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<br /> �'� i
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<br /> �� ,�� 91+,,,, i p 2��9 =-
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<br /> ,
<br /> If Lenderrequirad raort�e in�uranoo u�conditbn of malcinR the lan�ecured by thb Secucity lrulrumrnt. �-s:�=..__.��
<br /> =�+ ^ Borroaer:ha�p�y thn pna�iwasroq uirad to mdntaie the in�u�wnce in dfect until�uch time u the raquirernent for the —
<br /> insurartce tenain�ta in tioCOrd�hcewwlW Borrower'�and I.aidsr'�w►ittrn a�ramrnt or�ppli�abk law. !"�
<br /> '� � 8. 1Ntpeeqo�. Lp�der or 1q�ent msY maka nauon�ble a�t�ier upon ond inspoctions of the Property.l.ender �_ ___--_
<br /> ' sh�ll�ive Borrower nadca�I the time of or prior to�n impectian�pxlt�in6 neswn�ble cawe for the lntpection. --_ -------
<br />-� �, � 9. Condema�Nan. The proceedi of any�w�rd or claim far d�mages.diract or consequendd,in connection with -�
<br /> � '.� �ny condemn�tion or other t�king of any p�rt of the Propert7� m for conveymce in lieu of condemrution, aro herebY �..,�«Y��w..��—�
<br /> wiQned and:hdl be p�id to I.ender. ,- :�;��--��
<br /> la the event of a totsl taktng of'the Aroperty�Ihe praceedi�hell be�pplied to Ihe sums securod by thit Security " ,; ,, .r,�-':�,,:^,�:'
<br /> Inatrument�ahether or not then duc,with�ny eacas paid to Borrowcr.Io the event of�p�rtid taking of the Property. • �+� •����=
<br /> ' .av�ir�c.�.,.:..
<br /> � unleas Bonowsr�ed Lender otherwiee�4e+ee ia writing,the sum4 secu�ed bp tWs Security lasuu»icne sbaU he nducad by � .� �� t.�,
<br /> t'6._�.'__-.
<br /> the aawunt oi the prooeods muttiDlied bp t6�e Pollowing fnctton:(�)t4e totsl amouat of'the sums secused immedi�telY . f,ti�,Kt�._ _
<br /> f bd'orc tb�e tekin(y divided by(b)tA�e fa�ir roarket v�lue of the PropertY i�aanodiately Eefoae ide takin�.Ac�X balance shall be ' :�:��:.;` --.
<br /> � ,r�ia w Burro.�re�. Q-,_:�.--,-.�,
<br /> �....
<br /> • IPthe PropertY W abaext°ned by&�nower,or iP.a8er natica by ixnder w Horro+rer tAat t6e condemnor offen to �•'"' �• ��-�
<br /> . .:. .
<br /> - m�lce an award oi settle a claim for d�mo�es,Borrower Paib to rospond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is : -
<br /> . . _ . given.Lender is authorizod to collect and apply tMa praceedti at its optioa.either to rcstoration or rcp�ir oP the Property or ��. .-
<br /> �'.' to the sums securod by this Secu�ity Inshument.whetk�er or not then due. , '�:`�`�
<br /> � �''•�•�� Unless L�ender and Borrower othervviie sgroe in aritinR.anY ePPfieetion of procads to principal sball�ot e�ctend or �'`��:� ��
<br /> ' ,,ii�'��: ������ � ��.:�.; pcutpone the due date oPthe monthly paymrnts referred to ia p�ragrephs 1 and 2 or clwuge the amount of such paymrnts• � —
<br /> ��'�••�, ���.'�"�,�':�,::°:. , .',. 10. Borrower Not Relea�edt Forba�raoce By I�der Not a Wd�er. Extension of the time Por payment or �
<br /> l.'�'';Y Y• .irF°;t:,�;.;�j'i�.:,, � modifi�adon of amorti�tion of the swas sxured by thu Security lnetrument gn�tad by Lender to any sucxessor in ; _:__
<br /> ' ' � 'ti :.•'';i:ti''c:. � interest of Batauw�n'�hall not operate to release the IiabiUty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intercst. �� ��:c:-_
<br /> ' � ''�`'�i`"� Lender shnU not te requiral to commence procadings�gainst any successor ia interest or refase to extend time for •• •
<br /> ��'•,�j;:;:.�#. payment or otheraise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Insirument by re�son of any demond made
<br /> • ' ''�� by the odginal Borrower or Borrower's ruccessors in interes¢.My iorbeannce by Lende�in exercising any right or reme�y ,�,..,�.,, .,
<br /> ' `�' �"' shall not be a waiver of or prcelude tbe exercise of eny right a r remedy. ''�-��
<br /> ,�,,,:, .� .
<br /> il. Suocwnr��nd A�dWa Bound:,Oai�t and�etal L�btUty;Co-sl@�en. '0'fie covenants and egreements oP ;�" '
<br /> n '
<br /> this Security lnstrument�hall bind and benefit tfie auccessors and assiBns uf i.ender and Bo�rrower,subject to the provicions �, :�'���
<br /> �.-I�i�
<br /> - '_- -- - of puaBraPh f'�.Bortower's covenanis and ugr���nu sha1�ts jaint aad sa:xsal.,Sny Be*.YOwer w}x+en.xigns this Security � - _- :,.+�;.
<br /> . -�,,.,;'•:T
<br /> , �,...;, . lnstrument but does not executc t'he Note:(a)is casign�ng tt�his Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey �
<br /> � `'`' tl�t Borrower's interest in the Praperty under the terms of this 5ecurity lnstrumen�;(b)is not personally obligated to pay �L�
<br /> 4 the sums secured by this Security lnstrumenl;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Horrower may agree to extend, k� 'r�-
<br /> modify,forbeer or anake any accommodxuaons wivh regard to the terms ai tbis Security Instrument or the Note without ►.
<br /> �: th�t Borrower's corn:,ent. , �"
<br /> .., 12, Loaa C�ei, lS t'he loan secused by tMis Socurity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan ,;','•,.
<br /> � 1'}�•. charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that Ihe interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in . ���;`
<br /> � � connection with the loan exceed the permitted limib, then:(a)any such loan charge shcill be reduced by the amount ,�
<br /> ' '�, • ���;%;t,{,�. necasary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which eaceeded f •
<br /> � `s.;'-:�-��ti1:` permitted limits aill be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owed �
<br /> � . s,,�.�y�,,.. .,
<br /> :�����'��>�•�� ��. under tne Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If e refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a �
<br /> ' ,F''j'� '�Y��:'.. ";. � �al re ment without en r ment char c under the Note. �
<br /> . �,�„ ... . . Put' P PaY Y P�Y B i
<br /> ':,r ` ��:i;:�� �3. Leabl�don Attectdag Lender's Rights. li enactment or expiration of A��+licable laws has the elPect of—.
<br /> +•� •�`; • �''�.' rendFring any provision of the Note ot this Security Instrum�ent unenforc.-able according to its terms,Lender,at its opt�on,
<br /> ;. �'� may require immediate payment in Pull of n71 sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedia
<br /> ' { � permitted by paragreph 19.If Lender exercisss this option,L.ender shall take the steps specified in the second parngraph of
<br /> � paragreph 17.
<br /> . + 14. NoHeea. Any notice to Horrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> :��;':,•,
<br /> '' , �;,: >�.. mAiling it by Brst class mai!unless applicable law requires use of nnother methacl. The notice ahull be directed to the
<br /> • ; , � ';;��.:,:�;�� Property Addresa or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any nntice to I.ender shs�ll be given by
<br /> • flret class mai�to 4.ender's address stated her�ei�o or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> �� • � provided Fot i�thns Security lnstrument shal�be dcemed to have txen given to Borrower or Lender when Etiven us provided
<br /> ,� � in this psragrapfi.
<br /> � •��...�.,,, 1S. Goierning law;Seye►sibiUty. '1'his Security lnstrument shall be governed hy federal law and the law of�he
<br /> • ��� jurisdiction in which the Property is located.ln the evrnt tfiat any provision or cluuse oP�his Security lnstrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicnble law,such conflict shall not A�Tect other provisions of'this Security Instrument or the No1e
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To t his end the provisions oP this Security Instrument ond the
<br /> � Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> . ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one conformed co�+y of the Note und of this Secunty Insarument.
<br /> ; � . 17. Transter ot the P�oyerty or a Beneflcipl Interc�t in Bono�rer. If all or any purt of the Pro�nu or any
<br /> �r��certst in it is sold or transtfedred lor if a bene8cial interat in Borrower is sold or transferred nnd Borrower is not a nateral
<br /> person)withtut�.ender's pr�nr wnnen cons�nt.LenJer may,nt iir opiiun,require immediate payment in full of A99 sums
<br /> • secured bp thds�rurity Irostrument. However,this option shal!not br exerc�sed by Lender if czernse ic prohib�led by
<br /> federnl law as oi oF�e date of this Security I nstrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option.I.ender tihull give Borrower nouce of accelera�inn.'ihe notice sha0i prov�de a(+�r�od
<br /> of noi less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maded within which&�rrnwer must pa}•all sums,ecured by
<br /> . tPoix SecuritY Instrument.If Bonower fads to pay these sums pnor to the expirauon��i�h�.penod.Lender may iotiuke any
<br /> � � remalies pe�mitted by this Security Inslrument wrthout further not�ce or aemnnd on Fsorrow�cr
<br /> ' 18.Borrower's Right to Reiasute. If Borrower meets cenam conditions,Borrower sh:��;�ave�he nght to have
<br /> ! e�forcemenl of th�s Secunty Instroment d�scontinued ut any ume pnor to the wrliu af:l•r15 da}c I��r�ach uther perioci as
<br /> ' aQplicablt law may sptcify for remstalement)bePore sale uf the Propeny pursuynl to any Fwwer of wle contamed in this
<br /> � Security Instrument;or(by entry of a judgment enfarcing this Secunty Instrument. Thcne condwons are th�l&�rrower:
<br /> (a)pays Lendu�11 sums which then would be due under this Secunty Instrumen�and the Nae had na �ccelera�u►n
<br /> accurrod:(by cures any default of any ather covenants o�agreemcnr�:le) pays a0L expences mcurred m entorcmg thi�
<br /> Secunty le�sarument, including,but not I�mited to,reasonabk altomeyti fees;and (d)takts�uch xtMn as Lender may
<br /> �� reasonafoly require t�assurc that the lien of this Socurity Instrument, Lender's nghts in the Property and Borrowe��
<br /> obiigation to pay the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument shall contmue unchanged. Upon rnn.rtatement by
<br /> IBorrower,this Security Instrument and the obligat�ons securad hereby shall remain fully effec�ive as if no ycrelerat�on had
<br /> occurnd.However,this nght to reinatate shall not apply in the cate of acctleret�on under paragraphs 13 ix 17.
<br /> I �
<br />