� �M1� .- � .r. ...-,. __. . . r�a.r[ :.:_. _ _._.—_._.
<br /> y�,,,i,�...T;,,a,. e.,
<br /> ��-�.•?.:�E�Y,�
<br /> _ �� :...a-
<br /> _ - ' . � 'a...!! . ..�._ .___
<br /> .; :�. 10214 0
<br /> ,� . . ►.cr.../r ra Aadn.tlo.of n��. -�
<br /> ,�.�. ,
<br /> '�'� ' ' (�l DdaMll.l.endet maY.eacept w Ilmlted by re;uuQon�iaued by�he 3ecra�ry fa the o wra►en�a�r.uw,require _
<br /> . ' � . 1p�medl�te p�yment �n(ull of tll sum�Kcur�d by tht�S�eunty laarumenl it: _m _
<br /> A • ' (q BaROwer det�ulu by faiUn��o pay in fuq aey raoathlY paymedt r�quired by thb Secudty In+trumeot prbr to a oa � -- —
<br /> . ; � , ^ �he duo d�te ot the nex�monthlY puyment,or
<br /> � ' (I!)Bonawei defwll�by f�llin�,for�periad of�hlny day�.to perfocm�ny othar ob1l�aUom cont�fned in thb SecuritY
<br /> Instrument. �=-=
<br /> lbl lC�l�WMMari(�redk Apprortl.t.aider�11,if pamitted bY�pplic�ble I�w ud wW�the p�ior�pprov�l of the Secrd�tY.tequire _
<br /> ' hpmedt�te Myme+n in iWl of dl ihe wms securod by tEis Seauity Ia+anunaM if: �.F, __-==—--- �
<br /> _ . �- —---=—
<br /> ,4 . . � til All a pan of dr P�ope*ty is adrcrwise tnrofoRad(dl�er tlaa by davhe cx daaal� �he Bortowet.and a,
<br />�"'` . • liil'Rrc P�apenY b not aecupled by the purch�ser or grantee u hi�a herprimary rcsidena,or the purchuer or �_�__
<br />� . Rnuqee doa to ocn4Y the PropenY but his or ha c�edN htt not beeu approved in whh die tequi�ane+rs af 1ha SecrtarY• ---
<br /> • (e)No Wv�a.It circumslu�ecs occur th�t would permit Lender to require immedipte payment in full.but Lender does not =_ __ _
<br /> . rcquiro sucd parirenl�.Lender doa not wdve its riQhRa.rith re�poct to�ubsequent events. -•���--- -�,-�:
<br /> Qh
<br /> � � , (d)Re�abidoin of HUD&enlarY.In many cecc�unsta�as re4ulatiow issued by the Secretary will Nmi�Lander's ri8ti�•z4 ` , 4e?�.—
<br /> t in i'iell and fo�ec{ose iP not paid.This Secudty Instrummt does �,�_,�..�j-.'�"��
<br /> ' tho ciue oi p�ymen�dafauh�.to requirc immediste p�y� =�� -
<br /> �ot outhodu accelar�tion or toreclosurc if na permitted by re�ulations oi'the Secrctary.
<br /> .� �'.,�,°.'_
<br /> 10. ��1.gorrowrcr has a righa [o be rciastued if Leader ha.� requ;ted immediate payment in i'ull bcsause oi �_•--=W - __
<br /> • rc
<br /> � 6orro.e�'s Pailurc to pwy An amonat due u�de�the Note or this Securiry lns�isument. '9'h�s aBht applies even ai�er io�rcl�.y�a�e ,.;, ,,,,,_ .
<br /> . e� p�ocoedin�s u�instiluted.To�ei�stae the Security lnstrumeat,BoROwtr s'ha11 t2ndzr in a lump sum wll amouats requUed�co ��r�%'
<br /> 1
<br /> G1+':��;`;.
<br /> . .' � hrius BoROwer's wxount cunenR includinQ,to the extent tbey are oblijations oS&�rrower uader this Secu��y last�•umrn�, �; • ;.,, F�=
<br /> • c'S foreclosure cosu and raconable aad customary attorney's ieea and ex�en�ea �Ta�r1y aaaciated with the fore�losure �7��.0
<br /> proeeedina.Upon roinitatemea�by Bortower.thi�s Security lnstrument and 1'h�e abligauans ihat i�secures shalE�emain in r:'4sct aa , 1��..,.
<br /> if Lender lud aot rcquired immcdiate payment in full.However,Lender ia na t requ�red t�permii reinstatement if:(i)Len�l�.r hsts ��•�`��:
<br /> ; accspted reinstatement after IAe commencement of foreclosure proceedings within ZK n ytars immediately Preceding ihe 'j "
<br /> ;�.•, :, ,.; .. commencement of a curant forecbsure proceeding, (ii)rciastatement wi1! prerlude iorecl,sure on difPerent�rounds in the ;,�, _
<br /> fu�ure,or(iii)reinsutement will adversely affect the priority af the lien created by this Security Instrument. ��(y.',�ti
<br /> � 11.Bonower Not Reln�edi ForeeanNCe By[.ader Not�W�I�er. Fanznrion of the time of payment or modification of
<br /> emortiradon of the suma cecured by this Security Inatrument granted by Lenc9z*te any successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll not �� �
<br /> operate�o release the liability of the original BoROwer or Borcower's succe�or in interest. Lender sholl not be required to
<br /> commence praceedinQa aQalns�rny aucassor in interat or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization � . �,, ;�4
<br /> , � . „ succeuo�in interest. Aay iParbearance by L nder in e ncidna aoy rialx ordremedy shall not be A'aivM of or pecelude trhe '' `:':,,i'; " '
<br /> 4" �;•.�,, ' . '
<br /> aercice oi am�ht or remedy, ;�
<br /> 12.Saoeeswro�nd AdRm Boa�d:Joi�t�awJ&venl I.IaOUlty:Co-Sigaea.The covennnts and agreements oP this Security °��
<br /> Inatrument ahall bind and benefit the succasors and assigns of Lender and Bottower,subject to the provisions of paragra�h 9.b. � ,�,',. '��i�
<br /> , � �'��:,. ;'i s ,
<br /> � ± Bor•ower a covenants and agrecments shall be joint and sevital.Any Borrower who co•signa this Sceurity Instrument bu�does �;: ;SF`:�--
<br /> � � not execute the Note:(al is co•signing this Security Instrument on)y to mortgage.grant and convey that Bortower's ini=rest i .����,, +�''.,,�._.
<br /> I,,,., �( � `Y'w'•
<br />• the Propeny under the terms oi t his Security Instrumenr(b)i�not person�lly obligated to pay the sums secured by this SecuritY .�;,,,,�,,
<br /> , �',. �, ,A, ,.:)�.' , '�.i,�y: '_
<br /> , ' �.: .;` Instrumrnt; and '(c) ngrces that Lender and any other Borrower m�y agree to extend, modiFy, forbear or make any
<br /> , , pccommodations with reQerd lo the term of this Security 1 nstrument or�he Note without that Borrower's consent. � ��.
<br /> 13.NoHca.Any notia to Borrower provided For in this Secudty Instroment shall bo given by delivering it or by mefling it by
<br /> flrst class mail unless appli�;able law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Addrcss or any . „
<br /> • other address Borrower designales by notice to Lender.Any notice to L.ender shall be given by firs�clags muil to l.ender's uddress _
<br /> . ,: �� ' • atoted herein or Any oddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any ndice provided for in this Security Instrumenl shall
<br /> ..;, � be deemed to have been Qiven to Borrower or Lender when�iven as provided in this paraaraph.
<br /> , �,ti,
<br /> ,,� U.Goverelu{Law;Strenbiil��.This Stcurity Instrument ehall be governed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction n
<br /> '•� „ which the Property is:ocated.In the eveni Ihat any provi�ion or clnuse of�his Secudry Instrumene or the Nou conflic�s wiih ap-
<br /> 1. plieable law,aueh confllct sha;l not affeet other ptovisions of ehis Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect
<br /> • � wilhout Iht conilictin4 pro��i�ion.To this end the provisions af�his Security Incttument and the Note arc deciared to be
<br /> • ..; ; severable. � . ,
<br /> I I���%��� � IS.Bortower'a Copy.Botrower shall be given one cunformed copy of t his Srcurity lnstrument.
<br /> � � 84.Aeei�amtot ot Reols.B�rrower unconJitionally msigns and iranskrs to 4ender all thr rents and revenues af the Property.
<br /> Borrowet authorizes Lender o� l.ender's ugents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Praperty
<br /> to pay the rsms to lendcr or Lender's agents.Nowever,prior to�ender's n o�ice to 8orrower of Borrowcr's breach oi any cove- _
<br /> nant or agrce�:ent in the Security In4trument,Botrower shall culleet und receive all renls and revenues o1 ihr Property as�rustee
<br /> : �: for the beneii�of Lender end Borrower.'fhis assignmcnt of rcnts constitutes an absolute assiQnment a�d noi an assienment for
<br /> additional security only.
<br /> If l.ender gives notice of breach ro Borrow•er:�al all rents received by Borrox•er shnll he held b��Borrow er as truster tur benefit
<br /> ' ' � of t e ae ts ot the Property;�ond Ic)cach tcnant of the Prn�Certy�hell�y all rems duc and1unFa d to�end rf'or1LendeTCS agent
<br /> on Lender's wri�:en demand io the�enant.
<br /> Borrower hu not erecutrd any prior as.signment n��he renis anJ has n.�t and will not perform ar.y act that would prevent
<br /> Lender from exercising us r:c':•:=ur.dtr Ihis paragraqh 16. , • �
<br /> Lender sh�ll not be requ�re;i c�eoier i:��r..�aae eor.trv: nf nr r.:aintam the I'ropenv relnre or a!'ttr piving notire o'hrtaeh 10 �'•i.
<br /> Norcower.Howevet. Lender or �iudicia!!} a;.^c»nteu r.cci�.rr m�y do tio a:an> time Icere is a breac3:..�,r.>aTph:ation o�°ems
<br /> � shall noc cure ur wai�e rny dcfault or mvalcda:t an)other nght or rcmtc�- cf Lendcr.This a�+ignmtn:rt aen��ot�he Prop<nY
<br /> shall utm�rtace whrn the dcbt saured hv�!;r Securiiy Instrument�•.pa:.: ir.�uli.
<br /> �
<br /> !'aee 3 nl�
<br /> ,
<br /> , , _
<br /> I __ _ _
<br />