A � �r.�Y'I'.�iM . . ._.` :.�1^' Jt ' I • , . ..�-` .. - .__-- -t
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<br /> �}�~� ��_.. . .____—....-_..__
<br /> .� �;,����,
<br /> ;�_,;,..�.; .,:; gl-- io�o�e
<br /> . °�`,�',;, . TRtl9TOR R�AO THIS 6EFORB 910�UNO:
<br /> �� ' . ';:.'�'����n Trutiw uneNrsands tlu�t th�doaum�nt thd Trustor is�boul to�r�cut�1��ONd of Trwt and nol�morW�p��n4�hat tl�Po'�w► -
<br /> '�* „'. .a
<br /> ' :,,;.Y.,.• .;'`� ol wN p►ovid�d lo►In tFN O«d of Trust provida�ubdanWlly difl�►�nt rbhh and obNpatlons b T�u�tor th�n�moAp�ps In tlw�wnt ---
<br /> c.r�a�
<br /> • ol�dNault or bn�oh ol oblip�pon und�r ths ONd ol T�ust,includlnp,but not Ilmitsd fo,ths I.�nd�r'�rlpht to h�w th�PropKry
<br /> � ,�l::,r. .,� �,_
<br /> by th�T►wtM without�ny judlcl�l procMdinp.Tru�tor np►aMnt�and w�Rant�Ih thl�aaknowl�dpement w���x�out�d b1►
<br /> �
<br /> �� .� ,''`"" ' :� � • Tnn�x b�fon 1M�x�cutlon ot ths OMd ot Tnat. Q `'
<br /> ��:. • . � T �,..._--� �- --- -
<br /> .. .. - '� ,--dr,.�.,� - c":-- --- �-
<br /> HI1Ch�� ��;y��;�
<br /> ::w�,A:.. .. • ►u ro► ehs -.,.-- -
<br /> , . . , � :' �:)-5?�'.Id!'
<br />��I�:,r , , . . . �•,, . ,�f;_�,�;' .,, ��,�
<br /> i�',:. , HAC�C'a A• II�tO� �f� � .�1S�.aVfo�a7:wr-
<br /> K. ��: ,. • , ._
<br /> n�t� . . , =;p,:°
<br /> '�` � DEEp�F TpUBT WITH FUTURE ADVANCEB ''' `''�''�°'='��
<br /> � - - ---
<br /> ,;�=---- -
<br /> . . . :, � , �:�
<br /> TF11S GEED OF TRIJST,it n�de as ot l�w � d�y of Ap1Cf 1 _ ,tp 91 by and amorp r'�-,�,....;,.. .�_� •�,F;. _
<br /> " . , Donald 6, Gannon i Barbara A, Garu�on. hu.�� and vffe each fn hie own right arK] �:.-� . • �.,
<br /> . Ihe Tntsto►. "�v--�-=y
<br /> '`R'��(`r';�=�-
<br /> - as e�se of t ���Wbodcid9e Lane. Grarid Ieland. L�IE ��wr —
<br /> w������ ,rn"Trustor;'whether one or more). rK+,.�._
<br /> �` �.YL.�
<br /> . , �. the Trustea. �iwe Polnte Senkr a Nebti'aelca darporation ____ - . �_`• __� T�
<br /> i�•J
<br /> `'" P.O. BOS 1507/ GK'ar�3 Eel�and/ NE 68802 _• .,
<br /> ;,+ ', wlw»mailin�address I� �tmra�a►"T�wtee"1.and ,,�
<br /> �,.
<br /> � Five Points Banlc A Nebra�+ Corporation � r;;'`���. --�-
<br /> � •• .� � . ,. the 8en�liciauy. . ' �;�. �..'�
<br /> ,.
<br /> P.O. Hox �507r Gr'e�nd Yalarx7� NE fB802 (horein"Lendw'1. n�`'};��:if�,��r''�'?�'!'�
<br /> whoa mailing adKaeas is y
<br /> 1' 3•' ,
<br /> ^ /�.���/�� (! +'��'�;;':%��},W:ift��L%:J4'�1'=•:_.
<br /> , • • � r•� VO�I��y�• Q :I(;���11YWl.NVI]� ��
<br /> ,,�� FOR VALUAL�LE CONSIDEHATION,inCawe��ng Lender's extension o1 crallt identdiod fwreln to .�Tl� � - _ ��,E�_:
<br /> �; 't'�'.::u's-;4'.-
<br /> ::.ti;�:; ��.�
<br /> fi';•;�:�i+;; Batbdt8 A. G�ar1t10r1• ��� & W�¢e (herefn"Borrower",wheth�r zn•a oi more)and the trust herefn created. , {`r�-.�
<br /> . }.,,,^�y .. '.�t: :�,
<br /> '.�1,� the recefpt of which i8 hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevocebly flrants.l�Ans9ers.conveys�nd assfpns to T�ustee.IN • •����." ""��°'� �
<br /> �...,
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.for the benelii and security ol Lender,under and aubject to the ferms and condltlons herolnakar set . �:
<br /> _ - _"�-' - faRh�iho raa!property,d�t+l�ec a�fa11!+wa� ___-- -�_;-_'
<br /> I'���;��a;;. ' f,qt Thit�y—Two (32�a B1oG1c Orte (1)� BrentWOOd Subdivisiora. CitY of Grend Island� �: �,,R��
<br /> � Hall Countyr Nebraak� �;��"r�,rti`;;;,.�:�' _.�_
<br /> . . ,�,�,��t;,,;•:_
<br /> ' �.�. 'a`.. '
<br /> . , ti ' � .'���,yr��•.',":-'- _
<br /> Topether wilh ell buildinps,improvemeMs,fixtures,atreets,alleys.passegeways.easements,rig^.rys,;cr�vlleyes andeppurte- .,.t ._.• _ �--�-
<br /> nancea loceted thereon or In anywfse peAeining thereto,and the rents,Isaues and profits,reversions anq•remainders thereoL and ,; � �"�'+`�i„�
<br /> ' auch pereonal property Ihat Is atleched to the Improvements so as to constitute a Ilxture,includinp,bu�no1 limited to,heati�p end
<br /> • ,'.• � 'y��,,`�_
<br /> • �� coolinp equlpmen�end loqether with the homestead or mantal intereafs,il any,whlch inler�ests are hereby reieased and waived;all � ' :••�r
<br /> „ ,;;�,�'' � o l w h i c h,I n cl udln 9 re plecements end addplons thereto,Is hereby declarad to be a pe�l0t Ihe real estate secured by the Ilen o1 this � ; �' _���
<br /> �� �ic.,4� •,.tit7� p�d oi Trust a�d all ot the breyoinp belnp relerred to herefn ae the"Property". '' , p��^`""" '���s._
<br /> . ����; . t�f�. '�''I��'!'',. �_.
<br /> ti,:,�:..:,;-
<br /> n;?����''.�:�.°;.'� This Oeed of Truat ahall secure(a)Ihe payment ol the principal sum and Intereat evidenced by A a�omlasory note or aredit �;,� ^ _-
<br /> �.� •i� �.w. _
<br /> ;��.`,'1}� A rf l 8, 1997 �'`�
<br /> ' ;;�x; A ril 8 1991 __,hovin a matur�ty dute of � • y � '�" -
<br /> � ; � aprewnent dated �
<br /> S•�,;.;:� '��.;�'Ni'_
<br /> rl inal rincl al emount ol S��'���=� ,and any and all modilfcatlons,exteneions and renewals � � � K
<br /> �`�• thereot or thereto and eny and all luture advances and rea dvances to B orrow er(o r a n y o f t h e m I I m o r e t h a n o n e)h e r e u n d e r t.. .._. _
<br /> ;j�": ''.; � "� . �. pureuent to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(hereln celled"Note");(b)the peyment o1 other suma edvanced by � •
<br /> �:��. ', `;'i�?�;.�;`'��:�s Lender to protect the security of the Note:(�11he perlormance of all covenants end agreements of Truetor eet forth herefn;and(d)all R, .
<br /> . ;�r;;;j�l,� . ;:�.�i preaent and future indebtedness and obllgatlons ol8orrower(or any of them il more than one)to Lender whether direcl.indlrect, ,�;,
<br /> ' �-`•, ebaolute or conti�yent an¢i whelhe+arl9�n�by note,puaranty,overdraN or otherwfse.The Note,thfs Deed of Trust av��any end all
<br /> • j:,".�'r�i�'.a��._rs. -
<br /> ;�.,, , . y,th , other docuent9 that eecu►e tne Note or othetwlse executed in connection therewith,includlny without Ilmitallon yuaranleeB,secu►Iry ;�t��:. 1_
<br /> ���. ;. � � a�reementa and as9i�aments of laeses and rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan InetrumeMS". �'�i`; ' ���=
<br />-, ��• 4'��.'' � � Truator covenants and agrees with Lender es follows: ������ � ����'�' '
<br /> :•`•��•� ���;.� � �s.�^`' t, p�ym�nt oi Ind�bbdnsa.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pasd when due. i`�3��+'
<br /> { '`"'��� " 2, TMI�.TrustOr Is the owner of lhe Property.has the rfqht and authority to Convey the Property,and we�ra^ts ihet the Ilen '�•�.
<br /> ,;�%:. created hereby ia a first and prlor Ilen on ihe Property,except lor I�ens and encumbrances set fohh by Trustor m writfnp end ' `.
<br /> dellvered to lender betore executlon of thfa Oeed ol Trust.snd the execut�on and del�very ol thle Deed o1 Trust doez not vfolate any � '
<br /> �•�: :�� ' conuaCt or other obligetlon to whfch Trustor�s aubject. ,
<br /> �' � �' �' 3. T�xq,Mw�sm�nb.To pay before dellnquency aU taxea.apeciel assessments and all otha•c.�a?�ea agelnst the Property
<br /> ��', ;:'•:� �' nOw or herealter levled. �
<br /> '.`�;�";�-�'; '�`�'�-'� 4. Inwranc�.To keep t'^�pTaperly insured aga��st��M an�by hre.hazarda mcludeC w�lhin the lerm"extended COverage",and
<br /> , '�:.,, �;_;1 �-, 'r�:.�.'� � 9uc�other hazards as Lei.;:a� "ny require,�n amounts a°t:�r��:•�companies acceptab:�lo�ender,nammp lender as ar a�tldional
<br /> {�,�'•';,;; aAmed Insured,wlth loss paN�:e t�Ihe lender.In case o'"�.ss under auch pollc�es.thz Lender fs authorfzed to ad�us�G colleel and '
<br /> •'������''r'1 ���;�, ' compromise,a��clalms ther2un�e�8�d 9ha'�'^ave the optior.ol apply�ng a�l or part ol the Insurance proceeds(i)to any lndeb2ednas� .
<br /> 1�� .•,��', t�•,i �� securpd hereC�a�d In such o+aler rda I.e�^�e��^ay determine,(�i)to the Tr•ist��to be used for the repatr or restoratlon ot the Prot�rr,r
<br /> .�"�. ;:� ,::.;,�� c��+�;�or a:��c:^��e•Durpose a•ob,ect sa7�91flCt;ry to Lender w4�out atlect�ng the hen o�th�s Oeed of Trusl lor the 1u118mount 9ec�re4
<br /> ' ''�' • >� ,:� )', r�e•eby before such payne*r.ece•took place.Any applicat.cn o�p•oceeds to�ndebteC�eas shail not extend or postpo�e the tl:,e , : ,i
<br /> 11i'�'� �'..;"�„_
<br /> � � .,�,�•, �a:e of eny payments uncte�:�^e'��te,or cure any nelau'i tnereunder or hereunde�
<br /> ���� � '''� 5. Escrow.Upon wntte�n2mand by lender,Trustm Sha�7 pay to LBnder,In sucn ranner as Lender may des�gnate,sufllClent
<br /> - -. _
<br /> � sums to enable Lender to pay as they becc+*e due one or mu�e o��ne�enz«mq.i��ai�iaxea.Heea55���e�:io 6��u':..`�:::,a�;r•��;w:^-. ,
<br />� " the Property.p�)the prem�ums on the Frcpe•'v��surance reqwred here�nder,end 1��11he premwms r'dny monqaye insuronce
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> g. �Aalnt�nane�, p�p�Y�and CompWanc�wtlh Law�.Trustor shall keep the P•c�erty �n goc��c:v�d�UOn�rtd repau,snali
<br /> p►omptly repair, or replace any improvement whiCh may be damaged or desuoy�eC s'•^a�, nat cor�n�t or perm�t any weste or
<br /> daterioraUOn of the Properry.shall not remove.demol�sh or substant�eily alter a�y c'1he��:rove�++ents on tne Prope►ty.shai�not
<br /> • CUmfmt,Suf1N 6r p@rm4 any act to bedonE�n or upon the Property m v�o�aean ot any�aw �+�•.'��ance.or repuladon and slult pay artd
<br /> p�ampUy E�scharye at Trwtor's cost a�d expense ell hens,encumb�ances an�crta�g�es 4evice0.�r�pased o►�ssessed aQa�rtst nie
<br /> Praperty o►any part tneieof
<br /> 7. En11nMt Oon�ltn.Lender�s nereby as9iyned afl compensal�on.awards.damage3 and otns►paymenis ar rN�tf�here�naher
<br /> '�Proceeda')In conneceon witn condemnation or other tak��g of the PropeRy or part me+�eor.or ror canv�rance�n i�au ot condemna-
<br /> han.lender ehall be e�Gtted at�ts ep:�on to commence,appear m and prosecute�n�r;own name any act�on or p�oceed+ngs.and
<br /> sholl also be enUtled to mak�any compromise or settlement m connecUOn w�th such tak�n�or damage.ln Ihe event any po►bon ot
<br /> �Htxs��Mara�,tiwaowa�e.�•,o ue �
<br /> C IM�IWe�W MK W Com�,r.a i.�����a sa.,nµAua.n�on�.ncan h�b�W
<br />