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<br /> �� .. :.�,7 Ssy;.,' •,s d��.i- �,cc,; �' a�,... ;ry.�,,�tif'; �,f�" ti�1 M�N��:%��4,,,,�.,..—..—•�- -�...,.-. ,
<br /> .ft.� .�..a. r��}4b,w.Yy ...y,, , - •�; .. ,II
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<br /> .;� � �e�Twiw+r�+�ww _ �. --
<br /> .. ..� 91 �.
<br /> 4 � �,2�
<br /> 102 �` -_.
<br /> � � ... NoN•uN�PO�M oovF�t�N,s.eono�ver.na LaOda nuelba care�uM,ma.Rea..rcuoM.: �..::�-�-.
<br /> � ' � � •� � ° � 1�. Aaodrallai R��Iw�i�t iaq�w�ky/0 9onaw�r Miar to�oorMratlm tdbwt�8orroww"� -"•
<br /> �._�..:, wweM Mpr eo��t ar�/�wrt I�Wt 14�a�rib Irte�t(M�t iwt�rlar to seal�eatlo�n�PW+�r+yY 13 ad 17 ��,�::�:r,-t-�
<br /> ' ` .., �11M��0�11�I�O�IdM�M�M��7����W�M�111��b)t�!�t10� �1111w t0�ff fM0 �.;i�.r�
<br /> � �(el���at{�t�30 4y�Aow tM�i�b tM�otks 1���to�oerowK�br wh{cr W ddsait wwt b�cYnii ----
<br /> ° Y�(����pTe f0 CM�'/����Ow Or 1N�OrE���t�d��fw�Dfll��Y IMYII V�00l�M1�0�0/t�f fYw/ ��:'�..,.,._,��A�a_=
<br /> we�M ry trit S�c�riq L�trtw�t�wd ale ot tM Pro�ir.'t'M��p AvtYer IJor�Borrower of tir ri�t to lti;:'� -=tiL��,--
<br /> ' e�M�q a1Y��uod�ntio��ai tw e1�Yt to bria��corrt�eela to wert the���te�oe d� defiudt ar Mr M4r °,�-- -
<br /> u
<br /> �et�w oi Aorw�r�r to ioo�l�radm aad�Io.If tbe detanit v�cit cored on or belare t6e dde qeciflal la tla aotk+e.l.e�der ,�•_�-k�r�-== -
<br /> �t ih oplo�aw!►n�ir�lu�il�fMY�t 1�Ad!ot dl pu��ec�red by tYU SecuritY G�n�t�1�t hrtrer �;r_�_���
<br /> dea�d ud w�y i��oke dN oow�r ot ale�d wy ot6ar rewedla perwitted by�pplka6k las.Laider shdl6e eadtle�l to .y...,...r.__
<br />'�' � oalleet dl a1� �V p�ta�tie e+aMdlM p�o�id�d i. tht� p�r+�rap6 l9� tNClwll�.bue noe Ildled ta ��?�,Sy�,.�i=
<br /> rerwile attomeY�'tas�d oosa ottitle edda�nce. �A�,�'`�"��`��.
<br /> It W pwer oi ale i�I��oked�Tro�tae�11 record a aodce of dafiult la escb cauty I�abl�b�ny Pa�ot t6a .,-+,� `�-i�-.
<br /> ProM+rt��M��ad slull auil eapia da�cM�Miee io tYe r�ivaer PieocNbed bY�PPucable 1��ta Borrower�nd to the '-.,w;R,tr'��_-.,
<br /> at�a�!��M��bY�PAUabk In,ARer tiie doe reqairod bY�Plic�ble IAw.Trurtce chd!�ive publlc aoHee of :.,•.o.M..,�.,,`;
<br /> . a!e to tre�so�wl in t6e suaeer�rUei�x yNie�ble I�w.Tnirtee,witbrt�iar�ad oa Borrowu,�ull�e11 tMe .�:•���i�ic;'�.i��:
<br /> pro�erty at M►Ik aucdoa to We h1�Ye�t bWtr d tre W�e�ni pVice ui w�ier tlie terwn ie�l�ted ia tbe aotice otale in � •,.�-..,,. .
<br /> ooe or�ore�araV ud la�Y u+der TrWea ieternd�a.Ttr�tee�nyr�at�ore�le oI�II or wp rrod ot tbu Property bY , ,
<br /> pu61k anoa�weNt�t tbt Wst a�d'I�ea a1�uy�+ndo�ly rd�e�rle�nle.Lea�ar or tta d�sipee�uf Purchue t6a , .,._�;,.�..^--•-
<br /> �7�at a��+ak• ;`�i�e�wyr.,...
<br /> Up��+eoei�t oi My�aat ot f!e pdet Wd,Trntee�all de1Na M tYe p�cluaer Tn�tee'e�eea cw.��tre , _ .�
<br /> prv�aty.'ire rodWr la tie Trnctes'�dNd�baU be pia fade etMieic�e of tiie t�wtM of tbe�qtedenp�aie tkrei�. ,. . `-�`-�`__
<br /> �M
<br /> TY�!!�II���Q P�O�lE��Ot�Q p�0 IM�IE�OUOI�IMQ Ofdlfi�A)�O�II @xpllllili Ot/Y@ i�It•�/C�YAIII�bYYt A01(Idtld ' �; -°���'-'?::
<br /> , to,lYartee9 fea r parmitted bY�p�Ik+iNe Iaw�ad rea�owble�ttan�e�'fee�(b)to�II a�w�ecwed b!'t6�Secnrity 1� __ -
<br /> `�:;�_ ' � I�naaeAr.�u1�(e)a�y eseas W dle perio�or perioWl Ie�aUy e�dded ta ii. r ..._,.
<br /> ' � � Tp.Lp�der t�Pos�eido�. Upon�c�xleradon under paragraph 19 or abandonment oi'the Propeny, Lender lin � �;�
<br /> � 1 �'�'�;�r� rsan,by xgem or b udiciaUy s�ppainted recdvet)shall be entitled to enter upon, tnke possession of and ma�uge the �:;-�y�
<br /> •: t�:.;?'`':+'�, . propertY�nd to oollxt the rents of the Property including thase past due.My rents coAected by I.ender or�he receiver � _,--..`��
<br /> �� ' ' ` ahall be applied 8nt to pryment oP the casts of management of the Property and collxtion of rcnts,including.but not ;a,:��
<br /> Umited to,�eiver's fas.Premiums on rxeiver'c bonds and rasontble attorneys'faa,and then�o�he sums securod by � • !�,,';"'1�;:;,;'��'.:''�
<br /> , . , �,na.���;;�;
<br /> ., thi�Seturity I�strument. i ��.,.••r� ; , :
<br /> i, 21.Reeos�eyaaoe.Upon paymrnt of aU sums securcd by this Security Instrumrnt.Lender shall request Trustee to : . ,
<br /> � '��'� neconvey the Property and shall surrender this Sacu�ity Imtrumrnt nnd all nota evidencing debt secu�ed by this Sxurity , . . �
<br /> - _ _.--- --... inetrumrnt to 7'rusta.Trus�x ahali roconvey iho Fro�ty withaut warraaty assd xrithout zhnrge t�t!�e�+erc�m o�oerions � .. • .�.�,. _'-
<br /> legally mtitl�l!t�o it.Such pecaon or petso�s shall pay any rabrdation costc. ,.y�'
<br /> ...� ?;•;;;�� •ti;. 'f,� 22.Sti'b�'tJtote Tn�tee.Lender.At its option,rtuy from time to uaar.e remove Trustee and nppoint a successor trustee �. .. . ; -
<br /> ��,;
<br /> ' ��r,;s •' *1',; •�•� t o�n y T r u s t e e�p p o i n t a d h e r e u a d e r b y a n i n s t r u m�t r a o r d e d i n t h e o o u n t y i n w h i c h t h i c S e c u r iry[nstrument is racorded. � • !••� ,,'',' , ;�'_
<br /> ;' t'�'�'•�="� � 1Ki!hout canvayance oP the Frnperty,the:uccessor tnuta shall e�:c.eed to all the tiNe,power and dutia oonferred upon ',�'`.'"'�" �''"`-
<br /> ; . ,�.. �r� . �•;,. :; ....
<br /> _.�5;:�, .f� Tuusta hercin and by applicuble law. ...�,.:, ..
<br /> �' • ��'�?• ?,3.Reqnest tor NoNces.Borrower requests that copies of�he r.auices of default and sale be sent to Bomower's addrcss ,
<br /> � ` � which is the Piroperty Address.Borrower further requests that copies of�1�e not ice o f de fuu l t a n d n o d c e o f sale be sent to each � _, ..�,.
<br /> � � • petson who is a ptuty hereto at the address of such person set fonh hcrcin. ;• . �, -
<br /> • ' • �� ��� 7A.RWera to th4 Secudty Iash�umea�If one or more riders are executed by Borcower and raorded together with �� ti
<br /> ` � •�"`!� . ¢�his Security Inatrument.the covenants and agreemmts oPeach auch rider shall be incorporated into end shall amend aad ;�;�
<br /> . '���,'��• euppkmmt tf�e covenants and agraments of this Security In:trument as if the rider(s)wero a part of tbis Security • � `��
<br /> . . • lnurummt.[C�tck applic�ble box(a)] � � • �,'•` �"��
<br /> : ;11,,+'i , �1;,,' �� , . � • • •�'
<br /> ' "�'' � Adjusuble Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑2-� F���Y R�*
<br /> � . ,� . , • ;po��1',�k.i• ,'� � Qradwted Paymmt Rider ❑ Planned Un1t Development Rider ' �' � �� .
<br /> , ;;! � r , •.�' ❑ Other(a)'[apecifyj �
<br /> .;;����:� ,,;�` F BY SIONINd BELOW. Borcower acapts nnd agras to the serms and oovm�nu contauned in this Secudty :
<br />:'': ':'s;�;S• . � .; Instrument ond in any riderls)exceuted by Horrower und recorded with it.
<br /> 5 . ;,r, X..�..`:.`.}G.'�..��:...1..:!.�:,".:-..�.j'�......... «)
<br /> , 1
<br /> �. • �... �-8wro�w
<br /> ,. � ,j;. . ' ?..`.....�e:C,,Gr�.?r�Y�-...�.�.•....,�+�1•�. ..�.,..(seal)
<br /> �S}:� �}� ' �� -� � .
<br /> � � . � .� S1'ATB OF NIS6YA.9RA................�'1811............................................._........Coumty as: � '
<br /> . . �
<br /> , On this.....$tb................day o4 ...�xil.............., 19....9.1,t�eiore�e.tfie undergi�ed, a Notary Public �
<br /> .�,j �
<br /> r, c8n1 eommiaeloned and ualiSed for eAid county, Persona�,lb' cAme ...�1�'i..�....��P�1d..a[ld....................
<br /> � ::�. �ag c. xoi a, �b�a.�a wife @ ao�+�e
<br /> , . _...........................�................ ......_........................._........g....$...........................
<br /> ;; �deatIcal pereon(e) whose nameia) Av�r gu�ri4�1 d�+the i�re oin in�xrument and acknowledgeol t��e.iecu-
<br /> ''' tion thereot to be ......volun sct and deetD.
<br /> .� ........rh�alac................................................................... t+arY
<br /> . •1 Witaese my hend and notuzi�T tc��at.......���..���. .�...�...��t��l.....................in eeid coaattv�.fk�
<br /> - .- . ,.: uiie aiozes�iu.
<br /> ' � My 1 i�llt���l� .?.�.....�C.t.�- �����- � -�'l�?Z.�,......................_
<br /> ' C1IN�IM1►.1.8TPe11M1 � .�....•..pu�ue
<br /> �/O�Ma�Jia�1� ,�.� �, Ha.�r
<br /> e are an p oyment Opportunity/AfErmative Action Employer M/F.
<br /> t=o+n MMw 1fw un! ►a AcMnrMdpn�ntl
<br /> . �
<br /> t
<br /> . .
<br /> � _ _
<br />