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Y�;'�—� <br /> � ..,� ,�, .,_ Y}� h -�.. - - - -� ._. <br /> _.__� � .�.�.z_�`� " .; "' . .. , - -- . -. ; _ <br /> �" �.0�8 - <br /> cmae�mulo�or olhe�u�iciw�'�r p��u�o rwpeily,ar ro.coavoy.aoe m ua,o(coadaao�tiaa.sro awea�►�sip�d aod <br /> �11 be p*id to I.endor. � , <br /> In 1be event of+�told uikin�of Ihe Property.tbe fIw11 be applied ta the :ums �acw+ed by tbis Secwity <br /> Luuuma�ti wbetlia a nat tl�duo,wNh�ny oxoesc to Ram� in the ewaq of a putid t�kiry{ot tbe Pmpe�ly in . <br /> which Ibe tdr mwkct vaN�e ot tho F�opaty immodiWely botoro�ho t�kin�i�eqwl ta ar�aster tlwA tM anwum ot tha auaas . <br /> sec��ed by thi�Saudty lncuun�eet immodluely befare the ulcing.unksc Bonmwet�nd l.eader athawlse y�ree in writin�, <br /> — Uw w�cccwcd by thie Scxuriry lnmutRan shn!!6t ceduced by the acnouut of thc psa.�eeds multiplied by the fdlnwing <br /> trnclion: (a)the totwl�ntaunt of tha sumc secwed immediately befae the taking.divlded by(b)tNo fair markal vdue ot the <br /> �_ - --'�- propc�y inm�edia�ly befao tta tsking. My baiwioe clWl be p�id to Bamnwer. In �he event uf A p�utial taling of the <br /> Plogecty io wbkb ihe i�ir eautmt w�re Qf 1he P�operty immediately befae tho t�king is kss�hwn the ariwunt of the a�a�u <br /> �o�.�wod'ewam�odi�telp bofae�e rt�Fcr�.�BoROwcr aM Lender otborwIue agae in writing ar wlloss�PPlic�bb law <br /> . ot6e�wi�s�e pa�rid�CS,16e paeceods aleak�be appti4rAtts d�cumc secwed Iry thi�Seeuriry Insdumait whethEr ar nat the sums an <br /> .�; � , I�a du�e. . <br /> . �£IEK�ptoQeiqr is aQanda�od b�r�a�rwt�,�r if,t�iter natice by Lender to Bonower�hat the condemaar aff4�lo mxice <br /> --=- -_-= aa avr�.d a se�e�efaan C�a da�magcs.ftqt�.+awer fAils to mspond ta Leoder wilhin:;0 days aiter the date thc ndko is given, <br /> -_—_ -�;:���, ,� L�tt�em ie authoriaed ta coilab aud appty Me•!ts optioa,either to rcatomtk�t or�pxi�of 1ta Prope�ty a�to tho <br /> ; s�uns secuKd by this Secw�ity Instn�ment.whather or not then due. <br /> Uoless Lender and Bwrower othcnvise ag�e in wri�ing.nny upplicatian of proceeds�o priocipAl stuill nat e�ctend ar <br /> -- poctpone tho due dete of the manthlY pnYmenls�efemed ta in peragraphR 1 and 2 or ehwnge tha am�wn�of sueb paymentc. <br /> - ll. Rorrn�rer Nat Relear�edi Forbearance By I.endcv NW • W�Ive� FactenFian af �he timo far paymcnt or <br /> - modff7cudon af amaniaatian af the sum�securod by�his Secu�ity losirument gmnted by Lender ta any succes�ux in inlercsu <br /> of Borrowe�Rbol)nM op�rato ta rcloase Ihe liabiliry af the odginol S�xrawer ar R�tmwe�k Rw.�ces.corx in intercw.L,ender <br /> -_- --- = shall ncsi ls;, r�tttr•tt to r�tistnc�:�sa:�ltsgs�altt.:t any nucces.lnr 3e �tteerst or�fuae to rxtet�time f��Symt�s!�r � <br /> . �.��..^.�, _.: .. . - _ <br /> --- wi�wino madliy rm��rtlraNan af�hc rwm�hecurcd hy�hix Sccurlly Ina�rumcnt by renson uP nny demand made by�he ixi�i�wl <br /> Batrower M Qanawe�k rurrecxorx in in�crcs�. Any fixbeurnnco by l.eMier in exercirina ony�fQh�ur►cmedy�II oat ba r <br />-- walver oi cx prcclwk�he ezcrci+e oP uny�i�ht M irmcdy. <br /> 12. 5�ucce��nd A�Houad:Jdnt�ad�Several I.Iwbllityi Caxi�ecr�. 71ic cavenunis wxl ugreement�oi thiR <br />.'��. � Tircu�ily le�uun�enl xhpll Mnd�nd benefl�Ihe�ur��ew�xrc aad u�xignx of Lrnder And Bamnwer,r�uhJect ta the provisionu nf <br /> paro�raph 17.Bc►m�wer}�cc►venant.r and agreemenlx tihall Mo joint anJ r�evernl. Any Somnwer who rn•xigns ihis� Security <br /> �� InRin�men�hu�daa no�rxecute tl�e Nae: Ia1 i�co-�fgning Ihi„Secu�iry InR��umem only�a mangage,gmnt and canvey thal <br />- Bartoweri�in�ere�in the Piopeny under the tenns oi�hix Seru�fty In�trument: (b1 ia nat perxonully oMligAted to pay�he sume <br /> ticcurcd hy�hix Secu�ity InR�rumen�;und Ic)agrees�hat l.ender and any other Barrowcr may ugree ta cxlend,modify.forbcar <br />- or make any accommodatiatK with rega�d �o Ihe �ermn of Ihis Secutity Mstniment or�he Note without thut Bormwer i <br /> concent. <br /> 13. L.ona C6�rQes. If the loan .recuad by �hi� Securi�y Instrument iR xubject[o a taw which sets moaimum Iwu� <br />" - - charges.and it�iwA��iii&Uy Iiil�i�i2i2�i3 itiii a'�t"i.IiitCiC�t Of 81IiCt Itiaii CIiZi$CS L'3�:�".CL��".J�L��e:;r�in connectlon <br /> . �s with�he loan exueed�he pemiitted lunits,then: Ia)any such lo�n charge sFull be neduced by�he amouc�c neressary[o�educe � <br /> • "• �he cha�ge to ihe permitted limit:�nd Ib1�y sums already collectrd from Bomuwer which exceeded pec�+auated limits will be <br /> ' '"'�, �• �efwnled�0 8orrower. l.ender may choose to make thi,rriva�d M�reducing the principal owed under the tiaue or by m�liing a - <br />- - } dinr�pnymeot to Borrower. If n�efund reduces�+rincipal,the mduction will he Ircaled aK a pattial pr+rr�yment without any - <br />- � 7 ' � p�cpayment cherge under the Nae. - <br />�«�� +•'" 14. NMlee.4. Any awice to Barruwer�roti•ided for in�his Securiry Instrumen�shall be given hy�telivering it or by - <br />�°�� m�iliog it by fln��cluss mail unlr�ti applicuble law reyuirew u�r of unother method.The n.�tice shall t+e directed to the Propeny <br /> �`' ,:r�, ' Address or uny a�her address Borrawer deaigr�at�x by notirc to L.ende�. Any natice lu�f��s'haq be given by firsl cls�s _ <br /> '���- j�` �� '�s` �,. m�il to Lender's Address titated hrrr�i+�r.r arac nPher address Lendrr de,igna�es by notice to 6t�orrawer. Any notice provided for <br /> �e:. <br />__>'y: ����'� in this Securily Inurument shall lx� drerokd �o have been �iven to B�xr��wer or Lendcr whea gBvrro s�v provided in this <br />,ooi:!�;::,'� ' p�raph, <br />.� �2 i , i�. i:ove�ning i.s�w; 5everabiii�y. ii�+,.Yecu�e�y in��rumru� ,LuS;•ix b'UYCIIICtI Ly {�CIICIAI �a�. .,y,d ii►� {Jl� Jt IF�c <br /> •�'��`�`�.�''� jurisdidion in which�he Property is I�ncated. 1�t�hr e�•�m�haa�ny provi+ion or cluuxe uf this Security lm�rument or the Note <br />``==u ji;,'�` <br />- .i: � conflic�s wi�h applicuble law,xuch conflict shull na nflic�a�ht r pruviaionti uf�his Securit�. ia�shumenl or the Tv�te w�hi.h cAn <br /> :�;. be given effect wilhout the conflic�inF provi,inn. To thi+ rnd ttu�pmviyionti of thi,Seru,ri�y Imtrument n�d �he yotr ure <br /> , : .: �,;, _' declur+ed ta be kvcrublc. _ <br /> �� �-�:�'f• ��a.-. ''• l6. Borrower's Cupv Bonower�had9 hu g i vcn one mnfortncd ropy af thc Natc:u�d�f Ihis 5ecurioy lnstrument. _ <br /> ' �-'�� '°'• r• l7. 7Mnsfer o�the Property or a Fk�a�'Pclal laterest in Borruwer. li'LII or uny pan of�he F'rapeny or su�y inlcrest in � <br /> '.,,-. .,. • r - <br />_ it is sold or trnn.fcrred(or if u heneCicial intrre.t in Bornnwer is �old or trunsterrcd ar�d OnROwer i�nut a n��urnl penonl <br />.�� �..'� ��.'; ✓ ° whhout Lender�prior wriuen consent.Lender m:�y,•rt i�r option,rcyuire immediatc pa_.ment in 1'ull M'ull tiums secured by _ <br />-� � ,�,�.��.h .,��°'�;,_ this Securiry In�trument. However,tMi+o�tinn+hall not be cxerci,ed by Lencicr if excrci�c i,prahibitec!by feder�l law as of <br /> w." "... . <br /> ; , ,• Ihe datc aP�his Securi�y Inxuument. <br /> '� +'`' ' ''"'�� If l.ender exerci.�s this option,Lender s'haU�ivr Rnrrawer noti��e of arceleru�ion. Thr noticc rhall provide u periud of <br /> � ,ia+Y2::,�':. <br /> �;.,�" • �r��_-'::� �ot less tban 3l1 day�Irom thr c1;Ue Ihe ncbice i•d40ivered��mailed within wbich Borruwer mu+t pay all sums�ecured by this <br /> :.'�i . ti�:•. ....•lr <br /> �,�.:a:,+", ,p�.l�i;��.� � Security In,�rument. If BoR���er t'ail�to pa� �he+c �umx priar to Ihe cxpirotiun i�f thi� pern�d, Lcnder m�y invdce any <br /> - �'' ,• rrmedies permitted by ihi,Srcuritv ln+trument u•ithout funhrr no�ice or demand on BorruKCr. <br /> ' � IS. Borrower•s Risht to (3elnslate. If Som�wer mecl. certuin cixxiiti�xn. &xrowrr.h�ll luve 1F� right w havr <br /> = enforcement uf this Securit��lnstrument dixrnntinacd at any time pri��r to thr earli:r trf- �:s��da�,�n.•,uch other�rriud ss <br />, �;� , . <br /> � :� SMgle Fnmily--Fonnle Mx/pteddk 111uc I:NIF(INN INSTRUHF:N'1'..UMt��rm Covenuai� 9190 rpuke J uj n puXes► <br /> `rlkiai�f �,r'��y� . <br />.. -.u-.a. • ''�:� <br /> �' ❑ <br /> � �,�,'ti <br /> ��. <br /> � <br /> �. .. .. <br /> � , � akr i. � n . <br />- -. -o � r.�'�� ^�.__ _ _ __ __ ..� _ - - ,i '. <br /> A}�7• `J �,• •_ • f)�'-�—�.w•�c_r*7r• ^'��"+lrf"f.�" ��5y' <br /> . 1 �� i�D y v 1��� � ' .' .. ' .. u , y. � . . . ��4, t ff � /�i^���1�. <br /> '-=i• ah a<Y 1+. 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