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�� . ;,�-----. . ._ .. . - �. <br /> �.�, <br /> . � 1` n �'��a��-_ <br /> '� ': l ' T�=•-'_ <br /> �. <br /> .=�_�a. ... . . a. .. , . ._ _ -, _ _ <br /> ., <br /> ....�' , � ......_ _�_._-----•-•... --- -+ <br /> ti� .;_ ,�.�.�.:;:.� , - . _. . . 93_ 1n��1 � <br /> . <br /> � Toc�en�Elt wm�.0�he tmqave�n�a rww«berc�r eroaoa on ub��e�cea�tw w�pu�u�, <br /> a�d fi�cwra aow a bar,�fia a p�et of da propacy. All�epucanq�t�+�nd�ddNiau�tall dw bo wvwod by thh Socu�y <br /> lasqwpaM. I►!1 of tha fae�oia�i�rofarod to in Ihio SocwitY Incwme�tl a Ihe"Propaty.» <br /> BORROWBR COVENAN7S tiw Bonower is I�wfldly reised of the es�ate heneby aonveyad�od har the d�lu w�nt <br /> •nd convey tIKprop�ty md lhat the PropeAy ia unencumberod.ea�cpt for encumbrnnces oi�cad. Bonawer wnrant�s�td <br /> � --- -=- ----_..—� wW aefer�d Qenesatt -y tl+e dtb w We Propatty�it�ra W cWm��nd demsnds,wbject a any a�cumbranoas of ra.wrd. . <br /> n --r---=-�-_,�----.--,---9 <br /> TH13 SEClJR17Y WS7RUMEN'f oombines unifam covenanw far natlMaul uze rnd nan•wiifa�m covawu� wi�b <br /> Wnited variatiom by jwiidictioa to conttituto a unifam cecwity insuumen�wveong nw prapeAy. -- <br /> UN�ppRM�pyp,NAM'S, gon�ower�nd I,eoder covetumt�nd�g►oe as foNowa: <br /> - - l. Paymeat d PrWcip�l aad late�ti Pr�Pay�st aad I.ate CbnrQai. Borrpwor:hall prompUY P�Y wha�due thc <br /> ��of�nd intetest an the d�M ovidencad by Ihe Noto�nd any prop�ymcnt and I�te chugcs duc un�le�tbe Note. <br /> FY�uudo�or'INxq and iafvraace. Subject to applicable I�w or to a w�inen waivcr by Lender.Bomower sh�ll pay to <br /> Lcnder on tho dpy�wnth�y payments are due unde�the Note,until 1ho Note is pai d in f u l l.a sum("f i�n d e")f o r.(a)y e a r l y <br /> texes and assesFmento which m�y att�in priority ovcr thii Securlry lnsuumcat as A lien on the Properry:(b)Yeatly leasehold <br /> �w►ymems or growid r�ents m the Property. if any: (cl YearlY h�zard ar pmperty iRSUiaace pnnnivats:ld)yc�riY flood <br /> Incuhuw:o promiumo�If�ny:te3 Y�Y ��� �ce prcmiums.if anyt�nd(0�9 �P�!'�bk by �arower to <br /> accard�nce with tho�rovision�of paragtaph B. in liw of thepaymcnt oi'm�a�tgqge incurmc prcm�u�as. Tbese <br /> items are aalled"Bscrow Items. L�oder m� any tuiae.collect and hold PUnds in e�n amount not w eaceod the mauimum <br />_-- anwunt a Irnder far a federally related enatgage ban may�oquGe for Bomower'�esc�vw accoun�wider the feder�l Re�l <br /> ,�` � Fst�te 3eWement flaaedurcc Aict of 19T4 a4 a�iod iraa�time to dmc.12 U.S.C.$26Q1 et seq.l'RESPA").wdess another <br /> . . ' ' laa th�t applia w Ihe liudc sds�ks.ser aunount. 1�so.Lender any time.cdlect�nd hold Fimds in aon amowu aot to = <br />:;��� - - - exceal �he lesser anaunt. L�ender m�y esamate q�c aaw�mt oti N�nds ciue m ii�e i�anis u!rw�r�d�Wta and se�.sws�blc _. <br /> wdmAtes of expendiwrcs of Il�twe Escraw Items or ai�wise in accaniw�ce with�pplicAble law. <br /> The Fiiads sMll be heW in an institulion whose depasits are iRS�rred by a federal pgency.imstrumentaliry,ar tntiry <br /> , ' tincluding I.endcr.ii I.cnder is such an institutioa)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lender shall opply tl�e Ponds w pay _ <br /> .�� ' ihe Fserow ltems. Lender may not charge Bomower,far holding and applying the Funds, annually an�lyzin�a si�e escrow — <br />�4• �� �ccoun� or verifying the Fxrow Items. WICSS I.q1�Ef p�y8 BOItOWCT�IIIG�CSI OR d`14 FU11dE BIId A�I�CAbIC �Aw permits — <br /> ��� i.w►der to nwke such a charge. Howeverti.�.ender may n.�quire Barrower to pay a u�r�r-dme charge for an in6cpandent real __ <br /> ,�:. <br /> - ' e�tate t�reporting service used by l�endeQ im¢onnection with this loan,ualess applicable law provldes otherwise. Unkss an <br />- agroement is made or applicable law req�6u�s interest to be ppid.L,ender ahall not be required to pay Borrower any intercst ar <br />--- carnings an the Hinds. Bomower and l.ender may ag�+ee in writing,�t inteirst shall be psid on the Funds. I.ender <br /> f � s�all give w Bomower.wlthout armual xcounti�g of�he Funds,sfwwiog;credils and debits w Ihe Funds and the <br /> '=7 _ • � � � �urpose for which each dcbit to ibe FUnds was made. The Ii�nds are pledgal as aakPiriawl secudry for all cums utiurcd by <br /> � ,�.• . <br /> _ ...--- <br /> - ,:r..'' tlus Security Insdument. <br /> --� _ ---_= • <br /> If the F�nds hetd by l.ender cxcce�a the amounts permitte3 to�br �elai iry� uppliwbl� laiv, Lender s arcaurti to <br />__r��;,�., <br />:�,-r�• f, Borrower for the eacess FLnds in accar�i��ce wfth�he rcquirements of applirabie 1avy. If 1he amount of Ihe Funds held by <br />-.�__.�'� ' r. Lender at any time is not sufEicient ta pAy the Escrow Tterns when due,Lender ma}so notify Borrower in <br /> - i�s�: sach case Borrow¢r shall pay� to Lender the amount nec�xsa�y to meke up the &�iciency. Bomower chall mare up the _ <br /> ` ' � 1t�, �Fiefency in no more chan tw e�ve monthly paymen�s,at Lcndcr's sole discreUon. i__, <br />"', �, �� •. Upon payment in full of all sums.yecuded by th�s Secudty Insqument,L.ender shell promptly refund to�Borrower any • ��: <br />-_ ';;;�1< Funds held by L.ender. If.under paragrrg�h.'_1,l.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or � <br /> sale of the Property.shol!apply eny FLnds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against uie sums �;. <br /> �,'" �E . se�cured by this Security Insuument. = <br /> 3. Applkadon of Poymenta Unless applicable IAw provides otherwise. all payments received by [.ender under t; <br />_— _ puagraphs 1 and 2:hnll be applied:first.lo any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under _ <br /> ..� pAragraph 2;third,to interest due; princip�l due;and las�,to any late charges due under the Note. — <br /> .-?�.�� ---- - 4. l:6araesi Lleus. lsorrower shali pay afi taaes. usx�an�cnw, �i�mgr�. ii��a a�nt in�posFtloctis atMbnt�blc to itte , ° <br /> _:.•+• r, <br /> in�:�� Pn►perty which may attain priority over tt�is Securiry Instrument,and Icasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bomower =_ <br /> - ' shall pay thesc obligstions in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid fn that manner. Borrowcr shall pay them on <br />,;�- • A's�e dlroctly to the person owed pnyment. Borrower sAall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to br paid under �;,': <br /> •"� • n�is puagraph. If Borrow•er taalces these paymrnts directay,Bomnwer shall promptly fumish to l.ender receip�ti evidencing -- <br />:;�'�;' . the PaYments. "� <br /> _r:y � X Borrower shall p�+om�tly discharge aeay lien which has Rriariry over this Securiry Instrument untess Borrower:(a)egrees _. <br /> in writing to the paymem uf t�e ubligatioa s�curcd by U�e lian in a manner Acceptuble ro Lender.�(b)contests in good faith the <br />_� -- --°�R� lien by.or defends againet eaforcement of the lien in.legul proceedings whkh in the Lemter's apini on operate to prevent�he �., <br /> enforoement of the lien;or(cl aecures from the holder of the lien an agreement satistaz�ory to Lender subordinating the lien = <br />��,� !o U�Is Security Instrument. 1f Lender determines 1hAt any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority --_ <br />� ' over Ihis Secudty Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a noticc identifying the lien. BoROwer shall satisfy the lien w take _ <br /> ,�`, �. <br />_ <br />