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_ �1'' � r t ... .__ ___ _. __. �1 . . . <br /> �tn'..:• , '1 ��{��.f, -- - -- - �� ....d :_ +t:,o.._ <br /> ...��_ �5�� ,.: 93,. io�s - . . _ - <br /> Tooen�en wm��1�d�e,impnov�►w ne�aaaea an t�o p�o�t�►..nd v�ea�neaa.�p�u�ta�+�no..,�aa <br /> Aa9nra aow or MoraiA�or a pat oP We p�erty. AU tepl�oemaW� �ad sddltMwu �IWI d�o Me eov�nd by th4 i�aaity <br /> �.Al1 Q�111C 1�IC�O�11`�!IOfl�T�f0�111�/90Cittity 1Art1YlO01M OY i�id'�'iy�ifiiy" . <br /> eoRle�ow8lt QovBNANTS tlw eorro�roe b 1�►►NUy�e4ed o1�waa.lMroby oaawy�ed aad ha�tl�e ri�he 10 pi�at a�d <br /> «�av�y we Propaty�na uwi�he rropeRy ia uaenwnbaa�a,exaept ro.eoa�.noa ot�eoa�a. 6o�vower wan.o�a wa�vlu <br /> defaod jenemlly 1he dtb ta the ProporJy�d�t vl cWaN�od deewidti wbjaa w�aY a�t�oa af ro�:ad. . <br /> TFpB SECURiTY INST1tUMBNT a�mbinoa uaifonn oovan�nt�far n�tfowl use aad aao�uaifam oovaowt�wilb I1n�1od <br /> ---- - - - vslrtlam bY laridiaioa to ooa�Oa�uaifmm�ry inc�umeip aavor�u�ial propaty. <br /> --.�,,-_-,�-----------� UMFORM OaVENAIVI'S.Boa+uaror and Leeder oove�M and�grae ao fa�lorvs: . <br /> - - i.��at prt■d� .ea t�a+aM:�r�y�n+eae +�na t.�e ��.�. B��« .ndi v�„p�y �y whea aue�e <br /> pincipd ot�nd intar�t an the debt evldenoo�d by the Nae and any p�prnx��nd late dur�a duo under tho Nwo. <br /> - Z.Fbnd��ar Ti�s�tod Ia�ance.SubJoct to applipble I�w or to a wrinen waiva by L�aWer. Barn►wor siudl psy to <br /> L�d�on the d�y mo�uhly p�ymenu�u�e due uad�x the Nato.until tho Note ir paid in fWl.�sum('Funds•)for:(�)Ye�rly uu�es <br /> and�ta which m�y�lUin prfority over�Ais Securiry instnimeat su�lirn on the Pnopeity:(b)Y�Y�d P�Y�s <br />--� or�nound oaNs an the Property. if Any:(cl Yauly hu+�nf or pn�peny incuranoe promiums:(d)Ye�r�y flood iaw�anoe pram�. <br /> if'�np:(e)Yeuly ma��insurnnoe pn�miunu, if my:uxl(Il any sums p�yabk by Bonuwer to 4eoder. in s000rd�nee w11h <br /> 1he povisioos d'p��ph licu of the paymau of mon�age insuraaoe premiums.71ksc hems w'e�alled'Fscrow itam.' , <br />_,,Fm I.etdcr may.aa�oy time.ooiloct aad hold Funds in an a��wu� rot tv ex�oed the muimum ia�aunt A larder for a fedenlly <br /> alated mortgige laai m�y reguirc for 9ort+�wer's esc�no�r Aornuat wder the fakr�l Real Estate Senlemait Pnooaciur�a Act of <br /> 1974 as amcnded fraon tiosc w time. 12 U.S.C.Sec�ion 2601 er st+Q. ("RESi'A').udess anot6er Is�r tfwit applip to the Fwds <br /> _-T eets�t laser amount.If w. IRr�der m�y.�t a�ry time. oolloct ard hold Funds in an amount not w excoed�he lescd'amouut. <br />--- -- - - - l.a�der may estimate the anmunt of Fu�d+due on the basis of a�rnau data aad rcasawbk esdm�ates o�expeodiou�es W tuwne <br />::';'�l� -- �_- Bscrow 11ems or otl�etwise in axotdance with applicab�e uw. <br /> `-- '''"-.�`� The Furds slwN 6c held in an inslitutlon whose its are insured b A foderal <br /> - def�os Y agen='. inshuma�tality. ar enity <br />_ (including Lender,ii Lerder is such an institution)or i�any Federal Home[.o�n B�nk.l.ender�:�;apply the Funds W pay d�e <br /> �� �'yctaw Items. I.ender mAy aot chuge Borrower for holding and applyfng the Funds.annuWly a�ly�ng the escrow�ccou�u.or <br /> 3� veri'tying the�scrow(tems, unless[.ender pays 8ornower iriterest on the Funds and applicable law perniits Le�der to rnake such <br />`:;;'^ a chargo� Haxever. Lender mry require Borrower to pay a ore-time charge for an irdependent rcal e.uate Iau r+eportiag ser��ice <br /> usad by Le�wler in connxtion with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless An agrcsment is it�r or <br /> =�.��� applicAble luw roqaires interest to be paid,L.erder shall not be required ta pay Bomower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br />-- Borrower aM l.ender:nay agrce in wtiting, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Bomnwer, <br /> F' wlthout cherge. an annual acmunling of the Funds,showing credits and debits �o the Funds and the purpose for which wrh <br /> - �k1+it to th�F���dc we+�made.The Fund�ar��Irlg.�l ae�A!litiona!se�urity f!►r ell wmc+�c��re.Yl by n�ia Se,a,�i�y I.wn�ment. <br /> - If the Furtcds held by I.ender eaceed the s�mounts pemiitted ta be held by applicable Inw.��.�ter shall acrnunt to Hanr�+wer <br /> '� far the eacess Funiis in urcotdance with the requirements af npplicable law. If the amaum af�he �unds helel My Lender aa ru�y <br /> '�w' � tcme is not sufficient to •4 nhe Escrow Items when due.LeoHler mav:zo nntifv&x�rw�r in writin ,and.1ro su�h case Borrower <br /> - W. . . R <br /> :`:'', ;�"�,i,F�t� 'r'�i:`-���''`� u:x9i pvy to l,ender lh�� am,.�unt necessary to make up¢:�e cl�'Gcieiuy, Borruw�r sh:,tl make up Ihe def�cian�:y �i�no more tlwn - <br /> `� ����' tweiv¢mc�nth! men4�,ul lx�xler's�le dikretion. <br />_:'"�' r.r,st.: :�• � 5+�Y <br /> �`���' � ��: Upcxn pA�ment in t'u0 of all sumc xecured by this 5ecurity� 1n.trument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> " ., �'� ^ , . ;�,- Futida hefcl b�. U..ender.If,under parng�ph Z I.I.ender shnll ucquire or sell the Propeny, [.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> o�tfie Property, shall apply any Fu�xls held by Le►der at the lime of ucquisition or sale as a credit againu the sums secured by <br /> � _:- --- __;—= Gua$cxwiiy i��aGw��u[. <br /> �. '�'• �'`'•'�•''��',�' 3.�ppllcatbn of Paymeats.Unles�applk�able law providc+nthenvik,ull payments receivod by Lender under pare�raphs <br /> . . � • : � ,..; <br /> ��� ���""' ` `r I and 2 shall bP u lied: first,to un re ment rhar es due under the Nate; ,utivmd, to amoums able under h 2; <br />.i�� � �,t���•:�• ,�: PP Y P PaY 8 • PeY P�B�P <br /> "'�'� ' -"�«+,,�!�: third, to interest due;fouhh,�o principal due:und last,to ony latr chu�tes due under the Nwe. <br /> . , ,� �. <br /> - ,,� ' " �;'�`. �,. a.ctw <br />, . ���'�} ,:��^r.. rges;I.iens.Bnrrower+hall pay ull taxes, ussesament+, charges, fines and impnsitians a�trihut�ble to the Prnpeny <br /> -' ,. � �;f''''{A � ... • <br /> _ ���F/,,., a�hich muy attnin pria�ity � this Security Inurument.and Icuseh�ild paymenc�+�r grnund rems, if ur�y. Borrawer shall pay <br /> '`c. ' 's��"#':.''� .';:"�.z � lhese obligalion.5 in thc mn�aer provided in parugruph 2,or if not puid in thut munner.Bormwrer shall pay thcm on timc direcQv <br />=''" �-� � to the pen�m owed pryment. &►rrower shall pr��mpdy fumish w l.encler ull noticr.of aimiums�n be paid under this paragr;�ph. <br />_._:.1�,; .� r.. �; .. <br /> .,1;:.. :'�..;�,F.,n: � '.: If Barrow�r uia�:cs thc�c payment+dirccil�.&�rn�wrr sh•rll promp�ly furni�h to[.cnJcr r��ciptti evidencfng the ps�ymentti. <br />- �'� I�ROwer shul!promptly Jischarge any licn which ha�pri��rity�wcr�hi,Sccuriry Instrumem unless Barrower:(u)ug�ec��n <br />-�' •�w� �-`�.•'4`� .��ri�ing�o the puymem of the obligution Mcured hy the tien in u munner ucceptable ta l.ender: Ihl contest�in rocxl fuith the litn <br /> °. ��u� ��if�n�'. <br /> ; • � by, ��r defends u�!uin,t enti�ncment ��I' the lien in, Ic�al pnx���ling+ whirh in thr l.cnJcr'. opiniun operai� to prevena Ihe <br /> ~ �� �'� ' . enforcement ot'the licn: or Ic1�ecure�Pr<�m the h�lder af ihe li�n an a•nunent tiatisfactu tu Lender,ulx�rdinatin the lien to <br /> . ,�.:,:`, . � .. rY 6 <br /> ''� . ,'�s"'�b�` ,i�^"}�#� this Security Instrumcnt. If l.endcr Jetcrmin►s�hat um• part ��f the Propert�• i�.ubj�ct tu a lirr,�vhich nwy unain priurin ���er - <br />::'r: �� ', � ' ;" this Sr�urity Intilrumcnt. L�nder nwy �!ive Horrowcr:� n�Kicr idcntil��•ing 1hr lien. Fi��rti�wer yhull�ati.fy tht licn��r tuke�>ru or - <br /> - »Er��a�:�:._+1:;'��• mnm�f rhe xc�i�nt���nih:ilw�v�wi�hin I(1 dny.�,i ih.� civin�af'ixilicc. <br />:':::�, t�.�,-:--,- <br />_-'`.,i;.j:. +t�"�' .�}j:�, Favm 30�8 9rf�p _ <br />_-''`�. � <br /> f�i -p�•,°:.� �- rfi�. P�q2n�9 <br /> _ i• . <br /> � • ..'���•�i <br />';1: ..1 <br />.. � ,. <br /> `,,`. ,�',�` • ,�y f'. � , .t. R•;. t� �'�'r!;..`_s°_ <br />.� 'rr , t�r. r, '�{'l�'•:••. _ <br /> � u,M,: � �rF f� �1 . �"r' } 7�\' �f i . � . .. .. , ' ` aj`"i �� • F�� fi �' -L '�n•'�r.%lTf�'it�: <br /> ' �ht�:+ 1 �- { •��.o.i�..�: / , �5 i <br /> :.4J` .. ` ,'�'-,�� ti�'i�l�:, ' � . 1'lfl' , - ' . . . <'� '41�� �jt�;,r'j;;n=�.',�}:• .�.'�,�� �n�r��� z._ <br /> li � ��J • � �r+ ' � �, � "���+::24-.�, , L -;,}t Ij S .�. 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