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��i:' ' �;,� _�_. <br /> � , y� � <br /> a_.. -�i� <br /> � _._ . . <br /> -_ .,�__�.........� ---�93� so�4 --- - . <br /> �. wwre a� Ptaparty ra�u�e. eorm� .b.0 I�,the �mproy�• �W e�or nenGna eroqea o� aa <br /> Prnpaty incnrod qpinct loss by Qrc.luw�d� f�cluded within the term "cxtardod oova�c'and my ahar hrwtda�ir�ludtna <br /> —�___..� fla�ds or Qaadit�.fiar which I.ender nequi�a iroursnce.This irau�alull be m�iiu�dtsod in the senounu and for die periods <br /> that L�et�dor roquiroa. Tho inwrat�oo r�urta piavidin�the inWduioe chdl be cho�en by 8ornawer wbject to l,ender's�ppmval <br /> which xtwll not be un�bly withlxld.If�un+nwer f�ilx lo mqiddn onvot�ge deccribod above. !�mry. ot I�eader'� <br /> - qMiaa.uEuio wve�e to ptd�xt l�ender'�d�lw i�Ihc 1'ropcny in acoorduwe wltb p�rngraph 7. <br /> _ — All i�uurmoe policies�nd na�ew�lc cl�ll be aoocpnWe to Leade�wW clu�ll iacludo�cw�nl moKy�ge clause. Ldtder <br /> -- �6aii hsva tho d�ht ta iaid the paiicia��.-�1�arcw�.i�.if[s�ier wyui�x. 8urruwar.iwll pruuyitiy�ive w i.���ti ra�eipu of <br /> -- ------- paid pt+emiums and re�exul notica.!n the evau of loss.Barrower shall IIivc prompl ndia to Ihc iaswanoc aiRia�aM L�der. _ <br /> L�ndor rn�y m�ko proof of lacs if not m�ie Pron�ptlY bY�►mnwer. <br /> •-�^^�� Unleu l.aoder and Borrower othetwise�Qroe in wrlNng.insu►anoc prooeodo s�hall be applied to nctot�tion ar r�epoir of the <br />'�:�;��J' Pr�apo�ty d�mp8ad.iF tho�star�tiun ar rcp�ir is eoonondc�lly feraibla and I.ender'�socudty iR not lessened.lf the nestorntion or <br /> -_.�.,� <br /> � �ep�i�i�oot eoonomically fauiblo o�Lenda's zecu�ity would be lesccned,the insuranoe prooeeda cludl be q�plied to the wna <br /> sacurod by ihis Secu�ty Inchumcrit. whdher ar nat then due. wNh any exces� �wid w Botrower. If Borrower abmdoas t6e <br />- =_ = property.or d�es not unswer wltMin 30 days a natice finm I..ender that the insurance canier hes o�'erod to r�ettk a d�im,than <br /> _�.:;mn�r�o�mw,�t��;"� Leoder may wllocl �ho insut�nee qroceoda. Leader may use the pt�nceede to rc.�wir ar rcswro the Propeny or co pky cwm <br /> �,. - !. --- r,. J cecurod by thie Secu�lty I�sUUmeM,whether or not thcn duo.The 30�doy period will begin when the notix ia given. <br /> "u.•=t`f", r�; [Inlcs�s Lcnder aod Barmwer ather�vl�e ag�ee in writinB. �nY APPI��� of pmoeeds to p�incipol shdl aat wrtead or <br /> A"r.':�+y'. <br /> �:.:r postpone�e due date af the monthly paymenta referral tu in paragrepfic 1 and 2 or chonge tho amouwt oi the p�ythen�s. If <br /> i;;, :;" under pa�agtaph 21 tl�e Propaty ja acquirad by ixnder.Borrower'e right w any i�ursnoe policies�d pro�eeds resulting from ; <br />,._:r,,.: � damage to thc Property prior to thc aoqui�ition�lull pas�W Lenda�W�he actau of the sun�s sxu�rd by t6ie Seauity lasta�uu�etq, ,: <br /> = - ,.� — inunwlia�cly prior io ii�c a�uisi�iun. � � � <br /> 6.Oocnp�rcy,Pn�servatlon•Maiatea�poe�ud Pt+utactiat of tbe Ptaperty;Borrower'�I.oaa AppUatiw;I.�we'ho18�. <br /> ;%�(i,'�F; �..�. ..;.,� I Borrower shall accupy,cstablish.aid uae thc Property as Borrowu's pr�ncipal residence wlthin sixty day�afler t6e execntion af . <br /> �.�r?4a <br />:,,,,,S.,,ti� this Secudty Inslniment and siwll oontinue to occupy the Property as 8ortower's principal trsldenoe fo�at IeASt oae ycar after <br />:-::;�;,;.,� � the date of axupancy. unless�der atberwise agroes in writing,which eonsent shall not be unreuonably wiWield.u�unless <br />_?:'''��y" 6 extenuuting circumstances exist which are beyond Bort+nwer'R control. Borrower shall not destroy, danwge or ;mpnir ti� . <br />��;1�fr;i;';: '', Property,allow thc Property to deteriorate.or rnmmit wastc on the Property. Bormwcr sh�li be i�default if�ny forfeiture� '. <br />'=;;i't;';f'. ' �'• _ action or proceeding. whaher civil or cri miiwl. is begun Uwt in Lender's goad feith judgment oould rcsult in forFeiw�e of�he � <br />::.:4�ri,;s• .• .:h,^�;"`;� -- • Property or otherwlse materially impair thc licn cr�catod by thi:Savrity Instrument or L.ender's secur�ty intenxt.Bocmwcr may <br /> ' . ''••r•-°• �'•.••', cure such a default and provided in paragraph awsi�ig the actlon or procaoding to ba dismissad with a rulin� <br /> � r �'''� �?• �hat. in l.ender's good faith detertnina�ion, prccludes Porfefture of �he Borrower's interost in thc Pnoptrty or ather awlerial <br /> _ '? ':��yc�.<,.���r.�-�� in�alnuCd u�lI� I{eil ctuii� �3y IIi16 Sc�Ui1IV �iiSiiifiii�ili�if L.cif��f�6 adCili'�I� 3iU�Pc:SI. BCN'f8W2i �� ii�i0 52 fI3 dC�iU�i� <br /> • °•5��� •' ; = Borrower,duriog ttr luan applicatian praces., �ave mate�ially false or inaccurate infomistion or statements to Ltrdrr(or fa�lod <br />_: � �:?, '' ;n�,.M , .::'� -'k. but:nat limited •. • <br /> ;,• +. .. �• to providc l.ende��vith any matcrial infornia�ion)i�cnnnectian wl�h the loan evidenced by tht Note. including. <br /> .;..,. � . <br /> ��"� .� f� to, representatia»s cancerning Borrower�occupancy of the Property as a principal residerec�e.lf this Security Insqu�aen�ls un a <br /> �."'•�.....���• ,•, _ <br /> , � � r.,;..,.. . <br /> � �:;�•,;':;,;;'�' et Ieuxho�J, Horrower shall cornpl} �:ith sill �he provisions of Ihe lease. If Borrower aeq+wes fet dde w the Pr�apexty. the <br /> ' . ..���`�»' lepnehnld and the fee tiNe shull not merge unlass Lcndcr ugrees to the mcrger in writing. . <br /> -;� � , � 7. Protectlon of l.ender's�tl�hts in the Property.lf Borrower fails tu perform the rnvenants end agrcements c�a�ainad in <br />��� �� �his Securi Instrumern, or there is u le ul oceedin thAt ma sl nificaiNl affect Lender's ri hts in the Pro sueh as a <br /> _� < < .:.�.• �!' � P� B Y �B Y 8 penY < <br /> __ �,,,:,.,. prc�cre�Ei�g in bankruptcy, probat�,for condemnation or forfei�ure or to enforce laws or regulotions).�hen l.ender ma�;do and <br />_—�;, � �:�y rnr wh��PV�r ia nwr.ccPrv�J, n�mN� thp�elue �f the Pr�ny et►d 1 p►�er'g rights in the Proprrty. Lcnder's �tio!t•tt�ay <br /> � ` � include paying am� sums secaced by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in rnurt, paying <br /> _y¢� ��'�A' �..'�•� ;;.. reasonable attomcys' fees nnd entering on Ihe Prc�perty to make repuirs. At�hough I.ender may take nction uMer lhis�raph , <br /> . �.'' .";�•• ' '.:�: 7, l.ender does nnl have to do so. . <br /> 'ft . . . y�''�:� Any umount+ dishunced hy Lender undet t;�is purugruph 7 �hall become additional debt of Borrowcr serured by.lhia <br /> ,_ <br /> �. . ' , ..... Szruri�}• lnstrument. Unless&�rrower and Lcndcr agrcc ro othcr tcrm�of pAyment, the,c amountc shull bear inle�e:sl frnf�i the — <br /> � - , dat� ot Jisbuncmcnt al Uk N�Ne ratc and�hull bc pay�Me. w�+th inlerest, upm notice fmm l.ender to BorrawCr rea�eesting <br /> 4 puyment. <br /> ° ��! 8. Mortqage Insurancr.It'L.cnJcr rcyuircci mcin�ngc irnuranrr u..a concli�i��n nf making thc loun secured by this Security , <br /> � • In,ttumcm. &►rcawer ,hull puy the premium� r��yuircd �o muintain the rnortLage in�urancc in effect. If, for any teason, the = <br /> �, ' ' m��nguFe insuruncr r�n•cragc nyuircd hy I.cmlcr lap�c+or ccasc��n Uc in effect. &irrower�hull puy the premiums rec�vired to _ <br /> ,. ;' � oMtuin cover�ge�uh�t•rmiallp eyuivulrnt tu the tm�rtgugc imurance pn�•iausly in effect. •rt u co�t xub�tantiully equi��ulent to the <br /> � `: " ,, ro�t to &►rcowcr of the munguge in.urarxc pKC�•iou,ly in cflcct. frrnu iin altcrnutc munguge in+urcr npproved by I,ender. i: _ <br /> ; .��'}� subtituntiall c ui� ttenrt mort�a�e. inwrnn�c r��v�ra•_e ix nut availahlr. B��rrm�cr+hull u to l.cnder c:�'�mamh a xum e ua!tn — <br /> � `,'`� . � Y '4 � '� b'�' P Y 9 _ <br /> �;,,. ; ' �inc-t���clAh uf Ihc ycaric mnng•rgc intiuranre prc+�iiwn hring paid h�• Bnrr��w�r H•hrn Uir inwr•rnre covcra�c lapsed��r c�to <br />. .:, :�. ..; ;:, 1►e in et'tect, l.rnJcr will accept. u�.anJ r�iain theu puymrnt.a. a lu�. rc�en�e in lieu al� m��n�t•rge insurnnre. Lo�, reserve <br /> '_,�.' . �.� ..t�.�;,�� , <br /> ,., „�y �. Fam 3028 9190 <br /> ,� <br /> - .� • , . PetM3org <br /> �' �. . <br /> r � , , — <br /> I�r • ' <br /> . , �:� �1, .,,���yySLit1''�'+!�^FYi.(f�'i'�:'..r`.. . . � r , . ���.� .r..,:y,�,..,n-. . .. . ,r.•a..,� M��{A�{�"!"j'w''`''��"•y'�.?'h"��;: <br /> f. � ,. , •�' , ���,._ . , <br /> i� `� � ' ' . ' i'- � ,`'r: �,� . , „ ;j:•��n <br /> k� : { „ ,�. �;��� : ,� • ' � � �i . 1� . , �)� � <br /> �y`I� 1��___ �. , - � I ` 1` t� 'n � <br /> l ` ,, :.{ ' .��. . : ,1�11 - <br /> '�� .`T.:11���____ . �. . � . .. ' ' .. . I�. � � " 11 ' . . �tll. .i II�( • ' .. <br /> ` ��.i7 + - .�i[Y'i��.\r -'j- . r- ' �� ��.� � . . . � •5� � 1 <br /> � '?� ��-.,1�'ii1 f 4 .�. ���, l� � '-ii• i , -/.,-� .i;.. <br /> �� �i�l�h��1,�� .� •`�,��. . . . �`, - . <br /> � . � . - :i' � - <br />-. .1 '�1. '.�..�y; . . . . . ''��. ' . ,. - `�� ' . . .�. . <br /> f�:�1" .� 'I�. <br />' fs', ��lr '•+�:•.. - '. ' ' �• � ' � 1'+i . <br />, ��[;:�,.�� ��!'' .:��' . .� . • . � . <br />, i`I�tij'�`� r.� �('., • � <br /> #�rl'i �! I ' •, �� �' �, � ., ''''' . , ,,�. ' +. <br /> � �- ���' • t'1� .i <br /> ti�,,,• '.a t. .�..+� - .. � .. _ _ e'. , . !. . 4`�', � , . <br /> � "� •,t� i. � � '1�:�. - �.'•�. <br /> �, `�1�f{H�t'r�,4r'•. . i 1 �i: ,� � ' �:.. . <br /> . ;,f�4, �3�'. _L.. r, ' �;�i1. '1�� , . <br /> ���,rr�: _ _,;"::.,?,;,,�t..�. � . , . '�.;' ��,'.. <br /> ":i�s;,i;� ,, �•;� ,. <br /> . . . . , <br /> , •. ;. <br /> ,,, � , <br /> . ,, , <br /> , . , .. �_ <br /> , t � <br />