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° j,�.:L.::. � :t.;+w�. <br /> _�^_ ,� F'• _� - -.� r-7.:•":�l��� I •� ..�` .. h 1- <br /> ./ ' .,� .� - 'i... '�! ---�-- -' -.. - ___ - . <br /> , ' <br /> -�+ �.y� .....-----� <br /> ,,.:_ . <br /> ACKNOW1.6Dti�ABNT OF DB6D OF TRUBT <br /> _� - --- rnuecrc„�►o nMS e�o�s�rrc+: 10'�'�'7 <br /> .. <br /> Tn�Mor�IhM tl»docwnNN�hM TruNo►N about to�h a OMd a Trwt�nd�i map�p�rnd fti1lMPowo► <br /> M�M p��d�d/oNn�ONdd Tn�tprarldM wbM�nlWh►dlM�rwAriphMandoaip�lon�b TruMor wan a nw�lp�p�IntlwMrMM <br /> - - of a dr1M or brMCh d d�Yp�Yon und�r 11�DMd M Trup.inaludl�q,but not INnibd�I.M�d�'s H�M b h�w If�Prop�rry�otd <br /> --- wlo�bMOf�MI��C�i�t��d�iwf.Yrwtor md wa�iial�li��ttiw wis�tiyr <br /> ,t''. <br /> . <br /> �s� ^. T� w a <br /> =�. �' ���%. �� •1 4! �,C� <br /> ,• — �11 � • rM�[ T� ! <br /> - - �'`�"""" OEHD OR TRUST WITH FUTURE AOVANCEB <br /> ��� <br /> � '►1�S DE��OF TRIJST.i�mad�st o1 tIN 1 ith �y of 1lat, .10 g�.y p!►��� <br /> �-;� �TruNo� G�ty E Y�lu�k i And M�ry G Y�luok . hwb�nd �ad •ii� <br /> �216 4�riat Ct Gra+nd I�l�od Ne G9803-T.�32 � <br /> �:�'' whow mailin0�dd►Mt i� piwMn'Truqor."w1�Mt�r oM a morµ <br /> __ ��, Fiw PolAt� B�ek. • Mepr��k� Corpo�r�lion , <br /> � ��� NE 68902 <br /> �• �4�" who�m�flinp adrtr�u Is P.0. Box iS07 Grand Ial�nd� ��..���,�� <br /> ' ��. <br /> . ., ;x '� �' ��._ FivR Point� B�nk , <br /> ` �x?;�;?,t, . ZbtDS N. Bro�d��ll Grsnd Iol�nd� NE. �2-13�7 <br /> ' ..! .t �r�� wlta7�m�ilinp addras i9 (�'��^��.�M"1� <br />!.,�.�`;y�:� �. FOR VALUABLE�ONSIOERA7ION,fncludinp L�rs�xtonsbn of cndH Identlfled hwaln t�ry E V�laoak <br /> .,•�t>:� <br />::,,;�"I���. J <br /> :�.�.:,�:�;i; � , ,•��+�{`< :• i And Mary Ii Valaoak <br />_.:�}:" .� ,..t ,,:�e,::•; (hereln "Borrowor".whether one a mora)and the trust hsrNn areat�d, <br /> �,t N.+,°� ; 1he r�c�pt of wh�h Is h�eby acknowkd�ed,Tnutw hereby krevocabfy�rants,damlero,conveys and sseipns to TrwMe,IN <br />- i;r' �� s •`�;�'���'s�=t`•t' TlRl9ST,YYITH POWER OF SALE.fa th�benefit�nd tecurity ot Len Wr,under and subpct to tlw t�rms and conditiona Iwnln�llK at <br /> �A �,. ry� <br /> � '`,".� - ��`:-.��a���,,�.j � l.�Ui'���8�r,����Tii'f5 1DDI'iIOK m '�'N6 GI7'Y OF �R�ND ISLAiID. HALL <br /> ' �t��;�':r ' �) �<<i,'•ti:{,;�,�;�Wa:�',�.i COUMTY, MEBRASKA � � _ <br />=`�'.}''"�S i' r �'�� ,l'1"� <br /> �•;l'Y'> �` ', �.'a�,�,{Z�t .�-i��'1' <br /> '�;�:; �}� �t:.•� . <br /> ,,.��;:•::r� <br /> '�•��� �L����'��'n�!���� 7 ether with all bulldi�n s, i rovements,fixturea,s".s�v�cs,a�lle a, assa awa a,epsementa,rl hte,privil <br /> � �.,..S� op 9 mP Y p 9 Y 0 eDes and appurte- <br />-;;� .,ti J��',;;;'".!���., mncss looated thereon or in anywlae pertafninp thereto,and the rente. issuas and proflts,reversiona and remaindars Ihereol,and <br /> , ,.; �--. . wah persana0�ropeity thet ie attached to ihe Improvementa ao es to cqnstitute e Iixture,inoludinp,but not limited to,headnp and <br /> ' 000lMp e�y�aiprt+en�and topether with the homeetead or ma�ltal intere�ta,Itany,which intereste ere hereby releaaed and waived;NI <br /> �r�� � of which,Includ)np�eplacements and addltlons thereto,is hereby declared to be a pa►t ol tha roal osmta wcu�d by th�Iiw�of this <br /> :�" .��":;�o... <br /> .3 � Oaed ol Trolt and all of the tore�olnp belnp retprred to haroin a4 the"PropeAy". <br />�,. '�ia i___ - _ <br /> _.,� -- ThW D�d oi Tru�t zheti wcure(a)ihs paymont ot the princEpal�um und tntcrast cvidenccd by a promissory nole or credtt <br />��� �r'�' M�rah ilth 1993 April ipt 1996 <br /> �` •'' � '`<" �qrs�m��t d�tod ,Iwvinp e rtwturily dato of <br /> �} �� � ��' 25.149.00 ' <br />�_. , i��,�,�, 1��;• In tht arlpinN principal amo�ni�1$ .and any and a���r:odlHcedon4,extonsions an0 ren�wal� <br /> �, .r •x!t ii;ii;s.•r <br />—,1..� . �r �,. ;,,(:; tlwnat a tMroto and eny and aU tuture edvances and�e�dvpnce�to Borrower(or a�+t�' of ihem il more than one)heraunder <br />-s„ �,°=�=t'-�'�d• ' purcuant ta ono or mora pramts:,ury notas;r ccedlt upreements�here�n callcsd°Note"):�bj tt►e payment ot other aum�teeiv�aneecf by <br /> �'��i;� ,�• s� ��'"�'� ��=, lsndsrto protect the securit�ol tha Nate�(c)the pe�torman�e o1 el�covonants and apreemenb of Trustor eot forth her4ln;and(d)all <br /> :b�a.:.. ;�,,,,;, <br /> �- r b�*�� present snd futurq indebtedneas and obli�etiona of Borrower fa Any o�'Iram il more than one)to Lendar whether drec4 indirecQ. <br /> � • � .' . � <br /> ��.. - �bsoluW or cqrttim�ent and whether erlalnp by note,�uaranty,ovordratt or etherwise.The Note,thls Deed ot Truat and any and all <br /> ��`�`- ,�•;°. i. '�.� „ other dacuents thiM secure the Note or othe►wlee executed 1�connecUon Iherewith,includin�without IlmifaQon�uaranteee.aecWtlry <br /> �''� ��� �" + •• � opr�ements�nd assipnments of leasea end rente,ehall tr6 r�lerrad to hereln at the"LOan InsVume�q". <br /> �,.,•. . .,•,:f,,.}�•� <br /> :'a;; . . ��f;+i;:'';:;' Truttor cov�n�nb and ayree�with Lender aa follows: <br /> „�. �k�,, 1�:,�, 1. PaynNnt M Ind�bt�de�.All fndebtedness aecured hereby ehall be pald when due. <br />-;a' � ,���i ���,., �,t•��.�r;t. 2. TNi�.Tru�tor I�the owner of the Property,hea the riqht and euthority to convey the Property,and warranta tAat the Iler <br /> *�, ''.�: <br /> '7�• - ;�{; +, �,:v,,��{T:;i.Yn created hereby le e Ilrst end p►ior lien on the Property,except tor Iiens and encumbrencea set forth by Trustor In wriling and <br />::.} -;;� , 1,.��+��; delive►ed to Lendsr betore exM:�,tion af this Deed of Truet.anr!the exec u11on and delivery of th:a Deed of 7rust dooa�of violate any • <br /> � i:.r.., <br />�,,,-"" r��;�;,����1 f�j :�.'k � co ga T,or„her�obl�a��tTo�pay betor de In uuenc au taxee, e eCiai asaeesments a�:7 a�t ofher char ea a amsl��e Pr <br /> r ! "i ..r�i 4 Y P 4 0 �►h� <br /> ' �.,w ,7:`u�.1;��.,��V� 1rh+��e <br /> �'.•�;t, �� now or horeatter tevied. <br /> ���j��.� ����� .��`�,�i�4y�� 4. (nsu►anco.TokeeplhePvopertylnsuredagalnstdamagebylire.•nazA*da�ncludedwfthlntheterm'�extendedcoverage",ar.d <br /> �:*';.•�.� rrsrY� a.y•;:,;; <br /> �' V,, <br /> �,���i�f!�. �, �' ,:,� wch oth�r h:auan2s aa Lender ma r uire,In Amounte and wlth Com tis^�es accepteble lo Lender,namin Lender as an addit�ona9 <br /> ` '�f:'�.:: Y e4 P !i <br /> i � . �� ::s,.,>..,d_ <br /> ,�;��'�•• �'�{-.�+ r.- •�..�. namod InwrerD,w�tri losa payable to the Lender.In cese olloas under sucn pollcfea,the Lender la eWhorized to edjacsa,co11ec1 and <br /> ,r�;�;3���ti l��:;�r"'�=''�- compramise,all Clalm�thereunder and shall have the op'�on o1 applying 811 or part of the insurance proceeds(q to any I�n;lebtedneas <br /> �'i�r'�. . `�.�•`��"' '�'� �• � ,;� se�u►ed hereby 6�nd U such order ea Lende�may delerm��e,�i)to the T►uator to be used for the repefr or restoration at ufie Properly <br /> �'� `�''�t��'���°''�" �" ' �% or(fiq tor any other purpose or object satllfactory to Lender wNhout atlectinq!he Ilen of thla Deed ol Tru9t 1or ihe lull amount oecured <br /> . �.,' . ,.;y��,�`;�;,..• <br /> ��.�:�;':., ; •�,,t� ��f� hereby betore such payment ever took ptace.�ny applicatlon ol proceeds to Indebtedneas aha0 nce ertend or postpone the due <br /> �•�•``•� ^�'��'�� �'��''�} data o1 eny paymenb under the Note,or cure��ny default thereunder or nereunder. <br /> ) �I, �`��4� 5. 8serow.Upon w�itten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender mey dealpnate,ssuH�ient <br /> IL�..�y;� :;,�`� .�f <br /> _- ',4�iltfC��}� �J�M.�'�V� wiwM <br /> �_. ---- sums�ven6uiii.viwieii6yiriiu�vyiwn:vnrouun�iw'vinwibiriii�oiv0ivi�ii�y.�ijm7ywao.eoov6anoii5a�wvu.o�r.�o:y�Soy....�.. <br /> :�. �°,� � ' .�. � the Property,(ii)the premium�on the property fnaurance requuQd Iwreunder,a�d(��U the premi�ms on any mortfleye insurancQ <br /> r�.- , roqulrod by Lender. <br /> � • , �' 8. MaYiMm�n.R�pak�and Campllanc�wlth Law�.Trustor ahali keep the Property In qood condltfon and npair;ahall <br /> �� �� promptly repoir,or nptace any Imp�ovement whlch may be damaped or destroyed;ehall not commlt or parmit an� weste or <br /> dsterlanUon M�e PropeA�r,�hall not remove,demol�sh or autntami�lly elter any ol the improvertwma on 1hQ Proparty;ahall not <br /> • � . commlt,fuiNr Or permit any aelto be done fn or upon the PropeAy in violaUOn of eny lew,ordlnance.or reaulaLOn,aretl shall pay and <br /> �``� � promp8y dl�ehuq��t Trusta'� cott ond expense a11 tfens,lncurnbrAnCe�and Chprpes levlpd,Imposed a aase�sed apaln�t the <br /> ;��'i Proporly ot My paR tl1laof <br /> •+ 7_ E�nN�M flo��in.L�nMr is her�by af�lpned ell compentat%an,awarda,damepes and otAar Wyments ot rellel(herelnafler � <br /> fi. �, °Proce�ds'7 in conn�Ction weth aondemrtidion or other tekin�ol Ne P�operty or pa�t thenot,q for canwyence In Ileu of condemna- <br /> Y��� ��. tlon.L�nder s�all b��ri4tlad n it�optbn to commence,eppear In end prosecute fn its own name any�ctlon or proCeedinps,and <br /> �� , �' . shall ala b�entl0ed ea m�k��ny compromla or wtllamont in cornwctlon wf�suah takmq a d�map�ln dl�event eny portlon of <br /> r;�... . '`'. � _.. �MC f�tt�MMw�ww D�M�N.ra.M � <br /> O t�N NN�MMMNMCM�rMirw�W{h�+�AM�t.M�n Lr�p1n NNrNy <br /> •1 .� <br />