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<br /> .,�f.�.c'iwa'f��ei�;, .�
<br /> �;.��`, 9HERIFF'8 OEEO
<br /> :�i:�;�,�i�:��, a.
<br /> . '-:�`:"�,'"�•.:;' . THAT, WHEREJIB, In an action in the Dlaaict CouR af the 11th Judlclal Dbnlct of the SteU of
<br /> �. :,,- � x*� ::..,` ' N�a�t�a,wlthhln and tor riw Cou�y cf Fiall,wheran the Exahan�e 8enk.Qlbbon�Netxs�ka.PykKNF��rid
<br /> : .
<br /> ;�`�`'}.`;'�. Leland Lacay and Nella Lecoy; Fcyota Tire Company�a corporatlom, ihe United 3tetat d ARwrk'•s�I�ctbO
<br /> ; -�., ��-�: . tluouph tfw Intemel Revenue 3wvice;Lawy�s'Recov�rY�Ina..a corporaUont and Patason Maohlne Shop, � _ - -��,--'-_�
<br /> : . °.", a partnenhip�Defend�nts,did on the 21 at day af February. 1890.obmin a deareo fMdln�thero to bo dw
<br /> � �,-, ; . .
<br /> � .� �.. ehe total sum a s17s,262.83 plus acxn,inp Irrterest and costa a uw sun, a�,a, wrwrea,� It waa h,rtr� -
<br />'��ti „ ' ordered that In default oi the paymeM d the sum sn found due th�the 3hariff of eald CouMy af Wa�.
<br /> � shauld cause the lands and tenemeMs hereU�aiter described to be advertlaed and:otd acconding to law to �'
<br />�:,',;�; „ .. �, �,--
<br />�; -. ��! , pay the same,and whereas,defeult having been made therein,the sald Sheritf of seld Caunty,under end
<br />''� ° �� � � by virtue of the seme decree and the ober of sale to hhn duly dlrected,did on the 24th day of May,1990,in --
<br />�� � � the lower lobby of the CouK House In the City of(3rend Island,In said CouMy of HaU. having flrst�fven dua -_-_��:�
<br /> � and teQal noilce of the Ume and place of sald sale once each week for tour consecutE�e weeks prbr thereto
<br /> .. . .,��,
<br /> ,. : .; � ��', ,;-,".: in The Grand Isiand Oap Inde ndent,a nsws r m�and irn em�eral ckculanion in said of �--�--� ---
<br /> . , �:,::,;� Y pe PaPe� P� � CaintY _.�
<br /> •,;"l�Fi�+�i}i�''�"',:>: ' � . -=.�..`�-.:..,._
<br /> � �f(,_;�, ,r.�.-.• HaM. SeN SOW pretnlse�at�.+ubIIC auCtbn lo Q.EE S 7RU�K SAI.ES.`t•or t�e stxi�d S29�OOO.Qm.wdhich eat� -
<br /> .:,�}', ; t��,��4�'D��f�y „ d ' � . was afte�v�nds aa the 26th day d June. 1�, axamiared ae�Q�meo1 by the said Cau►t anzi tha 9aid ��,,, �- -
<br /> . �.,'�'•�s,'�'` x' � � ' Emmett C. Amett, 8herNf ondored to conv��v Wae saitl pre��ses in iee ahnpl9 IO tfw safd t.F�'S TRQ/CiC ,_ �! .---_, __
<br /> , �,,j ;;,,, r��y,���i�� . f�d.��r.a�,�.
<br /> . r ,,�,,,�ti •V.s�; 31LLES. t=.i�..sa....�.-
<br /> % t=. �' --.
<br /> '.� '`':•f .... ' ' l.+: ..._-.,
<br /> :��.;.A' �� ..{. ,,� :..;���:;
<br /> � �'. NOW�'d�A��ORE, I the said Emmett C. A�atiett, SherNf of the Courqy of Hell, es aioresald, ln ��4,� -*.�r .,�_
<br /> ,,.� •,., 't�', • . � consideration of iho Qremises and by vinua of the powta�s vested in me by law and the decree of said ...,_.
<br /> }.�'^t�. �. �.:. ' Court,do hereby�Ne,9ra�R a�nd corney to the setd L.�E'S TrtiUCK SALE3.�'s auccessors and assbns,the ���i:.i.-
<br /> �1 ��y� r�-:.
<br /> .++``1r,, r(�+,"t 1'�,�j�1 :r ��nwJnd�Q��@.��.�Y,��'rIN. �t.'"-i-
<br /> .. rw�����w� �'� .��•._:�,
<br /> ;''� ��.I �.i-`
<br /> ' •;s"4� ;:{`,:�4 ��:.�:. .:
<br /> ,�, �,:,,: � A portion ot the I�MPt/a NWt/4 of Sectlon e,Township e Nath. Ranpe 12 West of the 6th
<br /> _�'��.�,..�;;�►
<br /> �;' '� i6:���?: .�.,s••:5 ��. P.M.,Hdl County�waLw�sla�more peut�ularly described as(ollaws: �
<br /> . '�r�?� .,'; .'yt�<' ,i'°�jf:��+,�. �
<br /> • ' '� i; _
<br />:'; ,� , �,.%�. •F ; .:'°�
<br /> . ..; ,. . ,,'-��:.h�`:;�')� .
<br /> ..����:..%,�,;. :.�,�.�;,�u•���,�,�„ 9epinnin�with the NW comer of said Sealon 8. thence Ea�te�i the North � , .. �
<br /> Y�� <<:r u._,:,,.:.,_
<br /> ���F: � i'= ,}�f,�.(�t;°~::- Ilne d saW Sectlon 8 a distance uf 33'; ihence Southe�iy parallel to the VNest Ifne af sald �
<br /> ! .�� :.�tf.� ��,,:��,f;J�, Sectbn e a dlstance of 237.1'more or fess to a paint on the Souttioiiy ripM�•��16raae of US ���rE�i,.��.:,,�_
<br /> .__ � t '', p.
<br /> . .'.� �.•�.i. .1.. � . _'.� .�.�l.�:..
<br /> . Hbhway 30. this beln�the actua9 pJaca af b�pinnln�;thence SoWherty alcx�g ihe last •.c•;,;�. ,,.f.,�'��'--_
<br /> ,: � ,�}���; .;:��.., �
<br /> �,, ., �;�ii�.�.,� d����e e distance d 150';thence deflectl le(t 108 d ' ��, �``�[ ,%�
<br /> � 6Qfe68 5A'3D a7rd 9'U1u11flg .�. F � ry�
<br /> �.ilc��:-'.: � ".�'l��;:.t':�'.r� 11:
<br /> ��,�:;i� Nonheastedy. a dlstence of 472.72: thence Northerly parallel ta the 41/�st Ilne �oi said .� '�U�If,,;;,1.�..�,
<br /> ,- ' .:J. � ��.N�.iL!•�
<br /> � ; „ �� Se�lon 8 a distance of 94.49' to a poiM on the Soud�ly �ight-of-wey ilne d sak! US •;�� '��' . . - •
<br /> Hlghway 30; thence 3outhweste�ly alon�sald�ight-of•way Itno and on the arch of a curve �:. ' :�,.,,3�
<br /> . � whose radlus Is 2,231.83'(the long cord of which deflects 101 degtees 59'left nom the last � �-=--�'
<br /> descdbed course)e lonp cord dismnce of 433.82'to the actual place of bepinnhp. . �,�, .��
<br /> .. � ''�• �F�
<br /> ,� �{IpB�V��11Y��YVw ' .
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAL1E uMO the sald LEE'S TRUCK 3AI.FS, �'s succassors and _ ----'°
<br /> �, � ^ assl0ns.and to them arxi ttwir use and be�+�r�1 taever. � .��'Y-,..
<br /> :;~��.
<br /> ��,,:;�,,
<br /> '.'� . � � ��;•• �f%;
<br /> ;. � . . IN TESTIMO�NY WHE�iEOF, I have as such S•heriFf hereunto set my�d this�,�day of ;*} . ,��`�1;;•;.'.%'u�.*�
<br />�j li` �' �� . �u I y �I�7V. y . -;.��'111Y:'�-
<br /> . . ���I�.,` �`'� .. �T ` �1��-•i`{1� '
<br /> ���1!' . ,��'� ti��
<br /> ��• Executed and deltvered In the . ��.:�;;.,<'� �"'
<br /> ,:�:; �;:;�i��. , r•, ,,N;�-
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<br /> `� ;�; � ����.�', `�- ( � � J 's.l��2rtcr_'f�-�;f Q'� ' ., .
<br /> . ��e��is� �� ��e�
<br /> Hall County.Nelxaska ' Co�nIIyr,kebraska ,
<br /> ,,� , � 1
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