�� .. ... .r�.:�: �:.�. ' ' —___ . •..
<br /> '_a;z�aC:-^.�... .
<br /> • �4��C��`�'' � _ _°____. -----_=--. —
<br /> �
<br /> � ��y' � 10���,� _---
<br /> .rHJ.,jI��i� . ' �1•
<br /> <' ht debt
<br /> �'�t���4�� d .INMn�t ru/laN CM�.Borrowa�U�II WY wbw due t�prTacsp�l ot.and in . �-._-_--
<br /> , '�?'. „ �,h�t �
<br /> i:; ..°}+��.». �v;dq�ad by ihe Note wd We c,hst�n due uada the Note. �''.—
<br /> �; rnt,to�etha with
<br /> :.�����'+h,;.;°. •" 3.Mo�t�lY hlr�p oi Tw��I�w�a�a�M OIlK C�.BoRawer shdl includa in each monthlY Wf'm �;;.._�_
<br /> w
<br /> ' •',.�,: ' tM priodpRl uu!iataat u�et fonh in the Nae and any Wo char�a,�n instWmmt of�nY lal uuca and specW asKS�ment� —
<br /> ,.,,��'••`� ?��� t�or{round rcnts on tho I�opertR+uid t�1 P�ums for
<br /> ...
<br /> , kv{ed or to be kvkd 4dttst Ihe Propehy.(b)k�ehold WY� ��-K.--.
<br /> , .
<br /> ,;a. „�,_ {taurawe ro9uind by P�ra��Ph 4• _.,.
<br /> • : ti.� ., e;.,�..__.
<br /> �'� � E�ch aaathly in:taUment for items(�1,(b)�nd lc)�11 e4w�l one•tweUth ot tho�u►nu�l�unounu.�rcawnably atimatad by -°__
<br /> _..�., _- -
<br /> � ... ; :' Lrnder.plw m unount suiQclent to m�intdn�n�►dditMnal balance oi aot more th�n orte-sizth of the esdm�ted�mounts.'ihe � _ _ - __�_-._
<br /> ',� �,•::;.. .� tuq�ua�amount for each item�dl be accumul�ted by l.endet withia a pedod endinp one month betorc u'i itean woutd =--- —
<br /> ,•, � ' �o�nw depnyuant.Lender�U ho{d the�maunt�oollocled ip Itust to p�Y items(�),lb)�u►d(c)beforo they become dalinquent. .� '�
<br />�'r�. � ° � �t at any dme tho toul ot the p�Ymenn he{d by Lender far ilems(r).lb),+�(c),toaether with�ho futura monthly payments ,.;,•
<br /> '�'�y`�''•1:_
<br /> .,�. � ��x,..e�v r`,..-
<br /> � for tuch ltaaspaYabk lo Lendu p�ior to tho dw dua of such itaas,aiceeds by more�h�n one•sixth tho estim�ted amount oP �_�"__�
<br /> - � a oa the Nae ue current.theo 4ender shdl either�efund�he �?'-----°='�°"'�`
<br /> p�y m e n u rc quircd to p�y:uch item:when duo,+�nd if p�yme+� _`"'"'':7°�"'�'`
<br /> ents to subsequent 'u``""�—
<br /> ' • exass over one-sixth of che atimat e d p�ymom�or a e d U t h a c x a s s o v c r o n e•s i x t h o t t h e a t i m a t e d p a Y m -_,,;4:,.,
<br /> paymente by porrower,at the option af Boaower.If the totd oi the p�ym
<br /> ents made by Borrower for item l�l.(b1�or l�)is •';�;.,.�y""V16"""_.:.�'a,
<br /> I�uutiicieat to pay the item wheo due,then Borrow�r�haU p�Y to���y�aunt neca�ry to make up�he deficiencY on or . �;-_..
<br /> betore tbe date tde itan baoma due. .�-�'����'���.
<br /> Ay used[n ttrls SecudtY Uutrumem, •'Secroary•'mans the SecrcurY of Housin��nd Urban Dere[opinen� or dis or b�er � �,,_.��-
<br /> ' desi�noe.Most Seeudry l�tn►menu ituured by the Secreluy'are insured under pro�rua�which«qu[ce advance payment oi tAe ��,..- - —
<br /> �ntire mor�ye�usuraace premium.If this Security In�trument is or was insured ut�der a pro�ram++hich did not miu�r��dYa�ce � T _
<br /> •,..�.,.:".�' .:..' Wyman of tAe eatSrc mort�e ia:unu�ce premium.thenach monthlY WY� t'�'`'-_
<br /> rnt shdl also inctude either.lil���t oh6e �°'.: _-- .
<br /> ' �na w 1 m o r t p Q e i n s u r a nce pmnium to 6e p�id bY Leuder to the Secrct�uy.or N)�uanthiy cdu�e ia+twd of a mort�e �{iF���s;
<br /> . - .- insurat►oe pnmium it thls Secutiry Instrumeat(s held 6y the SeerotarY.P.�cM moatA{y insa l d a�e ium w h e�de�r one�t h "':' 'wr�.•:• -�:�!~:
<br /> � prcmiwn ahaU be in aa�mount�uitident to accumul�te the iull annuwl monp+�s insu�aace P ' ��,i;,;8,�
<br /> � prior to�he d�te the fuU aanual monW�e insunnce preu►iwn b due to the SecretarY.or if'this S�c of thes u tu andinad�d Dn�� 5 f��,. -: ;_
<br /> � Secntary�pch monthly chuRe shall be in an unount equd to onatwelith of one-ha1P pe*a � � _
<br /> . bNonce dua on tde Note. � �-__
<br /> ` ., , If Bortoarcr tenders to l.ender the fuU payment of�Il:ums savred by thi9 Socurity Instrument.Borrowar's account sha116e
<br /> crcdited wfth U►e balu►ce rcm�ininQ for dl installmenls (or item: (a). (b)and lc)�d�y u�on�a¢e insu�PTemium ;-�,`;=:f:.:,:-
<br /> � � instdlmmt thu Lenda has not become obUQated to poy to the Secretary.�ad Leader shnll promptly refund anY excess funds to ,_}�,1+,•, „6����
<br /> ,. ��i'.;'',J . . Borrower. Immediataty Pdor to�forcctosure sWe of the Property or ita acquisitioa by t.ender.BoROwer's�ccount shall be • . • ry-
<br /> • ^'''-`' �' for dl insWlment�for itrnu(a)�(b)+u�d(a)• .�h;�'-; ��,��.`-
<br /> cKdited with aay ba4nce rcm�itd� .,. ,
<br /> ,r•� '"��'�::,�f�.r.',.• i
<br /> 3.A�pYcatiw o/Parme�ls.All payments under panQr�Phs 1 and 2 shWl be�ppUed by l.ender as folbws: : , n ,.i
<br /> �T.to the mort�e insa�ana Premiu��o�P�d by Leader to the Secrctary or to the monthly chu�e by�he Secretary
<br /> instead oi the montb1Y monQaQe insurance premium. unles Bonower pAld the entire mon�e in�uru�a premium when this -��++a�a �i
<br /> � ..._�=.,,� --
<br /> Secutity Instrument was siQned:
<br /> .ti. .. ' EC(3 �to wy uxes.spaial assestment:.leaaahold paYmenu or�ound renu.snd iirc.Oood and other Uaziud iasw�nve :��-r�r.;; �}�,°,���
<br /> .::t'�:'��,�y
<br /> • prcauums.Yf fd�U�s .�l.:�:n . .
<br /> .r�. � .to interat due under aUa�Note; �'�' '' � ';�
<br /> .r'-s.`.�.1`�`iy..`
<br /> UiR ,to amvriizudon of ihr pdncipal of the Note: : )'�� . ..
<br /> � .to late chargea due undei the Note. � �'`,"'�'�`
<br /> . ';'.:', ; `.
<br /> ''';;�� ' � � • � �,I�Ne�E'lood�1�1�HMard l�surwce•Hor►ower shall insure all improvements on the Property,whether��ow in existence . •i`•�•;'•��
<br /> ' or subsequently etected.aWinst any haziuds,casaaltia.+u�d contingencies,includir�fire,for which Lender requires insurance. •��
<br /> .> Thi:{tuurance�hali be m�intalntd in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requ[res.Borrower shall also insure al{
<br /> +. improvements on the Propeny.whe�her now in exis�ence or subsequently erceted.against lou by tlooda to thc extent rcquireli by .
<br /> the Seaetary.All�osarance=hal�be carried wilh compenies aPproved by Lendar.The insurance p�Ucfa and aay rcnewals shall _.�_._;
<br /> ' be heW by Leader and shall include loss payabie slausa in fAVOr of,end in a form acceptable to, Lender. ,�:�y;`
<br /> " ln the event of ios�,Borrower shall give I.mder immediate noNce by mail.Lmder may moke proof of lou 1G not made prompb ��,_ :
<br /> �y by Bptrower.Eaeh insurance compat�y concerned is hereby authorized and direceed to make yayment for such loss direetly to �• � ;,.�,,,�,.
<br />,,��• ' Lender,imtead of to Horrower ana!to Lender jofndy.All or au�y patt of the insu�ance procetds may be applied by Lender,At its �°xa��r•
<br /> oDdon,diher(a)to the reductlon of the indebcedness under the Note end this Sccurity lnstrument, tirst to anY delir.quent ` � t�� '�
<br /> " •. 'i�•� � '' qmounts appGed in the order in Paragraph 3,and then to prep4yment oi pdacipal,or(b)to the resto�atian or repAir of�he � �
<br /> • '�'•� :•�`•' ' � d a m a a e d p ro�e n y. A n y a p pBcation of the proceeds to the prfncfpal ahall not extend or postpone the due date o(the monthly � ,�,
<br /> ' ' '` '� �" payments whufi are reterred to in Paragraph 2,or change the amount of such pnyments.Any excess insuranc t p r o c a d s o v e r a n -�•.
<br /> , �.,„n:;.c-
<br /> •� , amount requirtc!to pay o l l outataR d in¢in de b t e d n a s u n d e r t h e N o t e a n d this Securit y Instrument shall 6e pald to fhe entity IeQal- � •,ti�;
<br /> . ly endtkd therno. ; `�=�^_`=
<br /> � In tfie event at foreclosure of this Security Instrument ar uther transfer of title to the Property that ca�inguisha the in- ` ,�-..;�,�
<br /> , ; „ debtedneas,�11�igfit,tiUe and interest of Bonower M ond to insurance policia in force sholl prss to the purchaser. t
<br />' I
<br /> S, p�pe�v�tio� iud M�late��sce o(IMe Property.Lauehuld�• Borrower shall not commit waate or dtsiroy, damage or •
<br /> substantially chanQe the Propeny or allow the Propeny to detedarate,reasonable weu and tear excepted.U.ender may inspect
<br /> I , t6e property if�he property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default.Lender may take rcasonable artlan to protect and
<br /> ��`���'"��} preserve auch vacant or abondoned property.If this Security 9c�st�ument is an a Itasehuld,B�rrowsr xhall comply with the provi- , ..
<br />'•'' '.a�.'•�::.''.(. , ' ,
<br /> � ., ,;,,, �ions of the lea~e. li Borrower acquira Pee[itle to the Propeny,tt+e leasehold and iec tints shall not be mer4ed unles�l.ender •{;
<br /> �:'� �• �.. p�rees to the merger fn wdtiny. ;;•., ..
<br /> . ' ,,'�,... , ,_',
<br /> j ;r''•��'� � � �''.;�.�'.' 8,CYsqn to Borrowe�wd ProtecUou of Lendcr`s RI hls in 16e Praperl,r.Bottower shall pay all goveramental or municipal �f � . ;I��:.. �;:
<br /> R ���, �
<br /> � .-1,'�:t;:. , .
<br />� • ��•1?::ti'•' ' ent Zy which i owed�eipayment�If failurc w pn�y would ad eiaely affe t l.enderi sinte est in bhe P rpeny,�uponiLendcr•stre• '.'�" �_
<br />' ' `�;j;�',�' qurst rBortower shall prompUy Furnfsh ro Lende�receipts evidencing these payments. ,
<br /> If�urrower feils to make these payments or the p�yments required by ParagTaph 2.or fails to perform any other covenatets and
<br /> • a�reements contained in thfa 5ecurity lnstrument,or Ihere is a ltgal proceeding shat may sigrificantly atQ�tct Qxader's tights in
<br /> the Propeny(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnaaion or to eniorce laws or regufationsl,the�o Lender may de�and ,
<br /> • � pny whatever is necessarY to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's nahls fn Ihe Properry,includin�paymeM ot taxe�, ,
<br /> '� ' ha�cud insurance�nd other icem:mentioned in Paragraph 2.
<br /> .. �.A:.M.rerl bv i....�r.���nder�hfs Pernaraah sh�lo hrrome an addilion�)deht o!Burrower und be securcd b}�h�� ,
<br /> _ �. ,:,,;i:.:�:.::..»_.-------� -
<br /> Securiry Instrument.'Phese amounts sholl bear interes� fram the date o(disbursemen[,ai ine rioie rw�c,■���tl�::�w:�••�•
<br /> ' � Lender,shall be immedfotely due and payable. �
<br /> 7.Cosdemutlae.The proceecis uf nny uward ur claim for daa�ages.direce or conuquential,in�unneCUOn wilh nny condem-
<br /> nation or other taking of any part of thr Pro�xny,or(or canveyance in place of condemnation,are hereby Lssigned anQ+hall be
<br /> paid to Lender to Ihe extent oi the full amuum ul�the indebtedness that reme{ns unpaid under�he Note and th�s Se�:urity Instru•
<br /> ment.Lender shall rpply such pnxeedr�a�he reduction ot the indebtednas under the Nute and this Security Ins�rument,first to
<br /> ony delinquent atnounts�pplfed in the order provfded in Peragreph 3,and then to prepayment of principal. Any applfcation of
<br /> Ihe proceeds to the principal shall not extend or r►os�pone the due date of the monthly payments, whf�h:+re referred ta in
<br /> p�ragraph 2.or chm�e the amoun�uf such payments.Any excess pnxeed���ver�n amnunt reywred�o pay�+11��ul��ending in-
<br /> debtedness under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrummt shall be paid tn ihe emity leQally enu�led�herc�o.
<br /> �.Fea.Lender may collat fees anJ charQes autho�ized by Ihe 5ecrelary.
<br /> Pa�t 2 u1� �
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br />