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.L� � � • K' .�—i tp r-. .'+�.i.: . ���' . __ <br /> _��. 3� f � ___. <br /> ...r.Fr-��.��, <br /> � . ... <br /> . <br /> � _ <br /> y . <br /> ; • � ,�1 4� ' . .A...- _ . <br /> � � �_ � ._ ._ _ . . . . <br /> .. . e � "... .�.�..____..__._.—__ . —_ <br /> -i `.i.�:....�:..� ` '`' - <br /> �.. io�R��, <br /> ,a ��.�..�.. <br /> p) Oat�owK Na111M��Nd.Hxteo.lon o1 th�dm�tor p�ymsnt or modifloadon of amoro�don a th��um�Nound bp N�M <br /> DNd o1'nust pra�d by I.�nd�r to�nY w��In Inbnat ol8orroww sh�ll not op�raa to�NMN�In any nwnnK,t1w II�bWNy <br /> oi d�orlpin�l�orrowsr and 8ortowe's�uacaaan In InMrut Lsnder�hill not b�rpuind to comnMnc�prcea�dln0��WIn�1 <br /> _._ -� -__ --� wnh auoowor or niuw b�xbnd tlm�br paym�nt or oth�rwi�e modly amonl�don ot th�wm��und by Ihls OMd M Tiwt <br /> by nnuon ot sey d�nd�mad�by the orlpinal8ortower and BoROwer's suacaawr�I�i i�Wr�:4. - <br />:. _._�--�_-��------� (b) L�nd�r'�PowK�•W��houl Att�aUnp ths Ilnbllity of any othsr p�wOn Il�bl�for IM p�ym�M of�ny obNQliQon hN�ln � <br /> mmlioned,and wfthout�Ilsadnp ths Ilsn or oh�rps of thle Oesd of Tru�t upon any pordon of th�Prop�rty not tFNn or thwNata� <br /> rNeatsd as asoudfy for the lull amouM of all unpdd oblip�Hons,Lendsr mey,kom nm.w an�.ana wlthoul natla(q nta�e�ny <br /> psnon so Ii�bls,(II)extend ths meturly or slter any o1 ths Mrmo ol eny�uch oblipsdom,(III)pnnt oth�r IndulpsnoN,(Iv)nlww <br /> �� or reaonvsy.or oou�e to be retal�sd or reaonveyed at any dme�t I.ender'�oplion a�y perael,poAion or�II of th�Prop�Ay, <br /> (W toke or retea4e any othar or addltlonel seou�ity for any obllgadon hordn msntbn�d,or(vl)m�k�oompoutions a of11�► <br /> a►nmpsmente with debton In relatlon thereto. <br /> (o) Fabaana�by L�nd�r Not a WNv�►.Any fo�bearance by Lender Ia exeNeleinp any rlpht or remsdy hereund�r,or <br /> - ott�erwles attorded by epplloable law,ahall nat be a vralver of or p�eclude the exerclae ot any auch ripht ar remedy.The <br /> _.�� <br />_ _ proauremsnt ot Ineu►ance ar th�paymeM of texes or athaz lian�ar aha�pea hy l�nder shall not ba a waiwr o11.�nd�r'�ripht to <br /> aoeele►aM ths meturity of the Indebtednese aecured oy lhls Deed of 7ruai. - <br /> (d) 8uee�oa�nd 41a1pM Bound;JMnt�nd 8wu�1 Uwbqbfr:Capll�as•Tne cc+venaa�t�and�rwnwnes hsreln eon- <br /> - telnad shdl bind,and the rlphu he�eunder�h�ll Inure W,the reapeotive euoceasora and asai�na of l.�ndor u�d Trwlor.AN <br />-� � cov�npnb�nd�preement�01 Trustor shall be lolnt and�everai.The aptions�and hsadlnpa o9 ilse pa►�pr�pM o1 tld�DMd ot <br />_�f Trwt�re for convenlenae o�ly�nd a�e no1 te�be u�ed to IMerpvet or deflne the provl�lonr hereof. <br /> _ � . (�) p�yei lar ItoMAS�.Th�Qahlea herebv r�eauaat th�t e capy of any notfce o7 default heveunder and a copy of�ny notic� <br /> -- --_ _- - <br /> a1 aal�herounder be mslled to eaoh pariy io�h9s Deed of T�ust at the addr��s aet torth ebava in Ihe mannar pro�cdb�d by _ <br /> apptFaable law.Except tor any otha�netlae requlred under applic�ble Iaw W ba givan In anat�er manner,any noUce pronW�d <br />= tor 1n th�s t)eed ot Tru�t�hell be�tven by malling auch notiae by cedllled mell addreaaed ta tQ�e other pertlea,st tho eddnss�N <br />.+r� n-- � (Ofi�A�bOV9.Any nodae provided(ar in Ihla Deed a1 Tru�t shatC�e eNecGve upon mallinp In the menner desipn�bd hwNn.M <br /> " Tni�to�fs more fhan o�e person,�Q1ice eent to the addreas ae1�lanh above shell b9 notlae to all auch peraons. <br />'_1 2;.��.�• <br />�� ,J �t (Q Imp�atlon.Lender may make or cause to tie made rea�onsble entries upon and Inspectfon�of the Prop�Ay,pr <br /> `'+ thet Lend�r�hall pive Truttor notice prior to any auch Inspection 4paaNylnp roasonoblo cau�e therefor ratat�d to L�nd�r'� <br /> � � �j �nbrsst in th.Property. <br /> '��;J (p) p�aonvHr�na�.Upon payment M all 4ums secured by thia Desd o1 Trust,Lender eha11 request Trustee to raconwy th� <br /> ��;�!t� Property�nd�hall surrender thia Deed ot Trust en�l all notes evidenolnp Indebt�dne�s eecuted by lhis Dead of Trun W TrusM�. <br />��� Trusteo ah�ll reoonvey tha Prope►ry without werranty and without chv�e b tlw per�or persons Ipally�ntltkd tiwr�to. <br /> , •,�.�, � Truttor ahAll pay all costs of recordation,If any. • <br /> `—""`A"�' � (h) P�oml Propa�,y;S�ouriry�pn�m�tq. As eddltionel aeauriry for the payment at the Note,Truator hmeby�rmb <br /> ;��;„�,,�� <br /> - s� Lender under the Nut,raana Un{farin Commerala!Co�a a secudty Intereet In ell Axturea,�uipment,and other p�rsona prop�rly <br />�,; � uaed In connseUon wlth the real astete or fmprovemenla located thereon,end not otherwiso declared or deemod to bs a part of <br /> y:T^ y the real eataM eecured haroby.This inahumeM ahall be aonetrued es e 3ecurtty Apreement under sald Code,end the Lendsr <br /> +��u:�,.,S, ehaA l�ave all ihe riphts and remedies ot a eecured party under sald Code in addltion to the r4ghla and remedlee areated undsr � <br /> �"? ' end accorded the Lender punuent to ihle Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's riphts and remediae undar thle pa�sp�aph dtall <br /> � � be cumuledve wlth,end In no way e Ilmitadon on,Lender's rlphts and romedfeo under any other aecurlty agreemYnt�Ipnod by <br /> ' BonoNer or Tru�tor. - <br /> ';�' �«,. (I) LNns and Hneumbrano�t.Truator hereby warrents and repreaents thet there fe no defeult under the provleiona of any <br /> �= mortgage,deed of hu�t,l�ase or purchaee contract describinp all or any part of the Property,or other contract.Inetrument or <br />'-r`� agreement conetitutlnp a llen or encumbrance aqainet all or any part of the Property(collectively,"Uens"),existing as o}the - <br />-i��� ,;� date of lhls Dsed of 7ru�f,and that any and ell exietinQ Uena remein unmodilled except as dlsolosed to Lender In Truetor's <br /> - � wrilten disalosure of Iiens end enaumbrences provided for herein.Trustor ehell tlmely perform all ot Trustor's obllpetlona, <br /> covenanb,repraenfatlons and warrentles under any end all exlsitinp and future Lfene,ehall pramptly forward to Landar copie� - <br /> �=";; of all nodCee of default sent In connectlon wfih any entl all exisnng or fulure Liene,and ehuli rwl wll{wut Lender's prlor wr{tWn <br /> `�� conaent In any manner modiry the provlsions of or allow any futura edvances under eny exi4tlng or tuture Uens. <br />�;;;�: .����.};.,c;.,; lj) Appllwqon ol Paym�nb.Unless otherwlse requlred by law,sums peld to Lender hervun�er,InCludlnp without IImlWdon = <br /> " peymonls of principal and Interest,insurance prceeede,eondemnatlon proceeds end rents and profile,ahell be�pplled by <br />= Lender to the emounts due and owing trom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in ita sole dlscretlon deems desfraWe. <br /> s!�_, • (k)8wKabNity II any provislon of thls Deed ol Trust conflicts with applicable law or la declared Invalid or otherwise <br /> � �M�x { <br /> unenlorceable,euch con111ct or InvAlldlty ahall not aHect the other provisone ot thls Qeed oi Trusl or tha Note which can be <br /> �+-_�� • 91ven eflect without the contlfotinq provieion,and to thla end the provl�lons ot thla Ooed of Truat and the Note are declared to bo <br /> �:- � '+';�'�` wwreble. <br />-'` �"�{� (1) T�rmt.The term4"Truotor"and"Borrower"ohall Include both elnpuler and plurel,and when the Trustor end Baroww <br />���, � ore the tame person(e),those terma as ueed In Ihls I�eed of Truet ahall be I�terchenpeable. <br />_;.,�, (m)Qpwminp Law.Thla Deed ot Truet ahall be governed by the lawa o/the Steto 01 NebrYOka. _ <br />= Trwtor hss sxeouted thls Deed of Trust ae of the daYO wrilten above. _ <br /> ��.`. - `�.�',1`s�;,. l-'�--��+,.......__ _ <br /> _- ;� °,��;��'i�:�Si Trustor _ <br /> . F."�."�•.=�:`�..7" Truator <br /> .��� '��}'t�T�� <br /> 't i . } '�, �.t�i�;`r ... <br /> +� }� f ` <br />:��1.�G yY)L�,r��i�3�J:i+ - <br />_-- `NYD..�.. ,t.� <br /> ',Jf' g•." �' - <br /> ':l/" r:<Lt �,.' �i .?� = <br /> �-�t. fip}� �i,r�� •' J� . A•. • _ <br />--ti 1 �S' ��;'''1�;'i+i.. A.r �Y rY• __ <br />�_.�r� „ __. <br /> . ;a�'f�� �/ � .., <br />_1�4� +,�_e�. . _" <br /> ",M •\��.. �1 �. t .. <br /> :5.=1�.i �. <br />- w�1� . ♦M <br /> � -�—•. .. r. <br /> _ ���. . _ <br /> if. .. . '�t _ <br /> .� ''7'��:.i.:t�; _�°,�: r. <br />� �t•,., .d.;1 ' �,�.` _ <br /> �.' ' <br />_ . . • .'3. __ <br />_ ,. ; , ��}' _ <br /> ' ��rj' - <br />� ' '��:��.� J . <br /> 'r�� ,.��;1`. �]�+u�tY,��,',� � . <br /> ,:.C�;._ <br /> . � : .. <br /> . � <br /> . „ <br /> i ..,_ _ <br /> �� . <br /> . "..�� , <br /> ' �' � ' --- — <br /> . -� � <br /> .�'. �� ' .�_ <br /> --k . ..., . . . _ . . ._ _., _..._.�� __ .....__ ..___. .. ....._. _ . " _.. --.. -- -.__... <br />