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� �, <br /> !iC�, i ry ` . .. ._ --..-t f�;. <br /> -!. j a I � � '".-"':"�� ! ��I � t w� .. <br /> • � . h' :� ..+' • 1 ... �-- -..w�o�.o � <br /> �.'� J- - - -_�.� �:10��.2 <br /> 93 <br /> p�ym�t�,whkh�rofened to Iq p�n�mph 2.or clwi�e tha unaunt ui such p�ymcnts. Aoy excess procecd�over�n _ <br /> ypowq to py dl ouuaaadin�indebe�Uw�u tuwler�he Note md thio Secwity In�t�u�wu�I be psid ta tbe auiry <br /> ���I.ader nµy colloct tea aid chvQos�whori�ed by�he Semet�ty. <br /> f. Oround�IbrAacdwatlo�dDeM. <br /> ' � IU DeliwN. l.eade�m�Y.e�ccep��c limitad by�ul�tiana iecued by ihe Seciewry in the cus ot PpYma�l defwlu, <br /> _ _ - _ -- ��Qayee�e in NA af�II e��m+�rxurod by�hi�Securiry Insuument if: . <br /> ,._:-_��__�__�� (i)Bart�ower defwdtc by fA[ling to p�y in tbll any maMh1Y WY��t�equirod by thir Socuriry Insaument prior r <br /> -- to a on the duo daa af tia�oxt monthlY PAY� <br /> �.;a lii)BoRnwe*defwlu by tdUn�for�pedod of thiAy d�yr.w perfam any oU�a�abli��tfons contAinod in thi� <br />,.,a7;`. Secwity Insuumen� — <br /> (b)8de Wit�out CredU Approvd. Lender shall.if potmitkd by epplicable law and wlth the piar approvW of thc <br />---- - g�rry,nequiro immedi�ta p�ymont in NII of�II the aume�curcd by thi�Securiry�nstrument if: <br /> -- (�)all or pui of the a beneficld inte�st in a pust owning dl or part of�he Pnoperty.i�sold or _ <br /> otherwise truisferrod(wUer tban by doviso ar descent)by the Bottower.and �. <br />�"'"=" (ii)71�e Property ic not occupied by�he purchaser or�entee as hiR or her principal rcsidence.or Ihe put+chaser _ <br /> or g�nue daes so axupy tho PropertY but his or her endit has not been upproved in Accordance �. <br /> -- with Iba tequiromentr of Ihe Secneutry. "� <br />_-- (e)No Wdve' [f ci�umswnces occur�hu would permit l.ender to roquire immediate pnyment in full.but Lender __ <br /> }�=`' - doea not rcquiro cuchpayme�te.l.ender das not waive I�s righta wfth respect w subsoquem avents. • �_. <br /> _- . (d)Re�u4�tioant ol N U D Setretary. 1n monY circumstaacea regulAtions issued by the Secretary wlll limit Lender� `- <br />-:;;:� , �, ��p,��'p�� �e�,�q q,s.a �e�y u i� �m�n e d i a��e p a��in iull and faeclase if not p a i d. This �y <br /> °+ SecuritY loswment doas no1 au�tlwn�x acceleratan or ta�eclosure if pot pem�itted by�egulations of the 5 e c r�euiry. = <br /> � <br /> _,, _--- - <br /> `.t; - — - (el Mu�'t�+e No1lVawral. Bo�mwer aQcees d�at siKauid�his Sa�uraK lauon�me�st m�A�he.aose secund rhereby r� __-_ <br /> . . � y be dign'bae Qa a�u�der t�1e��staoia� Haesiu�g Ac�W1tQrias 8 �or�tt►S �� �;`� <br /> ° �� t��� .�;y, date hercof, 4ender mAy.,at its option and nar►��r.�andi�g uaeJ.-ihioeg ioo�Para��,�udre im�med3ate pa}��nt in •--- <br /> . l� , �:3�t+,•; '�": <br /> '�'`. • �.;;:���•• full af all sums securcd by t6is Security Instrumenz. .1 w�x�s�a►crt�Q+t a�a�e} uu�t}�e�i�ec8 ags�a coi the 5cc^�;ary ,;?, <br />-:';,,1;. � . . f�mn�td►e date hereof.decliniaeg t�a;�asuve aP��s�ecusit}• _ <br /> ' �, daced subse�guent w 8 mont hs — <br /> � � <br /> �'''��"�� :�� � Instrumen[and�he note secwed Ihereby,shall be deemed concltasiv�proof of such ineliFibi9i« `otwithstanding <br /> �==::y��YA.�'ril�l. ' _. <br />�=:-?P;��,J;��� . the foregoing, this option may nat be exercised by Lender when the urowailubiliry af insumnre ia solely due to _ <br /> ='°"�. ! .;�, 1.ender�s iniiure ta nemit a martgage in5urance piemium to the Secretary. _ <br />°_='�l�y ' � �• 10. Relnatatemen� Borrower has u right w be r�einstated if l.cnder hus�+equired immediate payment in full because -_ <br />:";'�iN'�',� t�, �" of Bomnwer� failu�e to pay un umoun�due undcr the•Note or this Security Ipstniment This right applks evcn at�ter =_` <br /> '''; F+�� ' fonclosuro proceeclings em instituted. 7b reinslata thc Secu�iry Insuument. Borrower shall tendcr in u lump sum all � <br />- �'!':��;�,_.� amoun t s�e q u i�d l o b r i n g B o r ro w e r�a c c o u n t c u rt e n t i n c l u d in g,to Iho exient the y a�e obli gatione of Borrower under this <br /> __��:i�t,�;:;. Security Insuumene.foreclosu�e costs a�d�as�mabia und cuFtoma�3+attotswys'fces and expenstsp�sr!y aasorleted wilh <br /> �;�`�{ �-��:•�, •:�.•�'.: tho foroclosw�e procecdiog. Upon reinstotcment by Bormwer.lhia Securit Insuument and the o N6 gatfons that it secures <br /> K�Ik,b'!K;•_: S•';. <br /> ,+.;, �, ,�r..�.: :;:..,, sh�ll romain in e(feci as if[.cndor had natrcqu ircd immedlate payment in ull. However.Lendcr is na rcquirod ro pne Wi�t - <br /> �:�,+�'• ��_+, reinstAtement if: (i)L.ender hes�cxepted reinsuuement ofter�he commencemeN of for�eclosure proceedinax wlthi <br /> •� `L' �"+�;�'''�i:,•v" years ;m m e d i a t e ly p r a x ti l i n g t h e r o m m e n c e m c n t �f u cument foreclogure pmceedin g. Iii1 rcin�wemcnt will pralude __ <br /> -;��r. ����� .;, .. . iascbsum on differcnt�rounds in tla fuwre,or Iiiii reinaa�ement will advcnely ufTect the prfu�i�y at�hc Ifen cieated by _ <br /> °^ • .:.. this Sccudty InRwrnent. — <br /> :s"' � •;..N - it. Borrower NM Released; Farbe�rance by i.ender Nat a Walven Ezten�ion af !he �ime �►f paymcnl or _ <br /> °� ���'` madifiea�ion of ananiwtion nf�he tiumw�ureJ by�hia Secu�i�y Inxtrumem gtunted by L.en�ier tu uny cuccea,�or ln int¢rcrt _ <br /> ^• � xt�'`' of Borrower r:hall na operate ta ieleoM:�he liubility uf Ihe ariginal Barrower or B�►rmwcrk.uccessar in intcr�Fl. l.ender �' <br /> - '�°�^:`�` shall not borcq uined to commence proreedingti uga�n�t uny xucce�+�r in imere+i or r�efuse la extend lime tor payment or �` <br />:�^' ti , . ,�.�,�:�. . <br />-_ t.,, : „• �. . �,�x o t h e r w i�o m o d i f y a m o n i z u t i o n o f t h e s u m�c s e c u t�e d b y t hix Securi�y Instrument b Z nenson of uny demnnJ mude by the �_ <br /> :;,y. or3ginal Bomnwer or Borrnwert�ucce.sorn in inle�s�. Any fo�tiearance by I.ender m exercicing any right or rcmedy Yholl <br /> °-- - ��._�_�-_�_.• na be a wawer oiorptecfwfa d� c�r�a:iev ui'wiy ii�tl�i�r r..ttii:.�y'. <br />�° ' � ' j� • "'�''.� l2� Successore and Assi os Bouxd;Joint And Several I.Inbilily:CaSig�ers. The covenunt�and agrcements of � <br /> � " �a� t„t:�;!�°^; ,. B <br />-+`:a ' � .„t,:;�•; ';��'-. ihis Security Inswment shall bind and benefi�the successorK nnd assi�nti of Lender:uid Bamnwer.subjecl to the provisions �: <br />-:,I2FT."�! ,.7 �"�'����� � '�` of Para ra h 9.b. Bomowert covenan�R and ugreementF shall 6e joint und t;everal. An� Borrower who ca-signs this r�_. <br /> ;1. .. �' S p �� <br /> ""="'�" ' j�•.'. 4'i K Securi Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u)is co-signing this Security In�tniment only to mortgage, rant and <br /> --�i ° •r Q �}:... ty <br />-��=`±±r'� ' C'�:'�•%?'"'i.� i comc �hat Borrowak interest in the Pmpeny under thc tetms ai thi+Serurity Instrumem;(b)is not pensonally o igated to �` <br />��a•rni�� ,��:,_?,";1.fl, t' y <br /> �4'�� : �s ,',;,�,�,. pay thc sums secured by�his Secu�ity Instrument;und(c)agrcex that Lcnder nnd un�other Barrower may ag�c�o exlend, e. <br /> ����tis � modify,forbcar or make uny accammodo�ionE with regurd to the term�af this Secunty Inx�rument or the Naa without tha� Q <br /> ��'��'�'' ' `�' Bomower�s consent. <br /> i•>.- <br />- "�%;t,F w�M;�����.�•;; 13. Notices. Any notice�a Borrower provided for in Ihi+Security Instrumem shull be given by delivering it or by _ <br />-��'s:�':�;;, �� + - � mailing it by �rst cless mail unless applicable law requires usc of uno�hcr me�hod. The notice shull be dirrcted to the <br /> ,an�h+� ���•,.,.;.�,.� �` <br /> � PID�ICfty Ad1It�E55 Of Ally other uddrexr gormwer designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sholl be given by <br /> "`�'�jisi`'' S`'� f:�%�•.�,� firs�class rnail to Lenderti addre�ti�toted herein or nny �ddrcsti Lender desi�nnte� by notice to Borrower. Any no�ire <br />�'�1.�'�'� /�., it:, �l_. <br /> �. ii,. • ��:5;�� .. Provided for in lhis 5ecunty Instrument shall be deemed ta huve hecn Fiven ro Hormwer ur Lrnder when given ax provided ,, <br /> :°.lfi .,;qn�i�'S;'rl'v <br /> ..i�ys:� ; ;:•,!•n';�C•I;L.";�:�•.., , in�his parag�uph. � <br />:.;�:;�. -•- +j•: ,-.• l4. Governiog Law:SeverAbllUy. This Srcurity Instrument +hall Ix��ovcrneJ By Fe�krul luw und the luw of the _ <br /> '- -.�, ,�',,�..�=' ''• r- <br /> ,;:,r judsdiction in w�hich the I'ro�erty is locrted. !n the evenl thnt uny provi�ion �xcluu.r uf Ihia Seruritv Instrument or the � <br /> • ' � ��° Note conflkts with upplieable law, ,uch conflict.hull not uffrc� nther provi.ium ol'thin Security In�lroment ur the Note ..` <br /> . ,'�' ,� � � _ which cun be given eft'ecl withnut the conllictinF pmvi�iun. 'R�thir;end the provi+iun+ut'�hir.Srcurity Intiwment und the u- <br /> � rr.•,;•,. ..,.,; Note arc declured to be+everublr. <br /> 's' ,:,, .` lS. Borrower's Copy. Borcowcr,hull Ik�:iven unc ronli,mieJ r��py of thi�Srcuri�y Instnimrnt. - <br /> �A��I�,�"1�'!`,'`,�,>'••'(� 16. As.ciRnment of Rents. Borrower unc�mJitionully u�,iEm und�run+l'rr.iu Lendcr+dl Ihe rent�und rcvenue+of the ° <br /> • :";;_'�"':i properly. BoROwer authoriu�LenJcr or Lender.a�gcnt.t��r�dlecl lhe rrnt.unJ r�venu�+and hcrrby din�rt�eurh ten�mt of ` <br />-_- ',' ` � ° ' '" - the Propeny to pay�hr remc lu LrnJrr ur Lender: u�cnl.. Ilu��rerr,priur lu I.rnder:notirc u�Borniwcr of&►rmwerk <br /> ^.`::�;., <br />-• ,� r �.�.° �.. ;. Mr�each of uny covenant ur u�rcemcrn in ihe Scrunly In.Irumrnl.B�iRU�►•rr.hull rnllrrt�mJ mrrivc•rll rem,and revrnue,of �. <br />:-��'��.�' • - �he Propeny as tmtitec fiir thc hcnefit uT Lrnder imd Horrowcr. 71ii,a..iEnnKnt uf rcn�.ron.ti�u�rs un ah,ulutr ux.ignmrm _ <br />• ' t��i'`' and not an assignment for udditionid�rcuriry��nly. - <br /> '--`-'-� ' ,'� � If Lcixlcr gives nnticc of brrucli ta Fiorn►wcr. 1u1 ull rrn�,rcrci�•cJ b� H��rn�wcr,hull tk h�ld by Bom�wcr o.tru�tce � <br /> �� �.. r�...-••. ii�ii.0 uC.u• •1.� ..1....M..II Iw wn�illn.l 1.� � <br /> -. ,,.•�, • tor benetn ot �ender oniy.lo t1C uPP1�CU lu Il�c�u�u��ctiiicu��j iu� o�.w�.l . . !-�..��. . <br /> �':i';;}i � = '. ,,:; collect and receive all of the�mti of Ihe F'��yx rty:unJ�r�rurh trnunl uf IIK F'n,prny xhull puy ull Rnt+duc;md unpaid�o r <br /> - '����'�� l.endcr or l.ender's� ent�m L�ndrr�writtrn demanJ to:he tenant. <br /> :�`tv•::,:�� , � �Y,,.;,:_� . ., F <br /> �° �� • ;J:`? .��.`'" Borrower ha�e�t ee�:sa»e:t any rrinr a��ignmrm i�f the rcni� •rnd hn. na:�nd a•dl ni,�{►cAixm uny aci thas wc►uid i. <br />-`�,f;;j�L�p. v.:'•f q5:'t;�� ���}T•�:-; <br /> :m?_f�•`�� :i(;r1'��3��}�l+�•.: . ; �ti�tRlI.R11dC1�tOt11C1tC7."iSii�r itsright.underthi�Paragr:�ph 16. i�� <br />..`:�'';'::'': ,,,1i�,;dr:,,}; k.,•;: :'k. Lendrr�'haN not be Tec aired ta�r:ater u�on.lake ron�ru!of or main'ain the F'ra�xny IkG�re ur;i`±rr giving nolicr of :�: <br />-ai:t;;::;, *. 'r'i)'•t;l`'1';�j",``. :;.�:y{. 1 �. <br /> �i ;;�. � ' � \•��•�''rt� brtaCh to Bocrnwer. Flnwe�ec.Lcr,d�r ur a�udiciali� ap�imed recciver may do �o ut anv time ti::t� i� a hreach. An} t� <br /> +� � i", i,.'�!,.ti • 1:_' <br />":u�tya+ f•}, „1 <br />�.;_?,�.,, -,;�����` ,����,c!+r r apt,liration of ren¢:K st�al�nnt cure or waive:m�de6ault or in�•alid�tr any u�OKr ri�ht or remrJy of Lrndrr. 'p'hi�a.�:Lnmem <br /> '-• ! �tr�4!� ��' , of rents nf the Propersy,�hull terminate when the debe�ecured M the Security instn�rrr;ena��paiJ in full. _ <br />- _--�a��' , ��1;���:',."F, `�� �. "= <br /> �i .' � �•/1 S�;ti:�t'�'�" �- <br /> :,i�:f;: t:' �• 1.;� �iia�4 �,I:C•r!;,�4 '- <br />-;''�:���1 ��:����1�1f� i �. <br /> :;'c.;;;;.ir � ��: . <br /> s:.i'r'.��!"::�:• :. �l�u4e�n%I p�lKP.v� � <br />.��.°A� � . � . <br /> .,.�;•�,� t.:�;' , . :,�,,y�o <br /> �;�• . � � <br /> � , . . _ <br />