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<br /> � :�(��.Cc f{tYy�:fl!?;'.;�'. ,�4•. ;1�. Ky �.�:Y. •�. 1 k1, ��t�� !1 � ��e ; �� . , . ,; �i;l;S,s,�.7�'4.�.v:3.�++-G .{8i•',,,,,,�'�
<br /> �� .. .�'f�/�.` ,,;7:':+1�"�;r11' lAY�f�nit�' '1 � . 'f'q" �+a.�,..
<br /> ��`'?� - .. ._ . _. +7�Pi� � � 'KM� ' -—
<br /> . � ��
<br /> �•• c�..
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<br /> - � � ' �1~-102113
<br /> • pU��,g pOFT�R OF ATTORNBY
<br /> Y ... ' �• KtiON lII.L NBN BY THBBR PR686NT8: , `
<br /> �,�_
<br /> ., ' . do by thosa
<br /> T h a t I, CW1tiA i. TROTTER, of Hell County, Nebraeka. . ,' ' :`,;�,,;�z
<br /> � preaen�s, make, coneti�rute and eppoin t my d a u g h t e r, Wenda Swanson, and my so�- — ��'
<br /> .: . �-
<br /> of the followiny: "�"°"
<br /> " i� Attorneys�ioBFaotqntd do for nwland ontmY beha1fkII�+nyN� EITH�R oF TtiF.M, ae i-i
<br /> . � t`
<br /> 9-`..=.'_�f.j._—
<br /> c � :':. l� accou�t,�sa ingshaccount,tand/oresavinge�certificnte __, ���� ����
<br /> ! eacount. which I meY heva. �'
<br /> �. � �.-:.::�_-.a_.,:,..
<br /> 2. To endorsR checks for deposit to my checking account ,
<br /> or savings a�ccount end to receive any property or - - -
<br /> aredite o+med b�lf �� including any monies payable to �;.�;�:."�::-
<br /> ��
<br /> me by any governmwntal a gency. �ty Attorneys-in-Fact, �t,n�__
<br /> or eithor of the�a, s�eall have full authoritF to �,r.�-;: _
<br /> redee�. havo re-register�.d, or have relesae�B anY bond, —i,_
<br /> ' �e�ote, bill, warran t, cer k f f f c a t e or other evfc�eace of - �. _
<br /> indebtednesa ovned by� me (incluaing ang such 3�ters ��,.,,�_-.,.• --
<br /> . �i _ , o+�ned by me ae e co-o+mer ar jafa�t te�an.t� ar�a f ssued ,�-.--_,_ -
<br /> . by the United States, any other countr�, au�e� �tatP� —
<br /> ubdfvim�fan or �'-`"�`� —
<br /> �nunicipality, or othar 9�vernmental e �_e
<br /> . governasntal agency. s;;:`;--,T -
<br /> � 3, To sell or lease any assets owned by me, w�ether r'ea►1 i , —
<br /> rsonal property and including hmmestead �.ii��;`,,:isuw;4."
<br /> estate or pe �,.,,��.�_..
<br /> property end stocke and bonds, at such prices, o� �uch ��r;,.
<br /> � �;� terms, for such length of term, and in such ma�ene�. � _
<br /> �, .., whether at private or public sale or negotxatnc��onvey �'���`��=---
<br /> • m filttorneYs'in-Fact deem advisable. The7p ma ��.;�------
<br /> � ° a�y propertx so sold by them by instruments ��nter any �'"
<br /> �'• � veyance with customary warranties. They �►Y itema -
<br /> sefety depoeit box I lease and may remove any
<br />;,� `,, therefrom. They are empcwered to make gifts for me. _ _ __
<br /> ' 4. To enter into agreements �ertaining to any property or -;fu��__
<br /> , ��. ��-ned by me and ar.. such te�s ..-.�_ .^-..-
<br /> ;';.�'°�, any interest in proper�•l� •� ;r'a�:.,�_4�__�-
<br /> as my Attorneys-in-F�ct �w•eP�n advisable. This shall __
<br /> � . ,�,�'i include contract� for gooas. rePair ia�'ravements, '�t,-;�-�,f
<br /> �,�':; replacemQnts, ac�d personal service�s fvr the maintenan- ',
<br /> . ;, � ce of my propertY; and to borrori funds and mortgage -f ,�;,.+
<br /> , ��.:`�;�;�,�--
<br /> � -;�;,,;�:,,, property therefor. ���::,, -� -
<br /> , .;�,;�' :r�:_
<br /> ; }' '�,;;;:r. ::'.: 5, In eneral to enter ir�to any businese transactions Kti,:�,�:_
<br /> ,,,.,•,,. { � ro rt and for my maintenance as r•:�-..�-�-�•�-
<br /> ...;.��,i��.,.. per aining to �' P F'e Y r.:-�•��—r
<br /> • 5 fully as I c�ul�! da it myaelf. They are empowered to , �.
<br /> �1' f, k�..'�:,?�i�� eign my incoa� �ax returns and related documente. ,;;.,,�,.,,�,__
<br /> 't Y • u
<br /> ,�•,,;:��!`'� '
<br /> • ` ;;;;:,.,: , 6. To enter into any cantracts or agreements for any
<br /> ;,.,,,:;.;��....;. medical, domiciliery, c�r other care needed by me as
<br /> :,�!•::.:.'•% determined to be in my best interests by either of my _;:,�„v:
<br /> r,,.,.,;.•, •. .,, ., ,,` a all fees and charc�ea _��;•-�-_:�`:
<br /> �_,,_
<br /> Attiorneys-in Fact, end P Y �;,�,��,��,
<br /> ` •�<<.'",,.,, ,i�.��•, maintenence and care; to author1ze ,,'•.•,,'.�^
<br /> .�rti,;.��;t.�,., ::., necessary foz mY
<br /> �'��,'•�•r�� -.,;.ti any medical proaedures for me. : ,....
<br /> , t :,1,i(,f,,i ' ' • _-
<br /> � '�1'i. �.- � � 't,;:..f-��,.
<br /> � ,�;�'�" I ratify and confirm all acts done by my Attor�eys-in-Fact, or either of � �,. _
<br /> Either of my Attorneys-in-Fact are -�;••
<br /> them, under thie Power of Attorney. i �
<br /> specifically empowered to act under this Qither ofAthemnneed notebeejoinedfin �°r
<br /> the other, and any decision or action by � ,
<br /> and consented to by the other. I reserve the right to revoke this Power of
<br /> • Attorney by the f iling of such revoaation in Miscellaneous Records in the
<br /> Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraske. This Pa+�er af
<br /> ' Attorney etall roraphY$ically incompetent�fect even though I may her�after I
<br /> become men Y
<br /> '. .' 1
<br /> ,�I DATED ti.�ai� ,�_ d�y of . l . i99d.
<br /> a 1'I.,4 � d.,t' •�,'1 ' . •
<br /> .;��i�l��'`,'�� ' _ t. 'r � .
<br /> �. .��
<br /> :s�,
<br /> .J,...�,;. . ,
<br /> �':.���:�', ��MrIrY
<br /> � .�, 3TATE OF NE�RILS�CIA 1 �MrC�►f�fM�1Ml
<br /> SS. qOQAI�R��MM
<br /> � �....�.... ..e unt t D
<br /> � . • IIJYR l■ va ....�- . -
<br /> c�a of 1990, before me, the undetsiyned, a
<br /> � On this ' � � qg uun y,�personally c�ne Clara I. Trotter.
<br /> Notary P rc aithin an or p
<br /> who is knoamWe� of Attorneye andnecknowledged hergexecution tofbechor volun-
<br /> foregoing
<br /> tary act and deed. • ..
<br /> • . , .
<br /> o ary u c
<br />. ; _ _
<br />