L,..} pA'Y°'h`..4'y�1iP�F j�f�S"!�!';'�^Gr r^:-^,`���Z+ <br /> , '�'7 , y `•� � � .),•���= T6�. � .1 `1J c �'T" . � �'.�1� 1��� . � [ � n— <br /> , 1•C' � q1 <br /> -9� � f���/��'.1��y�:�. ��,;il'x:.: i ,4�T�V), �. /it�}'115+{r,,��:� -�1�-��� �{,C.�,r 'i' ` '� . . .;��.y'l�':: '�u::.`,. 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