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- . � .. � -., •.��'J• <br /> i.. �,j�,.`�..s - �_ ., • ' - <br /> l „ <br /> e� .:•"� .....r...,.�........�...._ <br /> `.M . . . . ._..+r.-� - - — _� - - <br /> y - � .. <br /> _....�iMi�YR�Yi�f W(t$�� <br /> ' 9�.0�8 <br /> • p�Yp�aM�,wWcb aia refened to ln 2,or clw�Qe �be amauu of such paymrnt�. Any caces�p�acooda over ra� -- <br /> �aroq��od�au awa�qdiy ta aanas w�da tbe tvaro nd this secwicy Ia�aumaa�bw11 be p�id a�be�dt�r <br /> _ --- �i. p� l�eoder msy collect fas�od ch�a wtbo�iaod by tbe�ec�etarY. <br /> - !i, Iitqr���Ir Aocete�alio�d Drbf. <br /> - -- (U DeMM. i.ander may.e�oep�n WNtod by rc�ulario�ts isstKd OY the SecKt�►in�he c�e ot pa►yma�t daiwht, � <br /> _ _ �e imaedl�ta ia fi�U oi afl s�mas�ocurod bp thic Socurity f�nuu�i��if: �_. <br /> _ g <br /> • lil Bom�owa auta by failing a p�y i�NII�ny moa�hlY WY��'o9�rod by�his Soc�airy Inctru�r�au prior <br /> -- - -- �o ar aa�he due d�tc ot�bc noxt atoi�lhl9 WYme�u,pr <br /> �_, <br /> (iil��d�t�ula 6y fiilin�.tar a pe�iod ot�hirty dayr,to pafaa►+u�y otba d�ll�alians cant+uned in thic <br />-_ - ty 1ncMnnau. == <br /> �b)Ssi�Wiltiout CrodN Appnw�l. I.cnder�tWl,it permiped by applic�bk I�w and witb ihe pior approv�l ai the -- <br /> $�t�y.�oqui�immedWe WYmeru in fWl of dl tl�e wms�cwa1 by thit Secu�iry bwromem if: �►{.,�; <br /> (i)�11 ar pnt of tba�p� a ba�efkisl inte�+est in a ma1 awnin�aN or p�A of 1ho sold ar ��•- <br /> --— _-- oUierwiso paosftuced fatAe4 t�an by�ievfsc or desctnq b�the��a.wd �:r t. <br /> (!i)The RoQe�t� �,s mt oct7tpit'�!t�r tho putcb�sct or gnnta a�s his�x her principal� the purchase� �_ <br /> or �nc�ooe does eo o�cQc�opt�� the IPtapeny but hic ar ha crodit has not been �pp�oved in aoca+daaoe - <br /> ��y5�]tiA9�f�i ���il�YF�. '.— <br /> - �-'-; (el�lYo Wiiver. It ci�-umsnaoc�es accw tRat waulRi Qaaait I.ender w roquim immediate prq�a�eot iu�fisLl,but A.ender " <br />- does��such�pay I,eoder daes ao�wouve ica dghis with►espect�o subsoq,t�ent eveots. „f; <br />= (�1 d IIUD�Sareqry. ir�many circua�staoecs�e�ul.�iona iasuod bgr�ec seneta�r wiu wnit I.e�derk �;�c_ <br />"�:�', rigWs,m�he cs9e of p�ymmt defaults.wrcqu irc immedGuc paymenl in tuU and faeclose�notp�, Thi� ��. <br /> c�c.rwv I�aun�men does aot suthorize acakr�ion a fwalosurc i�no10����60�af�Ae SeCrctary. <br /> i:::�:�;-'�,��1y, i- . <br /> ' i,���J's ' (e)11i�tp�pe KW I�ed. Bonrower agrees tlwt clwuW ihis Security I�tr�emenl�od 1hc nole secured�Y� �,Y,_r..;= <br /> ' be eli�ibk for i�wuanoe u�der Ihe Natiana! Hausing Act within �;;, <br /> �w <br /> - ' � ,.,,.�:���,�, due haeof.t.ender i1s optian and notwithstapding�nyihing In Paragraph 9.roquirc immediate paymem in _- <br />= a .'e,.'} full oi all sums sahuod by this Security GWrua�au. A wditen stalert�ent of any audwriud agrnl of Ibe Secrctary <br /> . . � d�ted wbsequrnt w trom the da�e beroof.decliniag to insune this Securiry �'•'� <br /> �rf,..l. <br /> � .r a,..; ' : L�swmrnt and the note secured thereby.shall be deemed conclusive priwf of such inelig�bil„y. Notwithstanding ,ti: <br /> - ",��.,.�"�"��, ,�• 1he faegoing.this option rt�y nW be ezercised by Letxkr when 1he unavailobilitx of i�u'�nce is solely due w <br />- I+�II(k��fAIIU1C[O(tRill A�IMA$A$G�ILSUIa11CC pR111IW11 10 tIIC SL'CfC1Y�l. — <br /> A __ <br /> .' la, Reia�teo�en� Borrower has a dght a be rcinstatod if Lender ha4 rcquired imm�diate payment in iull becausc �;� <br />" of Barnw�er's failu�e W pay an amount due w�der tlie•NcNC ar Ihis Security Inswment. 'IUis ngM applics eveo a�� <br /> _-. iorecla�w�e qoceedin�s at�e institWed. 7b reinslate the Secwity Insdumem. Bormwer shall tender in a lump sum :dl �;'-- <br /> '.'�:. w�he extent tlie arc obli ations of Bo�rnower uader this �_� <br />.�; � ��+;, amounts�eyuired ur br,ire�Bo�rower+s account current Including. y 8 <br /> w: - _:-�;.,:.;,�--,t,� - Securit�i�trunMnc,Z.n�.tasure a�ar�3 r�a,ars�bla at�custatstary sstcxsseys'fers and rsgensrspr��r�y aca,ei�ed v►Uh _ <br /> �:•_ �:.., .. ,'{j�:t the faeclasurc proceGd+ng. U�n r:anstatement by Bornowe�, this Security InslrumeM and ahe lab igationa that it secuna ���=� <br /> '�F� �'. f.�.:�� <br /> ���r' • : i�e{;�.:t=- ehall remain in eifect esi if lxRd�r�a�i not�q uired immediau payment in full. However,R,encie�is not required topermit <br />%'?,y. • ':A'f�•Y t','' .�:,: <br /> ,;;,:�,,;���,}� , reinstatement if: (i)Lender Me.v ae:��ted reinsl�tement after the commencement of fon�:t�r�wr��roccedings wi�hin two <br /> ' - . � .�jf�;..,;: uus immediatel n the commencemenl af u cumeM ioreclosu� praeediug. (ii; reimlptement w�l preclude <br /> •rs-=-•�:..`.::�:'.�.;5�•�' f roclosurc on dinereat�gnwnds in the future,ar�iiil reinsw�ernent will sdversely affect the pari�urity uf tYn:9ik:a created by � <br /> :t� � , ';� .��� thi�Securlty Inst�umer�t. i of inerst or �L� <br /> -_;. �. .t; . � 11. I�orrower Not Rrleaced; ForbeArance bZ Lender Not A Wolver. Extensiwx of�he 1me pay __ <br /> ;d,;;;�, ;°'k:'_ � �:• � '` mar�i6isa�ion of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Inswment grunted by Lereder to any successor in interest . _ <br />: ;i;��Z � °',"'�' �• .'=' of�r�r�+wer shall nW opernte to nekase the IiaO+iiity oi the orisinal Rortower or Bomawerk successor�n interest. Lender ��— <br />" +�,i� r�� � �' � ' shall noi be ra�uireri tc+�commence procceding�:�amu an�successor in interes�or refuse to extend�ime for payment or �c-- <br />_�, { :'.; >�.� r othenvise modify amor�i2alion of Ihe +sums secu�rd by th�s Securiry Inswment by rcason of my demand made by the �_,;:t <br /> ___�!��!>= ..ri�in�l R�xmw�r or Rrnmwer c aucceRw►nc in interes•t. Any forbearance by l.ender in eaercisinR anY ri�tht or rcmedy shall <br /> , ti 4•�f i � � not be a waiver of or proclude the �xercise of any right or remedy. " <br /> ;� 3�r�,'�.,. 1�, $q�ClSSpPB YIItI AS6��1iS(IWiYd;Jaint and Several I.I�bility: CaSlgners. The cavensints and agreementg af �""'_ <br /> =' � ��°^-••��`•� }' this 5ecur+ty Instrument shall bind anc�benefi�the succe.r•sor�and ussigns oP Lendev and Borrower,subject to the provisions � <br />_ � ;�'t,.s � • � • <br />__�: ;;�.���. .•: ''��••• of H�ira_rnph 9.b. Homowar�cavenanis and ogreement� shull be joint and seveml. Any 0orrower who co-signs this � <br /> - � '�",..�`'t"; �;z <br /> a"�.�`aT. ; . .�,. Security lnslrument Mu�daes not execuqe�he Note: lol ix co•signing this Securi�y Inswmem unly to mortgage.gmnt and <br /> �", , ;��::Y� '^ ' , convey Uwt Borrower's imerest in the Prc�pec�;;unckr the terms oP�his Securi�y Ins�rumenr,(b)is not peno�naQ�q obliguted to _ <br />:,-�i ..-�,,,,���•;� ^^'`.`�_` pay the sums securied by this 5ecwrit�• I�n+uumeni:,u�d lc)ugrees�hat Lender und uny other Borcower ma� ug+�ee to ertend. __ <br />�T modify.farbenr or make uny actommalutians with regurd to ihe termx ol'this Security Instrumem or the Nnte wilh�xat that -- <br />_..� ��, �,,;:�.,'�:. <br /> � T a Bortavsrtls consent. <br />'`;-,� ,� .. y�. Notioes. Any notice tc� 8orrower pnovided for ia�his Security Ins�rument shull be given by delivedng it or My <br />�f�' • ��"�":, mailing it by fir�t class muil unless ap�lizable taa• requires ux of anolher m�thod. 71ie notice shull be direcled to�he <br /> "':='• ,;, Propetty Address or any othcr ud�Dress Bono�cer Jesignule�by notwe to Lend�er. Any notice to Lender shull be given by __ <br /> • ,�,, -�. •,�`��� first cless mail to Lender� uddws�stuted herein ar uny uddrrs.Lender deyipnatez by no�ice to Barrosver. Any nolice � <br /> �'" ���: '• • Pravided for in this Securiry Instrumen�shall be deemed�o have t+cen given to 6orroac�o�Lender when�eiven as provided <br /> . � �g'�..�r.�,..;,:_�w in lhis parugruph. '.. <br /> . , y�1,; , ?'�=• 10. Governing Law; Severabiljty. Thi+Serurity Inxtrumem �hull ix govemcJ b} Fcdcral law and Ihe la�v of the �_�_ <br /> --- — ..-,.�, urisdic�ion in which�hc Piu�xity M IIKJICII. III IIIC tl\l'11I (IIdL .wy �roti i:;ion or rlaurr af thi� 5�curit; lastrument or thc �,,.. <br />- � ` ��.�+ �ote canflicts with upplieuble law•,such contlicl xhull n�n u(fert�Hhcr pmvi,i��m ol'ihiti Security Inx�n�ment or the Note _ " <br />_ ���'i,• �' which can be given effect without�he confiirting provi�iun. 'tb thix end�he pruvi.i�ms ui thi�Securiq Instrument und the '�.t <br /> ' '.;:.��:;..": NWe aze declarcd to be xeverablr. " <br /> � A3. Horrower's Copv Hurt•nµ�r+haCl Nr Fi�en�mc conli�crnrd copr af ihi.Serurit. in.uument. i�" <br /> ` � , e� ii. Asetgnment of Renls. r�'2:�;�nwer unconditionally u��igm anJ�ranafcr�ta Lrn.'��all the rcnts und rcvenurs u!�he � <br />=�r' • �1 � ; Propeny. Bwrow�tr authuritr+Lender nr l.en:lre+ugrm.���cullrc�th�rent�.�neY reter�es�,and hercby Jirect.euch Ienana od <br /> ;"`� , .' ` .,� the Pmperiy to pa} �'+e renl� to Q.trder or Lriz�?cr's a�cnt�. Hu�acvrr.priur s�•'•nc�tice w Bixr�►wer oi'RoROwer's <br /> �.. <br /> �`�'.�,� brcach of any covea�ant or ugreetnea�:ia��he Sacurn�� Imtrument,8�xniwer.haU rnlicrt:iod mceive all rcm�and rrvenue.of �'t� <br /> ' ,,��'`:,; the Propeny as Irostee far Ihc lKn�roi�of Lendcr and Hixrowet. Thi.a�.ignnxnt of rems�:.�estn�ne+un ub.ululc u.�ignmer�a `{ <br /> . � :n';.. and nd an Lssignment i'or udditional securiry only. t � <br /> ' � ' � ' If Lender Fivex notice uf Mrs�ch to Bom�wcr: lu�adl nnt�r�cei�eJ b�•Bnrnnsrr.ha7�he helJ hy Bum►��•rr u,tru�tre {; <br /> �'w` °--�'- -a. _e� ...a_ ..�.. ��... ....�:...1 .1... .wl 1..,�h. C.. .i�•. In.� i61 1�•n.l.•r�h:dl It�� i•tl1i1�Pt�tcl !_, .. <br /> :-.:� .»....... . . ... <br /> . . t -..• .. . . �v� vcucua vi a.Cnu�i:n.��.L..... :y.�...w:^..... ::.........C...... ..�.. -. <br /> '� '�...... ......_..._..._ .-. _..'_" . <br /> d .c-�e:.�'°..:f edlect�nd receive ull of thc rent.uf tik F'ru�xn�•:unJ Icl�:�•h tenant of�he I'ru�xm �hull pay all nm.duc�nJ unpaiJ w � <br /> . , ' � ., '+;:°`` L.ertdero�lxnders agenl on Lrndcr�writlrn J�mand tu�hr�enam. � <br /> , �'' ;►�.,�. '� ' �; Borrowcr ha. not rrnuleJ:m} prior;�+,ignm�nl of dce rrm� unJ hu.nut•rnJ aill not Exrtiinn an}• art tlut w�wlJ <br /> ' ° • �:� ,.n prcvent Lcndcr from cxcrci+ing�t+riFht.unJcr�hi.l'ara�;raph I6. � � <br /> � " �� . Lender tihall not t+c re.�w�r.i tn�mer u�,n.1•rlr rontrul i�t��K maiM:+m Ihe F'r��n} heliirc or •rlirr Eivin�:m►t�re��t <br /> •. " ' breuch�o Bom�wer. Huwe�er.Len.ler�N a judici::U� :�p��ml.d nc�i�.r rtu� a� .e►.�t am� �ime 1h�rr i.a hrra.h. �n} <br /> " applicatiun uf mnt.�holl n�curc a wti�e anv dcfauU ar�malidalc un�nrFrr nght vr remrJy al LrnJer. Thi.�+�i�n�ru�et <br /> , o of►enls nf the F'ropetly xhull cermuna[�when the debl.�ti ur�til by thc Sccurity lo�trurr�n���paid in t'ull. <br />. , �� � '��4�, � <br /> �J n .. U+�,�� � ����±1���('�1/ ; <br /> ✓ l• '��.,• <br />. � • r�"".1i:'Y <br /> � .. . <br />