— `;�';".,'� � � � ';�'i;i �'y:yS. .:;��:, , � . .. . :.,:"
<br /> i.;� ,t�,i,}}'.� � • 'K_
<br /> _.. ' !+��,F� ydV.r.. ._ . -
<br /> . �.Y+Si� �.C�:'-. __ . -
<br /> ' ._•. _ r . ' -.�, _ -__. _�__'__ -...
<br /> a:.e -_ . __...__ ._ .. _._ _
<br /> .r.u.�r...� -. .
<br /> -, ' ttr���'T�:'��i! , o CovEN�M'S fiorrowerandLenderfl�nhc�coven�nt�nd�Q�ee�sfollows:= ��-"'102112 �_
<br /> . ^•w•J: r��r '..=�: N4N.UNIF RM -__°_
<br /> .' :�r.'�'�:?r•�'#?'�� 19. Aceeltr�do�i Re�dM�. 1�dK �Yall Id�� ewtiee to �orrowu pMor to acceltnido� folb�iy 8orrow�'� �; --
<br /> �'` l3 aad 17
<br /> � "�x��
<br /> 1tMCM ot�y eo��p�nt or�t b tMls S�rurity I�t(but not prlor to accelenitioa u�&r para�apb ���-=
<br /> w1��pyllcable I�w pro�IdM wMrwinl.'!'v nutice�iwll qweitys(a1 tbe defiultt lbl tlw�ctia�rprind to eun tM
<br /> ^�;:;; "4�y • " dttwlk(cl�d�te,aat Iw�I�u 30 Vy�fro�tM d�t�tYe aoda(s�i�ea to Borrower.by w�ic�c�.a.rwl�.�an a cur.e: —
<br /> w�
<br /> �,;,;;���.,.,..: �d fdl th�t tWaro to eare tM�dehnit o�or beforo tbt date sqei8ed ia th�noNce nuiy►esult in�cceler�Nan o�Ih��wa �`-
<br /> Menrb by thb Securlry lahrua�t aad uiie ot tbe Prooerty.'[Ue nodce sbdl tu�tbe�Inform Borrnw�r ot tb�rloMt to �„
<br /> ���'�,;�.,•� �,��f�; rolasbte�(ter aceelention wl tb�1Qbt to bHaR a co�ut acdon to�en tha non�exi�tence ot�Aef�ult ar�ny otber �'.�
<br /> -.�� � ' =��., deteate ot Bonowe�to aecelerstloa aad s�le.It tde defau lt is not cuted on or be�are the date apecifled In th�aodce,I.ende� _____ _
<br /> ''��^��~��� �t iq opdoa nu�Y K9nlre immedl�b p�ymeat (n tull ot dl �anu�ecured by tbia Security latt�unleut wit6out fwAbe�
<br /> � ' demud�nd nu�y in�oke tMe poNer ot We�ad�ny otber nmedla pennitted by�ppUcable I�N.Lender�6d16e enddad to --
<br /> "--�� z. �,:�, � -
<br /> -- •Y �' rnlleet sll expeeua iacun�d ia prrwh� tde remedi�s proridsd In tbi� pva�aPb 19. iocludtn�. but not Ilmited to� �,;-,_-
<br /> `�.-.--`�` , - nasonable attorney�'tees�d eoqs otHde s�idence. --
<br />� : �
<br /> � If tbe powe�ot�le U la�oked.Tnutee�hdl record��otiee otdefwit In e�ch eouaty in wbich�ny part of tbe j,s;�,.__
<br /> i � . � Property b loe�ted�nd s6d1 mail copla ot weh nodce iw Ue wne�presc�ibad by aoplieable I�w to BoROwer sad to the
<br /> n
<br /> �,- other percons pracribed by�ppllcable I�w.Ahe�the dae�ind by�plica6k I�w.Truotee sball al�e pu6Uc noNce ot ;"—.��
<br /> ' ale to tbe peROm�nd ie the m�naer preseribe�by�pplkabk Iww.'tnistee.withoat deaw�d oa Borrower.shall seU tMe ,e=-'°.�"--
<br /> � , property at publk aucdon to the bipbeit bidder at tae Nn�e�nd place aad uader the te�as daipated i�tbe aodce ot sde i� ���"�
<br /> e s�le otall or aa 1 o/tra Propertf by �',u�..
<br /> '."�y •: - � oae or more pucet�wd ia aay order Trustee�ete�niaes.Truetce nuy po�tpou Y P� ''°`
<br /> ...:r._
<br /> . . publk aaiwu��e.t u th�Hnw�ad P�ot wY ProNously�chedukd s�le.Le�de�o�its daiPa�y P��� -
<br /> ,� � , -,a.��. � lko�tpat�y s�iP. - -. __ -
<br /> ,: Up�receipt d oty�aent o(t6e price bid.Trn�tee slull deliver to t6e purcbaser Tnnta's deed co�veYi��t6e
<br /> •�� •� .. � Propatg.l'i�e reciWs ia the Tructee's deed�6ai1 be prima fuie e�idtace of the truth oi the swtemeats ieade tlierein. _ _ _ __
<br /> Ttuske sWl Apply tha proceedQ of tha sale ia the fo11owiaQ orden(al to wl�ezpease�of the sale,iacludiap,but eot�umited �A . �� �: _
<br /> .''�'•.� � , .• to,Troata's fees�petmttted by�PPlic�bk I�w and rcasontble attorae3�s'fcex(b1 to all wau secured by t61s SecuNty ►....,, � "`
<br /> ' �'� � ' I�qmea�aad lc1�ny e:ca�to the person or pasoas IeQally endtled to irt. ''-°���
<br /> � ' • .� :-:.� 20. 1.ender in Po�sessia�.Upon accderation under paragraph 19 ar abandonment of the Property. Len de�(in ����=�-
<br /> ,�'•��,. , person, by agent or by judicia�d�appointed receiver)shall be entitled to e�ter upon,talce pc�ssession of and manabe the " ��:•
<br /> ' „ ' ��� � Property and to collect the rents of the Property including ehose past due.Any re�is collected by Lender or ihe r•eceive�
<br /> ° � � � shall be applied 6�st to payment of the costs of management of the Propeny and collection of�caes.including,but nat �'�• -
<br /> �,..,.�<
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on rcr,e�ver's bonds and rw�onable aziorneys'fees,and then t���he sums xcured by �.- • �� ` �ti•;%�:,.-
<br /> ,�,�y,; t..�,, •"•>i,•�, :
<br /> • " this Secunty Instrument. ?.,t-� �
<br /> , � • 21.Recaa.ey�ace.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Sceuritp Instrument,Lcnder sh411«quest Trustee t� �..;:��-:�;'� e'� -
<br />• ' -�:�`: recon�ey the Property and shall surrcoder[his Seeunty Instrument and all notes ev�dencing debt seeured by this S�cunty .�,y' ,
<br /> --• •• �• • -- - Instrurnent to�J"russee.l rustee shail recanvey tbe Froprrty withaui war�arty and u•tthous chsrge t�tt:t Fesson or�*ennn� :•�Ht,.�,_„ ---.
<br /> :. •'i. . ;_.. .
<br /> . .;; , le�ally enti�]sd to ic.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cosis. ��
<br /> 4;.' ' ,. �°. • � 2Z.5ubsdlute Trwtee.Lender,a[its option,may from time ro tin�e remove Trustee and appant a succ�ssor trustee �.•�:•.�;���''`
<br /> ';;�n.. • ta�any Trustee appointed hereuTMdet by an instrument recordedin thecounry in which tfiis Secunty Instrument�S recorded. ` `;,;:
<br /> '' V1Cjthout conveyance af the Pr�perty,the�uccessor ttusite shall succeed to all the t�tlz,power and dutia conf'eneri upon I ,(,ti,;; ��:;- ,
<br /> • ,• Trtastee heroin and by applicable law. I ;'r:: ., •
<br /> . • 23. Rtyuat for NoNces.Borrower re�yuesls that copia af'the notices of dePault and sale be sent to Borrawer's �� .. �.��
<br /> � . addras which is the Property Address. � ` 'y M
<br /> � , . , ! �
<br /> ?�.Wden to thl�Security Io�trumeat,lf one or more nders nre executed by Borrower and recorded together wisfi •��.�-
<br /> ' � this Secunty Instrument,the covenants and agreements af each�uch nder shall be mcorporoted into and shall amend and � .��...
<br /> ` ° 9a�plepnent the covenAnts and agreements of th�s Secunty Instrument as �f the nderls) were a part of this Security i ,����-
<br /> !ti�, lnstrummt.[Check applicable boa(es)] ; ���'�
<br /> .'. �,` � . _ ❑ Adj�stable Rate Rider [� Condominium Rlder � 2� Funily Rider .r, t "��j?�!'���`
<br /> , �,,;+e,.�-
<br /> � �C3raduated Payment Rider � Planaud QJnit Devdopment Rider ' , i"��
<br /> ,. ���
<br /> � '. ,�. . • � t�ther(s) IspeciPYJ Acknowledgment I .��isr".���i-
<br /> , w • ..n BY SIC3NIN(3 Bt�ow. Borrower accepts and agrea to the terms and covenants conta�aed m this Security �.��;�i�';;;�'''�'_
<br /> ' �� ' • lnsuumrnt and ia any rider(a)eaecuted by Bortower end recarded with rt. .� � •�%��K1;,�
<br /> _ Z' . .. .. ' ,.�1 . 4i�`.tlrf J� ' v 1�1.-�-t�GV"--r . _ ,i; W'SMS..
<br /> �`� (Seap
<br /> : �. . ' , .............................................................. ... ....... .. .. Stanley...L�eterson................................ .. '"a°"°'"" �'.
<br /> ' . �' ; . 7 �:,�� �:� �_•.L.4..C�-.!'�:`:c:................ (Seaq
<br /> ........................................................... .. ................. ..... � Jeanette E Petersnn -aono.... ;_
<br /> STATEOF NF�R.ASKA, F':�1� (�Ullnt) �<: 1�.1�1,,, ,
<br /> � 3r�' Apri'_ , 91 � •;i.-.
<br /> �;1,',,...• Qp this J:►� ��1 . I1 . heli�r� me. thr under�igned. a �.�.ar� Publi. ' .r{.
<br /> c'"`��, � � c3uu1L cmmmissioned and qc,a��iied lor�ai.l.uune>.Ccr.�TCe.�•�!�amc Stanlev � Peterson an� r._
<br /> ` 'l����'� Jeanette E peterson, husband and �.:ife ,�•�me known a�be the -
<br /> � „ iden[ical pe�son��l whase namel�l .�rc �uhtiinhed t�� ch� e..rr.���n� in.[rumen� ,►nd a�knowledged �hc ererut�on _
<br /> thercof to bt their ��r�untar� act and decd.
<br /> Wi�n�ec mv hnnri nnd nntari:�l�BJI JI Grand island� Nebraska �O•aid.ounn.Ihi
<br /> - -_ - dl��e aforesaid. � --- - - ) ,
<br /> � H � /-�/1"�' �' / ,�`� ` - ' .
<br /> ' • seguu�orMr t, � ��c:�:���.`-..� , >;;���-f�—_�_ .
<br /> � MALUAML M Elt��. � ♦.,�.�•, r��ri�,
<br /> Mplb�nn F�o �ur �. RE:(�Ut:S1 f (►R kLc 11V�'f l •��c�f
<br /> TO TRl'tiTEE
<br /> The undercigned �+the holdrr �+t �hr nu�r ��r noir. �c�►u.d M ih�. 11�•c�t .�� 1 ru•i. �.+��1 natr ar nutrti, �aurthrr
<br /> . w•ith�II other�ndehtedne,,•ccured M thi.I)ced��� 1 ru.t.h.i�r hrrn pai.1 m iull 1.,u�rc h�trh�.I�rr�t�J ia:an:cl•.�iJ
<br /> �note or no�es :+nd �hi. t)rrJ �1� �f lNl. �\�lli�l.If l'��l'�1��'f l`l��Il'IC�`\. .111�� I�� Ii.i41�t'\. ��II Ih+UI ��.If f.1111\. .1��111C t'�Idlt'
<br /> now held by >�uu undrr thi. �7l`l'1� i�f r�ll�l (0�hC pcl�Ull ��� ��l'hi�ll� li'KJ1�� it1�i11C�1 IhCla'Ii�
<br /> i
<br /> , Dale: �
<br />