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'� i I . •��. y..y,., ' . �f e - � �:Y" .- <br /> _ 1�:�7. N.�,�� <br /> ._. _ W: <br /> -X. . , . � . , ..: ;. ...-�'JI�'"� . <br /> -,�G . ., _ _ , .+ _.....�...�. _ .— . ._..._. -- — _... ._ 4�. _._. <br /> '_ ,.—;� <br /> ___� ACKNOWLRDO�A6NT OF OB6p OF TRUBT g3� ����,�,� <br /> _ -�--- �roA Ae�a�s ee�oRe s�yc�: <br /> Trudor und�nt�nd�u�at Ih�daou+n�ne ttwt Trwtor i��bou�ro�x�out�I�.o�t ot Tru.t�nd�al.narlp��nd th�t tiM paww <br /> of wN pnwMNd 10►In 1h�DNd ol Trwt P►a►kNs wbfpmtl�Ny dllhnM rlqhq and obllp�tloru to Truqo►th�n�moAap�In th�w�nt <br /> 01�dM�up or brwoh of obllpnion und�►th�OMd o1 Tru�4 inoludlnp,b�et not Iimltad to,ths 4�nd�r'�ripM bo hw�th�Pro�ty�old <br /> ' -- �T���out��n�y Jd I��a ��p i uqar nPra�nts and w�mnb Ih�1 thb�oknowl�dpuna�t ws��nout�d by <br /> _ � ---------.-�. 'D �� .�...., � . ._ <br /> RIaR A BO S L�iWtor -- <br /> ;' <br />_ , <br /> =� Trwror <br /> . -- — DEBD OR TRUBT WITH FUTURE ADVANCES —_- <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,It n�ds��01 ths_18T_Wy o1 M�nrg .1A9^by snd amonp <br /> _-� qN Trus�or� FREDRICK A. a0886LMAN . — <br /> �`• ai� RIiT1.iM1f AiS1�_ GRAND iS1.AND. NE 68� �' <br /> whoa nu�Nlnp eddrq�b�.1�R �►an"Trustor:'wMth�r ons a rtwn). �::,;:: <br /> �_. <br /> ��+: <br /> _, <br /> - NIO Tn1aM�. •°°•'� n a a a� . -- <br /> ;,,{� - - - - -- <br />-�`'���� whoa mNli�addrsss it P 0 BOR 79Q GR�jD ISLAND, }�lE 68802 (h�r�in"Tousi�e"�iitW ���_ <br /> .,y s::: <br /> TpR AVRRi.AN� NATiANAI B�1N3C 'O'�C�� 7S1�ND �, <br /> ;F� tlw 8er�e1lClery, � <br /> sF:- <br />'" "� whow mpllinp�ddreas b p n Aox 1688 Mm TSI.ANII Al� (t,88�2 _(haroin"Lond�r q. __... <br /> ��,�1f - -_ <br />:`!,�� � FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,includinp Lender'�exten�ion of credil fdondtlod horein to �Fnercx n. �'` <br /> �.- <br /> — <br /> ''``� , SOS aF. *�sH -;_- <br /> ;�i, �� a;ff�` (herein"Borrower",whether ona or more)end the t►uat herein areated, <<^-=` <br /> - � the recoipt of whleh Is hereby oaknowledped,Truator hereby Irrevooebly p�ants,benefere,conveye end aesbns to TrustN,IN �- <br />,�,�� TRU8T.WITH PQWER OF 8ALE,br ths benafit and tecuriy oi I.ondor,undvr and wbjact to the termt and condidons hereinafbr te! <br /> ;�'� ' brM�ths roal proPorilh d�sc►Ibad a�tollowa <br />':'����y � LOT 22� BIACR 3a ���D 2ND SUBDIVISION. GRAND ISLANlD. HALL COUN'PY� <br /> ..,"' ��� NLBRASKA —_ <br /> � � ��'',Y���, �. <br />«r:> <br /> , <br /> �" '.� Topethar with all bulldinps,knprovements,fixtures,Ureete,alleya,passageweys,eaoemenm,rlpht�,privllepea and eppuRe- �' <br /> ' n�ncet locsted thereon or In e�ywlee pertalnfng Ihereto,end the renl�,Isauea and pro0ts,reverslons and remelnders fhereof,and �=.- <br /> °�.�� such perional p�operty that le atteChed to the improvementa eo as to constitute a flxture,includinp,but not Ilmited to,heaUnq and ��o <br /> ��; ' �- cooUnp aqulpmenx a�d topether with the homeatead or marltal Intereeta,il eny,wh�h fntereeta ere hereby released and wsived;all �,r;-. <br />'"ii! � ,�; <;••. ot whlch,Includlnp replacemente and addillons thereto,fe hereby deolared to be e pan ot tho�wl wtote�eoured by the INn of thb '��_` <br /> - ��� DNd of Trust and all ol the forapoln�being referrad to harein as tha"PropeAy". �_�" <br />—� �i ',,.�' n <br />.,;�;�� This Daed of Ttust shall seauro(a)the payment ot the princlpal eum and Interest evldenced by e prom��aory noto or arodit �"- <br />" '� = o:X:�.y. �_ <br /> T'. . ',�. ppreemant dated MARr�N t _ 1,AA3 ,havin�e rtwturlty date of MARCH 1. 1996 , �;:e <br /> ` `.. t,,,.,; f.; . <br />':;'; �'rT='f.{� 150,000 00 ;. <br />;i��.; tis:�; • in the oripinal prinalpal amouM ol$ L ,and any and all modilfcatlono,exlanslons ancl renowels . <br /> vf�r� <br />:_;,•�., � �,,_ thereoi or thereto and eny and ell Tuture ed�Ancea and readvancea to Borrower(or any of them fl more thon one)hereunder �;�.- <br /> �:;•, '�,� purwant to one or more promisaory notes or credi�agreementa(hereln celled"Note'q;(b)the peyment of other eums advanced by R�,• <br /> •�Q`�� '— � Lend�r to protect the eecunry of the Note;�c►the perlu�mnnce of e11 covnnants end eprc3emenia oi Truatur sot lorth harein;and(d}ull =-__�, <br /> :,x. +., :, a praent and future Indebtednese and obll�aUo�s of Borrower(or any o1 them if more than one)to Londer whether direcl indirect ��°.���. <br /> y,; �L.4st{� ,y abtolute or conNnpent end wh�lher arielnp by note,puarav�ty,overdreR or otherwiae.The Note,thle Deed ol Truet and eny and all ,.;,; <br />;,,�;� ofher docuente Ihet seaure the 9+lote or oN�erwise executed In connectbn therewith,Including without limlfetion�uorantaes,saourity `,i�_ <br />_�:s ,�,fi��.Y:{ �pr�emenq and a�sipnmenle o1 leasea a�nd renta,ahall be roler�ed ro h�ein oc the"Loan InatrumanW". <br /> S�r� <br />;:i�;;� ; ,� Trustor covenants and egrees wHh Lender As ldlowe: �� <br /> L;� ,: sr ':�.:•�. 1. Pa Y ��;i•; <br />_ r, , � Ymrnt M IndNft�dnetf.All indebtedness secured hereb ehall be pald when due. �_... <br /> ,J.. ,.� <br /> � 2. TGIa Trustw le Ihe ow�er of the Propery,has the rigfit and authorlty to convey 1he Prope►ty,and warrants that the Ilen •' <br /> ��; , �� �o��;��;r,� <br /> -�� }�;,:�r �f�rt.�;,•, credted hereby ta e firot and prlor Hen on the Property,6xcepl lor Ilens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor m writinp end �%�`-^ <br />-��M ;r��.#� `� '� �� dullversd to Lender belore execuilon pllhis Deed of Trust,and the execWlon and dellvery ol thi�Oeed of Truat tloea not vlolete any �j;•". <br /> +.,; - �� conUact or other obil atlon to which 7rustar is subjcct. �%.�. <br />`_'•'i:�, '''%��'�':, �r!*"�`lr"�' 3. TIIKH�ANNNa11Mb.To a before tlelinquenc all texea,s eclal assesaments end all other char es a einst the Property �- <br /> � • (rw;�. P Y Y P 9 9 �,,;_ <br />`:��`1;:. � �,,:.i���:;•�:.'::;•�'r,.,,(�� <br /> ,,��, :,:•,�;��,�_,;u.i..., r' now or hereaRer levied. �;"° <br />. � �� .• •,•.�• � �N;,,;��r 4. Intwane�.To keep the Properry insuretl ngelnst damage by 1fre,hazerda fncluded wilhin theterm"exlended cove�age",and ,y . <br />�:,;��f� • �����"�� �+� auch other hazerds aa Lender may require,in amounts and w�tn compeniea accepteble to Lender,naminy Lender as Ar�addiUOnal ..: <br />�•;���� ;-�';,1�`����,���� �;,., named ineured,wlth loee paypl'c`.e lo the 6ender.In case at�oss under such pollcles,the Lender Is author{i�d to adjust,collect and '};? <br /> �;��+�t, ;�::;';�t��t.:_,:_s comprOmise,all elalmethereunder and eha11 have the optfor o�applying ell or part of the Inauvamce proceeda(i)t0 any Intlebtednesa ?`�;; <br /> ;�1'��; , •.t„ , '� eeCUred hereby and+n auch ortler ea Lender r.^.ay determine,(iq to the Trustor to be used(or the repeir os�estoratlon ot t�e Proparty �;�;�: <br /> �'f���i ,. �t. :� ;' � or(IU)tor any other pv�pose or ob�ect saUslaC!ory to Lender wlthout aHectinp the Ilen of this Deed o1 Truat for Ihe 1li11 amount seoured �':�;t <br />:;,;}��� , ' ., . • > hereby before euch p�ayment ever took plate.A�y epplicetfon of proceeds to Indebtednest shell not eutend oo poatpane Me due <br /> •°°• �?.;.r�-.. ,.:.�.��• dals of any payments under the Note,or cure any delaun thereunder o�hereunder. ���• <br /> �el� ";��"� '��' � ,,_ b. E�erow.Upo�written demand by Lender,Truator shall pay to Lender,In auch manner as Lender may deaig:�a't�,Niclent f �� <br /> `1 � �...�� ..�Mry. w w...a�.0....s ti w....n1 Ih�I�II�WIn.../N�II�.rXa.�..�..�.d�,,..uww enii wH�m�ws.tin�sndnN <br /> ` _� . ._ _-_. .- .-.:- .-- OVllq/V OI�aYIV►.o�iva� j.i�..� j v..... �..�....�....�.�� r'\v • •i �I " <br /> ' the Properq►,1��)1he Premlums on 1hQ properry�nsurance requlred hereunder,and(If�)the premiwns on a�+y mortyaye Insurenaa � ; <br /> � �,,,' rpulrod by Lender. ;�•: <br /> �.� .� '• g, yNnMn�nc��p�paln and CanpYanc�wNA Law�.1'rustor ehall keep the Properry in Qood card�tcon end repslr;ahalt �;M. <br /> •�' promptly r�pair,or replace any improvemertt wbich may be demeped ar deatroyed:ahall not commrt or permN any waete a �� <br /> � � � ��'' d�Mr;pytlo�d th�Pr sha11 not rMnov�.d�mal�sn or substenU911 alter An o1 the im ravemeMS on the Pr shall nat � <br /> ..i;'w!�,��••�w':• �M. Y Y a oD�H: 1. <br />_ � :�;:.�;.�.� . , commit,�uf[er a p�rrnit any act to be donQ�rt ar upon the Propory In violeUOn of any law,cxdinance,or re�ulaGnn,airtd skwll pay arMd ' <br /> :c <:�; �'� prompUy dlrcharqe at Yruetor's co�t and�xpense all Ilens,onCUmbranco�and charyes lev�ed,+mposatl a asiessed ayatnsi tYr� <br /> nt <br /> � . " 3 ' Property or any part thereoL �:� <br /> � 7. Emin�nl Domaln.Lender I�hereby eealgned all compensaUOn,awerde,damayea end other paymenta or reHel(here�natter <br />' - '` '',"��, "Prace�ds'y In connecdon wlth condemnaUon or other takln�01 fhe PropeAy or part thereol,or lor conveyence fn Ileu of condemna- <br /> � �y�'� ` tlon.Lander�h�ll be endtled nt Ita optfon to commence,appear in end pro�ecute in ite own name any aclfon or proceedfnys,end „ <br /> "-v;,� 11haN pIW b�sntlUW to makY eny compromlfo or wrilYrtwnt In connoCtion with such fakinq or dama�e.In tfw avant any poNon ot <br /> .�t!r-;.+to-«.- <br /> - ., INC�Ii7iMM�ntuMwMD«�M�r10�M <br /> � �'t'� O 11M MMr/W MN M Gwrwe�T�rr�N 6w�q AM�c.Mrn LrwM WMr4 � <br /> .'A " � <br /> ' <br />