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<br /> � �. . . • :V � Y y•tM '' _— __ —
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<br /> •�;• , . - , _. �.
<br /> ,'�� �s�� •,r .
<br /> .:� —
<br /> �•� _
<br /> � '� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender Purther cavenunt ond ugrec as fullaws� �1--1020'7 5 ��
<br /> ' i, ��,E�c�p�re procedu�.lf Lender requires immcdiple psyment(n 1u11 uader prtiRraph 9•I.ende�mq�larokc Ihe power
<br /> n°"` of w�le�ad��y athe�ren�edle�penullted by �ppllcsble I�w.l.ender ahNl be enlilkd to collecl�II expences Incunrd la purrulag
<br /> ��'�,..... Ibe remedks uader Ihis p�rnQrapb 17. iacluding�bu!nat Ilmlted to�re�w�awbk ollurneY�' kes pnd cast•af Illk evldcace. _
<br /> a,; If IMe pawer of sde i�iavoked.Truslee iholl record A nolice af dciaull in c�cM coualy In wbkh ony pw�l o�Ihe PropeHY
<br /> ° .' •...�.�s �..,:.:.:._, is loc�ted�nd rh�ll m�ll copiex af such aalke in Ihe m�nner presc�ibed by pPPlicabk IAw Io Batruwer and lo Ihe olhe�percoar
<br /> _° T" presc�ibed by wpplicpble I�w.Ailer 16e Ifine required by appllcable IAw.Ttuslee ghall give pablic nolice of sale Io Ihe pen�on� c=._- .==_ ___
<br /> "� �nd In IMe a��aae�p�ccdbed by�pplic�bk la�.Tru�tee�wilhaul demwnd on Bonower,sbwll sell Ihe P�openy ot public wuctlan ,ti`3__
<br /> ��'�'�'':�"" .�. a f� la IMie higbe�l 6ldder A11Me ilme sad pl�ce And under the lerms desi�npted in Ihe nolicc af sale in one or morc pprcels pnd — �---�--
<br /> °�!��-'�--`�< � iq�a,v orde�Ttuatea determines.Trusta mny poslpone swle o��I I a r p ny p�rcel ot Ihe Properlr by public Announcemeal�I
<br /> �Y � ..�.��.s�_�:
<br /> +���.��•� .`- Ihe Ilme�ad plpce ot waY P�viausly schedakd sole. [.endcr or Us deslRaee mpy purchwse Ihe Properly pt Any sole. -•-----
<br />� ' " Upon receipt ot ppymenl ai the price bid.Trustee sdaD deWer lo Ihe purchASer Truelec'a deed canveying Iho P�apeMy.
<br />�''"::- - .�.":;-� The recll�ls ia lhe Trustee's deed sdoll be Pr1mw Yack evide�Y ot Ne Iruth of the slelemenld�a�le Iherein.Trucice ehwH ApP�Y v-_ ,,..^�--
<br /> -�r�t'}rJ:F71:�"
<br /> , .� , �,;,' 11�e proceeds oi tYe sak iN tMe foU�wi��order:(�l lo s�q eapeases oI Ihe ssde, inctudfng. bWt rw1 lia�iled to.Truslee's fees �;��c-_;-;,—_-.
<br /> � �s perrollkd by�pP�r�bk IAw��d re��ble s�ttaneyx'Pees:lbl ta�11 sMm�secn r s d by IMis�nil Y IwslrM�reali And(c)nay ! —
<br /> .:..u.�,.,.Fit,z:_ . !XClSB 10(k!pt1'SOM O�pl�SOw9 Ii��II�HUI�10 II. -- •
<br /> °'• �8,RecoMrey�oce,Upon payment mt a11 sums secured by this Sec:arity Instrument,Leader shall�equest Trustee to reconvey
<br /> _`"`�.•�.:;`�`: �_�_.-.-.-:_-_
<br /> � • �,�,•;.. , the Praperty s�nd s{�all su��endcr this Sccurity lnstrument and all nates evidencing deb�secured by this Security nst�ument
<br /> ��rYr;�, .
<br /> ����'� �, to Trustee. Trustee shall rec�►nvey the Properry without warrenty and without char�e to the person or persons legally entit ���-_.
<br />' .'�,,.�.,t:,,•��'��:': -__
<br /> ;" ..�.,5 z to it. Suc6 pe�son or perstims s9►n16�y Any recordation costs. �:�.=r.-��,.r=.�,
<br /> ,.�.
<br />��':�' �� '`' 19.Substatuie Trustee. l.ende�,�ia its aption.m�y Prom time to�ime remove Tnistee and ApFodnt u successor�rustee to s.dd:,' �•°�•G��`�'�°-
<br /> s:�� ���;�,.,�' b;�F�,,�,,..,,�_
<br />��R��'�• ., „ tl'��� ���i� any Trustee uppointed hereunder by an instrnment recorded in the county in which this Securiey lnstrumen�is recorded.Without
<br /> ,: .;r:,.. . .;,� �ti,>;�,.,:.
<br /> con�eyance of the Property.the successor t rustee sha0 succeed to aU the dtle,power and dudies conferced upan Trustee herein ` „,`s 1_--
<br /> t� �; 1.' , ��.;. and by applicAble lew. ��```"`�„-,.
<br /> �' ..n:�. ?A,Requesl tor Nolfces. Borrower requests that capies of the naices oi'default and sAlr bc sent to Aorrower's address �,�..�__
<br /> . �,..^ � �,,�
<br /> "y' `�'�" ' J which is the Property Address."Bo�ro«�er fur[her requests that ropies of the notices of default and sal�be sent to the person _
<br />.��... � • p �� .
<br /> ��' • set forth berein." N�
<br />.: �6i�±�i-.`T
<br /> �^���`4 AC�tINAU00 CIYUSC.Borrowcr agrees that should this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby not be eligible =___-- -�
<br />�. ���:��
<br /> �' 1 .s•-' for insurance under the National Hausing Act within eixty days from the date hereof, Lender may,at �i,-��,;,,
<br /> { � its option and notwithstAnding anything in Paragraph 9,require immediate payment in full a1 all sums secured by this Security -----�_„_.
<br /> .;• . ,...v, c, aixty daYe --•
<br />'T � ' • Instrument.A w�itten statement oi a�ny auihorixed agcut uf the.xcrc.ary d�ted subsequent to '����`;T�"�•---
<br />`• , ,� from the date hereof.declining to i�esure this Security Instrument and the nore secured thereby, thall be deemed conclusive F�" • .�'t,,
<br /> � , x""=�"'` proof of such ineligibility.NotwithstandinQ the foregoing,this option may not be exercised by l.ender�ti•hen the unavailability 1
<br /> � �'•' •• oi Msurance is solely due to Lender's faifure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the secretAry. ''
<br /> �:?fcC—=
<br /> ,;,.: Ride�r to Ihis Secu�ity Instrumen7.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this .; ;, . , �,,,��--
<br /> � �� Security Instrument,the covenants of each such rider shall bc incorpornted into and shall amend and supplement the covenants � ', �';,{1::!�ZF
<br /> '>• ��• n•°'"` " and agreernents of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securiry lnsuument.(Check applicable box(es)) �� f��;,;`:;,,._
<br /> , , .�w��.l.�
<br /> ; , �• . [�Adjustablc R�tc Ridcr g q y `i,'' Y��„� '`���,=
<br /> �]Condominium Rider [�Growin E uit Ridcr .;. �i �,
<br /> y� � (�Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Graduated Payment Riclrr D Other �:.`?:i•}��,�<<�1y�._
<br /> :J'� ;�.;� =-
<br /> ` ., �.. �. :,,_.;;{\._
<br /> ,s,�,
<br /> ;..
<br /> u BY SIGNING BELOVY.13orrower accepts and agrees to the terms�ontained in ihis Security Instrument and in any rider(s) __.-.,.,:;F-:_
<br /> .:�.y�v-v
<br /> � " executed by Borrower and recorded with it. ~'"` '�° �-
<br /> �..+.�-,�.-.-_
<br />�� , • � -��,.�:-
<br /> � ., .� Witnesses: ' _� ..:,°''�.'cx.,
<br /> ,y., ISeal) �• ,�-.
<br /> , ; ', ` F . ,.:.
<br />, i� . . � •a ' �� Keliv ed8 •Rurrowcr ( , s•.• -
<br />`,' � �I "���''�,y�h5 ! � �l �Ir�
<br />�, ��t �'';,, V��i1 � s� �� .. � ���1�� ____��an ; � - -
<br /> ti' c�5 r;,,� �.��. � �' -
<br /> �' ' y.�•'A•;t 1'.1� . �n ' __�__ ' �_t_ . , .
<br /> . :�,���,: •�;;• . .•,' J ' olene B. Schade •porrowcr • ,-, _
<br />',' ,,� .'?pi��t`y t-. ,';� .
<br /> : .�:, : .� t
<br /> �,:t:• ,�. . :.::r.` lSeall � . .,
<br /> ,. , 4•::S'i�•r" ISeal)
<br /> . i�� r f. � .f,:�'!:• . - -Bortnwer 1
<br /> '`�. . •8orrower
<br /> �. � i? 'ti + ' PdRi�.1 nl� �
<br /> • �•;� ���. ,
<br /> �i�., . .,. . , .
<br /> � �,;��� 1�4��..• '. ti,!t�, . ��c'hNOwLEUtiMENI' �
<br /> , • ,� ' �E;:.�...7,5 . ,
<br /> ' • � ' � `�I�`�;; f•y: ' I/We, Kelly J. Schade and Jolene B. Schade ,l"Tru�tor"1,under that certAin Ueed uf Trus�dated t
<br /> ' ' ;" :y�,r.�.,�f�, A ril 11. 1991 ,l"u��d u��Tru�i���i�' �'<<��<<red mto among 1'rustar,National Bank of
<br /> �.�;�r � ' ;.i;�, . P �� �� ,
<br />� •• . ��� ' Commerce Trust and Savings Association� 13th and 0 Street, Lincoln NE 68508 , 1"Trustec"land
<br />'� '!,!��' `'"��`' " The Overland Nat3onpl Bank of Grand Island 1"t3cnc[i�iar>�"I.ov�ring thr following dc+cribed proprrty:
<br /> .���, i'�,��;;''� ' ''�;���l,,r�;;::.;;.
<br />•�,. , ••') f,,,�tit ji�,�: LEGAL ��5CRIP'i'a()!V: Lot Two (2)� Tara-Leigh 5ubdivision, in the City of Grand Island, �
<br /> , ;`+�::: ,t�.� Ha111 C�unty, Nebraska
<br /> ; '� � `• '.```�,:,.: here�y ac�,r.owledge�hat it is under.a��o.3;hat l•rl the DerJ uf 7 rt�s���t hc rxc��nrd h} Tru�<<�:�,:�[ru,�dctd and not�mortgu�ec
<br /> - .:�_�r..�....e...t�..ed..i T.u.�nrnti..B��..uh.�anciallv diffcrcm rixhts and obliaat�om�o thr Trustar
<br /> . — anci toj mc power vi,uic F;�o.�.,�....,. �........,__._ ...._.,._ .
<br /> ' � �. than a mortgage in �he c��ent of a dciaul�o( br�a;h ut uhh�a�iun.
<br /> � Trustor Acknowlcdges�hat �bi< Acknu��lcdumcni ��•a� madr Pnar i�''hc cucuti�,n ui�hc !)�ti�J��t fru,�.
<br /> , Ezecuted and delivercd thi. llth duy ��I' April , 19 91 .
<br /> /' '� �, ,� � � ,
<br /> ' "'�-�-- --- �, 1�� .� rF , �
<br /> rru.�w . c a e Fr,��,�� � Jolene�B. �c�iade
<br /> � �1vte uf Nebraslca. HaII ('��unl� ,+:
<br /> Thc foregoing instrumcnt�va.�acknoHkJg��i lxlurc mc ihi+ llth ��>�'�• April • �y 91 �
<br /> � by Kelly J. 5chade and Jolene B. Schgde, husband and wife '�`,11� .���1„ ��„�u���Iur�,a�J.
<br /> � '• Witne�s my hand anJ nu�arial.cal ai Grand Island� Nebre ka �'`
<br /> e�t�a�t�orun•swe a�, � ��,�.��s/ '
<br /> A1�• rammi��ion crpirr.: 7ERESA L PICHLER '
<br /> MV OOm�s.EiD NOY-15.1993 ��n.u. P�d,l�.
<br /> .
<br /> „ _-- -
<br />