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. r.�' :- �^� '_ -`--' —--—,,' �-,- —A ,� <br /> 3 �,,,( . :,. . . . . ,. , , �r Fu�....�:..�;,�.:,�•:,,,• ;+'. . ��� � _ ... . <br /> �_ _ •n . . ,:�� .. . ,,:��. ' � . ".!•tiiJ,F-=- <br /> • ..� \ �V— �.�� •, • •, . _�'� <br /> ���0�I�Ip�1!lIfIN�OI'�1OIO��tOf OfECMd q1�10�O�ly.�d iu Oii0010�, ,�Yf�Q.O�. .- <br /> �ad f6ctwes�ww ar be�atlx�prt d�bepoppry. All�qd�oanaMa�ad�dditio�s rlaii alw 60 oo�vened!g/W�Soarih► . <br /> �malt. All d tho Fa�olo�i�roleered q- M oW l4eaurlty In�buaMOit t�tAe'"Propeny." ' ' . <br /> BORZt�WBR C�O�V�NANT3 tYt Bo�tower i�I�wfWUy sal�ed at tbe ed�e 6neby ooaveyad�nd 1�Ihe r�dM to.�r�at <br /> �ad canvay UaF�o�t,y ud d�at tbe Pe+oparty ic ananawnberai.e�toept tar�of i000ad. 8amower w�rr+pts rad <br /> --- wW dddnd ja�tiy�be dtie�a�he proper�y�d1 eWnu and daaaod�.wbjoa Io�ay ena�mb�a�oes af rocard. ` <br /> TMS SR,ClIRITY INS7RUM�N1'aombines unitam oove�nt� tor �tlomi use �d nan•unitam covpu�ata M1th <br /> - �, -� --- -" ., Inadoed variqiany by jwitdk�un to uun�tltute a unifam sew�ity Inwumeru wvWr��al p�apc�ty. - <br /> UMPORM COVBNAM'S. Bamower and i.endor oovenwnt�nd�eo a fdtows: <br /> -- — 1. P���ait d Pri�ciMl a�d iwiereMi�M7�t aad L.nte Ch�. Bor�ower shdl P�P�Y P��whe�due the <br /> -- prb�cl�of and i�ue�t aa tbe debt avidencad by tho Nota and anY P'�WY�t uW lua chu�a due uoGor tho ata <br /> Flu�for'll�us a�d lwrance. Subject to�p 1ic�bfe law or to�written w�iver by Lender.Bormwe+r�lull pwy lo <br /> Af <br /> - L.ender on da d�y mauhly WYmeMa um due under the Nwe.uaNl dKS Nota i�p�id in fl�ll.�cum("P1md�'�far:t�)Yeu�9 <br /> - - wca and auasmcw which m�y uu�in priaity ovar tbic Socudty Incuumatl�a lien on the Pmpe�ty;(b)Ya�a1Y kaceUald <br /> _ � �or gnau�d rcau on the Propaty. if �ny: (c) YaWY hwa�nd or property insuranoe premiums:(d) �arly tlood <br /> �itra�s.f�i aay:(e) Yeuly maiWBa insunince prcmiwas.if any: and (t)any cu�tw pay�bte by ao�rowar to <br /> A�endor.ire aoc�o�daooe witfi ihe pouWeioas of paragrapfi lieu oi thepayma�t of mo�tgsige incu�anco p�emiums. 7liese <br />- -- icama are ca�ed'F.scraw It�ans." l�+der ro�y�At�ny 1ime.col�a,K and hold I�nds in m amount oot ta ezoeed Me nwcimum <br /> -.- �um�o�a lmder for a fede�ally tel�tedl a�atgogc Io�a a�uaquin f�r Barowar'�escrow�ccouat andcr d�e fcderal Rcal <br />- - -,. EpuAe Seqlana�t Procadu�es A�ct af 1974 ais+�aie�odo�fiom timr oo time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 ei seq.("RFSPA")�unkss anotbor . <br /> Ilav that applies�to the fiu�ds sew�la�er amoaut. If sv.lsnder may,at my tla�e.cullacc and hold Plaids in an anwunt�ot to <br />=__ exceed�ee icsser amauu. Lender mwy a�tiiee,�r iirc�wMnn�l ui Fa�.i,;� :�i �::Gasis of tur�t date a�d�amble �. <br /> ;�;"`�'� estimates of expendlwnea of futurc Emo+v Itans or otl�rise in accardance wi�h appliceble law. <br /> ;�` Tho l'�w�ds slull be heW in m irwitution whose deposits aro Inawed by a federal agency, incwmaitafiry. or antity <br /> ::�:1; (includiq�A�ender.if l.ender is such an inst�tutbn)or in any FederaJ Home Lwn Banlc. Lendar sh�ll apply tbe P�nda ta puy <br /> ;'•;•�,�., tfie Escmrr•]tems. l.eada may not ch�rge Borrower for holdia,y md applying IMs Fi�nds.anaually a�wlyzing the�crow <br /> .::„} ., axamt,�c�r verifying the Esctow Items, unlas Lc�ler paya Borrower inta�est on tbe R��ds and i+pplicyble Isw pennits : <br /> _ • i.ender to make such a chorge. However. L.endu mpyr�quir�e Brnmwer to p�y a one-time charge for an iadependent real <br />'�""• :.;•� estate la�r�poning ca�vice used by I.ender in connoctian wi�h this laan.unlesg app1icabk law provides othe�wise. Unless an <br /> '-`�=�• Agnoemenc is made or applicaWe law raquirrs iaterest to bc paid�nder shall not bc requi�edto pay Harower eny i�qereet or <br /> -:��>J:'.� ' r � • earaito�;s an the FUnds. Barower and Lendcr may agr�ae in writing.however.that interest sha�l be paid on the Funds. L.endcr <br /> .-�T� _ F:+i�:�., �' s4�11 gdve to Bortower.without amival accounting of U�e ti�nds.showing crcdits un.�debits to the Ei�nds and the <br /> �.� ��g <br /> '��''"•;�•,. a e f o r w h i c h e a c h d e b i t t o I h e F u r�d s w�m o d e. T h e P l m d c a r e p l e d g e d A s a d d i l i o n a l �e c u ri t y for all wms secwed b y <br />.�2�; :t ,.. .v:.,,... P�' <br /> ;i ' this SecWriry Insuument. <br /> , i3 dbe Funds ixtd by Ler�ler exceeS ihe �u��ts per+ttilited ta bc !scld by applical� l��:. Ltssdtt sha!!accot�t tn <br /> ���� <br /> i{�I� ;;',,� w� r �,�t�f Borro�er k:�r the excess Funds in accordance with 1he requirements of applicable law. If tP�e amouM of the I�nds held bv <br /> •;:;;,i,,u �. �,,o5'•,k�r; ��:+}� <br />.:;}�. ,, ,,,�t;,.;,;�y�,l j� � Ixnder at ;uiy time ia not sufticient to �ay ttie Escrow Items when due,[.ender msy so oaYOl'y Bomnwer in writing.and.a�e <br /> ��ifr� . ' '���. .sucA case Bomower shall pay to Lendzr the amount necessary �o malce up the deficiency. sorrower sball nwlce uP t�M:: _ <br /> -"`+r� , �x°. .� dePkier+c In no more tha�re�wclve rt�uniW a merds.W I.ender's sate discrctian. <br /> :�:::;.,.. ����: ;, :•r:' Y. Y P Y �- <br /> .�,r;.,• � `' ' .;::'i�'�a UQ�oYO payment iae Fu1�of all sums secured by this Security Inspument,aer�c�er shall prompUy refund ta Borrowe�aray , <br /> - ,;�,��-�,;�:;�' �' ' �uid�1�9c1 bX L.ender. lf,under pun�aaph 21, I.ender shull acquiro or sell thc�'raperty.Lender,prior to t5e �cqubsit�on�r �%`._ <br />_='`�', �.µ� • r .,,,. sale mff t�e�Prc+perty,shall apply any �ands hcld by l.ender at thc lime of ncquiaition or sa�as a credit.againsl 1P+e surns �- <br /> secunetJ�;.•ahis Secu�lt Instrumen�. "'•'" <br />— r;< 7n. .w_ y � �;a. <br />° �'� "� 3. A Ikation of Pa ments. Unless u licable law rovides otherwise, A1� a mca�� rereived b I.ender u�ez <br /> - . 1 '. ,�,�•< : PP 9 PP P P 9� Y <br /> - parographs 1 end 2 shall be applied:Crst,to any prepayment cherges due under the Nate;aecond,lo amatentc pay�bk under �,:��' <br /> r�rngrapb�;�hi►�I,M int�reat�lor�iMinh,��rrinci�►al due:a n d,to uny lete c hateP�due un der t h e No te. "_ _ <br /> 'F's"° L`+ '� �'• 4. Charaes; Liens. Bomower shall pay a91 taxes, assessments,charges, 5ines and imposidons atui�butable to thc ��_ <br /> :1'' �.� ' '?e�••,,v1.•,:,� • � <br /> -,,�•�. �• c,.;:. ;,�.:_,;,}.�.. Propen} which muy attain prioriry over�his Secudty Instrument,and lensehold pnyments or ground rerNs,if arty. Bor.row�c� <br /> �. , .�;1:�;:•�rx i;; ',:�.:'•'•., shull pay these obligations in the manner provided in parograph 2,or if not puid in thnt manner,Borrower shaU pay them on <br /> � . '•;"`:�� time directly to the persan owed paymem. Borrowcr shull promptly furnish to Len�icr all notices oP amounts to bc paid ur�d�er : � <br /> 1� ��ti���t� � •• this parngraph. If Borrower makes�hese payments direcdy,Borrower shall�r�mptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing -�,,. <br /> �i, s <br /> r ,r',t.t�' .,.., <br /> i �fT,� ... .,�� the a ents. <br /> �`'��r : ��' r . , p B�o wer sha11 prumptly discharge any lien which has priority over Ihix 5ecuriry Instrumen[unless Borrnwer:(ai ngre+�s �' <br /> _ �}; �j y : in writing to the payment of the obli�nation secured by Ihe lien in n munner ucceptnble to Lender,(b)wntests in good fpit�a the ��+ <br /> '''��•` lien by,or deFends aguinst enforcemenz of the Ifen in,legal proceedings which in the Lenderk opinion operate to prevern t�e <br /> ����,'`� �''" ',�:�� '��� ' enforcement of the 8en;or(c)secures from the holder of�he lien nn o�ereement sutisfactory to Lender subordinaiing the lien -� <br />' �- � ' � to this Sxuriry Inslrumem. If Lender determines that uny part of the Property is rubject to r lien which may a�tain ptiority <br /> �; � ' over this Security Insuument,Lender may give Borrower e noticc identifying the lien. Borcowet shall satisfy the lien or take __ <br />� �•. . ., r� .:., one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. -= <br /> �•.. � • ,.��: 5. Hazard or Property Ins�rance. Bormwer shull keep the improvemen�s now cxistiag or hereafter erected on the —_ <br /> ' '.• Propeny insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"ancJ any o�her hazards.including m•� <br />•:���. s`' • flood:t or floodin for which Lender r uires insurance. 'This instwctnce shali Me maintained in the amounes and for the <br />. � . g• �q �r::° <br /> `� ,�b.�,-,I.,� .l;rc,�•.Y Formd0J8 9/9G InaRr-'nJt+lx�Srs� I�;�_ <br /> ';�.if`j�%'S�.` .•,,.. w <br /> ; •�•,�S'�,.::;;��: <br /> ; �..��; <br /> ' "' � '� �:��i.�s�'4�i�;� - <br /> t j�, .;,, >,��,,,�.�. ��` <br /> �J�;.: ;�: .� �, <br />_ .,�fj���'::"r,. 't;�• Y <br /> ',,�,1�'<r�;•,�..5�y� ��. .. yj].��!y�� .; l , �p._ <br /> ��{J,I.21` ,�''.l��:ft,� �'._' 1 IJ } 1 1'r_ �;;'.1•� 4 F'il:. .�� •t.j'.. . � Flffl�� Y, r <br /> ������:}`� t.,,� :�i•� �i'�fh i+M �ki�.�.4...t�.w.�"•r, �K�•":'..�x� �'', "��� � �'.!. <br /> F%��:ai: { �F.. 5 ti ,��-�... ,, � r t ,t .. �; „ ,{ .._;,`�"'1''�'��!',. . 6.,� .,o... <br /> ,, r� t� !y �ti;r , �'j'�,•" {:•. .. ' 1 � !�.� . i� �,,. ��1 r� ?;�.• . %:�'' .. . 't15 �..��.. <br /> + � f� )'l�! �t r,�k(f";��•..!� ��,�����.. t 'l, , f .'Z�' �. i�7�,;ti'.�,�t. ti y 1�4' . �s.,:'•:.,. <br /> [ 5' '.Ti�.'�}'�'.}�. r�i��h'.:'�i` ��,�t �i,`. �r�a`.'5.,.7.. , �.i ��:.�7�'� .i.7�'�,•�.S'.(pY..�.rtl p�:lfi�;�.,-��..:;i{:�f. ., • . . .}�.:��i;:, . ._, - . <br /> . ' � <br /> .. . . 1 � (.�•3� �t �l 'i • �„+�� ��l' ��•Il':o�. �� y ���=i � . -' ' . _ . <br /> . <br /> . . � . rI �. q� <br /> - '�-�cY. �. �. t`�i!aL5 L'�������..7 ,• �_�_ y. . . ����� '.�i I:1�.�E�'fj�6�`�.Gi�'!.!Y'�1' - . '�.* '� L <br /> , -_. -:-= s- � - -� � .�' . . . ' "' � , • �. - ', .... _:-... _ . _ •..�e_ _ _ . .. : . ' . ' -' ,..'-.. -__ `,i- . <br /> . <br /> __i-_� 7f 7}Sr! .. S� �i.. 5�q�- - p '- . . • • '�1�:•'• , ' - . . - . , � <br /> , � . 1 <br /> �h'u "'r: tif . e,,,�.,�tr�� • ,�. . . <br /> � ,. <br /> . <br /> ' •�� '' '+��,., . . ;4; , <br /> - .:.: <br /> •-- <br /> . ,. . . , .. . <br /> . : <br /> ._.._ ._. ., <br /> 4 . <br /> '+.- .,y�J' ' � � .�. - ' . � <br /> :'�{.r� ..r, <br /> ��:� '��:c' .. ' °.i; :i:: ,e�t..�� , , . . . • . ' . <br /> -_ �I�L.;�`r:J?..:,`.`ti,�' . ., .. ' ,. <br /> �;' r\• ..;�. +.. . . . <br /> +.• °v� ,•,� .�.,�'.,yc. ���, ::w, : , . . . <br /> •i�+� ,e1]� �'� .�.' . . _ . <br />_ � $�p ��r:Y"�' . " .�,'[+/��5, '..'• . ' .. - . . <br /> � �, ', V. � ��f•. .;•,S'�j,��tMi�t '�'=.(, .. � - .� • .. ' , - .. • <br /> 1 , �V,�,'�{�L��1',1 ,�•f����)+1,y�� � . . . . <br />�� �, '`� . ���(4) �/.i . - �. . � .. .. ' ; � . � . . � . <br /> �V, . � "�' ' . ti,,;•.�,��., � ,Y;�'`f:',.• . , • , ,�' �. ., , . ' ' """' .• , _.. . � . . , . <br /> . . �;� . :a•• i��;rc•: . . . - . � � . . . . . .� � • <br />. � ,' . 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