� ���'�
<br /> ��, � ' ��,;:NOWLEDGEN4FaT�F DEED OF JST
<br /> �. � f, 9g..1C�3931
<br /> T�u�tor und�r�t�nd�th�t th�dooum�nt th�t T�u�tor i� �bout to �x�eut�i� � D��d of Tru�t �nd not � mortp�t� �nd th�t th� power
<br /> of ��I�provid�d for in th�O��d of Trust provid��sub�t�nti�lly dilf�r�nt ripht��nd oblipation�to Tru�tor thsn�mortp�pa in th��vent oi
<br /> �d�t�ult or br��ch of oblip�tion und�r th�DNd of Trust, includinp, but not limit�d to,th�L�nd��'�ripht to h�v�th�Prop�rty �old by the
<br /> Tru�t��• whhout �ny judiei�l proeNdinp. Trusto� r�pr�t�nts �nd w�rr�nt• th�t thi� aeknowl�dp�m�nt w�� �x�cut�d by Trustor be(ore
<br /> th��x�cution of th�p��d o/T►u�t.
<br /> ���. ��-[���,t� ��n�-�.�
<br /> TRUSTOR
<br /> TRUSTOR
<br /> THI8 DEED OF TRUST, h rr►�d���of th• �4 d�y oi April , 1 p�.2,by�nd �monp
<br /> th�Tru�tor, Barbara Antle, Single,
<br /> whose m�ilinp�ddr�ss i� P 0 Box 223, Doniph3n, NE 68832 (h�rein "Trustor,"wh�thei one or morel,
<br /> th�Tru�t��, Bank of Doniphan, a Nebraska Corporation,
<br /> who�e m�itinp�ddre�s is P 0 Box 270, Doniphan, NE 68832 (her�in "Trustee'),�nd
<br /> th�8�n�fici�ry, ' Bank of Doniphan ,
<br /> whos�m�ilinp �ddret�is P 0 Box 270, Doniphan, NE 68832 (herein 'Lender"1.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,includinp L�nd�r'��xt�nsion of cndit idsntitisd hsrein to �
<br /> _ Barbara Antle, Single, (ha�in "Borrow�r", wh�thsr on• or mor�) �nd th�trust h�roin er�aped, th•
<br /> ��eeipt ot which is he►sby aeknowl�dp�d, Trustor h�r�by irrsvoe�bly pr��ts, tnnsi�rs, conveys �nd �ssipns to Trusteee, IN TRUST,
<br /> WITH POWER OF SALE, for the bensfit �nd ��eurity of Lsnder, under �nd subject to ths terms �nd eondition�hereineiter •et forth, the
<br /> real property,described �s follows: • '
<br /> Lot Seven (7) , Block Ten (10) , Original Town of Doniphan, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Topether with •II buildinps, improvemsnts, fixtures, �treets, �Ileys, p�ssepeways, easemsnts, riphts, privilepes and sppurtensneec
<br /> loested thereon or in anywise pertsininp thsreto, �nd the rents, issues and profits, revsrsions and rsmai�ders thereof, •nd such personel
<br /> property that is attaehed to the imporvemsnts so�s to constitute �fixturs, includinp, but not limited to, heatinp and coolinp equipment;
<br /> �nd topether with the homsstead or msritsl intsrsstc, if �ny, which interssts ars hsrsby released �nd waived; •II of which, includinp
<br /> replacements end edditionc thereto, is hereby dsclered to be a part of the real ssate sscured by the lien of this Deed ot Trust and all oi
<br /> the forepoinp beinp refsrred to herein �s the "Property".
<br /> This Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum �nd intersst svideneed by e promissory note or credit
<br /> •preement dated Avril 14. 1999 ,h�vinp a maturity date of October 11, 1999 ,
<br /> in the oripinal principal �mount of i 4h�5nn.nn , �nd any �nd �II modifiestions, •ztsnsions and renewsls
<br /> thereof or thereto and �ny�nd sll future adv�nces end readvances to Borrower (or any ot them it more thsn one) hereunder purcuent to
<br /> one or more promissory notes or credit •prsemsnts Iherein called 'Note"1; (b)the peyment ot other sums advanced by Lender to protect
<br /> the secruity of the Note; (c) the performance of all eovenants �nd apreementF of Trustor set forth hsrein; and (d) •II present and future
<br /> indebtsdness and oblipations of Borrower (or �ny of thsm if more then one) to Lend�r whethsr direct, indirect, ab�olute or eontinpent
<br /> and whether aricinp by note, pusrsnty, overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Dsed of Trust and�ny�nd all other documents that secure
<br /> the Note or otherwi�s �xecuted in connection therewith, includinp without limitation puerantses, •scurity •pr�ement� snd essipnments�
<br /> of Isases�nd rents,shall be►eferred to h�r�i��s the "Loan In�trum�nt�".
<br /> Trustor coven�nts�nd�pnes wkh L�nder�s tollows:
<br /> 1. P•yrn.nt of Ind•bt�dn���.All indebt�dn�ss�ecursd hereby shsll bs p�id when due.
<br /> 2. Tkl�.Trustor is the ownsr of the Property, has the ripht and �uthority to eonvsy the Property, �nd warrants that the lien ereeted
<br /> hereby is �firct and p►ior lien on the Property, �xeept tor liens end encumbrancss set forth by Trustor in writinp and delivered to Lender
<br /> before execution oi this Deed of Trust, and the execution and delivery of this Deed of trust doec not violate any eontract or other
<br /> oblipetion to which Trustor is subjset.
<br /> 3. T�x��,A�s�ssnwnts.To pay befon delinqusncy�II texes,spsei�l�sse�smsnt��nd�II other eh�rpe��painst the Propetty now or
<br /> henafter levied.
<br /> 4. lnsur�nw. To k�sp the Propsrty insur�d apainst d�m�pe by fire, h�t�rds, ineludsd within the te►m 'sxtsnded eoversps", and
<br /> such other haz�rds �s Lender m�y require, in �mounts�nd with comp�nies�ee�pt�ble to Lsnder,n�minp Lender •s�n •ddtional nemed
<br /> insured, with loss pay�ble to th� L�ndsr. In eass ot lo�s undsr such policies,th�L�nd�r is�uthorized to�djust, eollect �nd compormise,
<br /> •II claims thsrtunder �nd sh�ll h�v�the option o( �pplyinp ol or part of the �sur�nce proodseds (i)to �ny indebtedne�s �scured hereby
<br /> �nd in �uch order�s L�ndsr m�y d�t�rmine, (ii) to th�Trustor to b�u�ed fot th� r�pair oi ��stontion of the Property or(iii) for any other
<br /> p�rpose or obj�ct s�ti�faetory to L�nd�r whhout �f(�etinp th� li�n oi this D��d of Trust tor th�tull�mount ��cur�d hersby before sueh
<br /> p�yment �vsr took pl�ee.Any�pplie�tion oi proc�sds to ind�bt�dn�ss shdl not�xt�nd or postpon�th�du� d�t�of �ny p�yments under
<br /> ths Not�,or cure�ny d�f�uh th�r�und�r or h�nundsr.
<br /> 6.E�orow.Upon writt�n dem�nd by L�nder,Tdrustor�h�ll p�y to lender,in such m�nner�s Ltnder m�y d�sipn�ts, �ufiieient �ums
<br /> to �n�ble L�nd�r to p�y a� th�y b�eom• du• on• or mor• of th• fotlowinp: (il �II tsx�s, ����s�m�nts �nd oth�r ch�rpes �psinst the
<br /> Property, (ii) the pnmiums on th� prop�rty in�ur�nce nquir�d h�rwnder, �nd (iii) the prsmiums on �ny mortp�ps insurance rsquired by .
<br /> L�ndar.
<br /> 8. M�fnt�n�na�, R�p�h� �nd Compli�nu whh Law�. Tru�tor sh�ll keep th• Property in pood condition �nd rtpair; shall promptly
<br /> ��p�ir, or ��pl�ee �ny improv�ment which may b� d�m�p�d or d��troy�d; �h�ll not commit or p�rmit �ny w�ste or deteriontion of the
<br /> Propsny; shall not r�mov�, d�molish or subst�nti�lly alter any of th� improv�m�nts on the Prop�rty; shall.not eommit, �uifsr or permit
<br /> any �et to b• don• in or upon th• Prop�rty in viol�tion of �ny law, ordin�nc�, or npul�tion; �nd sh�ll pay �nd promptly di�h�rpe �t
<br /> Trustor's eost �nd�xp�n�s�II li�ns,�ncumbnne�s�nd ch�rp�s Iwi�d, impo��d o►�s�����d�p�in�t th�Property o►��y p�rt thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Dorewk�. L�nda is ha�by ���ipn�d •II eompau�tion, �w�rd�, d�m�p�� �nd oth�r p�ym�nts or nli�f (h�►�in�ft�r
<br /> 'Proeeeds") in eonnsetion with eondsmnation or other tskinp ot the Porpsrty or peR thereof,or for conveysnce in lieu of eo�demnation.
<br /> Lender sha�l be entitl�d�t its option to commence, �ppear in �nd prosecute in its own n�ms�ny �ction or proceedinp�, snd �hell�I�o be
<br /> entitled to make sny eompromise or�ettlsment in connection with sueh tekinp or dsm�pe.In the event any portion of the Property is so
<br /> NBC 3167 INonpr{cuhurw�OMd11Mv,tORB '
<br />