M _ . �'r . . _ .LSk..�i..
<br /> `-` =�a+",'.-re.^^_'^--- � _.� ,f'... �� - • • .
<br /> ... _
<br /> ..7:. _' '.' f��/.-e„�i....�.. �____.. _ .. - __' __�_. . -. -.. - -_ - . .
<br /> �'
<br /> .,� '"Sv- - - - _..
<br /> �', - 91-- �U�0'7$ ^----
<br /> ...._.,. _..-�:� ::�
<br /> �,.��_.;�:. - -
<br /> , �.� �
<br /> =z�,��=;�_� Euch man�hly instnllmern for items(a),(b)�nnd Ic)shall equul onc-twelRh of�hc nnnuul amounts,us reusonubly eslimated
<br /> �,��.,,�y� by Lender,hlue un nmouot sufficicm to maMtAin an addiiiunal baiancr of nut more thun c�ne•six�h of the estimatad amounts.
<br /> � ' The full anoual amount for each item shall be uccumula�ed by Lender within a period ending one month before an item would �_� --___
<br /> bcu►me delinquent. Lender shall hold the amounts collected ia trust ta pay items le►.(b).and Ic)befora they he�:ome delinquent.
<br /> .N��' ���� �°� � If at Any time tha totel of'the payments hcld by I.ender fo�items In),(b),and 1c1.iagethe�with the future monthly payments
<br /> "—��'�' for such Items payable to Lender priar to the due dates of such items.exceeds by more�han one•sixth ihe estimated amount
<br /> �{t'':i� •
<br /> _�+�'�"-"�.�,.. ' of payments required ta pay such items when due.and if paymems on the Note are current, then Lende�shall either refun —_
<br /> � 'i�a�n�;,a...y3;.;. • the cxcess over one-sixth oP the eshmnted pwyments or credit the excess over one-sixth of the estimnted paymems to subsequent �
<br /> paymeots by Borrower,nt the option of sorrower.If the tolul of che payments made by Burrowcr for itcm (a),(b),or(c) �,�T�. --_
<br /> ��`=�°-57��� �`: is insufiici�nt to pay the item when due,then Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiancy �r--=- =
<br /> ` '• •�"';` ' on or befo�e thc date thc item becomes due.
<br /> ':.�r;��:,, . . .
<br /> `"• ��"" �' A€used in this Securiry histrument.•'Secretary"means the Secretary oi'Housing and Urban Development or his or her _ _
<br /> — "" designee.Most Security lnstrumcnts insurcd by the Secretury ure insured under prog�ams which require ac��aunee payment of — ,�;�.�;._s.____
<br /> �i:SLii:..�„ s'•taaa,i�;..�v
<br />� _;;�;,,�,�,,,,,,,r� the entire mortgage insurance premium.IP this Security Instrument is or was insured under a prog�am wD�6:7�did na�t requi�e ,' �.•, r ��`.,R f
<br /> �� ;ti;:,;:,, advance paYment of the entire martgage insursu►ce p�emium,then each monthly payment shall also include cia�ar.r:�i)un ins�allment ` :,�y,� j
<br /> "�r of'the annual mortgage insurance premium to be�eaid by Lender to the Sec�etary,or(ii)a monthly charRe instead oP a mortgage � __ _
<br /> �•°� � insuraace premium if this Security lost�ument is field by the Secretary.Each moMhly i�stallment oP the mortgAge insurance �,.,.__ __
<br /> � :,����"° ' �. premium shall be io an amount suf�cient to accumulate the Pull annual mongage insuru�atie premium with Lend�r oa�e month rjf; ' $'` _
<br /> ���� ,: , pr�or to the date the full annual rrao�tgage insurunce premium is due to the Sec�etary,ar iP this Security Instrument is held -i ��� ,-
<br /> by the Secretary.each manthly clu►rQe shall be iaa na�amount equal to one-twelith of one-hali pe�cent ot t1�e autstandin�principa! �-���-_:-_
<br /> � * �'c ii,��u,;. balance duc on the Note. t''r"''-`"— _
<br /> '�'�.r` Wk�rrawer's account shall �'�'','i''�_=- Y - -
<br /> ���•��l:'�;r A If Borrower tenders to Lendc•�e�h�e iull payment of all sums secured by this Security I�strument, � : ����
<br />� '1f•���� '," �M17j1_—".--' —_
<br /> � ����§'xl�:"' be credited with the belance remai�ing for all installments for items (a),(b). and(c)and any mortgage insurumce pramium •�,�..;.;;...__
<br /> <�:x,
<br /> installment that Lsnder has not become obligated to pay to the Secretary.and Lender shall promptty refund ar�y excess fu�ds ' �,�`:,;� _
<br /> to Borrower. Immediately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender,�nrrawer's account shall tr�:v�yi(�F
<br /> . ,:� �-;..r ���'�i;ic''Fa`:"
<br /> --�-° be credited with a�y belance remaining Por all installments for items(a).(b),and (c). �:,�:.�._.
<br /> . - _ i •kti:'�_'^�
<br /> �ry���'�" 3. Appllcatfoa of Paymenls. All payments under paRagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender t+.s fal�a�vs: �f .�--���' �
<br /> ,� .. �.' <,.,�,.��, •
<br /> � �(�,;��... First.to the mortgage insu�ance premium to be paid t�y L.nder to the Secretary or to the mon�hly charge by the Secretary „„�f,.;,,.,
<br /> ,`, .'d,l
<br /> �S�•,; . instead of the monthly mortgage iosurance premium,unless eorrower paid the entire mortQage insurance premium when this ' �';:::•,�r,,,,,. •
<br /> r "�'I;t�t.,.r.'. .•r'. •. Y_'
<br /> .:. - , Security lnstrument was signed; ".1'i°-_,
<br /> ' ' •'!._Sfi., Second,to any taxes,speciai assessmenas,Seasehold payments or ground rents,and f�re,flood and other haxard insuronce �1��� /y,�� �t�,,;;�.�
<br /> __ _ �Y�" �i,:'.�Yr�i����ti �`1SL�i.�•
<br /> -- �.,•,;fn;::�;�:::�`' Prcmivass.as reqss.srd:� �.,. :,�:' _ - -
<br /> Third, to interest due under tfie Note; �`=''''�' '��" W
<br /> �'��•'�`'� Fourth.to amortization oi the principal of'the Note: !���r'y`, ` � ,�'
<br /> ml3j f'�''�',:�� .
<br /> � � '' Fifth,to lale cC�araes due under the Note. '�A�`�' . �
<br /> � ;:rr :;•, . ,.��•''� •,;`.-� :
<br /> ,A t 'i.,;�'n.. ..• i!.��q(,�C:�
<br /> ._ ��� i�,�.
<br /> 4.Fire,Flood Aad Other Nw.�rd�usurance.Borrower shall insure all improvemenu on the Property. whether now in ':,r:;'. ,�y;,ai.1�,,�,5�
<br /> :. .� �• ��:,.
<br /> � existence or subsequently erected,against any hazards.casualt:es,and contingencies.including�re,for which Lender requires •';;1}d. ,''� '�e
<br /> ' insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and f'or the periods that Lender requires. Borrower shall also � ' ,';;;;,": �:,.�r
<br /> insure all improvements on the Property,whether now in existence or subsequently erected,a8ainst loss by floods to the extent s; �•.. fi,,•-
<br />