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<br /> ' . . �iI3 U� OF' 7'ttUST, is made ae af the�day af r 1991. bY tuxi -. _
<br /> ' ���''� ', � amotg Antcnia Odtoa,("Trustor"), who�sA mailin9 acY3rese ie 207 Narth Darrr Grand Ielar►tl• �'��✓...—_
<br />_ - Hal]. Qounty� Ne�bra8ka� erul �1rt1�uL 8. W@t�@l� BttArne�l $t ]aw1 ("Tn�stee")/ whoee =_-
<br /> `,. , mailir�g atklress ie P.O. Bax 1546, Grarid Islas�d, NE 68802--1546, at�d Ietibelle C3a]van.
<br /> ("8eneficiazy") whose maj.linq a�idrees is 208 N Darr. Grarfd Ialand, Nebraska 68803. _
<br /> • FO�R VAI�BIE ODNSIDF.RATId�LS. TYUSt� irrevocably transfera, conveys ar�d asaigned
<br /> ��- •_-- --
<br /> to Trustee, II�1 �'!�[JST.WITH POWE[t �' SAIE, for the benefit and security of 8eneficiaxy. , --
<br /> • . under and sub ject to the tenns and oo�dition� of this Deed af Trust. ttie real praQerty ,.»".r'i'�'� -
<br /> •. . ,<<<,.f�..
<br /> ,i• 7
<br /> �,,I loo�ted in tt�,Calty of Gtand Island, dautty of Hall, State of Nebacasica, arld desaribed t : _ --� „`.-`
<br />�1�' ', ',i.+� ;,• r .�,._.����
<br /> ;Y.�;'c i� '� "�f• ���f� a8 �ilaJr18Z /t,lG r��`�Y"r"l»�• �~�'��---� •
<br /> ;'�'�':� S';i�'4;}����;:` Lot Nine ( 9I in Bloct: �irty-twoI321 in Packer ar�i Barr's Seaos�d �-�,�'J".__�`,r����.
<br /> A; • T i Jr�°
<br /> ' .�}�' �' ` Nebrask8.
<br /> ':.;r.':, •i r;s';"��':'��� Adr3ition to the Cit} of Ctancl Ielancl, Hall CaunCy, ,`•'-'�%:,,�'�i3i:`
<br /> ,,, ' „f� t.:,: � � '�` : .����:;:-
<br /> ;. ,� �;';.`� �r M T�1t WITH, a�.l ren , ts, appurtenances hereditamente intere , - � --
<br /> .t A,.., t8 e7SE311@A � � •���+�.. ��'�_��-
<br /> • ��:•.-:'1�t' ' Sj.tl1R� ; '.1 ��.. •;;'=?--�
<br /> ��; adjoininq x+oads, streets and alleys, 3u��v�mar►ts and buildir�qs of any kind '; ,.���� --
<br /> '� ,�;;1. � � ,�: • vt�'��;., .----
<br />,'�.';f, � .�� 1'�� thereon and all pereonal Pm'P�Y �t ma1 he or hereafter bea�ne an integral part of . , ��;�`.;
<br /> ,.1�� '�1��'':�"�,�
<br />;" . , • '�t�'� such bui]dings and i�npronranents, all c�rops raised therean, and all wat�er riqhta. ,. ,:E���.';
<br /> , -i�.+'��`-_:_
<br /> � � � �+� y�e propertY an� t3�e entare estate and intereat corweyed to the �tee �re �. '�{'„,�;,�;;.'t�,�r��-�°-
<br /> :,"^tr.r.'��t�.,g�...;�s--
<br /> � � -- ---, x�eferreci to oollectively as the "T�uat Estate.�� ;,r,�;'�' :�:� ' , r T=
<br /> . : ' �'� Z41IS DEF� G1F 'X'RUST TS FOR Tf� PUliPO.SE OF SDLtiI-'.:G1Gs � t'�`,' ' r�� `-
<br /> • s �.� i . „ 1r;,;�
<br /> ss in the ' Af'f;:;'
<br /> ;„:�'' ' A. Pay�r►t of indebtedne total principal amount of Siartee.n Thauear�d, Si.� , r,,.,.;,�
<br /> �. ., by that certain �'� %;t• `� ��'.��' '
<br /> ,:;1 � i,�:���.t�� ; Htu�dred Dollars (�1�i,600.00), with intereat thereon, ns evid�enoed � ;'.', �
<br /> . , '' prani.ssory nc�te of even date (the °Noteo) with a maturi�y date of Noventnber 1 '��,..;�,, ' �--
<br /> . 2002, executed by Trustor, which has been deliv�red and is payable to the arc1ar of ��, '''11.L',��Y•a
<br /> ��..� �-;-
<br />:;,;.,�� . hereof and an and ; ..•`t':;�;�,�� F
<br /> �,� Bertieficiaxy. and which b� �}lii.s reference is hereby made apart . Y . ;,. �:,!�,.�
<br /> a11 m�difications. extensians and renawals thoreof and f . �;rtr,:,•:.
<br /> . , :� , '�., � ;J;�;
<br /> . � �, �,r��
<br /> L .:��;,,i;s:�
<br /> ` � ' B. Payment of all sians advanc:ed by Ber�eficiary to pro�tect tt3e Trust Estat�e, wirh ,;�i;,,�`;t,;:.
<br /> i �i,
<br /> � �;�� intez+eat thereon a� the rate �f Nine peroent (9B) pe�r annum. � , ::�,;,;
<br />,, 1' :1 � ,,:.,. .;+;�,:
<br />�,, '` �,' � �1?'�';� 4t�is Daed of Ttus�, the Note, and any o�tt�er instn�nt given to evidence or furl:her l. . '',��.:
<br /> ^ t' ' �: �^ v�_
<br />.�r���', � : ; �� ��iq �'� � �'1,��•�::.
<br />•.r� . � •�� '��� �'�`; secure the payme►'►t and Pex'forn�anoe of any obligatio�n secu,red hernby are referred to .
<br /> ,,. . ;' , �z� .��.'��, .'t;a:{;'`�
<br /> `,i. ' '��.'.• f. .
<br /> ����;' '� �
<br /> . . �, r;• C�1]�ect�.vely as �1@ "IA3T1 I71�tB°. `•i�'' " �.���. �� .
<br /> � ,� {
<br /> ',`% '!O PR�i'FILT RHE SFJCIJRITY OF THIS DFF.EE� OF TRUSP: ;'' ?,r'"� ",
<br /> ; , � ,,,��';4;:.,;.
<br /> " � 1. PAY1�I�]T OF IND�1�lESS. Trvstar shall pay when due the principal of, and the `,;',.,. :: . ', .�» � .
<br /> , �,. +, ,r,,
<br /> � '�r, interest on, the indebt:edness evidenced by the Note, charges, fees and all othex sut� � ;,. � ,'�� �;�r,'' ,
<br /> , -���%��� �'���
<br /> .,:. ,
<br /> � as pravided in the Loan Instnm�ents. y .. . � ;�� .�
<br /> :;,��;:.
<br /> ;�f' 2. Tl�}�S: Trustur shall pay each installment of all �axes and special �.'�' '',
<br /> ,,
<br /> •'��'r�, essessmenta of evcry- ;cind, now or hereafter levied against t}�e '['rust Estate or any p�art ;,' . ,
<br /> � ,�;`;;.;, tl�reof, before delirtt�aency, without notioe or den+aesd, and shall pravicle Beneficiary ' �
<br /> � , �`.,.."� . ,,��
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