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.�`�',,� :°� � <br /> . . ,,ti 'YSe:Y"• � '� -"`a:s-..� <br /> .,._"........�_..�..� v•;�,.•'�{;r':. ,.v -- -. ��,•y:�: ;.e�+.41e;�i«±s:H . . �-''!t....}•„� ;H�.�c'�`k'' ' '.,i„�,•�c,...-- <br /> `Y , ' .� + , ^o � � �� o .^„a'_, <br /> • � r.����'J����'Y�����y�^'^^'R��'1/�^�!°�' d wwq�7Pi!Y�� r. ... ':.�; <br /> S�c�riRy,Ia�ae tb) �t��n, ent ada�y d,4�bC'pri4►� '�+�aa th�t Barto�e�:• �il ' `�' <br /> `'!� wwt MNcw� �4 due an�IR IW� M�tnr�t rIA�IM NoM'�t K�lo a�oopNr�dos IM�%t-�.T.:�' <br /> ��F.,n�p aep de[w�t �qr ad�ar a�ia�na a� a)pqn YI expa�i�a�lrr�pfaotr�.d� . . <br /> .,ro�ei�ert� brt eot lidrd�0.newa�bie�no�eya'leai+�ad(dl p��rc1ia r I.+e�lo+'a�Y n��Y, ....-;:.;��� <br /> , - - a,r��e�ee ueao�lld�sdw�ity l�t.t.a�deiti d�bu la ei�e P�opaty�sarow�ti�l�•ap�y tla <br /> _ -i�iewe� by ddt � �iu■rait i�nua�iauo un�ia�i. �Uiaa�'�Y �aaavtie�sr.ib1�&�OtY <br /> — - lew�t�od tie ubii�Mlaa�ha�ry rb�ll�a�uiia lhpy at�aaive u u no aoorAaradon 1d ocortroil: Ho�wewn di : <br /> _��_.�s��,«,.�_y ���►r�terf�le�p.�otapply inq�eca�eat�ooelae�uiaamda�pRiWapb l7. � � _ <br /> Ili. S�It�NMi1i Cip�it�f Iw�Mi WnioMt 71re Na1a ar a iolaro�t M dib No�o Uo�tl�er wiq►Ib4 Seaarit! <br /> Yo�meat)maY be�aid a�e ar eom da�es�itboat P�ia aaiae to�r. A t�le mny�ak ia�daa>a ia da�+aNty <br /> (Imown a�tbe•Lan Sarvloer')duit�r�0eds�ua�qhlY P�ymaita diva un�ei'tbe't�loro q�d�i�Seauity Utwun�nt. '11w�e da <br /> any be aie ar mae�of�be 1,�n S�k��duod w a sMe of t6o N�te. If�hae i�a du�nQe ot�he Savloar. <br /> Hcno�wW be�iven�natice of the c'h�a�e ia a000�d�nco with pivagr�pli 14 above�nd spplicabb 4w. 7Le notice <br /> wlll wto�6e ia�rno�ad adtfras4 d the new Lom 9erviax�ed the�ddneas to wNcb p�yma��Ibnid be m�de. The aaloe aW <br /> - �Iw 000pin wy otber infomutim�quirod by q�plic�ble I�w: <br /> 20. H�audo�q Spb�ca. Aarnwer�ail not cnua or penmh the pre:arce�u�e�dkpo�i.sta�Be�ar a�ele+wo o��oy <br /> HwMon�sub�t�xs aa o►in tbe Pnq�eit�►. Hanowa shdi na d0.aor allow�nyono d�o to do,anylhi�aNacti�I�e . <br /> Plroperty�ha ia in viW�tioo uf"any Bavirnos�eaod l..w. 'i'ee paaodfe��ro s�ciWl not y a thn pe�moa moe.a <br /> aoniga on the Pmp�aity qf ss�all qwnjt�es ot'11�zaMour Su6st�nxs�t�e�a�as�i�r <br /> to be appQOpaMe b maed <br /> � �identW usas ad w�noe dWo Plropaty _ <br /> Bonowri sYdl praaiQ��iro Irendet vvritaa oatioe of my irwati�ioa,cf�n.da�nd.uwsuit or adrer�ctio�b,�r any • - <br />- _ . g�ord�o�e�a�egnl�ory e�:r v:�id�[�c.�ri�r irt�aivisig asic lRa�cJ;ssmd�sr;�sa�cs� �� • `` <br /> .� _ _ ai whic6 Bamwer bst scd�t�&+;ura�edge. If Bonower i�aoti6ed by my govamn�ntal q�,tc�ulaiory��� . . <br /> • �whoritY.�b�t aoy neo�oval ar ad�er r�k�ettiaiibit�'�pny Hua�dou�Sobw�ce�e�cting d�e Pf'opaty la�y►Bam�wa • <br /> _ �P�PUY iska all neoeswy nxnedial acdans ie4�racad�tice wlth Envlroaaa�W <br /> As used in ihis panignph 20,"tlauudous Suf�ttitirica"am tlqso wbst�noea definod as waic ur!u�a�dou:a�ab!�bY <br /> � ����nvim�rnaital I.�w md the fallowing subtt�es: g�soline.kc�.odKr flpnrt�bk or toaic paro{eum produett.bxic � <br />- �'pesticides and herbieides� volatile solvems. matedals conwinia��.'�estos or foim�idebyde�and radic�aclive m�toti�is. As <br /> �' used in this pangmph 20,."Bnvironrnen�tal"mwns federal l�aud laws of 1he jurisdkxion wbene tbe PROpaty i�locr�ted:� <br /> __ �t rclue w�it envimnmemal protcction. � _- <br /> � <br /> _= NON-UNIFORM�.'(�`�NANTS. Bomower and Lmder furiher cove�ant and agroe as follows: _ <br /> _ — � 21. Acakrallo��t�pkuediei. L.eader s6W r i ve�attoe to Barrower p�lor to�cala�+tlo�topo�vi��Borrower'e = <br /> '' 6racM ot any wvaw�t or�reaqe�t ia t6t�Secarlty last�ua�eW(but not prior to�ealaMia w�der pva�rap6 1 7 <br /> --. <br /> . anless appliable la�v,provides ott�wise� 7'he uotice�WI�: (�1 the de�sdti lb)lhe�ctloa required to car�c IMe , <br /> -__.__ _ _ . __ _ deiiwH;tc)�d�e,uut i�i�38� ft'o�t ti�d�tte tise aoitce!s�vca!0 8osros7es,!ty��Ieh tlss�duW!s�!A bt <br /> cnredi aad(dl that tt�re W cure tiM�wult�r ar lbefare t6e dak speciQed in tbe notice awy reault It��oc�kration d `_ <br /> . !6e surore secured by t6i�Securlty lastrument�ad sak of tbe Property. Tde tatice sfu�ll ibrt6er id'orw�Borrower of ,,. � <br /> -- tbe rigbt/o�ri�a;e AYtrx�ecekration�nd the r��hi lo bring s�court actbn to�sert tba aan-exi�teice�i F n d e f w lt or ,��''� ;-�. <br />_=_ +wy other det�nse ai i4orrower to accelerntbn and sale. It t4e defanit is not cured on or before the db4e apecifted N+ • , _ <br /> or <br /> IUe nMire.I.ender at its opHon may require immediwte pwvia�ewt ir fuU otall s�ms saured bq t6tv Security Iastrume+at . . __ <br /> wifhout fuHMt�demand aad mAy invoke the power of�ale And s�ny other �emedles permilted by applkaWe Ipyv. �r;:;;, :- <br /> Lender shall be enNtkd te colkcl All expenses ir�carred in pursuing the mxredie9 provided in this�pd 21," . '� , r <br /> � � iacludiag�but not Itmiled ta reason�bte attorne�a'Qeees And casta of title evidetore. �,; ;._ <br /> _ If tbe poWer o�sak is lovoked,71�ustee sP�alU record a nMke of defpult in ateh couaty fa whkh pny part of t6e <br /> �� Praperty is located and s6a11 mpU ca�ies a�Wca w�lce in the manner prescribed by ppplicaWe law to fbrrower ond to _ <br /> !4e other persons prescribed by applia�nb7e IAw A�ter the time reqnlred by Applicable Y�w,'ilvstee sholl Qive publb <br />`� �.s� aotke ot sale to the pensonv wnd In the myaner presa�ii�ea i�y Appiicwbie iaw 'i'ru�icr,wiiuuui�uru��i uu Bu��u�r�ti, • � <br /> �ti.,h,, _ • shall sell the Property at public auclion to Ihe hi�hest btdder at Ihe lime�nd qWce and unde�We tern�d�cignnted i� ,_ <br /> ,�:;�. �• � t6e notke of sale in one or more parcels and in aaaa•x�der 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee may postpoee'sutr of all or w�y � ___ <br /> r �S�rn��{�-�.' v poroel of tde Propertr 6y public wpnouacemeM at the time and pluce of�ny previously sclreduled sale. Lender or its -. <br /> f'�':''1,'.„'"`�: desi�nee may purchase Ihe Properly at any sale. , <br /> �'.. �;� _�`� � Upup receipt of p�yment o�'Ihe price bid.7 Yuslee s ha l l de l lver to I he purc h a s er 7 Y�ts tee's d e M convey i�g t a e <br /> ;��`t�` '.� property, 3'he recita9c in Ihe 7Yuslee's deed sholl be primu facie evidence of Ihe truth oi'the statements made Ihereip. __ <br /> � �;�.� •' " 71rus1ee shWl�pply Ihc proceeds otthe aole in Ide fdbwMB order. (al lo all cagts And expepses oi exercisin8lhe power =- <br /> .�,..• .,, ��' • -_ <br /> ..�..,�.��:+��� _ <br /> ;;.. ...:��,,:� _ <br />- `, .i.�. y�z��. <br /> �.. N,. ,y . — <br /> -'• ��?���i. ,iilr�;;:'ti = <br /> �+��r';• �- , �� c.. <br /> ':j •'!��'' •� -I <br /> A�r���;,-,�.y� — <br /> ' .Yi, .r., 'irtSi;;. _ <br /> `�•. ���'+�''"'�'����:1{;YlI,�F,+',� I FormJ�tB 9/90 1/wge�u/nry��nl ` <br />'.',�� Y�i�j,rl' '. ., 5 �, <br /> �•. `�;�(.��fja.� �• . c_, <br /> �,r�f,,'+��;= � �. <br /> 'r .� .�:••:��� '� e. <br /> .,�.�l: . �` � <br /> � yl �{�{ '.Ir'iy/�iti��ift ir,�,r.rei:i �� ,,h , � r ':"; ' _ <br /> •'{ i -�11 ni�-r.i� . i i.i�1�� ' � t � ��i C,. . \- - � r �f. \ 7' ' ��,� <br /> .:C(, 1„i:�1 � +,!y .ti� .r ;i��l', 9 r' '�1 r�l: �.. .7�>'�� .� ,•' ' - /1� qi•_.;i i � .. �..lS��. <br /> y� (�4��1t'dt��, r t. � '��•�V�. 1. ����'i���y� �,r`'�. �<<,,'. .4�'�rt-� ,.C�����,rc� �'!tis/-� ����f,?�,r�.J.-��.'�t•���.-.i.��; Y1S 5-r' �„�. '.."F1, _i''+`'rcln, <br /> Ar�.��,, � .:,.t'f', . ; ., � <br /> �' 9 �f.,.,lf, • t�� r : �. � ,'�� `�:' _ r. .�,', i � 1 �;:. ..,' .r t <br /> -.i, l..�{i�'r. yg. . � �. •i t y'rtll'� li ]` . - t. � . ,;1P'�. �V t� � �c:�Y�+��--'1�-- <br /> t•� 1 5 `1� - �' 1� r • . - rt�i 3 i�• ,i :<-. � � S�i� ��_.-.�t ,�.err...rrre•R+,.�._. <br /> -�:a�.'..t� �'�.�AJtSL���1Y_�t��Xl.��v14: .1_L_ . _ 1_f- _ zt�}1��:1� �ilw;;�t1... _� — � <br /> -..�— -:-.--�,. . - .._ ` �- - - . • � . . . <br /> 6_ . y.� ` :�� r?�i ?„; �jt;� � . ,. - —- - - �-�� . �Y ��'t '�.r`�` L���"f�l��t�'G���'----�- •i�-ly��.�= <br /> �t . � t 1 ��-' `5 e �3�.�t'" +ah �C �� +�Ft`♦ (�•: � rra� <br /> ° 1 a�it�•�t ! �X`'' ; Y��l�s� r l . � � . . , ,� Jr • �, <br /> � �G,,,Y,�u,... aq.V,- r" <br /> ti � - �� ��' ••tS.r."+tk f� py _ , .� • �•�.r . . . . .. <br /> . � �� � . ,.� 7 s:A'r�� �h,l�.I+,.t/i.•. . -• - :. . ' .. ,� <br /> -�� .0 .� �y ,.��r��f;��r�,..�.....'t .. 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