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STATE. OF .NEBRASKA. <br />?�f Fai66Vi�iWWMra�_��E�61;St.(A?�:x'`�itiwrryrpp,as� «._... <br />EN MIS COPY CARRIES THE RAISED SEAL OF STATE OF NEBRASKA, IT CERTIFIES THE DOCUMENT BELOW TO <br />BEA TRUE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL RECORD ON FILE WITH THE NEBRASKA , DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND <br />HUMAN SERVICES, VITAL RECORDS OFFICE, WHICH IS THE LEGAL DEPOSITORY FOR VITAL RECORDS <br />DATE O ISSUANCE: <br />$123=2024 <br />LINCOLN, NEBRASKA <br />4; DECEDENTD4IAME (FIYiat, 'Middle, Last, Suffix) <br />Alma Rae € HDrak <br />36t4 <br />RAH BOHNENKAMP <br />2 <br />► h 9,; ASSISTANT STATE REGISTRAR <br />DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH <br />AND HUMAN SERVICES <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES <br />CERTIFICATE: OF DEATH <br />4. CITY "AND STA(TE OR TERRITORY, OR FOREIGN COUNTRY OF BIRTH <br />Dee.Moines, Iowa <br />7 St'OALSECURITVNUM81`R <br />485-344462 <br />5a. AGE - Last Birthday` <br />(Yrs.) <br />v8 ` 8b. FACILITY -NAME (Isnot Institution; give street and number) <br />Grand Island. Reoianal Medical Center <br />8c. CITY OR 7Q!%Y i FL1EA'i 1(Include Zip Code) <br />f3ra:nd Isla s€ 68803' <br />9a RESIDENCE -STATE <br />.. Nebraska .::. <br />9d STREET ANO NUMBER <br />4240 a Prairie Road <br />9b. COUNTY <br />Hall <br />toe. MA R..AL 8TATU8 AT TIME OF DEATH El Married 0 Never Married <br />g0 Married, but separated ❑ Widowed 0 Divorced 0 Unknown <br />11 fA 1HE#i $ AME (First'::: Middle, Lest, Suffix) <br />R ymand Imes <br />85 <br />5b. UNDER 1 YEAR <br />MOS. <br />DAYS <br />8a. PLACE OF DEATH <br />HOSPITAL ® Inpatient <br />❑ ER/Outpatient <br />DOA <br />9c. CITY OR TOWN <br />Grand Island <br />led. COUNTY OF DEATH <br />2. SEX <br />Female <br />5c. UNDER 1 DAY <br />MINS. <br />HOURS <br />22.02542.;. <br />3. DATE OF DEAII. Mo , L(ay Yr j <br />February'10,;:2022 <br />6. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo., Day, Yr.) <br />OTHER 0 Nursing Home/LTC <br />0 Decedent's Home <br />❑ Other (Specify) <br />Hall <br />Se. APT. NO. <br />9f. ZIP CODE <br />68803 <br />9i0INSIDE Ci PY UIMIT'S : is <br />s13. EVER IN U S, ARMEDFORCES? Give dates of service If Yes. <br />(Yes, No, or Unk.) No <br />16 METHOD OF DISPOS1.110N <br />I• <br />I ] <br />}„J Burlat ❑ l3Anlrtton: <br />t tematton 0 Entombment <br />0 Removal tither (Specify) <br />10b:`NAME OF SPOUSE (First; Middle, Last, Suffix) If wife, give maiden name <br />Maurice Horak <br />14a. INFORMANT -NAME <br />Maurice Horak <br />165. EMBALMER -SIGNATURE <br />Patricia R. Curran <br />12. MOTHER'S -NAME (First, Middle, Maiden Surname) <br />Leona Robnet <br />161,. LICENSE NO. <br />1092 <br />16d. CEMETERY, CREMATORY OR OTHER LOCATION CITY / TOWN <br />Westlawn Memorial Park Cemetery Grand Island <br />o. f pissaL HOME NAME: AND MA LING ADDRESS (Street, City or Town, State) <br />Curran 1=unaral Chatel, 3005 S. Locust St., Grand Island, Nebraska <br />• CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions' and examples) <br />It. PART I. Enter the chain of events- .di:eerie, injuries, or complications -that directly caused the death. DO NOT enter terminal events such as cardiac arrest, <br />respiratory arrest, or ventricular fibrillation without showing the etiology. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Enter only one cause on a line. Add additional lines If necessary. <br />IMMEDIATE CAUSE: <br />M1MEGIA TE CArtF�tlMd : a)Cardiogenic Shock <br />duel jte;.or 4lydgiatkteek <br />dertti} " <br />Sequentially list conditions, if <br />ski <br />•u <br />1 <br />Emri l► t UNDiERL ..10 f5,AU8E <br />(dkeese tir injury t85t initIufMd <br />DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: <br />b)Acute Myocardial Infarction <br />DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: <br />c} Coronary Artery Disease <br />the events resulting in death/ DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: <br />LAST d) <br />18 PART 1i OTHEIR S(GNiFIGANT CONDITIONS -Conditions contributing to the death but not resulting in the underlying cause given In PART I. <br />Diabetes Hypertensiori, Peripheral Vascular Disease s/p stents, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the skin, Depression, <br />Hyperlipidemia, 11/0 DVT, Carotid Artery Stenosis, Right brachiocephalic artery stenosis <br />d IF FEMALE <br />tJ NuPiIinelttVgttldn04t/1* <br />❑ Pi�naii# nderin <br />❑ Not pregnant, but pregdint within 42 days of death <br />0 Not pregnant, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before Math <br />I Unknown ti prbgriarlt M9dmn rte Past year <br />21a. MANNER OF DEATH <br />® Natural 0 Homicide <br />0 Accident ❑ Pending Investigation <br />❑ Suicide 0 Could not be determined <br />22b. TIME OF INJURY <br />22c. PLACE OF IN <br />220. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED <br />21b.:)F TRANSPORTATION INJURY' <br />❑>OrfverfOperator <br />❑: Paesonger <br />0 Pedestrian <br />❑ Other (Specify) <br />14b. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT <br />Spouse <br />16c. DATE (Mo;Day, Yr,) <br />February <br />87ATe <br />Nebraska <br />APPROXIMA' <br />onssttu:li <br />Hours` <br />onset to death <br />Hours, <br />onset'st <br />Wears <br />onset to (kWh <br />19. was sisoit4ibtarilNE <br />OR CORONER /CONTACTED? <br />❑ YES ® NO <br />21c. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED?; <br />❑YES EaNt}.:: <br />21d. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAItABL <br />TO COMPLE'T'E CAUSE OF DEATH? <br />❑ YES O:CiiQ. <br />TRY -At home, farm, street, factory, office building, construction alta, c <br />LOCATION <br />OFiDIAIRUSTREET d. NUMBER, APT.NO. CITY/TOWN <br />23a. DATE OF DEATH 010., Day, Yr.) <br />February 10, 2022 <br />:tab. DATE. SIGNED (Mo., Day, Yr.) <br />DTD T <br />4 <br />STATE <br />23c. TIME OF DEATH <br />05:00 AM <br />SibToRlblisefefrOiiibinviedge, death occurred at the time, date and place <br />anti tills tatiwceilse(s) stated. (Signature and Title) <br />Kimberly A. Mickels, MD <br />24a. DATE SIGNED (Mo., Day, Yr.) <br />24b. TIME OF DEATH <br />24c. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo., Day, Yr.) 24d. TIME PI <br />24e. On the basis of examination and/or Investigation, in MY optM0Sdeam agci#„ <br />thetime, date and place and due to the cause(e) stated. (Slipatdre n6:Tltlir) <br />78AOQO(lSE:Gi7M7RiBUTE TO THE DEATH? GeAN <br />$ 4 WQ PROBABLY 0 UNKNOWN <br />'#I`('I:e A oAO ESS OF CERTIFIER (Type or Print <br />KimborlyA.Mick. is, MD, 729 North Custer Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska, 68803 <br />26a. HAS OR <br />0 YES <br />OR TISSUE DONATION BEEN. CONSIDERED? <br />®NO <br />2811. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE <br />26b. WAS CONSENT GRANTED? <br />Not Applicable If 26e is NO. ti ' $ <br />28b. DATE FILED BY REGISTRAR(: <br />February 18, 2022 <br />Yr: <br />