.. .,
<br /> � ; t,;c�t�,'�•�_ H. .:ti. f,:. .r. � �� ;,�t,S�. . _•__ .._..�.,.,,...�;�'�
<br /> ..�nfi�►yrS.��yr,r'� '1,y4':t - --
<br /> �,,.�� ..n..Y.._ .S ' :y��+.. , .... .,. -. ��:�
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<br /> ;��•� ��----n 4:,.�`:�''ld::ir
<br /> �'�,�_. _.�.� «.__...-... ,.__ . .. ....ar�rrr��. - ........ �-- --� -- _ _
<br /> . ��,.- 1 a��2� �_�_��
<br /> .. � ���. �. --�-�=--
<br /> , �., .. UNIFORM COVBNANTS. BOrfOWEr Md IRtldeT OOYt11wQf�Qd���EE 110�OIIOWS: �L i;,._.-__—..-
<br /> 1. p� t of fhi�cipd u�d htaw�i PnO�YweNt aad I.�te C1��rRe�, Qortowcr shvll prompllY pwY when due �`"`"'�'.Jr�`:'. __
<br /> �• , � ynp �y��,.,.��- -
<br /> � •'��� the prinoipsl of+�nd interest on the det�t evidenced by thc Nate And aoy pre�ymcnt and late ch�r�es due under Ihe Nate.
<br /> �.�:.:
<br /> � ., 3. Fundo tar 7'aM�I�wtlu�w� SubJect�o�ppflc�bk I�w ar ta�written w�iver by Leoder,Borrower sh�ll pAy _
<br /> to L�ender ort the day momhly p�ymsntt�ro dua under Ihe Note,until thc Ncuo is p�id in fLll,�sum("Fuod�")equ�l to _��
<br /> ',� , one-twelith of: (�) yearly uxes md ���menn which m�y ��ain p�i�rity over �his Secu�ity Instrument; (b) yearly _
<br /> "� leuehold p�ymcnts or Qround rcnu on tbo Propeny, if�ny;(c)yearly h�u��d insurance prerniumb; and (d) yc��ly �___
<br /> 't; . moh��e insunnco pmniums�if�ny.Thexe i1em��re c�ll�d"acraw ilams."Lender may eslimale the Fund�due on the =_--
<br /> buis of aurrcnt d�tA�nd n�u�npble eatim�te�of Nturc escrow itemc• *es"'�----
<br /> ' Tho Fund�shd)be held io�e in�titutian the deposi�s ar�ccauota oP which are insured u�auar�nteed by u federul or `��"`""'"""
<br /> :,x�-_-_-_-_:
<br /> . st�te�gency(iaciuding I.endc�iP I.ende�i��uch�e ins�itutMn). Lender shall�pply the Funds to�ny Ihe escrow ilem�. '"�,.;����
<br /> n
<br /> Lender m�y not ch�r o for haldina+�nd• yln the Funda,andy�ing the account or verifying the escrow ftems,unless ��. ^���'=— --
<br /> . � 8 PP� 8 1..:."':;,. v •�.:
<br />' i.rnder p�ys Nor�owcr ioterest on the Funda and spplic�ble I�w permits Lende�to make such a ohprgc. 8orrower and �_: •,.,.�-
<br /> i�t�.0 � 1b r i..:.�-.
<br /> l.mder m�y agree in w�iting th�l interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Unlas an ngreement is mMde or applicable Iww �::rT•:•�;� ';;�f%�T--
<br /> requires interest to bc pwid,I.ender shall no�be required ta{:wy Barcower any interat c+r eamings an the Funds.I.ender `�"��'''��" • _
<br /> w
<br /> ahdl�ivc to Borrower.without ch�rge,Ao�nnupl accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to�he Funds and the �
<br /> purpose for which eac6 debit lo the Funds wos m�de.The Funds ere plcdged a4 edditianal sccurity for the sums secu�ed by j. �
<br /> thb Socu�ity Instrumeet. ( -
<br /> � U the amount of the Fuads held by Lender.toBether with the future monthly payments of Funds pnyable prior to :� -:,- -S:
<br /> ' Ihe due dates oP the escrow items,sh�ll excad the+�mount aquircd to p•ry the esc�oa items when due,the eacess shal!be. • • � ' '°�'� '
<br /> _ ,::....:....
<br /> at Aorro�e�'�option,either promptly nrpdd to Borrawer or credited to Borrowa an momhly payments of Funds.I1'ihe �'�i��;;,.
<br /> amount oPthe Funds held by I.ender is not saflicient to pay the escrow items when due,Borrower sh�il pay to Lender any •----•-�..�
<br /> • � �aiount�easss�ry to m�ke up the deflciency in one ar marc payments As requi�+ed by 1Lender. �� ' �,x�:���'•* �•�
<br /> ;��:4�;;1 • Upon ps�yment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrume�ot.Lender Yhall promptl� reiand to Borrowcr � ,
<br /> any Funds held by Leade�.lf under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquircd by L.ender,Lender sh�ll apply,no later �
<br /> th�o immediNely prio�to the sak of the Property or its acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender ut the time of ! :,. ,:•�,�;,'�
<br /> � �pplic�tion as a crcdit pgainst the sums secured by this Security Instrument. . ,
<br /> 3. Applic�don ot P�ymeab. Unlas appNcable I�w provides othervuise,all paymrnts�ecaved by Lender under �''_-
<br /> � paragmphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Brst.to I�a�charges due under the Note;�second.to prepayment cheQes due under the : ..I�,�
<br /> " Note;thitd,ta emounts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to inlerest due;ar��!I�st.ta principal due. ,
<br /> � 1, CharQe�Lieas. Borrower shell pay nll taxes,assessments,c�sa•rges,flna and impositions attributable to the � �1�'�'::—
<br /> � ;, �' � � Property which may attain priority over this Security Inst�ument, and lesisehold payments or ground rents, iP any. �
<br /> : � . :���".i; � BorrowershAll '
<br /> �,i,:�., ::; .,_ Bonowxr shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph_,or if not paid in that mAnner. ; ..;,. �r
<br /> ' •!%�`��•"� pay them on time direcqy to the peraon owed paymrnt.Borcower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts 1,';. •
<br /> : . !. S,�:,{`�;;
<br /> . . ,,,,.:�:. , ta b e pai d un der t 0�is pn r a g rn p h.I P Borrower makes these pa y ments directly,f�orrower shall promptly furnish to L,ende� i •, �,
<br /> ;;.;��::::' . • �-,:��,:... .; tere�p�s evidencing ifie paYmencs. • _;;,;��.:�[.
<br /> � '`'''�"�� 'Rorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which ha•s priarity ovar�this Security Instrument unless Borrower:fa►D �.. '
<br /> • , ' '�"r�'�'' ag�ees in writing to the payment ai't+he obligetion secured by the lien in a manner acceptamie t-o Lender;(b)contests in gc�od
<br /> " ��' ' � f�ith the lien by,or defends pgainst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in ihx Lender's opinion operate�o :�'
<br /> � prevent the enforcement of�he lien or forfeiture ot'any pen oP the Property;or(c)sxures fiom thc holder of the lien an •::��:
<br /> ' '�,� '..,. agreement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinatin�the lian to tfiis Security Instrument.IP Lender determin�s that any pan of � `r�,,
<br /> ' . the Property is subject to a lien which may aitAin priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a
<br /> . , notice identifyiog the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or ta�ce one ar more of the actions set forth above wilhin 10 days �
<br /> ' ', �'.
<br /> i+ � . oithegivingoPnotice.
<br /> '• • S. Hu�rd Inanrance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaRer erected on the Propeny
<br /> • insured against Ioss by flre,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other huwrds fot which Lender • �
<br /> �•� � requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that I.ender requires. The ���
<br /> insunnce carrier providing the insuranct sha11 be chosen by Borrower subjcet lo Lender's approval which shall not be ,.,�t;
<br /> unra�sonebly withheld. �
<br /> All insurance policia and renewals shall be ucceptable to Lender and shntl include a standard mongage clause.
<br /> Lender ahall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If I.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender ''
<br /> ' all receipts of pnid premiums und renewal noiices.In the event of loss,&mower shall give prompt notice to the insurance �ti'.��'
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make prooPof loss if not mnde promptly by Borrower. ;;j,;.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,insurunce proceeds shall he applied to restoration or repair •;
<br /> � of the Property damaged,if the restoration or repair is econamically fensible nnd Lender's security is not lessened. 1 F the '
<br /> rcstoration or repair is not economically feasible or[.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shull be
<br /> t; • . applied to the sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Horrower.lf
<br /> Borrower abaadons the Propeny,or does not unswer within 30 deys a notice from Lender thnt the in�urance carrier has , ;��
<br /> offered to setde a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance preueed�. Lc�nder may use the proceed;to repair or restore
<br /> �r�' the Propeny or to pay cums�cured by this Security Instrurnent.whe�her ot not thea dve.The 30�duy period wiJ]begin .''•�• �
<br /> , ;: �:�.. ' when the notice is given. �
<br /> R '�'° �ti;��;� Unless Lender and Hc�rrowet otherwixe agree in wriain,�,any application af rmcreds tn principal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> ':,� �'•:�,:t�.l ,
<br /> .,, postpone the due date of the rnnnthly pnyments refrrred to in parugrnphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the umount of the payments.If
<br /> � �'�'� ' �" '��` under paragraph 19 the Propeny ic acqwred h}Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance{�licies and prcxeeds resuUing
<br /> • , :�r;;::�;:•y
<br /> � Gom dnmage to the Propeny�+rinr�o the r+cquisition shall pnss t��Lender ro t6e estent of the sums secured by this 5ecurity �
<br /> ► .. :�`,`' ' Instrument immediately pnnr��o t':e ucquisition.
<br /> , 6. Prese�vatton and�9uin�tenAece ot Property;I.ea.�ehnlds. H��rrawer.hall not dc�+tray,Jamoge ar.utn�anii�ll►'
<br /> � change the Property.al�mv 1hc Prnprriy lo deteriurate or rommu K'actt. Ji thiti 5rrunty•Instrument is �m a leaxeholJ.
<br /> • � Borrower sh�ll c��e:pl}wi�h tht�+rnvision�ct't�:e lrase.•rnd if&�rruwer�";u i r��1'er tulr ro the Pn.pere�.t'he leasehold and
<br /> , fee title shall not R:�et�r ur�:r.s:�1.rndrr a:gr�et��t.�;�:�mergcr m u�n�ing.
<br /> 7. Protecvion of l.ew��fer's Q�igO�ts ir� ehc Property; �fortRage Insurance. If BormKes ;aa;ti tu �rform the
<br /> covenantsand agreementscortr„�caeu m th�sSecurit��Imtrumenl,ar there is a legvl pakrc�;r.�ifiau mac.igmRcanQ�aBect
<br /> �` . i Lender's riahts in the Pmoertf cs�ch as u prcxeeding in bankruptcy. pmba�e.far cunw�naci�.^+a nr to enfi�rce laws or
<br /> � � regulat�uns),thrn Lender may do Lnd�y for whatever i�nereswn tu pratrrt the�alue of the Pm,:ert.und Lrnaer's ngets
<br /> in the �ropeny Lrnder's actiuna ma� �n�lade pa�•ing xny�ums.ecured by�hen wh�ch has pr:��rcr.ti o�er th�s Secunty
<br /> Instmment.appanng i�court.payiog reasonable atturneys'fe�y unJ entanng on the Pro�n}a�m��e repairs.Although
<br /> Lender may t�ke action under thcs Qaragr�ph 7,Lender does not ha�e to du so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursod by Lender under thic�+ar�graph��hall 1�ecome adc�in�+n�[d�rbt nf Horrower secured Ny th�s
<br /> Seccuicy lresiruarcnt.Unlas Bcr�ou•er and Lender agPCe�u orher terms�t paqmenc.thrwe amc�unt�c shall Aear mterest fmm
<br /> the date al�d►tiAurstmrnt at the `��te r�tc and shall he pa}ai�le. �4irM intcr�wt. up��n n�u��r fec�m Lender t�� ��rrawrr
<br /> reques�mB Paymen r.
<br /> �
<br /> ►
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br />