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5G� � � ,_,.. <br /> -_ `E x�� r �� . . ._ .. . <br /> _ 1�'�'�-';-"'_ <br /> 1 .H J�:',�L.�/. .. � y i'I�fAR-. <br /> : ) Y Hf � y _�il'ef.. . .:ti��M�"'." <br /> _�'" . ... . .! . ._'_ _ __.. <br /> .� _.�.y ._-' �' -�-�Ji� � ' 1 <br /> - �nausr�� w�� nwr� S�, io���, <br /> p vor�raaR-wa.cywl <br /> • 'fNIS ADJUSfA81.8 RATB RIDBII u ao�d�1hb 19TH �y a� fOARCH �19 �3.. <br /> �ad b leoaparand taw and sb�D b dMSed a.mend�ad applaneat�he Monpie� D�sd ot Tnw�ar Sau�ri�y t)eed (�he��S�wi�y <br /> Impuo�at")ot�bt yma du��iva�by tb uedsY�aed(tbe���ara�rar•�to reeuro 8or►owrer'�Ad�ustabk Rate Nae(�he��Nou�•)lo�f <br /> __ • FEQHMI.�AVINliLi LOAN A�iOC1AT10N QF QpANII�¢�NP.N�_(tbe�•Laider•�)o/�h wae due�ad oovwlN� <br /> -- -- pe��tyd�lbd ia lhs 8eauh!Iwpwe�ot audlocated n: ._ <br /> — — - - _- 515 EAS7 DIUI3ION� GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 �__-._ <br /> �_ --- --— _ l�Y Addraa) <br />-��,,;�;e 7'MM�ow catdr�r�+Wor�Yswl�fa eY��i�w� I�tarl nN�d � wwtM1Y <br />'.=��i:� WrM11q.7�Yb■.a.lw IWa�M�.n.•t wf InIMMt Iat�po eMWILe M W rM tl�p�11/ <br /> � — �MO IIM IYYIM��M fYl Mi��1�M�1111��pq• r'+- <br /> ..,,,�. - _. <br />- � MQIT10NA1.COVBNAN'I'�ddiNoa to tbe eovetwau�nd yntiwat��awide 4�e S�audt�r Imuumao�.Banower ard i�+idv __ <br /> ° h�ba oorawnt u�d qrae a toNotiw: , • . <br /> A. BY1�8T itA7E AND MONTM.Y!'AYI►tFl�ti'CHANGFS �v <br /> _a 1.,�. --- — Tbe Nate p�wida tar�w i�Wal iataat r�te of �-n . b.Sectlon 1 ot tAe Note provida for ah�n{a ia lhe iaie�a�r�te aud tbe � <br />��i,� tnoath�IP�l�.attollorw , _.°-- <br /> ,;•.;. <br /> . <br /> - -- -�'�'r 1. INl�R6STRATBQNDAfONTl11.rYA!'MtNf e:H�1Nir6� <br /> � �_. <br /> � IA1 c��a�r. APRIL 94 �'�_' <br /> , �� 71�iotere�t rate 1 wSD pay may charue on Ur firu day ot .19 ,aad on that daY� ` <br /> .+..-,-. 1 Z wooRhs ther�atta.Bacb due on w4icb my latrrpt tate could clua�e 4 called�•'CGar�e Date.•, <br /> �:�-- <br />, (p i1�e Iria =-- <br /> .":; �'.s • ee�'iaain4 wit6 Uie Orst Clun�e Date,my iaterat rate will 6a bisecl on sa Index.The'•ladeu"b the wakly wua�e yield on UnitKd Stata f,._: <br /> - , ., 7tpisary seeuriNa�djustad to�connant matwi�y of 1 yeu.o made Availabk by�he Redad Re�ave Bovd.The most recant OAde�fiaurs <br />- . av�ltabk�ot tGe d�te 4S d�y�betore acb Cl+an�e Due i:called tha"�rran Index." `--="_ <br /> ��;�. � If the ladac b ao lonjer wailaEle,the Nole Holder wUl choore a naw iadme wbkh it b�ted upon comparable iafa�tio�o.The Nok =_- <br /> ,�;,i' :t� --= <br /> _ Holda wUl{iva ma aotkx of th4 ehoioe. ��� <br /> t (C) pk�i�liw i1.�� � -__-. <br /> - _ -- _�'��i'`=� 8eiac+a a�Ch�o Aiie.ihe Naie Fioider wi11 caicalate my�fitc:aT tatc by add3rs�THRFF ANfI QNF-H_—A�geraentage — <br /> ..�r-t,y� . �- <br /> •;�:�y p�u(, 3•5 ��to 1he CLrrcat Inda�aad roundinQ to the nearat 1/6th ot 1�,wbject to t6e Umiu ttaud ia Sation�IID➢below. . ��f�. <br /> ' 'IU(<<qllldC'fI QpOUllt w111 b!My GGW ItltG�lit f�k YQtU t11011Gf1 CIIi11QC L�It. <br />--'{�`z.��ti ��.r�� �. 7Ue Note Holder w1U�hen detmdne tha unaunt oi the monthlY p�yment thaa wauld be suificimt to rep�y in fa�l1 the p�i�ciifd 1 am =- <br /> ���•r^r. .� apa,Kad to owe on th�t(.luaao Date in�ub�tantWlY e9�WYu�nta bY tbe maturi�y due a my aaw��taat r�te.TM rauh of thls e�Wiou _ <br /> �_' '. wW be the oew amount of my monthlY P�Y�t. •�.-- <br />:.:��;�. (D1 W�Ib o�IslerMt WM� �t?." <br /> �' The interat r+�te 1 an required to p�y at �he fint ChonQe Da�e will not be �eater than 8•� -�ti or leu th�n <br /> -- 4_OO ,.� <br /> M�.Thereafter,my interos[rate will never be increased or decrcased on�ny�n�le ChanQe Date by morc tlwn��—. ��'�� <br /> � <br />,,;.� • � .�.�.�.._..frorp the ate of interat!hwe bem payinQ for the praedinp twelve months.The minimum inlerat rate on thb loan wW neva'bt u�-�� <br />,`x„�, iw�e.��.IlQ �and tde a�a�imwa Inarat nte witl nover bc qrater th�n��-C�IL �P►. _-- <br />�'-:'�:; `� ��`; T` cs► �n�a.�a�acr..�. �`_- <br /> , ,,, -- <br />������•; ti ' r My tkw Intereat rate wlll brrome effacti�rc on each Change Date.l will pay the amount of my new monthly peyraem 0e�innina a►tae f'irat — <br /> � F �j., , �i1,•'�x ___ <br />-�*C�,�1. �;� `� '''.,. '. u�ou�hiy qympu date a�ter�he Ctu�e�te udll the amount of my monthly paymenc chanses a�aln. <br /> :sa_. <br /> !4 '_:;��;;•,.... ':.,,: ', (F) Notic�of CYu�s _�� <br /> 'S��::. � +:•Ar':s.�:...; : Si. The Note Holder wUl mail or deNva to ma notice before each Chan3e Date.The notiawill adviae me oh �°- <br /> '-'`.7�{,: �ti y'.. ' . � (i) the new interat rate on my loan aa of Ihe Chaaige Date; -�_ <br /> _. .,,.�..,....... <br /> �7, � (li) the unount of my monthly payment fop owina Ihe Chanae Da�e; -� <br />��g� '1.'�[.� .Y .w;M'y!:..... . <br /> (Iif) �ny�ddidonal outtas whkh the Note Holder is requfred ta discloie;and �"=�� <br /> .'��� , <br /> v'' • s,.�. � liv) the�ddrea otthe oswciatlon You coulA cont�ct te�azdinQ any quatiau about the ad)u�tment noUoa. �: - <br />__���`'t;; ;��1,„ -�: <br />_.,,,�:�z;.�, � , E�� <br />-__-., j� �yrf„��a O. CY7ARL"�8i I.IP•P1S _. <br />-1;.t,^t4!� kk •�_� »; Udfann Cavmanl A oY the Security Itutrument Is amended�o rexd a�fdlows: �_� <br />"'`�,�.,,S �r� � , ��� e A ;,-- �,�es;I1�.BOt�OWR SI1�II PAy AII tp7IQS�LtSl,1WItG015,and o1Aer chwQa,flnes.and impositions al�ributabk to the P►operty which may <br /> � �'='- <br />�=�,��`.- Rtuin apriarily orer thia 5esuri�y[iut�uux�H,an�i le.veyotd paymcnts ot graund rent:,if asiy,fn the manaet�rovided under peraQreph 2 hereof =_ <br /> �� ;. ,,,��" '�'- � v"��, a,if not peid in such Borrower making pavment,when�ue,direcUy lo Ihe paya thereof.Botruwer ihal!prompUy funwla Lmder ��_ <br />��~s. •; ""�+"�;''•�-•=,_��"`' ell nMicts of umounb due under tMt panaroph,and In Ihe evrnt Borrower shall make paymont dircct{y, Bortower ahall promptlp(urnish lo <br />:`!;;'��' �`-,;}�� ��:__,i;,i, Lrnder receipts evidrnciag such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any Ilen whfch hu pNo�iay otie� �his Secuoiry insnrumem: �- <br /> � ��;,_•.: :n �pwaver� Borrowet ahal0+�ot be required to dlscharge Any�uch Ilen so long u Borrower.(v)ahall agrce in wriaim8 to the paytner��of the `-`=z <br /> �,'%�'��.�.! r, ' abli�liop ucwed�y aucn lirn in the manner acaptable tr�aender,l6)shall in good fni�h comest such lim by,or detend agaimt en�wr<ement o£ � <br /> �.,� <br /> '' � . tuch liea in,legat praeeedinas whfch in�t�e opinlon of Lender operaae to prevent�he enforcement of�he tien or forfdture of the property or amy <br /> �'�n , . part ther<o6;or(e)�al!secure trom the holder of such lien an agrtement in a form wti:fartory to Lender tubordinaUn4 auch lie�e to tP�i� <br /> '�::r"• ' <br /> . ,'.,,. Securi►y Instrument. � <br /> �3�� It L.ender detem+ints�ha�all or any part of cl�e PROparcy ic aubject to a Ifen which may aualn a priority o�er�his 5ecurlty Inserument, <br /> •. .,...• . . <br /> �..�"'w'«�.�11 rw O.r.nq.e�.wi.r i�4ndfuiw�u.nb 1:... M........•1.1�,�,'�I'_.�.!i.'.[�SLMI!Ilwn gr��4'n�w�r mner nt!he aelio�►t!N �OftA YEOY! --_. <br /> :; � ; � witAio cen days ot the Qivina of the nqke. • ' __...__.__._ . _ _;._ <br /> �xs� �'`-. <br /> � . . . F,�_ <br /> . ,;�, <br /> ;;,_, , �. • � : `,���:.�,,,' c nanc� <br /> ���-, <br /> ,':�� ';. , . Uaifara Covmaot 1�o1'tAe Saurity lacttumenl ft amended to rwd as follows: _ <br /> �:��,' ' v .�,,, fI, 11{�es.Excepc for any notice required under applicabk law to be given fn another notice to Borcower provided for in dtis '� <br /> � � ,•-'�, Sautity Instrumrnt shall pe 4iveu lsy deliverin�II or by maillna 1�by first class maH to Borrower at the Property Addrcss or a�wclt o�ha�addras► <br />���� • � � .`�� as Bonower may dal�nate by noticr to Lender as provided heroin,and Ib)any notfce to Lender shall be gi��en by fin�class mail io C¢nder's ; � <br />�•., � �ddrea stated hercin or to such olher addreu as Lender may desi4nate by nolf�Y lo Borrower as provided hetefn.Any notice provided for in thfs , <br /> k'� , � �'�'� Seeuriry Instrumeat fAW be deemed to luve beea Qiven to Borrower or 1.ender whrn Qivrn in the manner desiQnsted hercin. <br /> k. � � ��: <br /> , : '� :+�r:�.n <br /> . ,� ,, <br />