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<br /> �:�;„� qarage upon the ProPprtY as aat lorth on Sxhibit »11" +snd this grant
<br /> -'��''�`�''�-'�`�''��, o! eaaement �hall ba bindinq upon tho Grantor and Grnntaw and th�ir
<br /> �;; �r� �.;�",�,.. r re�peative heirs, suaaesaors, and grantes� and shsll run with th�
<br /> .s'.:;r���a�;�:�^ ,;� land.
<br /> � ,..� .����,�.,i� a. �o�cn ase �n't Not to Bo �batructed. Eaah af the abovw , �_-- _-.��...__.
<br /> �:��~:�
<br /> ;,��,,,f�, � namsd parties shall use the rights grantad by this in�tru�nt with _� �„
<br /> � due regard to the rights of others and thair uae o! auah oa��awrtt �°�.r
<br /> � "'e'��'"'��1;����,.��'� �u1d ahall not use ths driveway or garage in any wny that will i ��..�,���_-
<br /> —_- �� �..:��;::.: ' ` '.
<br />_� � ia►paix the xiqhts of the other party to uee it, and shnll aot
<br />-=-� ���;���.;�;;�.� obatruat paeeage over or aaroas the drivewny.
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<br /> .,;ti� �` �.;;�':�':. .
<br /> that �he aurrently existirg driveway and garage is loaeCed equally
<br /> �.<� "a'�•', u�xan a pux�tion a� the respeative lo�s oE �he p�rtiea hereto and ���
<br /> ..,•..,.z,
<br /> 4 �� '�''�''�"�' °� aha11 continas ta be used as a �oint cirivewey and joint g�rage �n �.�
<br />=:=,-�-.- . ,.;.
<br /> '' ��� �'�';.�; :�.� the aoet ta maintain the driveway and garaqa upon eaah parti�a� n�.�_-
<br /> ����• �`� �' � '• ' ° res ctive ro ert shail be borne bY �hat party who owns the land � ,�-,
<br /> _, ��.�.,�., Po P P Y r��:_�:: --
<br />�~`� ' ,tS'��%��' "� u p on which the joint cUriveway and joint garaqe is loaated. Tha
<br /> , , ° _�.�,�,�t��,,,,. -= -
<br />':''' •„y�(�;�;��•',:�''� � Grantor and Grantes eaah agree to b�aar t he i r o w n c o s� o! :� � `�'_
<br /> -. ' •;'{it{��.e.r. ... �.--
<br /> ,,:,rr..,� maintenanae and repair to the driveway arid garage locatad upon "
<br /> �C�rryr -°
<br />, ,� �. ��;��; their respeotively nwned property. �. �•.;�•;�.
<br /> ,;�. _ �:' :. , . , , i,' .
<br /> ,1;��,� ^��� �� ' IN WITNE�� W[iER�OF, each party to this Agreement hae caused it t— - �
<br /> :.;,,;� to be exeouted at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the data indiaated �__ -�
<br />;,;.;:'�;����,' �,:l�� ,;. , .�` below. , ���-_
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<br /> .� �.,,;F�.,. �OUNTY OF HALL �j � -
<br /> . ,,:;,yf�k� � -
<br /> ' On tDie i/ � day of April, 1991, before the undersigned Notary ��.
<br /> ' � ° Publia, p�srsonally appeared Robert J. Hurley, Sr. , who acknowiedged ; . :—_ _
<br /> � � � the exeaution of the above and foregoinq Easeaent Agreemetit to be �k , ._..`=�
<br /> , � , his free and voluntary aat and deed. � '`- - '..
<br /> .,:.:
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<br /> � .. ;,.�;,r�� GOSDA Farmerly�BH�4tiN�► HURLEY '' ,...��,'•'�?r�
<br /> �� � . �-� - r�1�t ,,_ 'r��.;�=-
<br /> - . . DBatlrie E. �1�.�� , 3"-N' De811De E. c���1�'�z� �� �, •
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<br /> !'' ' ;�;�+ ;t• ' [�OBERT J. EYr 3R. -
<br /> °�1. «1'„{�. ( � ��T �,. SDA, Wife and Husband, �
<br /> �;t;�;::,.,.,. , . "Grantee�a rN j�,
<br /> � b ti�'.��.;�',�,�i(i��i. �).7V ��`�' � .
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