_ _ . , . ., . .
<br /> �:
<br /> ._ .. .��- .. . . _
<br /> �• ,� _
<br /> _ - _ - ..._ �_ ._. _
<br /> — -.
<br /> 4..:.;hx�. �� •,
<br /> .i��
<br /> �
<br /> � _ � 91—.� ioiasi � -�- - —
<br /> , ��'i�.'i:h`rkt::� �.Irfo1111i�f01 A�OeMapM d� _——°•
<br /> � „�;���,I 1�)INt�ll.l.crtda m�y�exctpt a�Ilmlied by re�ul#�fam:auod by the Seae�aY in tho catt oP p�ri�t def�ultti rquiro
<br /> . .."';�`�+�,<,t., � �
<br /> imn+ed{aca paymeat in fuli of�U�una�cwnd blr tld�SecuNty Intuumant ii:
<br /> (I)Bono�a def�ulu by f�ilin{to p�r la NII�ey monlhlY p�yn�lt rpulrod bY tbf�So�urity In�troment pdor to or oa
<br /> �'� ��+ IM dw due ot tha nos�monthlY p�y�+�eat.or
<br /> � �:�;;=4�':►+'
<br /> „ , (iq Borcowa dd�ult�by fdlin�,tor�perlod of IhlttY�Y���o P�rf��y other obliption:coqtdned ie thi�Saudty
<br /> Inurumeet. —�•,_. _
<br /> (�)81N WNMIM�,ti+NW M�P'�'r.L�ender�NII.if pe�miaed by�PP►ic�bte I�w�nd with Ilie ptior�PP�a�'�I of We Sec�elrry.ro�Niro
<br /> .. , rn�a�w p�r��rou ot.0�ne wm+.oauea dy thi.s«urier ta�w�u: _
<br /> ' .. _ -.• n � -:�-_--�-�_�-.—_---
<br /> ; . • ,. li1 I►11 or pu1 ot the P►ape�tY b ahetwiso Inwfertod(alliu tlua by devbe or de�oanl by Barro�ver.and
<br /> ig
<br />� •. � (li)'Ih PnipettY Is mt°auP�bY�P�ha�er cx q�a�ree a bis ar i�erp�i raida�oe�or the purchsser or =_ -
<br /> ,,��.. ," ,, .� • doa a aoc�qy d�e PmpatY I+ul hi�ar ha c�odit lu�aot boa�approtiod in�i000rdnrae �he�oquimm�w�d the Secretay.
<br /> � �� _- —--
<br /> • ' (e)N�R'dnt.lf circumst�nces occu�ih�t wauW permit Lenda ta rcquire immedi�ta paYment in full,but Lender does aot ��-� .
<br /> � requlrc:uch WYmrn1�,Lende�daa not w�ive U��i4hu with rcspoct to:ubscquent events. �,;��,-�
<br /> (d)RepUtbn ot NUD SetretuY.ln many ci�cumsunca rc�ul�Nons iuued b�the S�ocretary will Ilmit Lender's dgh�s,in �=r_,,_,� ___, ,
<br /> � the c�se ot psymeet dehult�,ro require immedi�te p�ymem in tull utd forcclose it nat p�id.Thi�Secu�ity I�trumen[does i.�;,:4 �
<br /> • not�uthorize aaxkrntlon or foreclasuro if not permittod by re4ulatiotu of the Secrctory. ��
<br /> � ` • lp.Rd�tat�e�l. Borrower hw a dQht to be reinst�ted ff Leoder hu �eQuired immeditte pxyment ta �u.0 Rrecavse of „� '` --
<br /> . � ' �
<br /> , BoROwer'�failurc to p�y an Rmount due under the Nota or thls�o er�hwUe�i�d,er in�IumD��s�m�It�a�a°u°�s�ce�u'�11O
<br /> �:-=`---
<br /> ' . ' .;,; ,,,.'::,' proceedia�s�re Gutituted.To«fn�tate the Secu�ity Instrument. �•-.....�.-
<br /> pQ9
<br /> , " •,� bdn�Borrower's�ccount curront includin4. to the exlent thay are obliaptiona ot Borro ter��t�s�.S�1� `o�rcclaawe `' � �
<br /> • ' • forecbawe co,vts aad re�aonabk and cuatomwry atcornay'� fas nnd eapenses proper y �b -�'„�!t" °_- • . .- .--.
<br /> ��"' , p ro o o e d i q�,U g ro n r e i a s w t e m e n t b y B o r t ower,thi�Secu�ity Inslniment and tha oblieatioas�ha<i�secu�es shaU reuiain in effec[w , �
<br /> �a Lender is not rcVu i r e d to permi t r e i a s t a t e m e n�i t:(i)L e n d e r h�s �
<br /> � • iP 4eafer haal nat r.�wice�immedi�te payment in Pull.However, `��,'�.:
<br /> ' , acoepeed reinstn�txmr.:r.': niter the commencement of foreclosu�e prceeedi�s withia twu yeus immediately preading the �,7;R `
<br /> • 1ti..lia�_:-,
<br /> • caomenoemen� oP a current foreclasure proceeding, (ii)reinstateenent wfll preciude forcclarure on different 4rounds in the .. �
<br /> • futurc.or�lii)reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the liea crwted by this Sec�rity Instrument. �����i:.�
<br /> ' 11, Bonower Na ftek.Kdi Fnrbeu�oce BY��r No1�W�i�rer.Eatrnsfon of the time of payment or modiiica�ion of .;�;=�ru�'`�ti.�3�
<br /> amwtization of the sums securod by this Secu�ity Instrument B�n[ed by Lender ro any successor in interest of Borrower shs►11 not __
<br /> operate to reluse the liability oi the ori�inal Boaow�er or Borrower':succasor in interest. Lender shall not be required to : • . -
<br /> commence proceediny,s a�ain:t any succeaaor in intercst o�refuse to extend timc for payment or othenvise madify amortizatbn �. �, �
<br /> . . • su�hccasors in in erest.Any fo be�mnce by L nderin ex�s i nC e�Y�i�h t�or r mx e d ysha 1 not�be a�waiver oiror pr�eclude the . , "' '
<br /> ��
<br /> } e�ciu of any�i4ht or remedy. � ,�,;��i
<br /> 12,g�ocp�o�s uid Aest�u Bou�d;Jol�t and Seveml W�blQty;Co•Si�ue�s.Tfix covenonts end agrcemen�s ot�hia Security �.:=. . ..—=_:n
<br /> losaument shall bincE an�beneflt the successors um;l a�i�ns of Lender s►nd 9errowRr,9ubject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b. � -�
<br /> , ,��,�,� Burtowet'a covenents und�g�aments shall be joim and scwerAl.AnY BorrnNZT whn co-signs this Security InYtrumem bue does .,�',;�,
<br /> not ez�cu�e�he Note:(rt)ia co-signing t��i SecuritY l���ment�r.�y ta tnor��a8e.8*am and convey that BurrowePs interest in � � :—
<br /> ,.•r�;:;.
<br /> � � � ' the Pznperty under the terms of this Security Inatrument;(b)is r.�o�personally o6liQated to pay the sums secured by�his Secudty , ,• �+•*;..
<br /> �. .:::•�,. , . .
<br /> . i . ��';;'��r� accommadtaN n:wl h reQ�d toethc termrof this 8ecurihy Instrument or�the No e without that Borroywer's�bonunt.m�e my , '� • �
<br /> 3 . ,I�,` 1
<br /> ,;.,;�,� 13,Not�ca.Any notice to Bonower provided for in�hfs Security InstrumeM shall be given by delivering ft or by mefling ft by
<br /> �,,. ;,, '?' fi�st elau mail unlas applicable law requires use oi another method.The notice shall be directed ta the Propeny Address or onY ;
<br /> , _ ,+j.. other address Bonower desianu�es by notice�o Lende�.An>•aotice to Lender sl�all tre given by first class mnil to Lender's eddress � _
<br /> �� stated herein or ony address Lender designates by notice to 8orrower.Any natice provided for in this Secud�y Instrumen[chall
<br /> ' - be deemed to have bern�i��en to Borrower or Lender whcn 4iven as provfded in thfs peraQraph.
<br /> 14.Co�enlee L�w�;3ererrbUlly.Thfs Security lnstrument shall bc governed by Federal luw und the law oi Ihe jurfsdiction fn �
<br /> ' � whkh the Propeny is located.In the event that any provision or clause ai this Secudty Instrument or the Note cant7ias with ap- , ,
<br /> plicabk law,cuch conflict+hall noi aifect ather provi+ions of�his Security Instrument or the Note which cun be given eftect ..,:;. .
<br /> � � - ,i'i�:��'}�J,. withaut the conti3cting provlsio�. To this end the proviaions of this Security lnurument ansl t'�e Note art declarad �o hx { ,
<br /> � •.;,:.;�„
<br /> � �`S,.' :1�- seveia4le.
<br /> ,, . ,i ,�!'f/; '�� , ;'�'1�,••'
<br /> � '� 1� '. 1s. Borrower'i Copy.8orrower shaU be givtn one cnnformed copy of this Security Instrument. 1:, ,,
<br /> . '.!(i:•' J•`. .. , . ,
<br /> • ~,.�•... � 16.AalQase�t of Renu.Borrower uncondi�ionally auigns and transfers to I.ender all the rent3 and revenues of�he Property. ,
<br /> . ,r,.,,,....
<br /> � � ����;��,� Borcower authorfzes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the ren�s and revenues en�hereby direcis each tenant of the Propeny , ;�.
<br /> ',}�.:. �;�� to pay the rents to Lender or I.endePs agems.However,prior to l.ender's nodre to Borrower os Brrrowet's breach o(any cove-
<br /> � ���r�;�{�,�#�j nant or egreement in the Securiry lnstrument,AuTrowet shall colleet and receive all rents and re�enues ot tht Ptoperly as tntstee , .
<br /> ' � � for the benefit of l.ender and Borrowtt.This aesignment of rents constitutes an absolute assi�nment anu'not pn assipnment for �
<br /> t,' ; �•' ''� addltional securlty only.
<br /> j:,},. ,:; �������1;'.; •
<br /> , ;rr,�r,;�,{ .
<br /> , . , ,r It Il.ander gives no�ice o!breach to Bottowcr.(al a1:tents recefved by Borrower shal!be held b�8orrnwri t��iru:aee for bene t
<br /> , .•;': � ui L�ender onfy,to he applied to the sums�rcured by�he Strurity ln+trument;(b)Lender shall hr entltled�o crllert ond recei�•e al9
<br /> ,;.•;..� s
<br /> ',`,}rt .,`, oi tP�e reny+af the Propetty;and Ic)earh tenant af the Pr�perty shall puy all rcnts due and ur.paid tr Len�er or Lendcr's a�enr
<br /> on l.endrr's written dcmand to the�enant.
<br /> � Burrower has not ezecuted uny prinr asvigr.r.:en� r°.�he rents�nd has not�nd wNl not per�:rm Ar.y n.rt�ha:aould prevent
<br /> � ' Lender from etercivm,�iis rights undar th:s r•r:agra�h 16. ,
<br /> "�,. . .
<br /> ��,'S�' l er,der shsdl not be required to ema-u;�r. ;aK:crnvol of ur mam�ain Uie Nropeny hel.�re cr a'':�rr ge+�S^r r.:,:.c oP breach to
<br /> � BurQ�uer.Howevet,Lendcr or��aJi:»C:! irr•��n'td rece��cr mav.to so•rt any un;c thcr.:�w rr:.t::..Ar.}a^�li.u��rn ri rrnts
<br /> shaLC rse_curt or wa��e an}4etae:�.r.n:ir.�aYda�e any�ther nghc.�r remedv o(Len�!er ihr• i•,••:,:•..~:eni cf rents al'the Pruprrcy
<br /> � ', , ,`i - shal)urminate when►he de:'�c�ecur:�2+) the Securcey Inacrurteenc�ti pmd irt fmi.
<br /> •. { �
<br /> !'atr+��1� '
<br />