..r��' , �e ��KS,�p,�i�'� ,'�-,,.4?fr.'• ,_..Y r. 2 , .. .`.T_. —�11--L
<br /> � .��.;,.+1- � _ . ____—__ . ..__,. +' _"_.
<br /> . s. a�.. � - --
<br /> � ' � � ���-�- 91--10208 2 .
<br /> , ,:p�•':. ;,. ,,,•.
<br /> � "� NoN•UNIFORI�[COVBNAN7's.�orrower u�d l.ettder 11�rlhe�coven�nt Rnd a�rea a Pu��owr
<br /> ,;, ;;.,.� 19. Aocd�tt�i R��wiiM.Iw�Me�idl����od�e W Borrower pdor to �ccel�ndoe (ollowiaQ �3°�i N �:.m.-..
<br /> -- °- M�i ota�y co�t ar�wa�t t�Wt SecuritY ladrwae�t 16nt aot prior to accaleratio�wder Pus�apti�
<br /> �•; ;`, wl��pbie I�w prorida otlNtwiMl. '11u�otice dull ry�clfy:(U t�e det�alk(bl tbe�cNo�rs9rlred to can tM
<br /> �;''' - Mfwlp(el a dtte.�ot Iw�tlw 30 d�ri�tLe d�te tM�cstice i�Ql�e�to Borrower.by whkr tM defiult�au�t be cMndi
<br /> � � " '�`�•, atl(d)th�t t�llare ta cNro t4e deh�U oa or bdore tMe d�te W�ctB�d V tbe aodca m�y re�ult i��ceknNoa o�t6e a� -
<br /> . �'=:' ; ^ 7tie aotjce sWll turtbe�Intona Borrower ot the r1�Mt to -- ---
<br /> � ,,.:� �ec�uea by tbU SeeuritY[attwmeet�d ale ot tbe Prope�tf'• `"---._
<br /> `��. -` A rslNSqte�fter tealenNoa�wd the�IQLt to brin��coart�ctta to wert tMe eon•ext�teaee ot�detiult or ny otMer
<br /> ""�', '�"'L'u"�`' deteace ot Barroper to ruceleradoa tnd+�le,if t6e det�alt U oot c�ued oa ar before tbe d�te�peclAed Ip tba noNce�Leader -_
<br /> �;; at tb option m�y ro9ntre imaiedVte paYaeat ta tuH of dl aaa�ecured by Wi�SecurltY lu�ment withont furlber `----`�--__—
<br /> �'_,,i;_'"�� Y_ M,. ,�. ofw�F
<br /> .. .,.e,�,._. ;�,��t�,. ., dea�a�d�aa auY ia�oka tbe power oi sde�ed wy otber remdieo penaitted by�pplldb9.'incl�aa;b�aot�ilm�ited t�
<br /> --;� :�;,,-���;.° eollect wll expea�a lacurred la pursWaY t6e re�aedla pro�ided ia thi�par�P
<br /> �.�,r-„
<br /> �.:��u�f:'�S�i. • e�atoa�bk�ttorneyr'tea aad east�ot Ntle avldeaoe.
<br /> • ",� ���.� '�r it the power ot s�le i�in*okcd,Tnutee slul�record�potice of detault ia eacb county in whlch any Wut ot the
<br /> : " propertyr U loated RaA cbdl mdl cople�of�ach aodce la the m�aaer pre�cd6ed by pppflcable IRS to Honower aed to the =
<br /> �: .,:>:.� T�utee sh*ll Qi�e pnblk aoda of ...
<br /> - „'°�:.•"`.".` . otber peranno pracribad by wpplicable I�w.ARer the dme re9nlred by�ppUpble Ipw� �:__---,_ .__.�9
<br /> � '� �le ta the percoaq�nd in the m�nner pracri6ed by�pplicablo Uw.Trusta,�dthout deoaNd ow Bosro�er.si�ll aQ tho �-�
<br /> �:;''.; , Pmpprty�t publie�ucdop to the 6iQheat Wdder�t tbe dme aad phice aad u�der tra tt�s desi�t�d(�tYe w��ot stk in
<br /> � � h �e s�le otaN or aay a�l o�tre Property br
<br /> - ._.;�'f"�' • one or moro p�rcelo Aad in�ay order Tnutee deteraaiNe�.Tnutee maY Y�p
<br /> �5:�,:�rti
<br /> _.�,..�' :.,;a;.�'�:'.'. . public�nnouacen�ent at tbe dme�ad pl�ca of�ay predowly echedrikrl a�8e.I.aider or iis desiWxe�*y WucYase t6e R, -
<br /> �� .�:.;.,,, . . . . ° propertyRt�oyWe. ��-
<br /> "` .� �;�����s:-,�,, � Upoa raeipt oP paYment of the price bld,Trwtee si�ll ieUver to tbe Purchpse�Tru�tee'�deed coanyiaQ tlrc __._.__..._.
<br /> :.,.;4 ._ ;. Propaty.'Che recitai�in tde Truetce'a deed�hatl be priM�f�cic�e+iAence ot t6e truth o(t�e�wtemeaw m�de tbercun. -
<br />�-�r�1—_`,'.t�� Trustee chdl apply the praeeeda ot th�sale la We toUowing order.'ca�to all eYpen�es nf the s�le.ineludloR,but aot IiNx1Re�1 �.��<<,.,,,. -`
<br /> -..�+�7G'r�:,�.�.. .. ��k••. rsti� ..—_.�,< -°—
<br /> =•'.'�,.• � �� to�Trostee's feee�e penAitted by�pplie�ble I�w u�d rea�oanble wttorney�' teesi(b)to dl rums�ecured by tMi�Srec��ty ;�;;�
<br /> � - �, ' '` Imtromen��nd(c1 wy e:ceu to the person or pe�ons leg�lly entltled to it. �?•��_�
<br />: , , �n
<br />'',�..' 3., ,•:;i;'�3 P P� p �sa��..
<br /> �� � 20.I.ead�ar in Po�session. Upon occeleration under sra a h 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lcnder�(i�n
<br /> .,a�s�;�s.,,.�,,:.,
<br /> � '` �'�•;�� � prrson.by agent or by judicially appoiated rcceiver) shall be entitled to enter upon,tak�e}+ouession of and managr�the
<br /> ,� ��_,y;�; ---
<br /> Aroperty and to wllect the rcnts of the Property including those pas�due.Any rcnts cofl�r:=d by Lender ar the receiver ,�,:,.
<br /> o�Y'� •-� �` �� • Rhall be app8ed fint ta psymmt of the costs of manag�ment of'the Proper.cy and collection of ren�s,including,but not �
<br /> '��'•` limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on recsiver's bonds and r�sonabk aut�meys'fas,and then to the sums securod by �n_�.:_ J-
<br /> �'' this Sxurity Instrument, -4 .�..� •
<br /> � •• ' � :,�,s��:--..
<br /> '`. �' ;r..;:t,,�,,:;,.k. �1.Re¢onteYw�ce•Upon payment d'all sums seaured by this Security Instrumrnt,[.ender shall request Trustee ta = , �
<br /> �Stia• reconve the Pro n and shall surrcnder this Seeurity Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security �°�-_
<br /> •'�`-- ..tk�,.:,•__.�;.:��. Y Pe Y . . -•.:�.
<br /> � :• �:. Instrummt to Trustee.'�rusiee�hmii�ecootieY tlSC�'roPcrtY a'ilhoui�vsrran!y nnd without char�e to the person or persons . __ _�_ _
<br /> '�:;,;,.:.,:�T'•�.. •F-.s-
<br /> • . .� . legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rccordation cosis. '�*',,;�:�;ra; :_
<br /> "�� ,: ''ry . �.::;.,;,�,,. ?�,Substl�ute'lY�wtee.I.ender,at its option.may irom time to dme remove Trustce and appoint a succasor trustce ;��
<br /> to any Trusta appo Y — ��� �
<br /> � ���� '' ��'; in t e d hercu n d e r b a n i n s t n i m e n t r e c o r d e d i n t h e c o u n t y in whkh this Security Instrument is recorded. 1€��'��'� I
<br /> ,,;�: '': •'..;,:: .
<br /> , ''''•�j.�_,�� Without comeyance oP Ihe Property,the successor trwta shall succeed to all tbe tide.power and duties conferred upon �---:y_
<br /> � • " � Trustae heroin and by applicable laa. .�������
<br /> .. { '. i.._, .,r.' ' .�:.:�� -
<br /> , • � 23, Request tor Nodas.Borrower raquests that copies nf the notices of defAUlt and sale be sent to Borrower's ,.�—
<br /> . addrcsa which is the Property Address. k I��5��`��
<br /> �'',_
<br /> � �� � P4.R(ders to this 5ecurlty Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borcower and recorded together with ( ,,_
<br /> �� ' � this Serurity Instrument,the covenants end agraments of caah such rider shall be incorporated into and shull amend and �'^�-�°- • "�--
<br /> F TJ��'�"
<br /> ` ' " suppkhnem the eovenants an d agreemems o f t his S e curi t y I n�a u m e n t a s i f t h e ri d e r(s) w e r e a p a r t o f t h i c Sceuciry +
<br /> _ '' :� ' Inauument.(Check applicable boz(es)] �
<br /> � . �. 2-4 Femily Rider � �4 ;='�_+��:��,-:
<br /> • � . � ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ .,�� .��.�
<br /> .. . .. �:i(: .�.�r.:_--
<br /> • .. . .;--..�
<br /> � ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider *M.•.,,;��`�:���-�
<br /> °";�� ;' + .�:�at;s.:1�. ..._. Grnduated Payment Rider r :,�,
<br /> , •��••,:
<br /> ��,�,. � , � ,_ ... •� ;._; � -
<br /> �� • �ti!�i'' J.
<br /> �.� ;;,t;;;.
<br /> '�' 'f.� l'';i.:�,� ' �r'"'�.'.'
<br /> ';' .� � ,'��"�s+��iS'�1•��• [ Other(sa (specifY�
<br /> ��
<br /> �r '`"� ,�� • 8Y SinNt�e 8�tiow. Borrower accepts nnd agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ' �.;�,.,,, --,�
<br /> ' • lnsttimxnt and in any nder(s)executal by Borrower and recorded with it. �Ll;��i'�"'��;;:�
<br /> . F'..'-«.':yaxas-..
<br /> . . . ..�I.•, .. ... ....� :�in�4��'A'-T
<br /> ,'��� , .�.J. .......��..........��.........................���...................�................ � .. ... ....�. ................................ ..�l� �' • ..
<br /> ��;; . Robert D. Jussel �
<br /> ,t� �'
<br />-;'S' �' �,r'a ,-'` ' '.`r; ......................................................�................................. .....................................................................�.............. �.�nOM+► '
<br /> '` ' ";� ?;�� , ,�''1�+., � ' 'J r' ''i;l
<br /> , V`.' � . ' . ' O L•BRAtiI.�. H811 C�ql�t� �,: ����.���}��'�,'�1r�;
<br /> ,•;.,i ;,�; , s7nr� F N ::i•<'?,,,�1.;;,,,
<br /> ,•.� � ��.•.., , ,. ;•'.
<br /> , ; ;���'-.°. . . ,
<br /> Tr,��t,�p F'Uhlir :7�.r:
<br />_ , , Qm ahic 21th �fa�•ul A�i�� .19 91 , hc(orr mr. �lae und�r.iFnrd, u � .
<br /> • dul} �4�;�rnissiortedandqualifirdlur�aiJcounc>,rrcv.,r:u.h �c,anrRobert D. .Uussel, an uCDm�zried ( .•.�`.`
<br /> : • perS��'� .io mr kn��.� ��hc �h� - ,
<br /> identicr�l persoa�l�l �,�fi���e namcltil arc �ub,:�ihrM '. °i:�• ^�^r�s�,inc �m.tn�mrm and :�rAn�,atrcl�rd th�� a�cr���ia�n �'
<br /> thereoin�t►e �i�s �ulun�ary a:e,:���l;cd.
<br /> _ Wianess mv hand and norar�al �cal a� Gr a nd I S 1 a n d, Ne br a s k a in.ai�6:aUO+:>. �:�� � �
<br /> - --_-- ,
<br /> • date aE�resaid.
<br /> �
<br /> . . �- � r � i f�; . ' lc�,. � � .
<br /> � ` . � ' „ i$IEIi��R'A71►SSG1�1110r11h ......r�`.. ....�.�r.. .f,�:��;i���i.i„ � ' . .
<br /> G
<br /> � S�Y�AJ►J./4.pER
<br /> •• ilpC�.fx�M�r.911990 KE(1UESi�hUR Rl:t'ON�'I�1'.1NC'1:
<br /> To T�usrr�:
<br /> ., The undersigned i�the h��t.3.c nf�he nolr��r ni�te� �rrurrd h� ih�.I)erd ��I fiu��.5a�d n�,��or nul... IaECthr�
<br /> " wiih a0 othrr indcbtedncrr�rcured h��i tu,l)rrJ�►f Tru�i,ha�r hrcn p;u�l m lull. Yau:o.hrrrh>�Jii r.IrJ�a r:u�irl�aiJ
<br /> notc ur notr+and thi� lhrd oi Tru,�, ��hirh arr Jcli�rrcJ hrrrl,>. an�f iu rc:�,mr�. ��nh��w ��.uram>. .ill �hr r�iair
<br /> now hrld by you u�idcr �hic ��ca�,r rr��,� �„�hr prr�un ur rrr�an+Icgalh rn1�Ur.l thrrrl��.
<br /> ,� ,�
<br /> 1)alr: .. .... . ... . . �
<br />