� ti�l . ... � .. �����w�ww�����.ti,-�-�1 ��(�I�ik�i ..:y Q"'"�
<br /> - . . . • . '• _ _ -- �...�" _
<br /> <k �MJ Ar.f:..+...r �+•a-r.a .s.,.::.6�r: . ; ..- - __ _
<br /> �- - �.
<br /> �`��`��. . '•A.1i;�r, . -`. _
<br /> _""':�:'",� �.a:,_ � = --
<br /> ..� :--�_ . __ ,
<br /> � �� ��_�.. = — — —
<br /> .��.�„r�yfi_„aE,
<br /> .fi
<br /> ,� .,
<br /> .. -.1- � �� ���- 91-�0 210 5 -
<br /> : ,, Y' �
<br /> . p u.t� /�� `
<br /> ...�.;,h,:«r�,���� � 1.h�t ot 1'el�ciN1.Inerdl a�d laN(:MuRe.�anowet t1u�U psY whea duc the pdncfpal oi.and internt on�tbe dd►1
<br /> „ ' ;�,;,K.;.. ;� �v{dmood by Ihe Nota wd We chuea due under the Nota ----
<br /> ,,;,,,��� „ .
<br /> 2.Mat�l�hY�q p�T������q�er(�.BaRawer thdl include in ach monthfy p�ymrnt.to{nher with `
<br /> . ..:k,*'�;���'. � �ha ptipdpal and iaterat as set forth ia�he Nota u�d any late char�a.�n i�ut+�llmrnt of aay la)tua And specfal auasment�
<br /> , kvkd or to be levied�inst t�e PropenY�(b)le�sehold P=Yments or Qraued rent:on the PropatY. iutd(cl p��for
<br /> .� ., -;- � iasu�ace raluired by Pua�roph�.
<br /> ; F.�ch mont6ly instalMent for items(�l�(b)�ad(c)shtll tqu�!une•twdith of the u�nual amouats.as rcaw��bly atimated by c �
<br /> � L,mder�ptw aa unount�uificien��o maintain an addidoaal balaace of not mare than one•sixth of the atim�ttd amouets.The _ __ _ _T,_� _
<br /> futl waw�f anwunt tor aic6 item ah�ll be accumul�tea by Lender wlthin a perlod endlni one month betare aa ium woutd —
<br /> peco�ne deUnquent.Lmder ihdl hold tAe unounu copocted in truu lo pay items(�l,lb)�d(c)beforo they beoomo deqnqiKnt. —
<br />,,�� It u�ny time the taal uf�he p�ymenu held by Lenda for iteau(a).(b),and(c1,ta4aher with the future manthly p�Yments
<br /> ` • �. for iuch itemtpayable to Lender pdar to tMe due d�td of such items,ezaod�by mara tMa one•:ixth tha admated amaunt of
<br /> ,�� � , paYmenls roquired to p�y�uch ilems when due,�nd if p�ymenu on the Note are cuReM.thcn Lender:hall eMher refund Ihe __�:��
<br /> � tac�ess over one•:Izth oi the atimned psyme�its or credit tho exau over ane-:fxth ot�ho cstimatM payment:to subsequ�M
<br /> - . . � • � pwpmenta 6y Bonowe�,at tho option of Borrower. It the latal ot the paymenta made by Borrowe�for item(a).(b►,or(c)is �
<br /> iasufflckat to p�X tt�e item whon due.tben Borrowe�sh�ll PiY�p�nder any amount necess�ry to m�ke up the defidrncy on or -
<br /> , , . • � bcforc tha due r,he�tem baoma due. _�
<br /> .„.,, , � /� �a tQ;s S�ttuitX Iastcument, "Secretuy" meaa:the Secretary oi Haucing and Urbiu►Development or his or her
<br /> � � des�na.Most Secc�r.id��n�.�iawred by the Secretary are insured under proanms which requi�e wdvance paymrnt ot the _
<br /> •�.��% ��e�nort��ge ins�„c�oe premiuma.It�hi:Secudty In:trument i�or wru in:ured unda a proQrsun which did nat requirc advana �_____
<br /> �+ ± � paymeat oi tbe eotire����p�ium.then ach monthiy psYmeot shpll alco include either:li)an instsllment of the ��_-___-� ---
<br /> ���o���,�prentium lo be paid by I.ender to the Sectee�Y.or(ii)a monthly charge instwd of o moRW�e �y ux=
<br /> �. '• . i�rs�pretaiu9a yi this Secudty Instrueirnt n held by the SecretarY•Fxd�oathly inpallment of Ihe mort�age inaunnce �,$„-.��T ----
<br /> pranium shaU be 1�au amouat suificirnt a aecuaiulate U►e fuU annua�u�cxt�.:�nsurance prcmium with Lender o�e month r.��� •m•,,,,�
<br /> � .. prior to the date the fuU aaaual mortiyte iasuraace Prem�um u due�°tl��'��'.or if this Secud�y Instrumrnt is heW by the •{�'•;:,�•`�;:,�,: •-
<br /> � � Secrtqry�ach monthly charii sdaU�be in aa amount equa0 to aee-trrelPcA oi onahali pen�eat of the outsundinY Rn�D� r i�r,,,,;:,;;,::�,
<br /> „ baluea due oa che Note. � '"w�
<br /> ��, �1•;: .•.�: ��
<br /> .,:...�r,. �
<br /> If Borrawer�endrn to Lender thr fuU paymem oP aU suau iecurcd by this Security Insuument.Borrow�er's Account ah�'.i br . . .. :.,`���,
<br /> crediced with the bauace remaining fo�alU +o�staUments for itemi (a). Ibl� aad (c) and any monga�e insuQa�.�c F�emium t,;,; .
<br /> � . ' ' ins�Ument Ihat Lmdet d�s rtot beasuK obilBatTd to psy to the SecrctatY.aacl�.ender shaU promptly refuad any 2�rrs9 i unds tn ; ; .,�F;.
<br /> -..1��,-�--_
<br /> ..;;•., ,�j . Bortower.Immediately pdor to a fweclosuse s�la oi the Property ar its acqu�si.tioa by Lender. Borrower's xecouat ahaU be � . ,': �,��:_ -
<br /> aodited with�ny balmce remaini�tar s+ll in9taUmrnt:for items(a).(b)aad lcl•
<br /> ,,,
<br /> ..r,`� „ � . ..
<br /> 3.AppYntio�oi hf�nts.A79 paymmts under para�raphs 1 and 2 shaU l+e appded by Lrnder as followa: ' �•;�
<br /> �r�+� d b Lender to the Secratary or to the monthly chauge by the Secretary , , :.
<br /> �.to the mortQaBe insurance Premiu�a to be pal Y
<br /> lnstead of the munt6ly mortgaBe insutaace prsmiom,unlas Borrower paid�u�r entire mort�e iasurana premium when this �t, _
<br /> - . ,-- - - ? Secudry Instrumeat aas siQned; ' • --�!
<br /> • ( g�COND�to aay wcea,speciaE asseuments.Iwsehold payments or ground rents,and fire.flood and othe�haz�ud imu�uncc ` ;�`'.�`�
<br /> ., " � ptaniums.u re9uind; f, � �`�``� � •-
<br /> ' � � � � f�,to interest due unda the Note; �,.` , ":;�
<br /> � U T .to amortization oP the pNncipal ef the Note:
<br /> : 1� 1 �,to I�ic c'Augu due under the Noi�.
<br /> ' f' • � �.��E��d p��R�ud�vura�ce,�o�rrower shall insure all impro�ernents on the Property,whe�he�naw in e�fstence ,
<br /> . ` a_.
<br /> '' ' � orsubsequendy erec�ed.a�inst anY har.ards.casualtia.mtd continBencies,including fire,for which 4ender reqnira insurana. ,, .�.�
<br /> Thit iasur�na shall be muntalned fn the amounts and for the periods that Leeder requira. Borrower ahall atso insure all .�.•..,�
<br /> � � impmvemrnta on the Property,whether now in e�cistena or subsequently erected,a8ainst loss by floada to the extent requlred by �r�, �
<br /> ,.� [6e SecrduY•AU insurana shall be carried with companies approved by Lender.The insurance policia and any rcnewals shall ,,,: _ •
<br /> n
<br /> '� : ' be he l d by L en der an d s h o l l i n c l u d e l o u p a y a b i e c l a u s e s i n t a v o r o f,a n d i n a form acee ptable to, Lender. --���
<br /> ••,;.��5 � . � : : .,;� Ip lI1G CVCIII Pf ivSi�Sotrower shall give Lender immedinte notice by mail.Lender may make proof of ioss if not made promp[- ';��_
<br /> � , ,?;,�,"•r:,:;,;..�•r;�y� ly by Bortower.Each insurance compu�y wncemed is hercby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss dirccUy to �Q_
<br /> ,;;•�;::.�'•!,�-� �•• Lmder.iastad of to BoROwer and to I.ender joindy.All o�any part oi the insarana praceeds may bc applied by Lender,u¢its
<br /> • � .:•,,,���,�?:;;��;;;�, aptioa, either(a) to the reductian of the indebtednas under the Note and this SecuriiY Instrumem,flcst�o any delinc,z+ent �_:_.
<br /> ��;•+���;�� �. ,` ,.•��•'•,,• ,�; amouots�pplied in the order In Paragraph 3.and�hm to prepayment oi principai,ur(b►to the ratora�ion or repair o•i�iht ,
<br /> •.; d�m�ted property.Any applicatfon of Ihe proceeda to�he principal shall not extend or postpone the due dote oF the monthly ;�;:
<br /> � �� ' ferred to in Para raph 2,or change the amount of such payments.Any exeess insurance proceeds over an ' �';'t1;r!;t�
<br /> p�ymenu which are rc B
<br /> " � f� . ' a�aoune requi�ed to pay all outstandinQ indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entity le�al- !i�'�;��':�,��� r
<br /> ;,,k';lr , . lyentitledthercto. . +��1�.'� -_
<br /> �'�,'`., ' � •'�•A:i�-.r.
<br /> � ,�;?�, �� • In the event of foreclosure o�this Security Ins[rument or other transfer of tido to ihe Propercy that extinguishes the in- , �x��ra�r.:-
<br /> ' �' ���+`" debtednas,aq�iQht,title and interat oi Bonower in and to insurance Po�icies in force shall pass to the purchaser. �
<br /> ' ,. ,� I,e�eYolds. Borrower shall not commit wasee or destroy,damage or `, '' . ,,.;'��`.'.
<br /> ' ' ' S.Praenado� wd M�fnuusce oi IYe 8"r+AeNY� ,. { ,.�-.
<br /> r
<br /> r f :yb�tantially,Fu�cege the Property or alba�i::e G�aoPeny�o deteriorate,reasonable wear and tear e�cepted.Lender may inspect
<br /> � J tne pcoperty if nhe propaty is vacant or ab�u+doned or the loan is in default.Lender may take reu�nable action to protat and �
<br /> • j proseive suCh vxqnt or abandoned propeny.lf this Security Ins[rument is on a leasehold,Bonower shall comply wilh the provi• —
<br /> rions of Ihe leax. Ii Bortower acquires fee title�o the Prupeny,the(easehold and fee ti�le sholl oot be merQed unless Lendrr
<br /> " avees to the rzs,�ar in writina. •
<br /> l/ '(+ . , . a`.
<br /> 6.�tlm�iwtower ud Prokclio�a�7 S.eade�'s RIg6u ia tWe PmpMY.�rrower ahall paY+d�Bovep��cntal or municipal .
<br /> c°a.;�.fina arut impositioos tha[ae aon included in Par++grnph 2.Borrower shr+ll pay Ihae oblfgations rn�ime directly�o the , , -_
<br /> ' •�.,.�,. +?,r�����"���' ent:•whieR is o�►ed 1P�e NS,�''m:. if fia:�r¢tr ray would advenelY nffect 4ender's interat in the Property,upon Lender's re-
<br /> . ,�...., ., y �
<br /> .:�.�����, G�eet Borrc+Rer sPs�l�F`rortat^�;1.: f�;rei�sh ta Q.enCer rece��s a.ro3encing Iheu PaYments. r
<br /> •';r� ":;;;,,.�;,� ,
<br /> ��' �,�;�•� , � It Borrower�tac64 rto rrtate[hrsr Qaymenea a-��.t Raymentti reqaued by Paca��^h 2,.x fadx�o perionn any other roven�nt��nJ �,
<br /> , �� , • � '� .�.� ogreemeats c,nu�,uned in this 5ecunty las�rr�:^:sc,or there i,a lega�Craeerc;::4 that rrtay signiCKaacCa�ufr.t Lender's rights in �3
<br /> lhe Propacy Ysr+�:G u a praceed�ng in feartkr,�p:�y,fur condemnanart or e,r en•frc��e laws nr repulatr,c�a�n.t�Cen l.endet mny do and
<br /> , � ` pay whatever is necessary to proiect the value nf�he Property anG l ecwter'�cr�hts m t!x Ptogenq_�n:Iwicn�payment of taaes, _
<br /> harArd insurance and other iiems mentioned In Parngraph..
<br /> _� •.....�..,��n����a+urced bv lender under�hi�Paragraph shall baeme aa aQd�uonal deDc ot Bottower and!�e saured by�hn
<br /> .. .. _ �r...�....� ,...1�r ah�nntmn n(
<br /> ' ' .� • —__..._ .- . , _ .
<br /> � Secunty Instrument. These amounts eht►II bear mtetest Irom�ne da�e or d�wt,ru���....a: :... .....-.--_.-.--•..._ j
<br /> � Lender,shall be�mmed�ately due ond parabla F'
<br /> Z Cwd�wo�qw.The pra�ce�is uf an?award��r cla�m for damages.�in'�ct ur.onsequentul.�n wanecc�on N uh an�rondem•
<br /> ' nation or other takin�of any put of the F'rupeny,ur for conveqance in pl:tie ot cund�eme�c�on.ue harebp r�.i�neJ inJ�hall he
<br /> paid to Lender to�he ez�ent ot ihe(ull amount af�he m�iebtednes��hat�ems+n5 un�:+,a un1�n rhs ti.�ce and�his tiecuni>In�uu•
<br /> ment. Lrnder sh+ll�pplY such proceeds tu the reduction uf the mdebtednes�unaer��ti�'V.u�:tnd th�,5e.unn I nsttument,i u�t u�
<br /> any delinqumt amounts applied in�he urder prov�ded in Pat�gr�ph 3.and then lo prcp�Ym��nl'pnnc�paL�n>'appl�r�non u(
<br /> the praeeds ro lhe pnnc�pal shall not ezttod ur pos�pone the due date of the monihl. p»menn. Nhi.h �rc relerrnl w m
<br /> deb�tednas underhhe Nde d this�5ecurh�Ins rumentAchall be�rd to�ihe�enti�leQallyncnut eJ heret",���'u����nd�nR�n
<br /> ' �.�ep.Lcnder may collt.t fee�and:hupn au�honred by the Secretary.
<br /> � PoRe 1 nJ I
<br /> • r
<br /> ,
<br />• � - - —'_ _ _
<br />