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<br /> '—��-h�'�t�� , -
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<br /> .4' i, � r _ - - .�_ . -� ��
<br /> � r�n°-- ---. _ . _
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<br /> �:_�..:�:_��:� 91—i o 2 0�r 8
<br /> —Y=f_�,.��:�;::�'.� - -------
<br /> ��... :
<br /> �.�'��".��.L :: � NON-UNIFOttM C.OVENANTS. Qorrawer and Lcndcr i'ur�her cavenant and auree u� fo awa.
<br /> _.��_���.:�• l.ender�upY lovake Ihe pawe�
<br /> --'p��5 K'i; 1' 17.Farecloruro Proceduro.lt I.ender requi�1m�aedi�te p�Ymen1 in full under pp�RMPb 9.
<br /> -�--;..;,;;���!�;��i�� al sak ond May o1Mer nmedies permiped by nppllcpble I�w.l.ender shpll be enUlled la callecl oll expe�cesti Incurred in pursui�R
<br /> ��"�"`"�'"�� 1he remedks ueder lhis panRrnph 17� including� but not IEmited lo. re�oa�bk wllarnef�s' kes and co91r of Iltle evldeece.
<br /> �' '..�'��,.to....,:.:
<br /> ��;�;i�l��a 1/16e powe�of�In Is Invoked.Tructee sh�ll record r notice af de/�u11 In eACh couMy fn which�ny p�rt of Ihe ropeHy �_
<br /> �--z--;�-,-;-� .r� Ir I�ted pnd ehpll mpll cople�ot such nolice la Ihe m�naer prescMbed by appNcwbk Irw la Bormwer oad l01he a1he�persune
<br /> �� s,�� --�,,;A:�='�- = prescdbed by Appllcs�ble law. Atler Ihe Ilme aqulred by applicpble Ipw.Truslee shpN Rire public nolice af�le lo Ihe pe�cons -
<br /> _ F'C�c .�
<br /> �--��'� �nd in the mpnne�presc�i b e d b9 pPP N�b k I p w.T r u s t c e.w i t h a u l dempod on BoROwer�shpll sell�he Properiy ut public uucl on ��` -
<br /> �`� ` ta Ihe highc9l b i d der p t I be I i m o A n d p l a c e w n d u n d e r t h e t e r m�desl Rn�led in thc nallce ai ss�le In one or mare pprce l�wn d � ,.�-.� �4���ry
<br /> .�;,�;:.. In pny arder Tru�tee de�erndnea.Truolce mwy poslPone sw le o f A l l or pny pa�cel af Ihe Property by public A�nauncemen l w l
<br /> , r�'+�:�'�J�,r, -. IIIE (Illl!YAI)QI�4'@ OY AOY PK'�OUSIy S�IIldYltd BAI@.l.ender or ils de�ignec mpY Pu�hw�e Ihe PropenY at pny sole. ---
<br /> � �J�p�i�pt�f pa}peNl of�Me p�ice bid.True�ee aball dellver to IMe pu�chaser Trastee's deed conveying Ihe Property. _
<br /> . ir•:.._ rn`�!-,:,,:;
<br /> , . ` �` T��ciWs iM,1Me TrNStes's dccd s1u11 bc Pni�aa t�cie evideMCe o�IMe I�ta1M oP Ilrc slateeNent�mwde Ihercin.Trustee shAll Apply n�; :r
<br />� :��i.;�{,y�. 16e p r o a e d g o�Ilie sak iM Ilie Yuiiowi�g order,1s�1 to siY expe�o`tMe s�le.iMCl�g. bul not Ilmiled:o,Tn�►tee s Pees �.._ - - --
<br />• • ' l b l l o s d l s p w c s e c u r e�9 W Y Ihir Secu�ily Iprlruate�t:�d lcl a■r -
<br /> . ���ii:E�;.�.,: . as Pereailled bx�P P�'�b le Is�w���d r e�s o N a b l e A 1 l o r a e y s t�: ___
<br /> .. �f4,,a �:,�.�_--=- -
<br /> �x'f, �l�Jt.pyl; � e�to ihe perswai or pen�oas Ie�IIY e�liAkd to il. � ��.;���.,,._
<br /> � :..,: ,'�":1�.�, " � _ ,�.,_...
<br /> }" +,���`r:i'�`t'�pp�/�'`. �g�Reconveypnce.Upon payment of u09 swra�s seeured by this Secur3�5 ]mstrument,Lendcr shall requesl Trustee tc�re�c�nL�c!. ��__
<br /> i'�';ll�"'� �!�F 9�i;1�P�7�� � •_�--
<br /> �� Y ,'" .
<br /> '�' ' ��,��;�n�;,kn�,;' :. ' ' the Property and shall surrender this S�wurity Instrument And all nates e�•idencing debt secured by this Securit� r�ytrument �
<br /> ' �:�%�j,*°��� •�ti;,•, to Trustee.Trustee shaU recanvey the Pmpenv withotet warranty and withaut cha�ge tu the person or persons iegally entiQed
<br />?`"•� _ �.�1"1�; .%-j,;,, to it. Such person or persons shall pay ate} recarda�fon costa.
<br /> : � ., •,�..,;:. �- -
<br /> j�.-� ''';,". '�:,`�?�+;k�,� l9.Substilute Trustee. I.ender,At ids a}+i�on,may fram time to timc remove Trustee and A�+;puint a successor trusiee to �- ---------�u-•�-��--
<br />''� ;.�; ;;�•';.;� any Trustec appofnted hereunder b)�an instrumcm�ecorded in the cot�nry in which tbis Securiry Ins�rument is recorded.Without �`f`�:,=`'
<br /> �:� _ _
<br /> ';•���'�� conveyance oP the Property,the successar t�rusta shall succeed to all the title,power�nd duties wnPerred upon Trustee here�n �1��j�i��,-
<br /> `' �`�� licable law. :+: , ..--
<br /> and by app `�'." �,
<br /> ... �;��r�.;�� n.,'. .
<br /> '•,;ti•;� r{�7 =p,Request for Notices.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defAUlt and sale be sent to Barrower's addtess f���1^4�,_-�-_
<br /> .. 6��.,_..�_
<br /> 'r',•�;?' � ' • J which is the Property Address.'•Bonower further requests that capies of the notices of default and sale be sent to the pers�n _
<br /> . " set foRh herein." �� =
<br /> ,.., -
<br /> .,��`.r �.- , "`��'.s.:
<br /> . • � �„ �f � Acceleralfoa Clnuse.Borrower agrees that should this Security lnstrument and the note secured thr.reby not be eNgibl� ,_,�ti��� � �
<br /> f�,Z;,� , , f'rom the date herec�e' Lender may, a� � �"�?
<br /> . t����; , , for insurance under the National Housin6 Act within sixty days ' ��_ _ ...!��:��
<br /> �����y��;,t���Y.r,u_ ------
<br /> :�j.�:, � ;ts option and natwithstanding any:hfng in Paragraph 9,require immediate paymem in full of all sums seCUred by this 5ecunty --
<br /> -- — .,..�:�,:;,,• Instrument.A wriii�n staicment of sny auth�rized ngent of the Secretary dated subsequent to sixty days E � ° —_
<br /> . . ;.:.4.a ,, ,, " from the date hereof,declining to insure this Security Instrument and the notr secured thereby, shaii be deemed wndu�i�e �
<br /> ' ''� � proof of such ineligibility.Notwithstanding ihe foregoing,this option may not be e�cercised by Lender when thc unavailability ,,��c;�.'�",r�
<br /> � '�t���j�'f�� f ot insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage i.isurance qremium ta the secretary. (�*���r•••�-��;;__
<br /> � •,-,•.-;
<br /> .'�•,>rr`�••" ...
<br /> Wde�to lbfs 5ecu�ity Inslrumenl. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> • . ,, • Security Instrument,the covenants of'each such rider shall be incarpornted into and shall umend and supplement the covenants _
<br /> . and agreements of this Securiry lnstrument as if thc rider(s)were in a pan of this Security Instrument.(Check applicable box(es)] �.,. �, , ,_:��__
<br /> � � ° ' []Ad ustable Rute Rider �Growing Equity Ridet t.,� ._ �
<br /> " []Condominium ftidcr � �Other '����� -
<br /> �•Y��,���
<br /> � ' , � [�plenned Unit Develop�nem Ridcr 0 Graduatcd Payment Rider w��� �' .
<br /> f ` �,�. . .. :i;';
<br /> ; ;;,:.;;,;:
<br /> „ � . , . _
<br /> , • �i•:�:_�'
<br /> � BY SIaNING B6L0�'1',Borrower accept�and agrees to�he terms contained in thls Security Instrument Anc1 in any rider(s) �_�� ;_�
<br /> _- �1k.,y,;,:_ �. �'-
<br /> �.. executcd by Hotrawer ant� rceoadeJ wit'h it• , '�'
<br /> � �' � „ Witnesses: _�� (Seal) ' . .
<br /> " ne C. Schilousky -BorroWCr
<br /> ., .. ' l5eall ..:.,;:TM*.'F:d_-=
<br /> � Gwen alea Sc iloaasky -uorro�wer - -°
<br /> , • �;.,..
<br /> ($C3�) �.
<br /> (�c1�1 — �
<br /> , -Hurrower
<br /> - , - •H„rri,��er '
<br /> . Pu;t�4 0/ J �
<br /> R•
<br /> '�•.. ` •, , � Ai'hN��LLEU�C;1���T �
<br /> j;�., .,. • ,. ,
<br /> ,���.';;; y , �r�Ve, Eugene C. Schilousky and �vza�dal�a Schileus,c�. .�"'f E�+�nr"),undcr that cer�ain Deed uf Trust duted
<br /> � ' • � ''`�"• :a�ril 11� 1991 . ("I)eed r"Tru�t"1 tu h�cr.scred �c;7�e among Tru�tor.Natio�al Bank of Commerce
<br /> ,.�.,• ..,,, ,��`•Trustce") und
<br /> ^,:�ast and Savings Assaciation, 13th ts^�1 � Street, Linceir.. NE 68508 ,.
<br /> 'The Over7.and National Bank o.f Grared :_�i�:�d 1"Hrnrficiar��")ro��cring ihc ti�llowir��u���ribed property: �
<br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Four t�), in Block Forty Three (43). in Rassel Wheeler's Additfon
<br /> � to the City of Grand Islflnd, l�Call County, Nebraska
<br /> hereby acknowledge that it iti undcr�ta�J tha�lal thc Iked s�l ii u.t to hc r�reu��d hy 7rutic.�r�,a trust decd and not a nu�rtgagc
<br /> __.,.�.�.a.....,W��n�'.alc nro�•id�d it�r in thc I)ceJ ot Trurt pruvidrti�ub�ianaatF�diffcrcnt rights:�nd oNligatiun�to Ihc Trustor i
<br /> ., . . -- ''. . w�w w�...��.... "
<br /> than a mortgagc in thc c��cm uf a Jefault uf hrcarh��t .�hliga�wn• .
<br /> Trutiror Acknowledgcs thai thi+Ackna��IcdRmcni "as mad� priur iu thr c�etution af thc I)ccd ul Tru+�.
<br /> E�ec d a��d deli�ered �+ � l�t� a�>� ��� pril . I�) 9I �
<br /> �`; . �' /� /I-/, �, /�
<br /> '�� � .�i��l�.�v�ft.�_ _ ���'�1 Z��L�'�'�f���2+�2�
<br /> � tru�ir � gene C. Sctiilousky i ����•���� Gwenda ea Schilousky �
<br /> tilate ot Nebrrsku. Hall ('uun�� ..:
<br /> 7helbregoingin��tument��:uaclnoNleclEr.dt+efuremrthi+ llth ���>�'�• April • �y 91
<br /> by Eugene C. Schilousky and Gwendalea Schilousky. husbnnd and wife. �
<br /> Witness my hnnd und notarial+cal at Grand Island. Nebra k� � ��>>��a���'�����>�•�h���<<���"rr+aiJ.
<br /> 6FlEA�I�TMY•Stri d wlrat� ' �qGtt� /` ��'� �L L 4� (
<br /> �ty ccnnmi,cinn rtpirc.: � TERESA L PfCHIER ♦�.�,�. P��n�.
<br /> Nr Conw.E�p Ulev.15.1993
<br />