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<br /> ' �°� ,a. M�.�,�.P�.. 91-- 102057
<br /> (�l���alol RN�aMd.Exl�n�lan a11h�tlnN ta paym�nt ar modlllatlon ol�E(ho►tl�ibn at th��wms Mound b�►Ihl�
<br /> •� '� Owd of Trott pnnt�d by I.�ntNr W�ny euco�or In Int�rNt of Borro�wr�hdl not opn�n to r�N,In�ny msnnN,tlw IlabNity
<br /> �� of th�orlplrwd 8orrowa�nd BorrowK'e�uac�aon In InNraL L�ndK�hall not b�rpulrad to oomm�nc�procMdinpt�p�lnst
<br /> ' �unh auca�uor or rMuw W�xbnd dm�for payrtNnt or oth�rwlN modly�mortir�tl�n o1 th�wms NaurW by thl�CNd ol Tnwt —
<br /> by�pson of�ny d�m�nd�mW�b�r th�alpinal Borrow�r and 8orrow�'�iuoca�on In Inte�n.
<br /> :� , , �,�t (b) L«uNr'�Pow��.Wlthout dfeatlnp the Il�blliry of any oth�r p�rson II�bN for th�p�ym�nt of any obllp�tlon h�rNn
<br /> - ,� ,.�:.—..,,.-,_ mondoned,and wlthout a(I4cGnp tho Ilan or ahar�of ihla D�d of Truot upon any poitlon of th�Propsrq�ot th�n or th�r�tolon `� "� - -
<br /> relMMd�a waurlty for th�lull�mpunf of�rll unp�id oblip�don�,l.rnde may,trom tim�to dm��nd without noda�q)nte�w�n
<br /> � � ,���:.:. y
<br /> ;;.��; ��� • , penon w liabl�.(ll)�xqnd th�maturlly ar alter any of th�t�rm�of any tuch obllp�flon�,pli)�nnt oth�r Indutpenp��,(Iv)rsl�
<br /> , �,,•,,���'� o�reconwy,or auts to bs relswsed or�econveyed at any tlme�t Lender'�optlon a�y pareN,pordon or�II ol the P►op�Ay, - --�
<br /> ;:���..�;;�'.:s. . ty)take or ret�s�e any otha or sdditlonal aecurlry for�ny obltq�tlon hareln m�ntbn�d,or(vq mak�compo�lpon�or oH�►
<br /> �{+�• a�r�npomsnb with d�bton In relatlon thereto.
<br /> _ __.�•�`�� (c) ForbNnna�by 6�nd�r Not�WMr�r.Any torboprance by Lender in exercieinp pny ripht or remedy hareunder,o►
<br /> -- ���'`t�"�L�"" otha►wise allorded by applicable law,shAll not bs�wAtver of a prqcluds the exerolea o1 eny euah rlpht or remedy. Tho �--- -� _•-•�•-s--
<br /> `;+t�.; =�'°"'" ' procu►ement o1 Ineu►anae or the payment ot tpzee oa otl»r Uona or ctuiry�s by L�r shdl not br a walv�r ol Landar'�ripht to
<br /> �°� ����'•j N'. r� accelerate the maturiry ol the Indebtedneaa aecured by thia Deed af Trust
<br /> -- --��rlt����"� (d) BuccM�on�nd Msipn�8ound•JoiM wd SwKal Wlrl�C�p11oM,Ttw covenants and apre�menta hereln con-
<br /> -�,_:.,`{tji;�`�.�y,"" tained ehell bind,end the rtahb hereunder aha11 tnure to,t1w r�specdre successora and a�ipna of Lendar and t�u�tor.All
<br /> — `•S'``�t�� covarwnte and a reemen4 01 Trusto►sh�ll be aot and aoveral.Tha captiona�and headin a of the
<br /> - '. ,�`,.. �� O 1 p parapraphs ol thl�Daod W — .—
<br /> � �'' ' • " : Truat oue t�convenienCe only t�nd are not to be used to interpret or define the provlelona hereot ��ac�K�:,.
<br /> - _ � •n f=. . �!•.
<br /> ;,.� r::,:....-.t"�`,��,�i.t
<br /> -""'_.� , .� �tf,r;�s,:�s7,.k (e)RpYKt la NoUca.The pqrUes hereby request that e copy of any nolice oi default hereundar and o copy of any ootke ,.,,r.��`r`;�;;�._:_
<br /> � ., � ",�t� ;ji of eale h�reunder bs mafled b eacA party to thla Oead ol Trust et the addre�ss aet tohh ebova in the mennqr areacriDed hY , ' ;du�t�-
<br /> ��°. ��: �i; applicable law.Except tor any other naUae required under appllaable law to be giren in another manner,amr noUce provWod �(fi ' ; �
<br /> :;�;�� ,. �„ ;, for In thia L)eed of Trust s�hall be given by malHnq suo'�notice by certifled mail addrmssa:�ro!he other partles,at the�tldrees sot • "�$���r�;};:�,`;.__,—
<br /> �.., i-�i;?.4,i.•,:•�}:"r':�:?:
<br /> _.-,;�s� � " •���'.,.,�� forth ebove.Any notice provided for in Ihia t)ead ot Tvu�t ahall be ettective upom nA��.ng in the manner designated Mrein.ft � , ;ru{;;;r;«-..;.
<br /> '�':r•� „ u��' : ' J���� Truator ia more than one peraon,notice sent to ihe address set Rardh Above sha9i�noHce to all such � `+;-:�::1i;;'"
<br />: _.ii. cri °(.�" p6ro0118.
<br /> ,+�;""° .'s:�•.- (q Irnp�ction.Lender may make or cause to be made reasov►able entrles upon and inapectlona ol the Property,provided '��'"
<br /> ';;',:_:�.--
<br /> `�'`� � �... :. ;: •�' that Lender ehell give Truatar notice�t;or lo any suCh inapectlon apeciyfny reasonable coute theretor ralotad to I.ender's �,.,-�;�,'�-°`
<br /> b. -. j�,.;,�.. , inWrest In the Property. �o-o�.
<br /> �' �'%�` � � '�•' � (p) R�canv�yanc�.Upon payment of all auma secured by this Deed of Trust,�ender shall request Truatee to reconvey tAe
<br /> _t-:_:�7i . � �d!•-�T �._...-�.�,. . .
<br /> ,.;�;;, "� "r� Properry and�hell aurrender this Deed ol Trust end all notea evidnn�inp indebtednesa secured by thla Deed ot Tru4t to Truates.
<br /> _- ' �'•� T►ustee ahall reconvey the Praperty with�ut warrany and wfthout olwrye to the peraon or persons lepally entld�d tlw►oto.
<br /> `��'���, � Trustor tholl pay aN costs o1 recordatton,i1 eny.
<br /> = ..,ap�..�;,::.
<br /> � i,.. •- ° . . . ... (h) P�nonal Pro �:`%��F--
<br /> p�rtp;S�audty Ayream�n�As additional securiry for ihe payment ol the Note,Yruator he�eby q�ents ---
<br /> � ,;y,�y„�+,�,;+x, Lender under tho Nebraaka Unllarm Commerclal Code a seaurily intereat i�all(Ixtur�s,equipmen�and otheraQrsonal properly .,_ __,______
<br /> -- , � , - - usad m connecaon with t�e Teal eatate or improvements located thereon,and not o9harwise declared or deern�d to ae a part ot
<br /> � ' . • �:, the real eatete eecured her�by.Thla instrumant ahall be conatrued ae a Securiry Ai�r�aement under sald Code,Antl►he Lende� ,-------•----•
<br />" � • '�_,�.;,.�;: ahall have all the riphta and remedles af a secured party under seid Code M addlUan ta the rights and remedie�creatad unRler ���
<br /> `-•�.. ,,:,• end accorded the Lender purauanf to thls Deed of Truat;provided thet Lender's rig?�ts and remedies under thls pa+agraph sV�aP� �`�-
<br /> � ';��+;;i�`; be cumulodve with,end in no way e NmiWtion on,Lender's rfphts and romedles under any other securlty eflreement tlpned by �=���—_•-
<br /> �f . � Bonower or Trustor. --------
<br /> :' � (i) Wn�and Encumbranaa.Trustor hereby warrants end represents that t'here is no defeult under the provlaions of any ����'-�
<br /> , moApepe,daed of trust,lease or purchase aontract descNbinp all or any part o!1he P�ope►ty,or other cont�ect,instrument or �-"�`�`
<br /> ' �• apreement conadtuNng e Iien or encumbrance agelnet all or any pert ol tha Prope►ty(colleclively,°Llens"►,exiatlnp as of the :r�-�-�-=�
<br /> `��� date ot this Deed o1 Truat and Ihat eny and all existing Uens remein unmodiNed except as diacloaed to Lender fn Trustor's �''"� •-�
<br /> ' A w►Uten dlecloeure ot Ilens and encumbrances provided for hereln.Trustor shall timel �" "`��` °��
<br /> _. '�};, ' y perform all ol Trustor's oblfgaQona, or.:
<br /> °�r'= �" ' covenantt,rep►esentetfone and warranties under eny and all exlalting and lufure Liens,shall promptly fo►ward to Lender copiea �
<br /> • '• of all notices of defeult sent In connecUon wlth any and aN oxleUng or lutura Uens,and ahall not without Lende�'a prlor writt�n ,,,,,,,,�,.,. ._
<br /> "y�t,��;,ot:�' � ,�}! coneent In any menner modify the provfalone of or allow any luture advancee under any exletlng ar future Llens. �r°-°---`
<br /> � :r},a�s�'�$;. U) �PPlleatlon ol PI� ►� , .'"-�,,;,-w._,.
<br /> 'i',j<���t�,;i��j,h ;;�Y+. f�nb.Unless otherwise requlred by law,sumc paid to Lender hereunde�,Including wltnouf Iimitattan ,,�i ,^____
<br /> ,,,rr,��t,��},`�€,'.}`,;,�i payments ot princfpal and�ntereat,insurance proceeds,condemnetlon proceede antl rents�nU prollts,ahafl be applletl by � •��/`��' '�����,;�[!�e
<br /> r,�t� ��?�,,;.�.,.,,�,�- I.ender to the amqunb dve and owmgtr4-.^.T�uator antl Borrower in such order as Lender in its sale diycretipn deems dealr��ale. ..�i���'a;,?�:. :�;,
<br /> 1 I;..:. k �.r.
<br /> `�! tt�'�.,,J 1�� ��;i, } O SwK�blllty.If any provlalon o�lhis Deetl oi Trust conflicts with appllcable law ot is declared Invalid or otherwlse , ,��.�Stt�;r:���.;•_
<br /> r.-' 4 � ;t:t•7i`
<br /> 1���. � 1; : �' unenforceable,SucR xflnllict or fnvalldi shall not aifact the other rovlsons of this Qeetl of 7ruat or the PVpte which can be J�
<br /> . �.�;;:.,�• �t` 4 �Y P ��,�,�, r�•::-:�.-:-- `
<br /> ,R �?,t.:'?_ �,1' glven eftect wlthout the�onlUctlnp provfaion,and to th is end the provfsions oi thls Deed ot Trust end the Note pre daclAred to bo '�%��`•i��;�`�,`�)�Y�� r
<br /> `' i;.:i'�M.1;��,•r., �everable. {,,r:..<•:�;, :, ;.;:Si��1
<br /> c
<br /> t,. "'tr�•'!; (I) T i r m s.T h e t e r m�"T r u s t o r"a n d"Borrower"sha ll include�a:!s smgular and plural,and w��en the T�wtor and Bonower �`�`,, � �c-�-
<br /> , • 8 ' �F�,� �re tha same pereon(a),thoae terms es used fn this Deed Of Trus2 snai:be iMerchenyeable. ��'� ,�,...-
<br />. � �, {m) Oarwnln�Law.ThiB Deed of Trust sh�ll be governed,by Ine laws of the State of NeDtaska. �j?��k,�i+�'T=
<br /> ; • � , ' �fra�sto►heo execubd thls�d of Trust aa of tha date waitren tfove. 1�: .. � �,•�-�
<br /> u ' • . , • '.� - �`� �'` ' .��,.., ,
<br /> " (KriSCi�e�No an �:"'J Wife r.: ;;:�. .',.
<br /> r(R�� L� Bt h usto��td '.. ,�`�'"�''' '
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