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..,:,��.,�,� -���:=_�`-'�,�: _ ,t. <br /> " - ,� _ _� � � . -- <br /> .r � y `" ' ,.;�_ -.- <br /> ,� +� �.�t� , . . �.. _ <br /> � <br /> ' .� s <br /> �-:;��,�.�.�:�... � 93- iv�� <br /> �� Y. CondwRnaYo�. TM proceW�ol�ny aw�rd or cl��m far diwnag��,du�el or eonMqwntfal,in eOnn�qpe wIM1��y �- <br /> aand�mnsbon or Wh�r bk�np otlhe Propsity.orp�rtthsreol.prlareonwyanc�M I�uol eond�nriatlon,wh�r�by�ulp�Md <br /> — — OIIOAhoUb p�idlo LMRl��. <br /> . fM��aas,11�rf ,a lo kBMro t�Pr�fhs ptoc��11 bef�pp�liiPdlo f1M wnlM�BotTaM� LMfdMTolhMrNM <br /> �r t np op�ty� <br /> apn��nsh�llb�app1I�d�oth�sum�s�cundbythisONdolTnuiwchprapatlonof111�p�o��qb�qwYb <br /> Ih�fp��pp�qonwhlohlh�amountofthssums�ur�dbytAlaQ�edotTrwtlmnMdtatNrprJo►lotA�d�i�ofldtI1qM�nb11� <br /> - .— . <br /> tal�tnatk are� <br /> ai valae o!tha frt1a1e0iaqly Rrbr to the dtftG ot fAka�0�atiM Ihe balAr�ee 0!tlt0�p�lili0 RattD`iiP. <br /> `..,. N tM P�opKty K abi�nd�ed�by 8o�mwK.or�r naHCe by l.�nd�r to Borrowsr th�t tlw eondMnna olMn b m�k��n <br /> _ � award or selUs a claUn la dan�ges,Barowar leila!o respond to Lender w�thin 30 d��re dM�HM d�M wGh notics h maN�d. e _ <br /> 4andH�s�utl�au�d b collsct and apply th� L�nd��'�opuon.Nth�►to�aloaqon a�pal►of th�PropMy ato <br /> ,. th�wms a�cund by thi�OMd o1 Tro�4 -- <br /> --` . Un1�eaL�nd�nod8orrow�►otherwiseapreemwntlng,sn1r suchapplicarionolprocwd�toprincfpdsh�p�ot�xt�nda ---- <br /> ,`;"�.' postpone th�dw d�M of ths monthl InsWlm�nb ro1sR�d to _._ <br /> ,,.� „ 1 y y in p�r�pnpn.t and�h.nof«cn.ny.a».moune a wa� —:_ <br />.c���..�.. �` ��w' � 1�1'��F <br /> � ��°�i�M/'y �Pi'�_ <br />_,,,�.t�,.. �.t,A .: '.•�,; •; 10. �No1p�d.ExtensbnoflhsUmefap�ymentamodltioadonolamo�ftliGo�otqf�wnus�eur�dbyfhfs �::- <br /> ��:�� . . Dssd ol Truq�amad by Lander to a�y aucceuor in intere�t of 8orrower shall not op�rNS to reN�e�,in�y aynn�r.lhs �. <br />_ _—����..�- .�.:.°4.�.� Ilabitityofthsaigioal8onaws►and8onower'swccestontinM►esl.Lsnde�sh�Ilnotbsnquindt�eammN�e� �s `: <br /> --=����.. .- ---- - a�inst wcb weceuo�a roh�to sxtsnd tlms fa payment or otherwUs modi�r�mortlraNOn ot IIN wm�a�cund��Thls ="` <br /> :.�„y��F•':.�,.� � " �, DMd ol T�ua1 by re�aon ol any dem�nd nude by ths alpin�l Boaows►end Bonows►'s wccaton in inanst <br /> ,�:--�� . •-" �� � ' 11. Fa�bwano�by LMdK Nof�wai�.Any lorbs��ace by Lendsr in sxercf�inp�ml rlpht or nm�d�►Mr�wd�r.or <br /> .��� M..�.::. ,• ., , �- <br /> _=. u. „k.,;r,._:,•,,;:�. '• ofh�rwlas�Mordud by applicabls law.�h�ll not be a w�ive►of or precNde Me sxKCias ot amr such H p M a�Th� �� <br /> _-;�;�� ..�`:;•�:�.. ..,��^' procuramsntolineu►aneeotlhep�ymenfotqKe�orothe►Itsmo�cha�qesbyl.eodershallnotb��w+NvwolL�nderb htb � . <br /> �.�;i f*�;:.,'. ,;. ,:..,, accsterets ths mahWity ol ths indsbtedne�s secured by lhia Qeed ol Trwt : <br /> -x,.,, 1Z. R�diM CanwlMhr�All remedie�provlded i�thls Oeed of Tru�t aro dfetlncf and cumulWiva b any oMwr�pht or �'?-'� <br />_ _ _ ,__:Y:�-,., ren�sdynrederthtsQesdalTrsntaeftordeQQyfar�oregssky,arsdmspDeetterc�dccncurrerstly.irt�sderstlpxsu�+.�y. - ._ <br /> _� " 19. Suacwa��ndANlqns6awwliJohiandSwMaILJ�bllyr.C�pMon�.fbecove�nbandap���nbfwroinco�iMd <br /> .,,,•ti: ��! �' �•T.,�' .i��`�:� shallbind.andthedyhtshereundershallinu�eto,therespectivesucceaeoaandesclgasofLende►�nd8orrowec.aub�eetb <br /> , ,: �'t thsprovislonsotpanwraphl7hereol.Allcovenentae�dagreemenbofBor►owershatlbe�ointand:evsral.Thecapt�onsand <br />. , �,r��4���;:; _ headings of the parapraphs of this Doed ol Trutt are for convaniance only and are not M be ut�d to inNrprol ov deline th� �•_ <br /> -,�.' n4t`�t`.s, p►ovisfons hereoi. �.: <br /> � �. i;,1�r.,�" r,?� 14. Notleo.EKCeptfaanynoticerequiredunde�applicaWelewtobegiveninaoothermnnner.(qanynobce����Trower ,� <br /> '•�•;�1�;,: �,�:_`� , ^ providedfoNnthisDeedolTroatshallpsgivenbymailiogauchnodcebycertilledmniladdressedto8onoweri�ttQ+e'ArOpeAy '� <br /> ;; •lE�;i;. ' � �,� 3.,�.jri�i Addreas o(at euch othsr add►ess aa Bor�ower may deatgnate by notice b Lender as providsd heran.�nd(bA�rny aaoqcs to :y_: <br />�,"'?�'`sit� � ,��,r;�;; � lendershallbeplvenby csAiBedmail,►etum�eceiptrequeeled.toLendersadMeasst�tedhsreinwbeucholQ�eua�Cwlrossa t'�' <br /> � `'"' :���;�i,�," Lendermeydesi�n�Mbynodceto8orrowKa�provWedhe►eM.AnynoriceprovldedbrinthisOwdofTrustsha.4;m�ev.te�nNd �'� <br /> ��,, .}.. '�. ;, s�+ to h�ve been iven ro 8or►owK or Lender when iven in ihe manner d �� <br /> :: .:4.�� � y,;�,,. �r � �c;" 9 p a�lpnated hereM. �;;i <br />�' r. ���,�5,,..',,.t 1���t��, '14J "HeQue�l br tVodcce.Trosta and beneficiary requeat that a copy of any nodce ot deMWl ancl oot��ce o�aa►e rnad�w <br /> ,. e <br /> r����,� r• r,, , executed by the Trustee punwnt to tha provisions hereof be tent to the Tru�tor and Beneffciary a'1 lhelr respectiv�m�illnp <br /> �,�11'� ;+'�.` � '�t a'f ���. addressss sal forth abovs." _- <br /> _ _, __ 15. U�Mlaw Owd d Trus�fiowmiag;B�vNaWYtq.The b�m ef dead ol hust combines unilorm ca�nants for �' ___ <br /> �� 7�F � natlonal us��nd aon-uMfo�m cOvenants wHh Nmited va�iatlons by juritdiction M�oa+stitute a unifpnm secu��it�y�n.slrum�nt "1 _ <br /> ;<�ti 'a/ih�„�a� r ' covering real property.Thia Oeed at Trusl ahall be qoveraed by the IaMr al Metwisdixlion In which the Propert��s�mraMd.M �; <br /> the event that an rovialon a clauae of ihls qeed ol T�us�or ihe t�4;►1�conilicts w�tt,apyhcable law,such c��91ic1 sMll not ' <br /> ` '�'•r� `` �^' YP � <br /> :,:.•.�� '"'�.,.;.`�1�r.i'i'.�,�,��.;;�,��. aflecfolherprovieionsolthiaDeedolTruatortheNutewhichcan0ep�weneHectwdhoutMwconNlCNny�p�ovit�ns,a�dl0lhis t•oY�, <br /> � ' ' •�'+�y f'����;��.:; � °�` end Me provle�ona of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared a We severable. ' " <br />..-•t-•:'tr,i •�s 1•';, . •e.•./� � ���. <br />''��r��•4����. .,'�t��i±`"^` ;'��. 16. Bonow�'�Copy.8onower ahall be fumished a conformoq copy o1 tha Note and of this Deed o1 T�us1 at Me rime of �;, <br />•n,�.,�'�'��!' , _ '. 6lfacution or aRer recordatlon hereol. <br /> '� � �' :�-�". 17. Tramh►M th�PropMy;Aswmptbn.lf all or ao�y part of the propeHy or an intereat therein►s aold or toams:'�rred by -- <br /> ' ',�+::++���•� 8wrowerwithoutlender'sprwrwrittenconsent,excluding�a►Ihecreationofallenorencumbranceaubo►dfnBteVaa:eo�0eed <br /> � � � � � 01 T�usR(b)thecreedon of a purchasemoney secunry intereat lar household eppliancea.(c►a danaferby devlee Ceacamor by � <br /> � � ` � �y", {� operadonoflawuponthedeafhola�olnttenentor�d�tl►egrentola�yleaseholdintereatofthreeyearso►Iees�otcomaiMnyan =^�°' <br /> ` r.c„�... . .�•.�`�!"�1;. Q-� <br /> • ,w,h. , ,. opdOn to purchaae,Lender may,et Lender'a opuon,deClare all the aums secured by this Oeed of T�uet to be imm@diately due <br /> �� . end payable.lender shell heve waived such optlon to accelerete il,prior to the aele or hensle►,Lender and ltfe peroon to °=- <br /> �—�u ^ whom fhe Propetty is to be eold nr f�AnRfarratl�pw�h agrwwmnnt m wntine�that thp Cn!di1 O�SVCh pw►�On i!�84h�8CtOry t0 �`- <br /> F,�•"!� �-•' lend�►and that thelntereat peyaWe on the�umsaecured by this Deed of Truatahall beat such rats ad Lender shalJnequeat If <br /> .��r .� <br />,7',f,�� , : . Lenderheawalvedtheopt�antoaccelerafeprowdedmthlaperegraphl7,endd8orrower'sauccessorfnfnteresthasexecuted <br />:i.t,_;.,:�' R � �.� . •-� ,� a written aseumppon agraemeM accepted in wrqing by Lender.Lender shnll release Borrower Rom all obliqarionwnd�r this �t_: <br /> ,/,_ . O�d ol T�ust�nd the Na1s. <br /> " If Land�r e■erciees wch optwn to aacelerete, Lender shell mall Borrower noUCe o1 aCCeleratlon fn accordanCe wilb �': <br /> .�'�'•�i" � para 14h�reW.Suchnobceshall rov�deapenodofnotleasthan30da stromthedetethenoticei�maAMwqhinwhich <br />���i�;''`�� s . '. 8arowe�ma�r pay the aums declered due.If Borrower lefls to pay such suma pnor to the expiratfon ol such psriod.Lendw �.= <br /> •r�'` � ma�.w�thout funher notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any remed�ee perm�ned by pereqraph 18 h�reol. <br />��� %�� ��,y��b"'�� ' ;.. NON•UNIFOAM COVENANTS.Bonowrr and��nd�r IuKh�r corenant and a�rN as foUow�: _ <br /> "r,'+�� ,�:`.^`:�� •,;`� : � 1�• AccN�►allon:R�I�s.Except as prowded in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Bo►rower's breach of any covenent or �;;: <br /> ��::' r:; ., . ., . �!, <br /> �5;') `,` .. ._ .�t agreamentot8o�rowerinthiaDeedolTrust,IndudinglhecovenantstopaywhendueanyaumesecuredbythfaDeedolTrusf, _ _ <br /> � ���K '�� '''6 (,,,.�a lender priorbacceleratlon shall mail notice to Haroweres provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifyMg:(1)the brAach;(2)the <br /> a echan r uirod tocure such breach;(3)e dete,not lese than 30 dayalromlhe dete the not�ae ia meiied to Borrower,by which <br /> � ��;�y .. � such b�each mustbe cured;and(4)IhAt fadure lo cure such breach on or belore the dete apecdled in the nohce may result fn <br /> =���'�'Y" _ti. � �acceleratrorrollheaumssesuredb tbsDeedolTrustandsaleofthePr <br /> ` ° dSh�. '�" Y operly.T11e nollce shell fuAher info�in Borrowerof the '� <br /> ' '� ��+t �"`-� ;. .',r ~ nght to rei�atete aNer�cce�eratfon and Ihe nght to bring a court acUOn to assert the non-exfatenCe of a detault or any other ,` <br /> � � �. t�'����4� `��` v�s.; delenaeof8orrowertoacce�eratlonandsale.11thebreechisnotcuredonorbebrethedeteapeclfiedinthenotice,Lenderet rL�: <br /> :-.--�ri•;: • ,,,S�f•���. �n+�r.;;� -Y,•�: <br />�. ,;,;..,,. Lender's optlon rr�a declare all of the sums aecured b thfs Deed ol Trustto be immedfately due and payabte wlthout b�ther � <br /> . ,�.t J. �l 1,��+t'r�:"t.;/ y y � <br /> � �..��;�1•;, , � 4,�4������{�,y.;:�.��, demand and may mvake the pOwer M sale and any other remed�es pernutted by applicab le lew.Lender shall be enriHed to ��`�,; <br /> ,� �,,:;;,�.�. � , collect all reasonable Costs end eMpenses inCUrred fn purswny th�e remedies prov�ded i�the peregraph 18.Including,but not ',: <br /> .. ..�:,,.;����°•i�.�r������• hmited to.re88onaEle�2torney's leea t;.;; <br /> � ti��;4i:`.>1'i!.,',y <br /> , • ' ��;'•'�•f�4,•r,�tir .} � 11 the power o1 aale is mvoxed,Trustee ahail record A nobceot delaull in eacn�ounty�n whlth the Property ot some part �'... <br /> }.�;n�;r.�,�.��s,;;�Y� thereof is IocBted and shpu ma�I copies ot such noUce�M�emanner prescnbedb aoahcable lawta 80.rowera�d totheother <br /> ` �' � ly,�.�i .�' t. y . <br /> '�� i,.� �' `1 � •,K,�..,. a�• <br /> ���: � .,:�,,:;�,� ,�, �.,,.;�R.• pe18on8 pre�cN6e0 by eAA���able law.AHer the lapse ol such lime�5 may be requ��ed by appUCa�d�e�aw.trustee 9he11 grve � <br /> :�:,•,�,�;•:�: � �.••��y 1;"�,-/�k: public nobce ot sgte(o fhe peiaons anci i�n 1he manner preacnbed Gv a pp��cab�e iaw Trustee,wilhout demand o�8onower. <br /> .: .., t�. �•. .� .f�}�...-_ <br /> ',. �'�r,� .�,.., ;��4M1.s sS,`.,{��� ,�� shall sell lhe P�opeAy at publ��auct�on to the h�gheat b�dder at the t�me a ndplace ancl untlerlhe teims dea�gnele0 ir+the notice <br /> ��..,,���.� . �,�1���;,�,t;;!t&h v:,�i, of aale in pne or mor!parce�s and in auch ader as Trustee may deterrn,ne,trustoe may yoatpone sale of all or an parcel ot •`: <br /> � ' � 't�G j1 �5�,t'���f�'�4'�1�y. �' the Prope�ty by publiC annolincement et the t�me a�d W�a�e of any pr�v�ousry achedu�ed eale.Lender or Lantler's deapnee ;_•'¢:� <br /> . ���;`�11> <,ft,�'+i;;�il'� � may purchaae�hE any saie. •,�I� <br /> 'Z�y',`(5�6,�� i�"'�' UponreC�iplvlpaymentoHhepncebid,Trusteeshai�debvertothepurchaaerTrusGee'atleedCOnvOylnQthePrope►rysold. �i�;: <br /> .�'W�'.�f't.� ' Ttiw ��.�a���/_..��__�_�_" <br /> _ - Q=a.:��.•v�••.�.v��ue.veoueo.�6i�ni�u6Fnri�iuiuc�ncv�dciwnviinnvurnustv�eaiaiemenismaQefv�erem,�rustBeei�a0apply i <br /> "����'�;' � � . �, the p►oceeq�oliheaele�n the lollowmg orde�:lal to all reasonable co&ts and expnnses of the aele,including,but notllmlted to. ' <br /> -�?�,�>.�' Trustee'Bfeesofnotmorethen_ _ _�'f6oHheg rosssalepnce,reasonableaMOrney'afeesandcoatsottldeevidence: <br /> , ' (b�to all sums secu►ed by this Uood of Trusl: and(c)the excess,�f any,to the person or peroons leyally endlled tlwreto. ( <br /> ' . • 19. Borro�wr'�Ripht to RNmld�. Notw�thalanding Lender's accelerotion of the suma secured by thia Deed of Truat � <br /> � . .. Borrower ahpll havethe right to have any proceedings begun by lender toenlorce the Deed of Truet discontlnued atany tlme <br /> � • ' � ' � •�`�` pnortotheearliertoxcuraf���thehtthdaybeloretheseleofthePropertypureuenftothepowerolsalecontalnedlnthe0eed <br /> `' ' ,;;� of Truet pi)entry ol e�udgment e�lorcmg this Deed ol Trust�t(a)Borrower payt Lender ell euma whlch woWd be then due ' <br /> �• �:• �t.. �,��'�,.:� << unde�thls Oeed ol Trust,the Note and noles secunng Future Advancos,it any,had no acceleretlon accurad:�b)Bonower ° <br /> `f�� �'�:�; '.. cures all breachea of eny olher covenanla or agreementa of 8orrower contefned in fhls Deed ot T�uat(c►Borrower paya all � <br /> • �*►�•.' reasonebleexpe�aeai�curredbylenderandTruateeenlorcmgthecovenanl8andagreementsofBorrowercontalnedlnthla � <br /> •'• �, Deed of Truatend fn enforcing Lender'a and Trualee'e remedieaea prov�ded fn paregraph 18 hereo4.Including,bu!not limited � <br /> �''• : � to,reasonable ettorney'a lees:and(d)Borrower takea such acUOn as Lender may reasonably requlreto aaaure thaf the Ilen ot <br /> 'f � �i ���-± . thfa Osad ol Trust,Lender's intereat in the Propeity end 8orrower's obllgetlnn to pay the euma secured by thls Deed o}T�uat i <br /> - � k �'._r/�'' Sholl conlinueummpafred.Upon auch paymenl and cureby 8orruwer.thleDeed of Trusf and theobllgatlonseecured hereby <br /> shaN remoin fn lull force and eMect as H no acceleretion hed occurred. <br /> .�.,: � <br />