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,_ ���� .. -- / - . ,..'� <br /> �1�__...�.r � •i. i ".. --!_ _� <br /> � • �..�1 �' ..V�i�'IJ�f.�. � .. ..I_�j1:� . � . ., p ' si/`- <br /> � .w!'!fYS��i�h��'.� - ��' ��' •*+ :.' <br /> . . �W���!�f�1N�11A1�1MIV Q a010i�OIOCIOd 0111�10 pf�U�Mt1�y��Id�OYOIq01M����IjNIf1011N100�' ', <br /> � • ��iWRi.110�Y GI'fl�'�Q�R Ot IhQ p1�Q�l. /�1��t�Q1�D01q01Ms�Ilf)�dd�Ofl�{l��V�0 b0 COYOIIId�Ij11���y _ <br /> LIIp1�0ef. IUI O�lile fo1�e jolns it nfeeed to in •90p1(ify UIItrYOle111 q di0"Plr�pORy.' -. <br /> BORROWBR ODVEr1AN7'S tiW Bonowcr i�I�wAdly taf�al at t!w e�t�ue heneby aoevcyed and hiu the daht a�nt <br /> �nd oonvey theprop�ty�nd du�t the Propmty ii unencwnbere�l�exapt foe oncumbranooi of record. Banawar wanr�tt�od <br /> � wW defand�enerdiy the d�lo to Ihe Pmapaty a�airut sll cl+�imi�nd dam�ndi,wbJect to any encum6eanoef d rouxd. <br />_ _-_----- = - <br /> 71tIS SECURITY INS7RUM61V7' oombinw unUann coveMMs far ruulon�l u�e �nd naa-aaifa�a covenwd� w - <br /> , -� �—_�=-T,°.- _--_°-° iiaailed variatione by Ju��diction to conetitute a uniform savrity inetrument covering�I propaty. <br /> UN�ppWy CpVgNA[�TS. gonower w�d L.ender coven�nt and�ee u foUawi: <br /> 1. Paymeat of IMadp�l�d Interesl:Pr+eWymeo!�wd 1.*ta CMv�ea� Borrowet altall promptlY P�Y wrUan due�he <br /> p�incipd of and intenest on the deM evidenad by the Nato�t�d+�qY P�WY�t aad I�le clukgea due under the Note. <br /> 3, I�nd�fa�'ibxee aad I� Subjec[w applia�le I�w or w a wrinen wniver by Lender.Bomuwer�IWI pwy w <br /> I.aida oa�tho d�y moulhlY P�Y��ae duo�u�dcr 1ha No�c.uoW�be Nate ls Qaid io�'uU.�aNm l"#itds")fa:(�)Ye�rly <br /> R�uces M�d�nent�rrh�cA nany�tWn pria�ity ovet tl�SonuiRy Incuw�nent as a liea ao I�Piopertx:(b)lreanly le�s�elaid <br /> °-- �ts ar gROU�d reots oa tlhe Plapierty. �f a�: fc) �auly I�s� or property is►suranc�pre�utun�(d�,��t tioOd <br />__-- msuraooe pemiams.lf'�qr;(e)7�Y��+IBa ���P�•if aqy.�und(i?+�uy su��IY�+�' wer w <br /> �.enda�6n�icuadae�ce wilh�l�e prorisioas of pausgr�A lieu of the PpY���+��f�'e�� �� , . ��•'r <br /> =A� n,�, .,itaa�.v�e cs►t�sd"�s�c�to�r t�g�n�v." �aa�Y•at aog tiovar.collocu and @wW�vods in an wnottnt not to axceed the mucimwn <br /> "-_,,,:—����, ---- � amaWn a lendar or a 1Fedetally rcla¢ed�ao�tg�t loaa m�a�r mqua�for dcn�oaer�escrow account under the.federwl(�at �� <br /> �-;.��,-:�>:....___---- — �_ Eetate Settlement Proceciures Act of 197A as araended fran time to lime,l2 41.5.C.��6Q1 et seg.("RESPA'�,unless atiother •. -- <br /> v����.-��' � <br /> . �_ '' � . �law that applies to the Funda sets a lesser amount. lf so.l.endcr any�ime,•collect and hald�ds!a An amount r+ot so - <br /> �d�i3Y��,5�MIf�� •� . , � cacced t�he !e.^.ser�rstnutss. Lender tnss� est�mste tt�t smoe:nt of!Ft�r�c�s tlMe �n tlw� hnaiA�f aument'data anA.ros�or�ble . : <br /> ;,,�.�a,tl,r��f�y`�� ��r f 1 � eNtnotes of eapenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordau�ce wlnh Applicabk law. , <br /> ";�t "' ,� `"° , � The Funds ahall be held in on instiludon whose deposils aro insured by a federal agency,inohumentellty.or endty <br /> �'` ''� (lncluding Lender,if Lender ie such an inedtution)or iri any Rederal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shsll apply the Fund�to pAy <br /> , 1� <br /> ihe g.scmw Items, Lender mey not charg� BuRUwar for holding and applying�he Rmds, annually analyzing the cscruw <br /> . aocount. or vedfying the Escrow Item�. unless I.e�der psys Bomower intuast an the f�nds and applicabla law pemtitc <br />' ;, �. ' l.endet to make such a chuga. However,Lender may roquire Borrower to pay a one-timo ch�uge for an ind¢pendent real <br />- est�te lax�porting servlce uced by Lender in connection wilh this Iwn.unlesc Applicable Ipw provldes ahawiae. Unles9�n <br />�`' �� s�grcement i4 made or applicable I�w requires intere:t ta be paid,l.cader ahall not bo roquirod to p�y Bamwer any intenest or <br /> ,�- '�` eunin�a an 1he Wnds. Bwrowcr�nd l.ende�may agnx in wridng.hawever,lhat intere�st alwll be paid on Ihe Wnda. L.¢nde� <br /> .•�*` slull�Ive to Borrower.without�nnw►1 accounting of�he Funds,ahawing crcdils and debll�w Ihe Fueds ytd Ihe <br /> -- purpose for which each debit ta Ibe Funds was made. Tho PUndr are pledaed as addltionvl�ecurity for all�umr Recured by <br />"'�= � thl�Security Inaaument. <br /> -�� If ilsc !'�dt!x!d by Lsndts txcad!hz smounts pemt!lte� !o!+t l�e�ld hy aq+licahle I�w, Lender ciull accounl to <br /> �. ,� + Bortower for the excess Fl�nda in accoNance wl�h tho requircments of applicabk law. li'Ihe amount af�he W�ds held by <br /> '��. '�������K3• I.CII��at wny time is nat cufficicnt to pay�he Escrow Items whco due.L.ender mAy so notify Borrower in writing,w� - <br /> _„�` *x , , .: -�,, ,, <br /> ,, � such c�sts Bortower ehall pay to I.ender the amount rtecessAry to maka up the deticiency. Bamwer shall make up <br /> - �T�`����� deticirncy in no morr thnn twelvc manthly payment�,at l.ender�salc dircrotion. <br /> ` �``'r '"''� �. Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security I�swment.Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any - <br /> .:i�'f�i;„�;�,t�3�. __ <br /> • °;r Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 2 t.Lender shall acquire or sell ihe Property.l.ender,pdor ta the acquisition or _ <br /> ; ,��,, sole ot the Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the lime of acquicftion or snle�a credit agafnst Ihe sums �. <br />- !<•; socuced by this Security Insuumen�. _- <br /> `'��l� � 3. Appfkatbo of P�ymente. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, �II paymen�s received by I.ender under ° <br /> ,� „�,�•.,�:,_ pareg�apha I and 2 shall be applied:f ar�y prepayment chnrges due under the Note;secand,to emounts payabla under �_ <br />- paragraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal due;and lusb to any late chprgcs due under the Nwe. - <br />� j ., ,;.� .. .� � . 1. Citwr�es; Liens. Botruwer ahuii pay aii 1+utC�. a��ra�u�cue�,�iiw��e.+. i"uka mhi imµ�siti�� attii:wtablc ta ii�: _ <br />;ia���;,�,, ,��;'::.. y �;...=;�'!" Property which may attain pdodty over this Security Instrumenl,end leasehold payments ar ground rents,if any. Borrower = <br />=��'-+'��' ``'�^�� y�"�y" � shall thesc obli ations in the manner vided in arsi ra h 2,or if not did in�hat manner,Borrower shall a them on -- <br /> �;r,• � ,; .e�. . PaY S p� Pa 8 P P' P Y =- <br /> f?�°;'•�.S: -- <br />;s:^ ' ,n�:,,•+•,... � time direcQy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish lo l.ender all notfces of amounts to be paid under _ <br /> - ;t�'������,}�t' � this paragraph. lf Bmrower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish Io l.ender receipts evidencing - <br /> .. ...� 4�•r�i:.,;.,.. �w►rm�n�s. P <br /> J� ��''I�•_`���;., Borrower shall promptly dir+charge uny lien which hac priority over Ihis Security Ins�n�ment unless Horrower:(a)agrees � <br /> -. t� Y� �..�n:..�'rt� � <br />`_ ,; . .;.���•�.�;�. .,:', s,��.,' in wridng lo the payment of the obligation r,ecured by the Uen in a mAnner acceptable to I.ender,(b)contests in good faith the [, <br /> tc_• � lien by,or defends against enforcement ot'the licn in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's•apinion open►te to poevent Ihe -_ <br />`�'-'�� � � enforcement of ttie lien;or�c)secures from the holder of ihe lien an agreement satisfnctory to l.ender subordineting the lien - <br />_�,%r`�, �'' ^"`�'` �� ' ' to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender detertnines thAt any purt of the Property is subject to u lien which may attain priority � <br /> __�'•����'� over thls Security Inswment,Lender may give Borcower a notice identifying�he lien. Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or take <br /> �^`''?"��5i ' �,�',"'. , i one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 dnys of�he giving of notice. �` <br /> �_31� j�. "`�';'�"''"" � S. Hw,�rd or Properfy Insurance. Bormwer shull keep the improvemems now existing or hereafter erected on�he __ <br /> ��x °'{''' ' �� Propeny insured agninst loss by fire,hazurdc included within the term"eztended covemge"and any other hazar�ds,including =_ <br /> R�� .��' � flooda or flooding. for which L.ender requires insurance. This insurance sholl be maintained in the amounts and for�he = <br /> � -'- � - - - <br /> '--. r : •: . P� <br />�� � ... ... t�o►m�ots 9no r�w�r�2 yle WR�s► ` <br /> `� � a � � <br /> ,. , , - . . • <br /> ''t,� , r, �ra+�-� w�'w,�Q�r�i.i�'9'�.R�'fS.�:'i..' <br /> � '�t � i „ � v �� � � ' . � . � r M v •, � � <br /> 'a- � +:_ . :. , ' �,;-.•� .. , � . ' ' '4..41.�+�r'•..!�. ,` .. . SY rY'?.ti�,:.:. <br /> .s ,i�. :t . � .z�� <br /> . <br /> �. . <br /> .� . . . ,., �� <br /> ^'�.1� � .';. �.. .' �' .:iS....;. ,.. ' � . • ' . . <br /> �va. ,,..,r.� - .,. . , . <br /> —. . <br /> .i.����n_���teti.iitt• -r' _.�--�.. ' -�_, - � - - _.. '-- - - v�rin�d.��,�_ �'�_t-� t;>�1��t,nv,��:.- <br /> -- - — - - - - - - — - - <br /> , --- --- • • •- - - <br /> � ._ -� --- ----- <br /> — - • -=- `_ <br /> �+,� , � ' ._ .. 4. .. , ., ; . - `— -- -- -_- —- ---�y, <br /> .•.� 7 c t"{ ' I?w i� J � . + . ., , � . ... • . � ����.�. Y.W.~� , •. , .,, ' <br /> �3 i!.{y��(�'!�.{�-�t t � :J .►H�) ,r! .��". . r ;,1; . �' '� •.�' , i �:�� .n,S�� �'- . .',�� ••, <br /> rliti i y��r�l���.i�� :A,'.'e! i�i i) . �)�t'. i ',�f�/.{��:,l.j;�. ,i� _ �f�.h v' ;� ^ . . . Y.' .' 1.. <br /> .j '1i v .`Yt� S.T' �'•'i.?1�� ;/ �--��h�tj �l;f-tii�'�� .. 1' � r � �'�i �`tC��'::'S .�.r• . �� . 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