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<br /> �' �.M�dditluea) MeurftY. 'hwtur iwnby RIvM W and eonf�n upon B�n�llciwy th�rlpht.pow�sr�nd�uthority,dorfng th�oontinuu�ce
<br /> ��.�• of thoM Tnuta ta oolleet the renL,�w.rnd pro0ta oP wid pro�ty. ewrvina unw Trwtor the ripht�Prior w any dN'iult by 7Ywtor --
<br /> �t M Int�yment of any Ind�4tednw �ecured h�rvby or In p�dornunp of�ny�qretm�nt Mround�r,to lolbCt�IY) fttain�uch IrDia, i�uw _
<br /> ' .0
<br /> � . �nd pmlla a ehsy baeaas due and p.y�bl�. Upoo�ny nich d�t'ault, Renoilef�ry m�y at+►ny tfine wfthout nMice, eith�r fn potson,by _ -
<br /> �. �gent,ot by�neefwr W 6�appolnt�l hy�court,�nd without reQ�sd w th�adqwey of any e.curity for eh�fnd�badna�h�nby wcurod, - _—
<br /> eoter upon�nd talu pore�don of uid prop�rty or�ny p�rt tMreot,in hu own nems sue far or othernri�e rnlloct euch ron1s, iMUe��nd ..-
<br /> .,' pmllta,Including tlw�e pat dw And unp�ld.and apply th�s�ne upon any indeetednea ucund her�by.and m ruch onkr a�fioneficiarY � _- -- ------
<br /> mny deunr�ine.Ti►e��tedng upon wnd t�king po�wwlon of s�id ptrop�Ky.the rnllection of�uch ronta.IYUB�i0d�IIDIIb YMI�I16 Y�IIq�I0i1
<br /> � thenof iu�foro+�id,�hall nat curo or w�iva��y defi�ult or natinof dd�ult hereundar or inv�lid�te pny nct donr purnu�nt W auch ootioe. _
<br /> i,� Q b.Upon defiult by 7`ru�Lor in the paym�nt ot�ny indaM�lneM exurod hen+by or in the pert'ormance of any ag►Pement contained herein. -_����;ti-,y;,-,�..-„_.: y
<br /> � nll eum�aeeurod heroby�hwll immedf�tely 6ecome dw and pAy�ble at the option of ths Renelici�ry.In�uch event nnd upou written request .. , -
<br /> of Beneliciory, Tru�tae�1)edl the twt pmperty,in aaard�nce with the Nebra�k�Truet peed�Act,et.public auction w the high�t
<br /> bidde�.Any peraoo ezoept Tnutee tn�Y bid at 74u�tee's Mle.Tnutea ehwll epp�y the proteed�of the eale e�fallowa:UI to the expeoae J , , ,;_,.:�.,,,,.,:.._ _
<br /> ot the aolo,including n naeonable Ttuatat'�fie;121 W the obliRadc►n kcurwd by thie Ikod of'M��t�31 the ourplw,if wny,�hall lw dlotrilwted t;;=31=��p,,,_�—
<br /> • po tha p�notu entitled t6rroto. =�
<br /> 6.Tntatae shall dvtiver W the purchaeer at the ewle i� deed, wilhout wartanty,rrAich ehell convey w thQ purchneer tAe ►ntenet in +��_ --
<br /> t�F"lsiit�'�--_----
<br /> ehe psoperty whicA Trustor hed or h�d tha power to rnnwy pt the time of hie ezecution of thie I�ed of Truat.and Ruch ae he enpy heve ��- -
<br /> aoqui�sd thereaiter.Tnutee'e deod�hrll recite the facte�howinR thet the sale wae rnnducted in compl�ance with n!1 the reqwe�nta
<br /> of lew snd of thiw Dsad oP Tru�t.which c4cital�hnl1 be prlmo faci�evid�nce of euch oompliunce and conclurivr eridence thewoP in f�vor �^.:;,,'�—.,�,�—�-_
<br /> . of bone Ifde puech�ro and eacumbra�cero for value. G!; :""• -
<br /> �,:.._ .,� -
<br /> ?.The power of pto conf4rnd by thia lk�ed of Tnpt ia not wn e�celuofve romedy;Beneflciary mpy cause thiN[k�ed oP Trust W be Wreclooed •��'�'S_�..
<br /> as u moetgaQe. ,a+`a�a'
<br /> :�.
<br /> 8. In the tvertt of th�death, incapac�ty, diexbility or m��(pation uf Trustee, FieneRciery mny nppaint in wMtm�u:+uccessor trustee, �' � "`°�'�-=
<br /> �nd upon th�recording of Ruch appointment in the mortgaRe reeords nY the couoty in which this Ih�ed of Truet ia recorded,the+ucce�ueor ( ti '=3,;,._�
<br /> truetee shall bo veated with all powe►s oi the oriQinal truetee.The tru,:uY i.+not obliRed to notify nny party hereto of pendinq aale under �
<br /> uny othor Iked of Trust or of any nMion o�procecding in wMch Ttu�¢4r,'Itustee or Benelkiary ehnll 6e n purty unless sucA nrtion or - - �-'--
<br /> praeeeding ie brought by the 7'ruetee. � • •�
<br /> � 9. Tkix Deed of Trust appliea W,inurex to the benelit of, ond ie bindin� aat onk on the pnrtics hereto,but an thei� I1PIM1.IIN�99CfA. -
<br /> �`. ; • le{tatee�,udminietreton,exeeuWts.suneasnra nnd wi�a. TAe term HEIM�CIAR �hall mean the holder nnd owner of the notr wcurc4 i=-,�
<br /> hereby,whetheror nnt rwmed es fleneficinry hcre�n. •
<br /> 10. Reque�t for Notice of flefuull or Notica•nf Sule. It ie requeRted that n cnpy of nny Nutice nf Ikfeult or Notice of 3ule he m�ii�ed to ` , , �;
<br /> � ' " r�ch peroon who iA num�d io thix Tnwt IM�c�d ut the mailing addrese nPrtach pr�an as�et out uhove. 4
<br /> � " NOTICE TO CONS1[JMER: 1. Do not si�n this paper befare you read it. 2. You are entidec➢ te� a copy ' � ' �
<br /> - ---,.—_— of t6f9(!9�!`.3. Xc+se�nPy p�'�y the ung�aid balance at anv time without penalty ane� may b�e eoatitled • __ ::_. ;;:`
<br /> • � '�• to receive a reiumd ot unearned cher�es in accordAa+�r W'ith law. i �;. ,u� �,�
<br /> � ���;'�r�' t;,:
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<br /> '�'��j' On thi� .- 11 — day of __Apr11.-.---•. A.D.,199�,. .hefore me. the und�rc�pni�d. u Notary Pub)ic. duly ' '
<br /> �,:.. ; • ----- ,
<br /> � � co�nm aa ed u d lified for und residinu in �uid county, perr.onally .nme .Kerr_y W. Andre.�s_.&.Linda�]. Andrews,
<br /> , '-"s i� , f1US�'an�_an� �7Y$e to mr knnwn tn bN th� idrnticnl F�rKOn S whoat• n�ime S uf�ix��d tn the fbreRoinK '�.
<br /> , , inNtrum�mt uK Tru:�tor 5 - _ nnduckn����•I�•J�;.•d Ih�•�:�mr tn n.� their . . ���• � .....
<br /> � , untarp.ict+md dM�d.
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<br /> � � � du�• of '4 . :it ���.�.,rk �ind ��.
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