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i �"'�'����':�' , <br /> � ( " '+ y �. �� v�' � — . <br /> � � �. ,�- ;; . <br /> . • ..... .W <br /> . _.�; <br /> - _,4 ' . .. . ..., r1:•��_. _ -- <br /> .__�--=_---��`—�— ' ,�':. M • .�r, <br /> - - . �usT�r.E x�� �n�e 93-��'0'�� � <br /> -- ! (IYMrTrMwryl�da•f4qCap�1 <br /> . � �.t�.T • • TFfiS ADJUST/1�LB Rll78 RIDBN 4 m�thU 12TH ery ot.�RCH .19_93--� <br /> Md N i�oorpa�a�d Mto ad�110�d�nnd lo�wwd�ed a�Mw�t tM Morl f4�.Deed of Twq.a 8�eurky DMd(Ihe•'S�carlt!I�M�1"1 ef <br /> ` IM n�t Cw�bY�M u�dN'��d(IM"Bortowv��)to Mcw��orrew�r'�AdJuM�bte W�No1�(Ilw'•No1�"110 <br /> � r1AdQtw°�.w�+�rhot w a�.e a�r.aa oo�«rw w orov�����uM s.�r uwrwo« toau.a a� <br /> .::�-�:-=�---- --=4�, 2424 W. 167H. GRAND I3LANQ. NB�RASIU 68803 � <br /> y# (propaty Addray <br /> 7'Mb MN oa�tMM �*MIoM�M�wly/K dr�w b�Mqnq eNM�1 �� �oolklr <br /> M!'11MIIp.TMN Mt�IIY�U11111s IM QwN�It�IdNMt 1�M e�M C��t W'NM IIM MM <br /> __ �YO IM�I�I�w u�/IM�Y nb��1 Mry. --•- <br />�;;�'�. ADDITtONAL COV6NAN7'S.In�dditbn to the oovaw�a aad a�roe�aq na�de ia th�Seeu�itY Inslrua�enc�Borrower uid Ladrr �_ <br /> �:� fYWtbtroovewntwd�eeofollowat <br />����= ---------= A. IKfB�137'W!7'�AND MONTHbY�AYIY�.NT GIAN(iF9 <br /> _`-' -- 7fe I�ioa provide�fw an idUal laterat nt�oi 6.75 �Y.Sealion 4 of the Nou provide�tor aiu�a in tAe intaat att wd tht ---- <br /> �� iaa�W�p�r�aM�.as tollows: <br /> �� <br /> .�. � 1PN�IR[�T1�tAR�ANt�M'AtMiiItYPAYAiEEN7'CiI�iNG�ES . . , �,.- <br /> �iw �'i, ���,�;,i.,:_ . +fAP (��ieAUMn . . <br /> TAe iatetes{�1 wi�D�'�Y�Aa 1J�Tirst 11aY o6 _ll�P.��L � .14�----.awtd�t�A�c�l9��^a9 � <br /> ae,�• � 1 <br /> ��r. ,_,_,_�.�._ �3��_. <br /> tih9., <br /> �.�.: � �, �,� aai�lu W�.rrai'tsr.EacA dait oa w1�kh mp ioterdt ratecaukJ xhaq{te i�cmikd a��haaype Daae." �: <br /> �, ��. � � (:. <br /> ..r }; n�.. <br /> �°s: �,,`�':�"i lB) 7ft 4dex :..: <br /> �'�.:�` r <br /> �y,„�r V j.�; ' Be{indnQ w i t h t h e fl r e t C l w n Q e p a t e,m y l n t s r e u t ate wW be based on an Indtx.The"Indea"ia the weekly average ylald on United$tat.� <br />__.._�,. ��s$ <br /> �� �Trasury sauriUp pdjwted to a eonstant matudty of i yeu.u mada av�il�ble by the Fedaa)Reserve Baard.Thc mo�t meat ladac flgwe ��`;- <br /> -"'. k ' �� �� �b'::' <br /> �° � � avpilRbk�s af the dwte�3 dRy�betore enoh ChanQe Llate is alled the Curnat Index. <br />'-iiia�� •c� �i� '� `� .'.'. " f �:. <br /> + �. �t..�.+'.:, ��t !t the ladex i�no lon�er avAilable.�he Note Holder NU)choose a new index which b ba�ed upon compuable infarmadon.77a Note i�� <br /> aii�.r �a;y,}y�;��,s1�.•:�a �'= <br /> � .r � y �� Hdder will�ive me noUee of thi�cbolae. <br /> - .+, � � vi ' ',,'1ti, <br />..:•-.iti s:r ; i ,r �.. <br /> �8�;'�' � � ' ' � (C) 1.1�k�IMtl11MMQNIII�l1 �- <br /> - &fosss�Cl�en�e pyM,�h�+►de�e Nafder will calculate my new interat rata bY�ddint TNREE ANA ONE-HALF p�nt�e <br /> . ;. � s*�-...�.. �.. - <br /> ��:,.•�' ",.-i.s.�' poinis��.�3 �IY)to the Clirreat Indeu�nd roundin�to�ho ne��at 1/!th of I�W,wbJect to the Ilmlts�wad In Sectlon�(D)betwv. <br /> �: ..:,�.._. <br /> ' '•� .• ` , ���•1.+M.�, 7U1�rouaded uaount wUl be my now Interat nte undl�he next Ch�nRa Date. <br /> _-;� ::1, ,,�J.:`{��,,:'°r`� ' �:� 'tfie Note Holder will then determino the unaunt ot the monthlY paymenl that wouW be wfRcirnt to rtpi�y in full the principal 1 am � <br />:__�:� �•!�;{r�,�;;,s apeCtad to owo on th�t Ch�n�e D�te in subsanUally oqwl pa�aenu by�he tanwily d�te at my naw Interal r�It.TAe rcsult of�hb qkWuiai — <br /> ' :s ,•. : ,:.�,•;:� �WI bo t4e eew amount af my mon�htY WY��• �•- <br /> , A�, , — <br /> '�r+ .,., �. ' lD) Ud1�M I�fn�wt Wt�C�a� d„_ <br /> • ��`�."t` �- Tl�laterat rate 1 am requlred tn p�y a� the 8nt Chan�e Date wlll na be �rea�er �h�n ��. �Y or leu th�n <br /> � .�,., <br />_,,'A: �' ,��/)���.>:..9•"�'�•�� 4.75 �.� ioterat r�le wfll never be incresse0 or decreased on any�inalc ChmQa Dale by more than�0 . ... -- . �'�. <br /> .'� t^V'.�. �,�... <br /> ' r �;. . • trom the rate of iMera�I luve been p�yin�for thc precodina twelvc months,The minimum inlerecl t�le on Ihl�lan will never be .s.�•. <br /> Til'� :,r�'i1.' . •.�t ���S �._.-. <br /> �y .~'�•�� kp Ilun ��ad the mulmum intero�t nu will novet bo area�or th�n 11.7 5 �y, __ <br />;�,-,;-, -..•.-�e:fl-�a�--°--�,c.p � Bt�ec�he D�k o1 t�uu� , <br /> ,:�;�;:F� � y �r ar�� <br /> ,y.����`'�• My ne�v inlaat r��e wlll baome eftxtive on each Clunae Di►te.l will pay the�unount ot m new month on the Ant <br />_.��� ',;�;�1��' y4i4�+� '� '�: moatAlYDaYa►entd�te�RertheCl�naeDxeunUltheunountofmymonthlYpaymentehansa�in. ��� <br /> ��C�� ����,���� ,a'�'+�� '_ <br /> '. ..,1�,� r;> °` ���3:•r (F► Notie�ott�r�e+ `"�'`` <br />�;��•���� .�.:`�'��f�,x',` ,:�it� Ths Note Holder will mdl or deliver io me a noUce beforc ach CFun�e Date.71�e notioo wfN advlte tae ot: - <br /> :,y., . �Gl'y9 h,� .a- <br /> ;,,: �,!�f}t� (i) the new interat rate on my lan as of the Chan�e Date; �f.�y, <br /> s a.; `'+�k" ,.� ' (11) Ihe amount of my rnonthlY payment followin�the Ch�nQe D�te; ��` <br /> � pH) �ny addiNonN nUtters which the Note Holder is requirod to discbse;�nd � <br /> �`V' ��i..ti�.''' rt �::: <br /> ��`���t�f�'!t=�;�= liv) the addrcsl ot 1he saociMfon you could oont�et rcprdins any questfopc aboul tbe eidjwlmmt noUca J- <br /> .x � . , �� �� <br />,;,:�:�` P � <br /> r�,� ,y�. B. CHARGEBi LIB1V8 �i�'`_ <br /> . ''';' . �l�(nr/b�;t����:.��'�}ftf{�� Unifarm Coven�nt 4 of the Sxud�y Instrwnent is amended to rad u follows: <br /> '�. . �'��<I{l�f�rl,'.t�°����y(,(tr`� �_��_ <br /> t '�•'.; .'.r , , . ,!Y- �;. �,�=�,Iq�,Borrower�hdl pay all uurea,aasessmenl�,and other ch�r4a,flna,and ImposiNons att�ibutable to�he Propetty which m�y _ <br /> '! ����-�:� '�•:LC:.�lY7� �� �.'. <br />_ _ ,.,�--::.,-Y,-�xy., attain a priority ovtr thts Sccu�ity Instrumcnt,and Icas¢hold�sayments of ground rents,I!nny,in the mennn prnvidevl under p�ragnph 2 hereot <br /> �� <br /> , ��.�• '' �!�, or,if aot paid in such m�nner,by Borcower m�kin�payment,when due,directly to the p�ya thercoG Borrower:hdl promptly fumf�h I.ender <br /> � � � � � :, �F� all notkes of amount�due under thi�pangraph,and in the event Borrower shall m�ke payment dircctly,Borcower shall promptly fumfsh�o <br /> • � � 'q�'-•-� .�` '' �' t.ender rocelpts evidencing such enu. Borrower �hdl prom Uy dfcehsr e ony Ilen which ha�ptforUy over this Secudty Inurumem; ' <br /> • L, : ._:��.,:.-.�.:i.:: .� PaYm P B �; <br />```' :;i.�:�: '! "`:?t^ Ao�vCVer. Borcower:h�ll nol be rcqufred to dischar4e wny such lien so lona a�Horrower:(a)shall�gra in wriling to the payment of the _,,- <br /> .:.�.,. •. : . .. <br /> , , �g•;" : . • ..��.,� obU�tlon Keured by such Ilen fn Ihe manner acceptable to Lender;(b)shall fn good fafth contest such Iien by,or defend aQainsl enforcement of �. <br />�'p,,�. � �;;;,,� �': � such(kn in,leQal proceedinat which In theopinbn ot Lender operate to prevent the rnforcement of the lien or forfeiwre of the Property or any �; <br /> - : Y�� ��•``"'•`� ^ qrt thereot;or(c)shall sxure trom thc holder of iuch Ilen an oarament in a form saUstactory to Lender w b o r d ina�in�such lien to tMi = _ <br /> ��,, :�, .17. a•" .i',,t, � <br /> , � .ti: • :� , securilylnstrumenl. <br /> �� '= �� " ' If l.ender determinei that all or any parl of the Propeny is suhjec��o a lien whkh mey allafn a prfority ovcr�his Sr.url�y Intiuumem. `' <br /> �ewr_ • s. <br /> -- lender:hall nive Borrower a noUce identifyfnY such Ifen.Uorrowar shall sati�fy�uch Ifen or take one or morc of Ihe ectioq��et(onh above <br /> a - � . �� wkhia ten d�ys oi the�Ivin4 oi tAe naice. =4 <br /> � �,�` ' ! .:�. . <br /> ;i��`��%;� <br /> �r,� -�i i K 4 .�.-:i��Y� r. <br />_; ;�4'�} ''�;<<h.�:!, Fw.} ,�t ��.�t'��' C. NOIICE .. <br /> �yti ,� , ,:`:;�l;• 1�`'��;��. <br /> t�Z :•� {�jti";'�2�{���1�`�l�Q},r��lt,, UnifamCovenoMllottheSuuri�ylaesuum<n�isamendedi�.reada.sTollows: _~, <br /> ,;� fl , ��`�t����{i;;a'�y' ��, Nq,1ea @�esept(or any not+n required utukR applicabk law Io be g���tn m enochcr manner,Ia1 an}notice io Borrower provfded for in iti� ,,;,� <br />-rr^�•.�r;. � 1�„6'�<<1.ti1 t�k� f•: <br /> - �,,;;�� � '� } c Serurisy li►�trumenl shall be given bydeliverinO it or try mailing It by firat rlass mail to�orrower al the Ptoperay Address or as sucfi olhet addr<ss <br /> };^"?;� `� l�• �'yr'��,�`�� as�ofrower may designace by nance to Lender�s pro4ided herein,and!b)a»y notice tu�ender shnf:be g+ven by Crst cla=s mail to lender's i'���' <br /> ' ti•'��t�'+'� '�'���"�i7�;�'_ adAreu sta:ed htre�n or to auch other address as Lender may designatt by nntkr�o Borrower o�.pfo�ided fierein.An;nohce arovided for m this ���:�, <br /> 1,�.,:.,;.,L? , ,. : <br /> - :, �;;�;. ,.,,..i� �,.�.:� <br />_ • '����; ' f�� &cutuy Inetrument shall be dermed�o Nert been given to Borrower or Lender when given in Ihe mannet desigrwced herem. {p�� <br /> ��r.°1 ,'�jr}!�?e�.: fj' <br /> ., ,;d.�,��..�1r,�;;�z� j <br /> i������ ( <br /> �. .,�' . 't � ,� � <br /> " •, <br /> � � � <br /> . , <br /> ' A <br /> � � � <br />